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PREFACE: As I began writing down the words you will read contained within this manuscript I was struck with a nagging bewilderment, why? Why did I want to write this particular story? Why me? I had been inspired to do so a few years back and put it off as time and life continued on as usual and I continued finding a reason to do something supposedly more important. Such as working to pay my living expenses (seemed like a pretty good reason at the time). If I had only known then how important this story was and is.not only to me but perhaps the entire world itself, it is a story of how things were supposed to be even more so how they should still be and again someday soon will be. As I look back in retrospect and introspection I realized I wish I would have started sooner and regret not doing so. Anybody who says we should have no regrets may be lying to themselves or maybe even the rest of us, its just my personal belief based on my own personal experience. Regardless of that I now believe I may possibly understand in part why I have been inspired to write down, research for and thusly offer what I believe is a gift. For who only time will tell. I believe it was actually inspired or birthed inside me for the one reason I can with all certainty confess. It was for if nothing else my own personal salvation. I have believed at differing stages of my life in the supernatural or in a God who was in control of the universe. I often lived my life either in compliance with or contrary to what I believed at those times based on my varying level of relationship with this so-called supreme being. This relationship was more often than not based on whether or not my life was going the way I wanted it to and how I viewed this God and whether or not he was favoring me personally. Even when I believed he truly was on my side I could still prove to everyone including myself that my personal fall from grace was a long undistinguished one indeed. I was my own and only worst enemyor so I thought. When it wasnt me choosing to willfully disobey against the very order of things there often times even still seemed to be some unseen force at work behind the scenes manipulating people or circumstances preventing me from accomplishing my desired goals whatever they may be. Whether they were purely selfish in motivation or the kind of self-sacrificing moments we may all experience that raise your consciousness to levels only attained by choosing an unselfish route in hopes of someday receiving your just reward for your sacrificial motives and actions. Now granted all that being said you can still ask the people who truly know me, I have always been the total rebel without a cause guy. So, consequently MOST of the repercussions in my life were in fact caused by me and me alone. Or were they? There was always this nagging suspicion in the back of my mind driving me crazy that something else may be going on here. There were just WAY too many times when I should have been experiencing a victory in my life that had the potential to radically effect my situation something would happen to steal away what I had worked tirelessly in hopes for from my very grip! The Bible mentions that hope deferred weakens the soul and suffers the heart. Well, like most people I have had my fair share of hope deferred. When it came to losing my children, when it came to not realizing my dreams, when it came to losing or squandering my relationships etc; etc so on and so forth. I never truly realized what happened most of the time and just chalked it up to thats life. It was always unfair, always unrealistic, always unsatisfying, always unbelievable and always unreliable. Running the risk of sounding completely insane, like a religious zealot, leaning on the crutch of belief in something eyes cannot see. I say with the wisdom only a broken spirit can discern only spiritual insight and 100% complete certainty there is another force actively at work in our lives and minds. With that said I hope to pull back the curtain now and expose the mystery of corruption and disgrace letting each one of my readers discern for themselves what they truly believe. Search your

heart, believe for your spiritual eyes to be opened and the ears of your heart to what sometimes seem to be the very whispers on the wind. Thankfully I also discovered another absolute truth in this journey called life. It is a depthless love. It is a love that has come to my rescue and continues to ransom me to this very moment and will never stop unless I choose to not accept its power in my life. I was each time gently, tenderly lifted up dusted off and cleansed with a never ending and completely undeserved mercy. I each and every time re-discovered the simple truth. A light shone into the darkness I lost myself in. This darkness was both disgusting and putrid cold and lifeless. Lies shrouded in lies, covered in mist. Lies to myself, lies told to others, lies to God and all of them purchased for a price I could never pay. The Father of these lies continues to this very day his deception, and it is this deception my friends you need to be made aware of. If it wasnt for Gods authority and love and ultimate sacrifice I would lose myself in the pain and misery of my folly for all eternity let alone here on earth. You will read throughout the story I offer you contained within these pages THE VERY SAME love God has shown me and the multitudes down throughout the annals of time over and over and over again countless times. This is my account of what might have been my version of the very first love story. Seeds were planted throughout my life and in the fullness of their own timing my story was born again and again and again. Deep within me the desire to know or at the very least seek answers to the burning question all of us may very well ask ourselves. You may be familiar with what I am talking about. Why are we here? Do I have a purpose or am I just meant to live and die then be buried in the ground? Am I just here to try and enjoy myself or be as successful as humanly possible