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THE TRUTH You have the right to know what the truth is, but if you don't want to know the truth, then don't read this. And it is equally important that you research and discern everything in this document for yourself. Do not accept any of this without checking it out for yourself. Be a skeptic. Not only do I want you to be a skeptic, you should be a skeptic. Question everything, research everything. Once you do that, not only will you learn the truth, but you will gain wisdom. BEGIN There is no such thing as death. A study was done, which determined that every human has a soul, and that the soul actually has physical weight. People were weighed before and after death. Bearing in mind that everybody weighs differently, each person weighed 21 grams less, across the board. Why? They have come to the conclusion that the 21 grams is your soul energy. You may have always thought of it like I have, or possibly many others have, as a soul being some kind of spirit image. While that is not farfetched, the soul is actually there inside your body, and it does weigh 21 grams. Internet Search Query (type this in Google, or some other search engine): soul weighs 21 grams Here is a link to check out: Do not think of yourself as a body who has a soul. That is not the case. You are a soul that has a body. When you die, your physical body remains here on Earth, and your soul energy is released from your body. There is even a movie about it. Here is a picture of the movie title:

Why is this important? The truth about reality as you know it, is that it is a "physical illusion". The movie, the Matrix, was not far off, afterall. There is a quote, you may have heard this, especially if you are familiar with the bible. From John: "In the beginning, it was the word, and then it was so." Let's change one word. "In the beginning, it was thought." Why? Aren't words just thought, out loud? Yes. What does this mean? The answer to the great mystery of existence. Science has actually proven that there is a Creator of the universe. You call him "God." However, it is not the God that everyone thinks it is. Everyone has their own version of what God is. Most may picture God to be a patriarchal figure, maybe a tall guy with a beard, similar to how Santa Clause seems jolly like a sweet old man. Remember, the universe is logical. Mysterious, but logical. But the fact that science has actually proven that there is a Creator of the universe, is

extraordinary. There has always been an on-going battle between science and religion. That battle is no longer needed. What is a human? Before I proceed on, it is important to note that NASA has confirmed over 700 planets outside of our own solar system, and there are several of them that are able to support life. Check it out for yourself. There was a race of humans who could live to be about 800 years old, on another planet in the universe. These humans were called Pleiadians. When they had advanced in technology as we have, to be able to alter the genetic information, they were able to remove the aggressive genes within themselves to make themselves pure, to make themselves free of violence, so that they could live in harmony and in balance of the Universal Laws. However, there was a problem. By removing all aggressive and violent behavior, they left themselves completely defenseless against predators and other enemies. Rather than re-instate the genes that correspond with aggressive and violent behavior to themselves, they decided to create a small group of themselves that carried these genes, and gave them lower life spans, on an average of 80 years of age. Sound familiar? That's right. It's us. Not only did we get the aggressive and violent behavior, and shorter life spans, we also had our natural telepathetic abilities taken away through gene manipulation. Yes, you may have heard about this elsewhere, but the human brain is much like a radio transmitter. It can send and receive frequencies. More on this later. So, what happened with these new genetically modified humans? These humans wound up becoming too much to control. They wound up turning on their creators. Since it was too late to correct the problem, because these new humans were already created, the Pleiadians shipped them off to a planet located in the center of the universe. This planet was called Earth. When they dropped the humans off there, they left them there with no records or any other information of their origins. The humans were on their own. And when you think about it, it makes sense, doesn't it? How many wars have humans had in history, from the ancient times to present day? Aren't humans aggressive in nature? Why does the average male live to be about 70? Why does the average female live to be about 90? Together, don't you get an average of 80, which is what we were engineered for? Yes, you do.

