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Science Mid-Term Study Guide Chapter 1- The Nature of Science Ch1 Sec1 y y y y y Science is a method for studying the

natural world Scientia means knowledge , (Latin) There are 3 main types of sciences, there are 1) Life science with living things, 2) earth science investigating earth and space and 3) physical science dealing with matter. Scientific explanations can be changed once there is evidence of other things being true. Scientists learn new information by investigations. They can be done in many ways some are simply observing something that happens and then recording it while others involve setting up an experiment to test the effect of one thing on another and one of the last one is building a model to see how it acts on a smaller level. ( often some people use some from each ) Scientific Method an organized set of investigation procedures first you state the problem, gather information, form a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze data, draw conclusion. If your hypothesis is not supported you modify the hypothesis and continue down again. If it is supported you repeat several times. Once you observe something in nature the problem of Why or How occurs and that is your problem, or what you are typing to figure out in your experiment. You research & gather data to see what tests have already done and not been successful and seeing what others have found to be true. Hypothesis- a possible explanation for a problem using what you know and observe. Experiment Mostly used in the testing hypothesis part of the scientific method. An experiment tests the effect of one thing on another thing using controlled conditions. AN experiment usually contains at least two variables. Variable- A factor that can cause change into the results of an experiment. Dependent variable- a variable whose value changes according to the changes in the other variables Independent Variable- the variable you change to see how it will affect the dependent variable. You must keep all the possible factors except one (dependent variable) the same. Constant a factor that does not change when other variables change is a constant. Control the standard by which tests can be compared. In the process of the scientific method once you hit the step of analyzing data you must organize all observations and test data into easy to read tables and graphs. You next have to interpret the data you have to do this well or you could interpret the dada wrong and draw false conclusions.

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When you draw conclusions you decided based on the analysis of your data weather or not you conclusion is supported. For a hypothesis to be widely accepted your experiment has to result in the some data every time if it doesnt rethink your hypothesis. Bias- a bias occurs when what the scientist expects changes how the results of a conclusion are viewed. This expectation might cause a scientists to select a result from one trial over those from other trials. You can lessen a bias by running as many trials as possible and keeping accurate notes of each observation made. Valid experiments also must have data that is measurable and you must be able to do the experiment again. Findings to be supportable another scientist has to do the same experiment but get the same results. Model represents an idea, event, or an object to help people better understand used especially when something is too large, too small, too dangerous or takes too much time to see completely. Lord Kelvin was famous for making models. Kelvins work to explain nature of temperature and heat are skill used today. ( Balls in jelly moved around) Scientific models dont always have to be something you can touch. Spaceflight for example is too complicated to do on hand, so people use computers. Another type of model is a simulator these simulate things that happen then react how the Plane or whatever would if you did that action the the plane. Theory is an explanation of things or events based on knowledge gained from many observations and investigations, it is not a guess. If scientists repeat an investigation and the results never change it can be called a scientific theory (the hypothesis MUST be supported.) Scientific theories CAN change. Scientific Law- is a statement about what happens in nature and seems to be true all the time. Laws tell you what will happen under certain conditions but they dont explain why or how something happens. A theory can be used to explain a law. There are few theories in science and even fewer laws. There are some things in science you cannot prove. Like opinions being true for everyone. Technology is the application of science to help people. Science and technology do NOT always produce positive results, ex. Nukes. Main Concepts Ch1 Sec 1 Scientists ask questions and preform investigations to learn more about the natural world. Scientists preform the six step scientific method to test their hypothesis. Models help scientists visualize concepts. A theory is a possible explanation for observations, while a scientific law describes a pattern but does not explain why things happen. Technology is the application of science in our everyday lives.

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Ch1 Sec2 A standard is an exact quantity that people agree to use to compare measurements. Precision- describes how closely measurements are too each other and how carefully measurements are made. Accuracy Compares a measurement to the real or the accepted value. When taking measurements it is important to be precise and accurate. In 1960 an improved system of units was adapted it is known as the International System of Units. Is abbreviated as SI. Each type of SI measurement has a base unit. SI BASE UNITS y Quantity Measured y Unit y Symbol y y Length y meter y m y Mass y kilogram y kg y Time y second y s y Electric Current y ampere y A y Temperature y kelvin y K y Amount of y mole y mol Substance y Intensity of Light y candela y cd TABLE 2 COMMON SI PREFIXES Prefix y Symbol y Multiplying Factor Kiloy k y 1,000 Deciy d y 0.1 Centiy c y 0.01 Milliy m y 0.001 Microy u (w/ line in front.) y 0.000001 Nano y n y 0.000000001 Some quantities are measured in different units. A conversion factor is a ratio that is equal to one and is used to change one unit to another. Ex): 1000mL / 1L = 1 To convert units you multiply by the appropriate conversion factor. (One centimeter contains 10mm.) In scientific terms, length is the distance between two points. Choose an appropriate unit, you avoid large digit numbers and numbers with decimal places in them.