while I am here on this earth? Maybe, I should just strive to be the best person I can be or help as many people as I can? Or, is this lot in life all I will ever have? Perhaps I should follow my own dreams, march to the beat of my own drum, relish my pseudo black-sheep role within my family and dance my life away with no care for anyone else No matter what it may have been or still may be these desires as I began to live them out each had one glaring similarity and still do. THEY NEVER ANSWERED MY QUESTIONS. I followed each of these paths at times with what some may call reckless abandon even fanatical ends resulting in the excommunication of myself and displacement of my earthly security blankets whatever they may be at the time. The disillusionment of what I will call the dark times in life were the fruits of selfish personal indulgence for no good reason other than it felt good and made my pain go away? No, hindsight bears out the truth, all I did was cause pain for others and myself with no clear resolution and quite the opposite darkening even maddening dissolution. Now please dont think I dont realize just how crazy this all may sound as I attempt to tie it together and help you see what I have seen and what I have done and why. Many times throughout my personal history have I crossed over into a mind-set or belief system that enabled or allowed me to perceive life differently, I believe now with my whole heart and entire being that all of these times in my life were all indeed intended for a specific, no let me re-iterate a VERY specific purpose. I am not exactly sure what that ultimate purpose is as I tell this story but I do believe the reason and purpose besides my OWN personal revelation of the truth may have and hopefully will be something that will help other people make their own decision to believe or believe again to follow the ONLY WAY to salvation which is Jesus Christ. I pray we all discover we can do this with our entire beings and shed the masquerade of believing half-heartedly. I am no great theologian, nor am I a biblical scholar with a degree or pedigree acknowledging my accomplishments. Nor do I posses or proclaim to know the most in-depth knowledge of any Rabbinical, Biblical, or scriptural ancient written text. I am not representing ANY particular denomination, specific religion, sect or belief system ever known to man-kind or that has existed on this planet EVER. I am merely what I like to call a believer. A believer of what I believe to be the greatest mystery, the most profound truth and startling revelation of all time. I know, I know you are thinking okay this guy has now PROVEN

beyond the shadow of a doubt he is LOOPY at best and a zealot at worst, just what we need right? Another bible-thumping, hellfire and brimstone dude giving us the repent or face eternal damnation speech or maybe the Jesus loves you so much you dont have to worry about a thing philosophy. I honestly believe I am neither oneI am at best my friends in my own estimation merely nothing more than a story-teller. Do I posses the gift of words, maybe. Have I been given the ability to weave my imagination with what I consider sacred facts, perhaps but then again perhaps not! Only time will tell. Yet all that truly matters quite honestly is that you get something you need here within these pages..whatever that may be. Not to mention I can finally say I did it. I wrote everything on the inside of me on paper for the world to see. I was able to accomplish the one thing buried within I believe in and tell my story about what I believe. I would like to cut to the chase and say, just let the book paint a picture for you. I did! And it was marvelous. Allow yourselves to be transported if nothing else into descriptions of, thoughts into, and words of interest about what many believe to be the most controversial, most often quoted, most often MIS-quoted and most popular writings of all times. Not unlike the movie motion picture The Passion of the Christ allow yourselves to see through different eyes. Let your mind wonder out loud and deep inside ask yourself what really did happen? Or perhaps even better what could have happened? Think for just a moment what it could have been like had we been there to witness, or were allowed by some mysterious and amazing way given eyes to see into the past, going all the way back to the beginning of time, space and matter according to what the Bible has to say. Whether you believe in its authenticity, its accuracy or its validity give yourself permission to not only judge for yourself but to do as the rest of the world is doing and should be doing now which is to allow the stories or fables of EVERY different facet or faction or group of people that has EVER existed be told! What will that hurt? By reading and studying the words written down, will you die? I say, NO. I am sure every great mind dead or alive on this planet should tell you and I the very same thing. What do you have to lose!?!?!?!? I believe you have nothing to lose. Perhaps even everything to gain. By reading for yourself and using your imagination how can you possibly lose? Read Tom Sawyer read War and Peace, read Of Mice and Men, read any or all of the great literary works of such men as Hemmingway, Mark Twain and Tolstoy. If you so to choose read the Torah, the Pentateuch or the Septuagint you are only doing yourself a favor by choosing to educate yourself on everything all of the writers of this world and its history have deliberated about or expounded upon since the dawn of written language. Open your hearts now, open your minds to the possibility of what is to follow. Draw your own conclusions, and ask yourself what you believe. You never may just find your own answers. I will make this part as quick and painless as I possibly can while still giving credit and honor where they are due. First of all I thank my creator and loving Father in heaven. I was lost and wandering in my sins when his light came into my darkness and rescued me, too many times to re-count. My spirit and my mind re-claimed by the truth and the age old knowledge