The planet Earth was actually meant to be a penal colony of the universe. Earth is located in the center of the universe, and it is clear now that human beings are actually descendants of extra terrestrials. Think about it logically. The theory of evolution isn't entirely true. If humans really did evolve from apes, then why are there still monkeys in the zoo? Logically, wouldn't they have evolved too by now? Getting back to the brain. The brain, as I said, is like a radio transmitter. It has the ability to send and receive signals. Just above your eyebrows, in your brain, are ducts. These ducts are what allow signals to go to and from. The frequencies of the brain, and the human body, in general, are measured in Hertz (Hz). Hard to believe? They actually have devices for people that are sold in sporting goods stores that tell you what your frequency is, in Hz. Perhaps you have heard of a device called a pedometer? Getting back to the fact that you are living in a "physical illusion." It is true. You don't really exist, because you are a hologram. You are a spirit, that is having a physical experience. You are a sojourner. A sojourner is a soul that travels in the universe. It is able to exist in any of the dimensions of the universe. However, when a soul decides to enter the third dimension, it has to be born into existence, thus losing all knowledge of your past and previous experiences. All matter in the universe is made of condensed light. Light that is bent, inward. You are really a hologram of condensed light. Much like how a car hub cap appears to slow down when the car moves really fast, that is the same way an atom works. Atoms spin so fast, that they appear to be solid. Your human body is like a computer. You use your eyes to see, much like a computer uses a monitor to display information. You can do things with your hands and feet, much like a computer uses a keyboard and mouse to perform tasks. Your brain is capable of thinking, much like a computer uses a cpu processor to do calculations and processing. Remember that everything explained in this document, go check it out for yourself. Research and discern everything for yourself. I'm sure you're able to find access to the Internet, whether at home on your computer, or at a friend's house, or at your public library. Getting back to thought. The reason the universe is able to exist, is through focused thought. Thought that is focused at such a high degree, that it is able to manifest things into creation. Thought is the bases for everything. The Creator manifested life as you know it. The Creator is the Universal Mind. We are all extensions of that Universal Mind. Think of the Creator as the sun. We are the rays that are being cast off the sun. We are all part of the Creator, for it was the Creator that allowed us to become in the first place. The Creator has given man free will. Because we are all

products of focused thought, and we are aware of our existence, we are basically thought that is able to think within itself. The reason for this, is because the Creator is in self-contemplation mode. He gives you free will, and allows you to do whatever you are capable of doing. However, there has been the discovery of the Universal Laws. Getting back to the beginning where I said there is no such thing as death, this is true. Be glad. Re-incarnation definitely does exist! What happens when you die in this world? Your body is dead, right? We know that! But your soul energy leaves the body. It is possible for that soul energy to enter another body and be re-born. Unfortunately, the reason you have no memory of the previous life when you are born, is because of the way you come in to the third dimension. There are multiple dimensions of the universe. Yes, there is a fourth dimension, among many others. There is even a dimension where time doesn't exist, only the clarity of experience. What do all dimensions of the universe have in common, though? They all make use of the Universal Laws. That is why they are called Universal Laws, because they applied to all areas of the universe. Every aspect of life. There are many Universal Laws, but for now I will list the four key ones: - Law of Attraction - Law of Intention - Law of Allowance - Law of Balance 2012 The year 2012 is expected to be the most eventful year of your lives. There is so much that will be going on, in 2012. - The Earth is due to tilt on it's axis. - The ending of one cycle, and the beginning of a new one. - Pole Shifts, reversal of the magnetic poles, causing winds up to 400 MPH. - According to the Law of One Material, new shift to be considered "harmonious." - Potentiality of underground volcano going off in Yellowstone Park, which could take out the Western part of the United States. - Possible massive riots and protests. - World War III. - World Government (New World Order). Have you ever heard of the Illuminati? Also known as the Elite, the Globalists, or the Global Elite? The top one-percent of the world have something planned for 2012. The top one-percent are the 300 families that control the world. They are the bankers that own the Federal Reserve, and all of the other big private banks. The Federal Reserve is

private. It is not federal. The United States is the only country in the world that is "legally" allowed to print its own money out of thin air. Remember, it all comes back to the bankers. The only way to destroy any country is through its financial system. Through its banking system. The bankers are the ones that have caused all of the problems. I am giving you the simplest version I can give you. The planet Earth was only engineered to carry a maximum capacity of 500 million people. How many are in the world today? We just reached the 7 billion mark, and scientists predict that by the year 2050, we will have 9 billion people on the planet. The biggest problem we have in the world is the lack of resources. There are not enough resources to support the billions of people in the world, because the planet was only engineered for 500 million. Our resources are eroding quickly. There is not enough food in the world to feed every single person. The Illuminati want a World Government. That is why they are going around bankrupting every country they can bankrupt. By destroying the world financial system, they will pose as our saviors to the chaos they have created, by creating a central government to control all countries. They Want: One World Government (New World Order) One World Currency and... A reduction of the world's population, back down to 500 million. Yes, that's right. They plan to wipe out more than two-thirds of the world's population. How are they going to do it? World War III. Have you been following the news lately? Aren't we on the verge of World War III right now? World War III is scheduled to happen around September or October of 2012. This is being done specifically around that time, in order to get President Obama re-elected. As it stands right now, President Obama doesn't stand a chance at getting re-elected. According to most of the polls, his approval ratings are very low, and he is criticized at every turn. The people don't want him in office anymore. However, the Illuminati don't

