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Mr. President, You said you will 'go anywhere' to get new jobs for Americans in the USA.

Will you go anywhere? Will you go to the most dangerous place of all? Will you go to your own mind, and open the door to genuine consideration of proposals by Republican members of Congress and the business leaders with whom you are meeting Dec. 3rd? Mr. President, reach for genuine greatness, for genuine leadership of the American people, instead of 'old, broken Washington clinging to Party ideology as usual'. Mr. President, tear down the walls of partisanship, and listen with real consideration to the ideas of those who represent business as well as listening to those who represent the voices of the needy in our society. Change may be good or bad; change that is 'fair and balanced' more likely will have good consequences. Mr. President, tear down those walls of partisanship, and listen to all Americans, not just selected groups. Of what use are you to our country if you continue to say, "Well, the Republicans were rigidly ideological, and partisan! and we Democrats will be rigidly partisan also!" It's said that 'imitation is the greatest compliment'. Do you so admire the previous administration's commitment to rigid ideology that you, also, ignore workable solutions that can bring real relief and renewal to America, as President Bush ignored the mounting debt he was creating? Business leaders and the Republican leadership are not trying to harm Ameria. And consider this, 'solutions' that fail will not win elections for either party, no matter how much they please rigid extremists. Truly bipartisan solutions that work for the American people, giving them the jobs they need, may win elections for both parties. Do not say that you don't want to give Republicans credit for anything. Mr. President, please do not put the interests of Party and ideology above the 'clear and present' danger of growing unemployment of the American people. When your automatic rejection impulse springs up for action on hearing Republican solutions, take a deep breath, count to 10, and instead of knee-jerk voicing your Party objections, TRY VERY HARD TO SEE THEIR POINT OF VIEW, and TRY VERY HARD TO CONSIDER THE EVIDENCE THEY PRESENT THAT THEIR SOLUTIONS HAVE WORKED IN THE PAST FOR AMERICANS. Americans elected you President, and Americans are counting on you to serve all the people, not some private socialist agenda. The important, key thing is not how the previous administration behaved. The important thing is how YOU behave, Mr. President, NOW. We need a real leader now, a servant of the American people. By keeping our great democracy alive and strong, you will also be keeping alive the dreams of a better tomorrow of people of good will throughout the world. Unfortunately, it is probable that these words will fall on deaf ears in this Administration. It is up to us Americans, through messages to our Representatives and Senators, to bring our message home to our White House. Let us speak now, America, to our local, state and national leaders! AN ELECTION IS COMING IN 2010. IF ENOUGH OF US SPEAK OUT, OUR LEADERS WILL LISTEN. A White House deaf to our messages will be ham-strung by a Congress listening to its constituents. If your elected officials do not listen to you now, VOTE THEM OUT IN 2010! LET'S TAKE BACK AMERICA!

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