of Him sending his Son to die for me even though I was choosing to live apart from him and choosing to walk away..I can never thank you enough for not giving up on me Dad, every time before, now and forever. Equally as much I would also like to personally thank the one who came himself in person down from His glory in the heavenly places. My King, my Lord, my truest friend and my salvation the Son of God himself, Jesus Christ. I thank YOU my Lord for ransoming my heart and soul with your brutal torture and horrific beyond imagination undeserved death as you hung upon a cross. I THANK YOU for your course of action as your physical body lay within the tomb it was sealed inside. I thank you as you took by force within the belly of this earth to reclaim the keys of death, and conquered it once and for all by your resurrection and subsequent ascension back into heaven reclaiming your rightful place alongside your Father in heaven.

Our imaginations can never truly comprehend these truths. You are now ruling to this very day as you have from the beginning of time itself. If it hasnt happened by the time this book is published and or read by somebody or even anybody I and all my brothers and sisters in the faith or believers are waiting patiently for your return in the sky to call your us back to you again. To spare us once more form the coming disasters evil will bring and are this very day birthing here and subsequent wrath of God to cleanse and purge once more. I pray you dear reader too will be there with us on that great and mighty Day of the Lord. It isnt too late. He died once so that we ALL would be ransomed from certain death. All you have to do is believe in your heart and confess it. I would also like to thank God for my Mother and Step Father.she took us to work each day at the local Jr. College Library. I grew up literally in the stacks and between chasing my younger Brother and Sister throughout them we read and soaked in any and every book we could get our hands on. Giant picture books, with mighty Mayan sculptures or awe inspiring Egyptian pyramids, an enormous Atlas with pictures of a world we had not seen yet nor had we imagined was so both so gigantic back then and now with the advent of technology so very, very small. Books on war, times of peace, knowledge, science, history, mathematics, poetry, art, men both good and evil in nature, women of great beauty and resolution and integrity, as well as shame and lack of character. Thank you Mom that gift was, has been and will always be one of your greatest gifts to me ever, not to mention your encouragement to study, read and to soak it all in. My life may not have always been everything I hoped for, but it would have never been as good without you and your gifts to me. I would like to thank my Step-Father Robert Lee Nelson may you rest in peace dad and may we be reunited in the sky one day for eternity, your humble spirit and gentle ways have never been forgotten. Your thirst for knowledge and passion to educate those around you expressed through a humble, loving heart and self-sacrificing life were truly one-of-a kind. If only I had realized it sooner. Finally I would like to thank all of the other people whom God put in my life at various places in order to help guide, love, help educate or protect me. You know who you are, far too numerous to list but trust me GOD knows who you are and you will be rewarded one day in Glory! I would also like to take this opportunity to ask for forgiveness from all of those whom I have hurt or harmed or wronged in my life. My intent is to clear my conscience before God prior to his return and to praise Him for taking what was meant for evil and turning it into something good in all of your lives. My heart and soul grieves with the many wrongs done in my walk here upon this earth and I ask for your forgiveness and desire and pray for your healing and blessing one thousand fold in return. This prayer is in my heart for you always. Angel and Felicia, I also dedicate this book to you. I know I wasnt the Father I could have or should have been and am eternally saddened by the loss of living without the daily blessing of two such beautiful, intelligent, highly gifted and amazing Daughters. Your lives have constantly been in my prayers and my tears before God Almighty are too many to count. These tears were shed on behalf of your protection and blessing and from the very depths of my heart. May you come to the realization I have always and will always loved you, as God loves you. I pray for your appearance there with me on the Glorious Day of his return. I know this is a great departure from who you think you know me to be and this may be difficult to understand and believe, but please try. If for no other reason girls perhaps it will give you insight into whom I have been who I really am and what I will become as a Man in Christ as God himself continues a good work in me all of this in order to prepare me for life in eternity. The following is my interpretation of what may have happened. None of us were actually there, so just go with me on this one J Again lets just let the story unfold and the words written unveil what in my opinion IS the first greatest love story of all time. I take poetic license and a heart filled with love into this truly romantic, tragic and spirit filled adventure. I have researched for countless hours and come to one very startling yet simple conclusion. Nor I or anyone else here actually knows what happened. If the greatest of all gifts is NOT the ability to understand all mysteries, or unravel the

secrets contained within Gods word but the greatest gift indeed has always been and always will be thisLOVE. For only love in all of its authority and power, all of its grandeur and depth, all of its glory and imagination could have possibly done what I and millions of others believe. What happened at the very beginning of time, a loving, thoughtful, self sacrificial, generous, jealous, emotional, spiritual Father sought to create us. Sought to provide for, protect, bless and love us. And now without further delay..