want to change Presidents right now. They always need a fall guy for whatever they do, so they don't take any blame for themselves, and since all of this has been planned, and President Obama has been doing everything they want him to do thus far, they want to keep him in office so they can finish their plans. How are they going to do it? By simply using the war excuse. Since they control the voting system anyway, they will use World War III as an excuse to keep him in office, since they generally do not like to change presidents during a time of war. This is why the world economy is in jeopardy. Bankrupt every country in U.S. dollars and derivitives, that way they can bring the system down all at once, calling their debt, and thus taking ownership of all of the countries they bankrupted. The result, a world government. A world government by the bankers who created the mess in the first place. Both Republican and Democrat parties are bought and paid for. They are funded by the offshore private banks. The bankers had the politicians sign on to the trillions of dollars in derivitives, so that no matter how much money you spend or cut from the budget, the people are held responsible for the debt which they did not create. It is estimated that the United States owes 100 trillion dollars in derivitives, and that does not count the 15 trillion dollars of the national debt, plus the interest. The world-wide debt is estimated to be 1.5 quadrillion dollars. The media companies? The mass media itself is also controlled by Illuminati. There are only five corporations that control the media companies: Time Warner, Disney, Murdoch News Corp. (FOX News), Bertelsmann of Germany, Viacom (formerly CBS). Follow the money. How do you trace a problem in the world? Follow the money. Ninety-five percent of everything on TV is a lie, meant to deceive you, and control your way of thinking. All of it is propaganda, to suggest ways of thinking and acting. None of it is done to incite critical thinking on your part. That is why the bankers are trying to shut down the Internet with the Internet Kill-Switch. The last best place to get free information, that is not censored, is reported by journalists, is the Internet. You'll never get the whole story from television, or your newspaper, ever. The Illuminati plan to reduce the population of the US from 300 million down to 20 million. How are they going to do that? Through the FEMA Detention Camps.

You can even search the Internet for more confirmation and information on the FEMA Detention Camps. OTHER STUFF FOR YOU TO RESEARCH Why is the Earth engineered for 500 million people? We have established that there is a God, the Creator. What about Jesus? What is with all of the religions? If soliders from both sides didn't show up, we wouldn't be able to have a war. World War I and II were done so that the bankers could benefit from it. Our American soldiers think they are doing the right thing. They are fighing wars for the wrong reasons. If only they knew the truth. By fighting these wars, they are serving the purpose of the Illuminati. The Illuminati create the problem, and then try to fix it, so that they keep their power, and gain more in the process. There has never been a real threat to the US. Throughout history Government has staged terror attacks, and then uses that as a reason to pass more laws which take away our freedoms. Saddam Hussein, Al-Qaeda, Bin Laden, are all CIA assets. THE BIG PICTURE Finally, I present a video for you to check out. Perhaps the best video you will ever see in your life: OTHER IMPORTANT LINKS THREE IMPORTANT BOOKS, FREE TO READ, IN PDF FORMAT Three of the most important books in the world. Reading the Handbook for the New Paradigm may be hard the first time around. You may really understand it during a second reading. AN EXCERPT FROM THE HANDBOOK FOR THE NEW PARADIGM This is a point in the evolution of the planet that brings to the forefront of each individuals thoughts the question of why me, why now and what is really going on in the reality that is right now in the time we are experiencing. What really is going on behind-the-scenes we are looking at through the five senses? Why is there this feeling that there is more to the story than just appearances. Who indeed has set this up and is pulling the strings. Is it really just a group of somebodys that is in charge? If this is the case, then is the God thing really a hoax after all? There are those who believe that to be the true essence of the scenario. Fortunately for the good of all, that is not the Truth. THE LAST 4 PAGES OF MESSAGES FOR THE GROUND CREW In the days to be experienced by humanity as the time winds down, it is necessary that those of you who are now in the "know" so to speak, begin to focus on what might be called "holding the pole". As the chaos increases, it is important that there be those who can keep their focus and balance as the melt down begins in earnest. Though it appears that all is lost, it is the steadfastness of the few that will determine just how much chaos and suffering will be experienced. While it seems that there is little use in doing this, I can assure you it is critical that those who can, do this. Inasmuch as there are now many of you who know what is happening and also understand that the extent of the chaos will reach extreme proportions as the general population in this country finally get the picture. It is imperative that this service be rendered. Exactly what does this mean? It means that these people must hold a vision of a connection to the Creator's plan. It is not necessary that they know the plan, or a firm and absolute knowingness that such a plan does exist and I assure that it does! No matter how difficult the circumstance, the plan of the Creator will come into being. It probably will not happen in ways that were previously conceived by those working on it through these many generations, but it positively will happen! While time in the 3rd dimension continues to pass day by day, in dimensions

