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Give Until It Hurts

When you give, and dont experience pain, you didnt really give. Your giving is fake.
Last week the boundaries are pushed even further with a very challenging talk, as the T3 series continued with the fourth and last topic: TREASURE. Bro Eng Si gave the first half of the talk which is PAIN. He not only justified the true meaning of giving but also encouraged us not to avoid pain but instead embrace it and use it as a fuel to our success. Without pain, we are like engines that have no fuel--unable to go forward, unable to progress, unable to move. And while pain works like a double edged sword, either destroying or motivating us, we need to harness the pain and use it as a catalyst to growth and success. By experiencing pain and using that pain as motivation, we are gifted with wisdom and experience and therefore, made richer in heart and spirit. Rev Fr. Manuel Anastacio presided over the mass and delivered a wonderful homily (w/c coincidentally related to our talk) while Bro Danny Annonuevo led us to the worship. Everyone left the feast with a renewed faith, a fresh hope and full of love.

Power of prayer
Lord thank you very much at ibbinigay mo sa akin ang tamang negosyo na aking pasisimulan upong makatulong sa pang araw araw na kailangan ng aming pamilya. Ilove You - Lyn of Maysan Thank you Lord at nakapasa sa Board exam si Liza Mae, at magaling nap o ako body, emotion and soul Regular Atendee Thank you Lord for all the answered prayers, thank you for using different persons to be the channel of your blessings. Regular Attendee Dear Lord, thank you for healing my daughters cancer and for providing our needs. Please continue to bless us as we continue to share our blessings to your brothers and sisters who are in need. Thank you for your healthy body, mind and soul. Amen Sister in Christ Mely God is really faithful, as we remain faithful. Thank God for answered prayers! Halos lahat na ng sinulat kong dream sa Novena to Gods Love He answered. To name some, my brother already had a job, he just started last week. Mama had closed a deal sa real estate deals niya. Nakapagstart na rin po ako ng small business and my th nephyew had his 5 birthday last week. I also thank God for great friends. He is blessing my life. He is the God of Glory. Amen. LSD regular attendee

Feast Valenzuela 08.12.2010

Aliquam sodales (continued)

Cras arcu justo, imperdiet at, dictum non, porttitor sit amet, odio.
Mauris tempor, massa ut ultricies dignissim, risus augue dignissim turpis, vitae fermentum augue tortor et sapien. Quisque faucibus dignissim diam. Duis urna lorem, consectetuer ac, ultrices ac, sodales nec, eros. Nam orci magna, ullamcorper rhoncus, ultricies vitae, pretium id, ante. Curabitur mauris nisl, placerat a, tincidunt in, ultricies non, tortor. Donec sapien tellus, viverra id, dapibus et, dapibus a, libero. Morbi consequat, purus non viverra mollis, leo tortor sodales sem, vitae posuere nunc velit ut mi. Nullam semper tortor et ligula. Curabitur molestie, risus et malesuada consectetuer, justo turpis volutpat augue, ut luctus leo pede id eros. Pellentesque tempus dignissim justo. Morbi id erat at justo laoreet viverra. Curabitur blandit. Phasellus aliquet commodo elit. Vestibulum aliquam nisi eget tellus. Vivamus vel ante quis tellus suscipit lacinia. Vestibulum auctor. Quisque at tortor a turpis ultrices commodo. Nullam eget quam. Duis in lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce sem elit, placerat sed, ullamcorper eu, pharetra rutrum, neque. Praesent nec erat. Quisque orci tortor, posuere a, egestas mollis, condimentum ut, eros. Sed vel risus. Fusce neque. Fusce blandit mollis justo. Quisque dapibus, libero eget tristique gravida, nisi libero laoreet augue, vel sodales dolor lectus eget leo. Pellentesque viverra libero non dolor. Quisque rhoncus, leo ut euismod vulputate, quam dolor commodo eros, non laoreet urna risus ac diam. Sed ut lacus vitae magna ornare hendrerit. Donec pellentesque nibh eget nisi. In gravida erat non metus. Sed malesuada pellentesque sapien. Cras tristique dui ac ante. Cras eu lorem sed enim rhoncus rhoncus. Suspendisse convallis porttitor neque. Nam eros nunc, dapibus et, ullamcorper iaculis, faucibus et, tortor. Ut nec augue fringilla diam tempus vehicula. Nullam et dui vel massa facilisis interdum. Cras viverra est in ante. Cras in ante. Mauris ullamcorper purus vel arcu. Morbi vel turpis. Donec id felis. Donec in odio. Duis eu enim. Praesent consectetuer velit id est. Sed pede leo, dictum sed, posuere at, tristique et, ipsum. Nullam feugiat risus ut tortor. Sed ac nisl et nisl posuere placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Proin lectus quam, pulvinar in, porta ut, condimentum eu, nibh. In sed purus. Duis congue dolor a lectus. Mauris faucibus sagittis augue. Donec ornare ante a sem. Sed accumsan, risus a nonummy adipiscing, leo erat lobortis neque, vel fringilla est lacus in eros. Suspendisse hendrerit odio at ante elementum eleifend. Donec luctus blandit libero. Ut sed pede nec velit euismod fermentum. Morbi mi tellus, gravida a, facilisis nec, rutrum sit amet, nibh. Sed semper mollis turpis. Morbi massa tellus, vestibulum sit

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Maecenas purus
Nam laoreet egestas tortor. Duis augue tortor, auctor non, porta eget, dapibus eget, ligula. Aliquam imperdiet, mauris at imperdiet nonummy, diam nulla ullamcorper odio, vel lobortis pede justo nec nunc. Sed mi nisl, facilisis accumsan, eleifend eu, luctus vitae, mauris. Cras consequat, magna ut condimentum gravida, quam nibh scelerisque turpis, a rhoncus risus orci eget libero. Nunc quis felis in nunc sagittis egestas. Nullam nonummy, erat vel fermentum gravida, lacus nulla aliquet magna, et ultrices nibh odio nec metus.

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