IN THE BEGINNINGA love story. Chapter 1 In the Beginning

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air and over every living thing that moves upon the earth." And God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food. And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to everything that creeps on the earth, everything that has the breath of life, I have given every green plant for food." And it was so. And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning a sixth day.

The words pounded in their heads, each one thundered through the loudspeakers. Anthony and Cynthia hated coming to these things, but her parents forced them to be here again. This preacher was a total sham as far as they were concerned. Genesis was nothing more than a fairy tale they both agreed, as they exchanged a smirk. This speaker got everybody all fired up and convinced them to do his will they told themselves. It was bad enough his Grand-parents were devout Jews, but this garbage was offensive to everything he personally believed. Tony listened and was convinced this

preacher used the Bible to talk everyone into giving him their hard-earned money to build this gigantic arena-style building and convinced the people inside that it was all for Gods glory somehow. Both were tired of hearing it, tired of her parents giving their hard earned money to this church and to this God in return for his protection, like he was some kind of galactic Tony Soprano. They were tired of her parents believing all this mumbo-jumbo giving them false hope believing in something they couldnt even see. They had worked their entire life sacrificing their own dreams, working long hours, being the consummate employees and built a significant and comfortable life. Yet her parents never ceased to remind her it wasnt because of them alone. They said God honored and blessed them because they never forgot to honor Him with their tithing. She had gone along with it long enough she thought to herself..this has to end tonight. She whispered in her Husbands ear, they both stood and walked out just as the offering plate passed them by. The hot sweaty man up on the stage pounded his fist on the wooden pulpit, pointing to the heavens. The crowd swayed back and forth being filled with the spirit was what his parents called it. Anthony found himself re-counting the same details he heard his entire life of this creation story by his Grandfather. Unlike his Grandmother who was responsible for dividing he and Cynthia during their courtship in their youth. His Grandfather on the contrary told him the story of how God created the world in seven days, then how God created Adam and Eve etc; etc; blah, blah, blah. On the opposite side there was her parents who were into this whole speaking in tongues garbage, their preacher said it was meant to edify ones personal prayer life with their Father in heaven and communicating in an unknown language with God. Complete hog-wash to them both and it sounded like total nonsense. His entire life has been spent in pursuit of the truth as far as he was concerned and it didnt include any of this craziness. His misspent youth took him to places he never imagined were possible but every experience real as he lived through them nonetheless. The throng of people had their eyes closed, their arms raised high. As he looked around him there were only a few others not with their eyes closed like him and not with their hands raised. As he looked back at them, into their eyes something deep inside him stirred. It was a sweet short glimpse of a now distant childhood memory. Mr. and Mrs. Gus? The thought caused him to shudder involuntarily the reading of the 23 psalm? He memorized this bible verse as a boy. The Lord is my shepherd they all recited in unisonhis heart pounded in his chest before he ducked outside with his wife and they walked into the parking lot alone. The drive home was strangely silent and something was not quite right with Lee she thought to herself. Honey.. you ok? what she whispered as she touched his hand. His sudden with drawl startled her as swerved to narrowly miss a raccoon mysteriously standing in the middle of the road staring Lee down. He overcorrected in time to miss the creature but wasnt quick enough to stop them from careening through the rail-guard and into the blackness below. That morning like most mid-July mornings in Louisiana was sweltering and the mosquitoes were feasting. They lay there unconscious overnight and no-one had even noticed. His head was pounding and bleeding his eyes hazy and out of focus. All he could see was the shattered windshield, thistles and mud. What in the hell was going on he thought to himself andoh my God, where is Cindy? The thought of her lifeless body in the passenger seat shot through him like s .45 caliber bullet. He strained to see