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Information about placement site

1. Information about placement site

1.1 History
The Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Board (TEDPB) was set up under Act no. 9 of 1996 and operates under the aegis of the Ministry of Social Security, National solidarity and senior citizens welfare and Reform institutions. The objectives of the TEDPB are, among others, to improve the social and economic status and condition of disabled persons; work towards their inclusion into the labor market, prevent discrimination against them resulting from or arising out of their disability, encourage the establishment of appropriate vocational centers and other institutions for their training and operate and foster schemes and projects for their training and employment. The mission of the TEDPB is to provide services in a modern and user-friendly manner to meet the needs and aspirations of the disabled in education, training and employment. In this endeavor, the TEDPB seeks the cooperation and solidarity of both the public and the private sectors including the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). The General Manager is responsible to coordinate the activities of the Board with Ministries, local authorities, employers and any association or organization of disabled persons or any other institution in order to implement the measures recommended by the Board. He is supported in his duties by a complement of specialized and general services staff. The TEDPB has set a new direction for the training and employment of disabled persons. Therefore, the present structure is being revisited, recommending the abolition of certain grades which no longer meet the operational requirements of the Board and making provision for new levels to enable the organization to meet its mandate. TEDPB centers have been opened in 3 different areas i.e. Calebasses, Flacq and RoseBelle.

1.2 Staff of TEDPB:

General worker Office/transport attendant Driver 1

Information about placement site Telephone operator Assistant store officer Assistant instructor Clerk/ word processing operator Customer service clerk Disability employment officer Confidential secretary Accounts officer General manager

Staff for TEDPB Rose-Belle: Director/ instructors General worker

1.3 Functioning of TEDPB Rose-Belle:

For each department, i.e. male and female, there is an instructor. Thus there is al lady who teaches embroidery to the female clients while a man teaches the different skills required in the each sections of the male department. On the female side there are 11 trainees while there are 13 on the male side. The normal working hours are usually from 9am to 3 pm. However, they start at 8.30 am and finish at 2.30pm as it leaves the trainees enough time to get back home. On the female side, as soon as they reach they take out their embroidery and start working. On the male side however, a few will start at the required time. The others wait for the instructor to come before starting their work. The general worker takes the responsibility of opening the centre and cleaning before that the trainees start working. Furthermore, he also supervises the trainee who works in the garden.

1.4 Activities carried out

Here is a list of some of the activities carried out in REDPB Rose-Belle: 2

Information about placement site

Pyrography section: some of the works done by the trainee

In the female department: lady copying a diagram and part of her final work

Information about placement site

This picture shows the tools and the materials used when jewelry workshop was being carried out.

These picture shows at the start a wheelchair which has been sent to be repaired and on the right it is shown how it has been disassembled.

This picture shows how the tools used are disposed in the wheelchair section

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