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Volume the amount of space occupied by an object. If you want to find the volume of an object measure the length, width, and height. Them multiply L*W*H= V the volume is always cubed. 1dm = 10cm Also a cubic decimeter is dm^3 = 1000cm^3 . 1dm^3 = 1L it follows that 1mL= 1cm^3 Mass is a measurement of the quantity of matter in an object. The mass and volume of an object can be used to find the density of the material that the object is made of. Density is the mass per unit volume of a material. You find density by dividing an objects mass by the objects volume. A unit obtained by combining different SI units is called a derived unit. An SI unit multiplied by its self is also a derived unit. Anything expressed with an exponent is a derived unit as well. In most scientific work the temperature is measured on the Celsius scale. On this scale, the freezing point of water is 0 (degrees Celsius) the boiling point of water is 100 (degrees Celsius) The SI unit of temperature is the kelvin (K) (0 K ) is the coldest possible temperature which is absolute zero. Which is equal to -273 (degrees Celsius) which is 273 below the freezing point of water. Kelvin temperature can be found by adding 273 to whatever Celsius temperature is on the thermometer. On the Kelvin scale water freezes at 273 K and boils at 373K notice there are NO degree symbols with the Kelvin system. Main Concepts Precision is the description of how close measurements are to each other. The international system of units (SI) was established to provide a standard of measurements and reduce confusions. Conversion factors are used to change one unit to another and involve using a ratio equal to one. The size of an object being measured determines which unit you will measure in to prevent to large or too small numbers.

Ch1 Sec3 y y y y Graphs help detect patterns in the data easier in a graph than in a table. Graph is a visual display of information or of data. In a graph the x axis is the independent variable, while the y axis is the dependent variable. Graphs are useful for displaying numerical information for everyday things. Different types of graphs are used in different situations. A line graph can show any relationship where the dependent variable changes due to a change in the independent variable. Line graphs also show information over long or short

periods of time. You can track many things with line graphs as well. You can show more than one thing on a line graph as long as the relationship is identical (the x & y axis variables). A break (zig zag looking thing ) in the bottom of a line graph means numbers are left out in that area range to better scale where the data points are. Always use x axis for independent variable and the y axis for the dependent variable! Your units in time or whatever must be the same. You can have Celsius and Kelvin they both must be one or the other. A bar graph is useful for comparing information collected by counting. You can use bar graphs for the comparison of numbers, each counted at a particular time which should be stated on the graph. The independent variable is on the x axis while the dependent variable is on the y axis. You can put breaks in this graph as well as you could in a line graph. A circle graph or a pie graph is used to show how some fixed quantity is broken down into parts. The circular pie/ graph is the total and the slices or sections of the graphs are all represented as percentages of the total graph. When you use this graph think carefully about the conclusions you draw from them. You need to make sure your conclusions are drawn from accurate information as well as the graph being easy to read.

Main Concepts Graphs are a visual representation of data. Scientists often graph their data to detect patterns. The type of graph you use is based on the conclusions you want to identify. A line graph shows how a relationship between two variables changes over time. Bar graphs are best used to compare information collected by counting. A circle graph shows how a fixed quaintly is broken down into parts. Chapter One Study Guide! 1. Science is a way of learning about natural world through investigation. 2. Scientific investigations can involve making observations, testing models, or conducting experiments. 3. Scientific experiments investigate the effect of one variable on another. All variables are kept constant. 4. Scientific laws are repeated patterns in nature. Theories attempt to explain how and why these patterns develop over time. 5. A standard of measurement is an exact quantity that people agree to use as a basis of comparison. The international system of units (SI) was established to provide a standard and to reduce confusion. 6. When a standard of measurement is established all measurements are compared to the same exact quantity, the standard. Therefore all measurements can be compared to one another.

7. The most commonly used SI units include length = meter, volume = liter, mass = kilogram, time = second. 8. Any SI unit can be converted to any other related SI unit by multiplying by the appropriate conversion factor. 9. Precision is the description of how close measurements are to each other. Accuracy is comparing a measurement to the real or accepted value. 10. Graphs are visual representations of data that make it easier for scientists to detect patterns. 11. Line graphs show continuous changes among related variables. Bar graphs are used to show data collected by counting. Circle graphs show how a fixed quantity can be broken into parts. 12. To create a circle graph you have to determine the angles for your data. 13. In a line graph, the independent variable is always plotted on the horizontal x-axis. The dependent variable is always plotted on the vertical y-axis.

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