but his vision still wasnt functioning. His arm reached for where he remembered her to be and the scabby flesh startled him as he withdrew his hand in horror. The pain now overwhelmed him and the blackness took him once again. What he saw as he slipped away into unconsciousness would haunt him for the rest of his life..and for eternity. He heard a voice. It was the voice of God. It spoke and the words themselves were alive with the very power of creation itself. They thundered and rippled across the universe unlike anything he had ever imagined. The sound both silent somehow a simultaneous tidal wave of thundering ripples roaring through his very soul, like a sonic boom wave after wave of energy and light. His words literally creating the universe around him and everything in it, one moment there was nothing but blackness a

void that escaped description. Lifeless and depthless matter sprang to life as the very fabric of time and space began unfolding before his very eyes, Lee could almost touch it. This is how it came into existence he thought to silently, from inside the very mind and heart of God himself. Only the words need be spoken and it came to pass. Gods imagination inspired Gods words which created something out of nothing, and so it all began. Lee felt frozen with fear, this must be what people meant by out of body experience? Just then the heavens sang out and shouted his praises! Their voices angelic and harmonious all at once the sound like rushing waters, like cymbals clashing and mighty wings of brass? It was a cosmic wave of energy and light singing to the universe itself. The voices rang out a joyous noise, t filled with worship and adoration came from all but one. How mighty and wonderful is He they sang. Holy, Holy, Holy is His almighty power. It was truly awe-inspiring and Lee trembled with a fear he had never known existed and it burned with the heat of the very first light here. It revealed a majestic blue and green globe below him. It was almost as if the stories he was told all of his life were actually unveiled for him to see somehow and the very thoughts of God as they happened in the very moment in time itself. The earth spun in perfect synchronicity with the expanse surrounding it. A perfectly spherical, perfectly balanced, perfectly hung mass of earth and water created specifically for the chosen ones. Gods words now reverberated throughout the expanses and rippled throughout eternity. He would forever love his children no matter what happened. Yes, he would love them regardless of what price must be paid for that love. Even now the enlightened ones heart turned away and was revealed. God knew it was coming and his heart was distraught with grief at the evil soon to be unleashed mere moments after his heart sang with the joy of His newest creation. It was the very one created to cover the throne of God the Father himself whose countenance had fallen. The very one unmatched in beauty and unrivaled in song had chosen to disobey and would all too soon persuade his fellow angelic brothers and Gods children below to do the same. Still God took great pleasure and loving care to fill his new creation with a spectrum of vibrant color and luscious edibles. Curious creatures and wondrous landscapes, all meant for them to appreciate and care for themselves. Nothing left to the imagination for them his beloved ones created in His very own image. He would give them everything and He would be their God and He would love them. He then took a handful of the earth and sculpted his sheer perfection. Anthonys mouth was frozen open as he witnessed the unimaginable... The whisper of a gentle breeze sent a shiver throughout the mans body now covered in the mist of the very first rain. A light shone brightly as it felt the warmth of the glowing orb above. This God thought to himself was his finest masterpiece. Now this living breathing creature stirred. His chiseled features warm and handsome, eyes wide now filled with wonder and awestruck by what they saw. His lean muscular physique taught and strong stretched and flexed as the breath of life filled him. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes the grittiness in them replaced with a tear washing it away. The bright warm glow from above hurt as his pupils began to adjust. Then as his gaze fell upon his surroundings and his eyes pierced the lush tropical rainforest. Its colors were of vibrant yellow and green fluorescent foliage dotted with majestic purples and striking red blooms. There were deep rich chocolaty browns and vivacious oranges and then there was. the sky above, ICEY blue.the clarity with which he could see as he stared skyward filled his very being with life itself. He spread his arms skyward instinctively and God filled him once more with another deep breath of life. The virtual essence of his humanity alive to the very core of his body and soul t as it became one with his creator one with his God. The sound of water could be heard as it bubbled up nearby and his mouth felt dusty as he licked his lips and tongue. He rose upand in all of his glory he stood. He surveyed the vision before him and somewhere deep inside of him he felt thankful as His Father smiled. His thirst drove him to a fountain in the earth nearby. He cupped his hands in the clearness as he drew them to his lips and filled his mouth with the cool liquid. He drank and drank and drank still until his thirst was satiated. His