where there is no time, only clarity of experience, it is difficult for those on each side of the diametrically different views to communicate. Each tries to estimate the possibilities the other is considering and experiencing. This muddies the picture on both sides. The greater problem is the fact that those who oppose the Creator's plan are extremely well organized on the time oriented side, while the organization for the Creator's plan is on the other side of the "time line". Meanwhile the masses of humanity are lacking any organization, are currently mesmerized and in declining mental and physical condition. To say the least, this creates what appears to be a lopsided picture. The balancing feature is in the fact that humanity is both consciously and unconsciously asking for help. The help that is available does not appear in a tangible way that humanity as a whole can recognize, and yet it definitely is present and available. Humanity wants to know the exact time they will be rescued, which is an impossible dream. Many estimates have been supposedly received through psychic receivers, more by personal desire than by actual "heavenly estimates". In this reality, it is a matter of sequential events that must take place, rather like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle that first must fit before certain other events can then take place. Frustratingly for those focused on this situation from the no time side, many of those jigsaw pieces must be put in place by those humans who are now more handicapped than ever, thus slowing the time element more and more. Thus the message of encouragement to those who are aware and capable of understanding the nature of their assignment to "hold the pole". They must know that there is a plan and they are very much a decisive part of that plan, even though their part appears to be doing nothing. In fact, it is important that they appear to be doing nothing so as not to draw undue attention to themselves. Those who are actively on the forefront know and understand their roles. It is those who are to quietly do their part that need the most encouragement. It is important that each focus, know their task and ask for guidance, provision and protection daily. The importance of each of these individual contributions to the Creators plan cannot be overemphasized. Though this sounds like the easiest of assignments, in the time yet to be experienced, it will not be simple or easy to remain calm, to observe and allow the actions and reactions to surround one and not lose control! To remain devoted with no recognition in a society that thrives on attention and quick gratification will be a stretch for many who truly desire to serve in some capacity in the days to come. As humanity asks for help, it must also respond to the help that is offered to it, no matter how simple or ineffectual the requested response may seem to them. This is what is required in order that more help may be brought to bear on their behalf. It is a simple plan of a request, a response, a further request, another response, etc. Always remember, subtle energy is powerful and powerful energy is subtle. It could also be called a "grass-roots movement." Use it! "WE ARE HUMANS BECOMING HELP US BECOME"

CLOSING WORDS Information and the truth is out there. All you have to do is look for it. Considering the

seriousness of the situation, which more and more people will realize as we get closer towards the end of 2012, it is important that we get this information out. It is suggested that you make copies of this document, and give it out to anyone you can, friends, family, co-workers, people you trust. You will find that there will be people who won't care, or will not accept this information, or will awaken and then choose to go back to sleep, and that is fine. You will never get everyone to be on board, but it is important to try to get the information out to whoever we can. But remember, you have free will, you have a choice. There is no obligation. You decide if this information is worth sharing. Considering what is going on in the world today, there is a possibility that we may not have a planet left due to all-out nuclear war. Once the system crashes, anything can happen. This information was given out, in hopes that it would awaken people to the truth, and give them the power to change the ending of the story that has been planned for us. Remember, the jobs are going away. Money is going away. Real Estate will collapse, because Real Estate has to do with the money. We are dealing with world tyranny right now, and the system is afraid. They are afraid because more and more people are awakening to the truth. Listen to Alex Jones, George Green, Ron Paul, and Jesse Ventura. Use the Internet to do your research while you still can. It says in the Handbook for the New Paradigm, it is important to be aware of their plan, but do not focus on their plan. Energy flows to where the focus is. Instead of focusing on their plan, focus on what you prefer to experience. Good Luck to all of us in the days ahead.

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