muscular mid-section heaved with satisfaction. He then felt a pang in there his middlea voice saying there as he followed his own gaze and grasped the large bright yellow object. He began to instinctively draw its skin away from the tender flesh inside. It was firm and sweet on his lips and he hungrily devoured it and longed for more. His hunger quelled he lay in the lush soft grass underneath the blanket of darkness above him now. The great burning light during the light of day was now replaced with a cooler more subtle radiance above. The sparkling, smaller lights twinkled and danced as the gentle breeze that woke him from his dusty beginning now cooled him once more and he slept. His slumber was deep yet restless. Images staring back at him, were they his own eyes staring back at him? No, strangely the eyes in his dream looking back at him were somehow different. They pierced his very heart and soul as they shone like the twinkling lights in the cool dark sky he lost himself in as he drifted off to sleep. Were these eyes smiling now back at him? From somewhere deep in his sleepa peace came over him as he stared back into the eyes sparkling from beyond. They were coo and calming, filling him with warmth. Then he heard itit was laughter! It wasnt his or his Fathers this time, it was a note of pure happiness and sunshine and it tickled him. He smiled in his dream and his senses reeled, as if he were floating on air, walking upon the waters, soaring through the clouds. From nowhere a quick slicing pain as if his body were split and the very flesh of his bones were exposed and wide open. His side pierced. Or so he thought to himself as he drifted slowly back to earth and the mystical eyes disappeared into the vapors from whence they came. CHAPTER 2 In the Garden The locks flowed down his back like the mighty river beside him and his smile shone radiantly as the sun in the presence of his Father. His hands outstretched in offering and thankfulness he stood there his face skyward and his entire being filled with joy. Gods very presence, his love tangible as Adams senses are filled and the voice he hears is calm and deep. Each moment they spend together timeless expressions of wonder and awe with each new discovery revealed. Their laughter ringing throughout the lush green paradise interrupted only by the squawking of a nearby feathered creature Adam had named parrot. Its colors were a shade of cobalt blue richer and deeper than the sky above itself. Adam spoke and the creature mimicked his very words, both Father and sons deep rich laughter could be heard over one anothers over and over and over again, and they spent all day together. Each creature uniquely different and humorous in its own right, the two of them chuckled and snorted as each one of them was given its name. Adams mind so keen and perceptive, his sense of adventure and humor creating each ones moniker a pure joy to behold for His Father. Gods heart soared. He loved these precious moments, he would miss them. A silent tear fell to the earth as the soil drank its nutrients and hope. The thunder heard in the far off distance rumbled as Adam gazed skyward. He ran his fingers through his hair and drew a deep breath. His heart beating loudly and his lungs filled with the fresh air he dove head first into the depths. The icy coolness shocking his body momentarily yet exhilarated all the same. He burst from the cool waters and reached skyward as he shook himself free and dove once more beneath the surface the arc created by his body perfect. He swam with strength and vitality towards the distant shore his mind yearning for what lay beyond his vision, his curiosity driving him onward. As he reached the sandy shore he laid himself there allowing the heat to dry his body as his chest rose and fell heaving out of breath. He was startled by a splash and rose up to see what may have caused it. The creature he saw burst from the river as he himself had done just a few short moments before then slipped beneath the rippling waters from where it had sprung. Odd, he thought to himself and smiled knowing his Father would expect a clever name for this creature sooner or later. But for now he would sleep. As he rose from his slumber, he couldnt help but be haunted once again by the images in his dreams. Again it was those same eyes looking back at him, that laughter he heard , the feeling throughout his entire body and the smile on his face as he awoke was there each and every time. His

thoughts were interrupted by his Fathers voice and he ran to him. Their embrace was warm and strong as always and Adam felt whole, or did he? There was something missing this time, an unfamiliar feeling inside. He shook it off and ran back to his favorite spot beside the mighty tree he loved so. They sat there for hours, speaking of what Adam had seen at the river, of how he felt as the water covered his body and how he felt as the Sun warmed his flesh and filled him with its golden heat. They spoke of Adams favorite fruits and how he laughed when the bushy tailed creature stood on its hind legs and nibbled its tasty morsels of food. They spoke of what to name the bright pink colored birds that stood on one leg and what to call the large green skinned thing with the sweet red flesh inside. How its consistency was tasty and quenched his thirst at the same time. The Lord smiled wider and wider as each question and comment that came from his beloved one rang in his ears like the music of his angels in heaven. Their hearts and minds as one as they spoke of the wonders God had created and of the mysteries above in the kingdom of the sky. Adam marveled at the thought of such amazing creatures which flew on wings and sang with angelic voices for their loving creator. Was that what he heard deep in his sleep each night? He wondered.again, God could only smile. CHAPTER 3 Two Become One As dawn rose that third day a strange sense of warmth enveloped him. His hand reaching for his side as if to say his re-occurring dream had somehow become a reality? And then his eyes opened and beheld the loveliest vision he had seen yet. Was he dreaming again? Could it be? Her lips were as lush as the succulent fruit he nourished himself on each day, her skin looked as soft as the petals of the silky red flower that grew so wildly by the rivers bank. A mysterious sense that somehow she was a part of him gave which him comfort. Her beauty stirred his senses to the very core of his being. Her hair flowed spun and glowed by the very rays of sunshine that warmed his body each day. Her body different than his, her voluptuousness a wonder to behold! His mind raced with new thoughts, his heart pounding like the thunder itself he heard rumbling through his garden from a far off place before the rains came. His body alive now with a mind of its own, his eyes roamed every inch of her, drinking her elegant curves in, he felt as if the vey Earth itself had somehow stopped and he felt weightless? Good Lord was that his mouth-watering? The obvious suppleness of her body shimmered in the morning of that day could this truly be? Could it possibly that be his dreams had come true? Would her laughter cause him to smile? Would the stars in the heavens once again shine as bright as the eyes which danced in his minds eye each night in HER eyes? Was this actually happening as he awoke to feel the warmth of something so magnificently perfect in every way or was this all just a dream and would simply just fade away in to the mist again if he reached out to her? Just then, as if on cue. she stirred. It was as if that very breath were her first ever. Deep and exhilarating it filled her lungs and her senses. He stared once more in awestruck wonder, as he did when he opened his eyes for the very first time here in this garden himself. It was her! Those eyes that haunted him each night in his sleep, they shone and sparkled like the stars in the midnight sky smiling back at him just like in his dreams! Daddy blew a tender kiss and the cool breeze sent the fragrance of the pristine Birds of Paradise, mixed with the sweetness of wild clover honey, vanilla and sun-ripened mango all at once.he loved Adam so and wanted this moment to be perfect for him in every way. For now and forevermore this would be a memory imbedded in his very conciseness and passed down on to the generations to come behind him. Even if they didnt end up choosing the right paththis is one gift he would never deny them the first few precious moments of meeting the one. Gods giddiness and joy could be felt in their hearts as the very first love was born. It would be eclipsed only by his love for them and for what he hoped would be their love in return. Their initial awareness of one another was a mixture of both awkwardness and underlying sense of intrigue and mystery. It was a curious blend of both pure physical and chemical reaction and attraction. Their hearts pounding in unison, their eyes searching deeplyrecognizing each other and smiling. Her sheepish laughter sweet, simple and pure could have melted the polar ice caps.

His deep ever widening stare opened the window into his very soul. Her coyness making love to his curiosity and integrity.and so it began, innocent love was born that day and the worlds very first romance came to be. Our Father again, smiled that day. Even though he knew what was to come all too soon and what his children would face. At least they could face it together and although his very heart was both singing and breaking all at once that day he gave them his blessing and his love regardless of what may come and what he knew would happen. But, like any good Father He had a backup plan. They now spent each waking moment walking, talking and singing to one another and to and for God. Dancing before him in the celebration of life, simply because they were happy, filled with the very breath of life it was theirs indeed. It filled their lungs, hearts, bodies and minds. Their spirits soared igniting their imaginations and fueling their souls as they were filled with love for their God and one another. They swam in warm and harmless tidal pools filled with living rainbows of color naked and unaware. Feasting on succulent varieties of fruits, edible flowers and hearty nuts of all shapes and sizes, covered in the sweet wild clover honey they fed themselves. Falling deeper and deeper into one another with each new timeless moment in those days of innocence there in the Garden of Eden. God smiled and creation seemingly burst forth with new and vibrant colors each morning they awoke. Each day a new and stranger creature was discovered as it crawled, swam, or flew by. Streams, rivers and waterfalls running crystal clear and clean to the taste were theirs to enjoy..truly a paradise. It was here they fell in love once and for always. The rush of emotion swept them away. Stolen moments like these were both timeless and priceless to him, the tenderness of her cheek the liquid pools of grace and kindness that were her big beautiful eyes. The gentle sloping curves of her body and the taste of her succulent lips as he kissed her, the intoxication which took place as he took her in his arms. How masculine he felt as he inhaled her scent and how he preferred it to the very air in his lungs itself..floral and feminine, unmistakably woman. His strength covered her with each embrace. She melted into him with each kiss and her heart took wing with the clouds themselves. Her body quivered and trembled slightly with each caress of his fingers along her graceful neck and shoulders. As she held his hand she felt his strength inside her. Her soul warmed by the love he felt for her as it filled her, lifted her and consumed her. The sun itself could not match heat between them as it burned ever stronger with each passing moment. Their bodies sculpted perfectly for one another as they masterfully sung in unison their deep sweet song for one another. They drank deeply and often from the fountain of desire. They drown themselves in the depths of the ocean of their love. The dizzying heights of intoxicating joy, the immeasurable width of their all encompassing hope, the fathomless depths of belief and a timeless spiritual faith that could shake the foundations of the earth itself. It was true dominion. It was true power that could conquer all.and someday would when called upon to do so. CHAPTER 4 The Serpent

He carried her across the bubbling creek to an open field where he lay her down in the soft whispering grass. Their bodies tense with excitement, his kisses making her quiver with anticipation the thoughts of last nights love making still fresh in her mind. His hands exploring her, the tingle of electricity shooting through her body as she stiffened to take his embrace once more. Their lips drank deeply of one another and their passion consumed them. The innocence of their desires mixed with the knowledge they were meant and created for one another and nothing else was the most powerful aphrodisiac imaginable and would never be duplicated down throughout history. Although many would come close, the first love was the purest ever known. What would they do if given the opportunity to see what would soon come to pass. If they had only sensed what was even now

conspiring against them as they made love, if only they had remembered what they were told yes if only.. Did God shed a tear as the serpent slid nearer to Eve? Did he grimace already knowing what she would do as her curiosity drew her closer to the place he forbade them or was there hope she would choose to remember what he told them. He gave them permission to eat from any and every other tree except the one that would open their eyes to the existence of evil. They had no concept of what it meant to die or the evil lurking nearby. They could not comprehend that there was somebody else here who did NOT love them, someone else here who had tried desperately and unsuccessfully to usurp Gods kingdom in the heavens and who even now sought to break his heart by preying on the weakness of his children. Or was it a righteous anger welling up inside him that day knowing his children would never again be the same and neither would this paradisethis Garden of Eden. No more would they walk and talk together here, no more would they laugh and sing to one another here. No longer would they frolic innocent and pure here. no longer. Gods heart pounded, filled with hope. His spirit faith itself believed the best and prepared for the worst. He spoke to the one and revealed his redemption for them and his Holy One who would choose to leave his Glorious Kingdom, stepping down from his throne would do one day what he must. Could they have known that fateful day that all the volumes of history to follow would be forever affected by only one choice, yes the very power they were given to choose was used against them now. Deceived by one so subtle and soon so beneath them, they would hand over the paradise of this earthly kingdom and trade it for a lie and a curse instead of what was meant to be an eternal blessing. They being deceived would unwittingly hand over the dominion and authority which was given to them and the generations to come. Since before Adam filled his lungs with the very first breath of life and opened his eyes and rose to his feet did the deceiver feel this world should be his. He would establish his rule here, he thought to himself this world is mine and will always be mine I will establish my unrighteous kingdoms here in opposition to the so-called almighty one. He would fill the air with his unholy breath and wind he would darken the everlasting light from the very bowels of this place to as high in the sky as he could go. He would lay claim to this creation. Here his powers would separate God the Father from his beloved little worms. Here the power to cast doubt and fear into the hearts of men would give him everlasting control over them and their weaknesses, their humanness, their love for one another tainted by his deceptions and lies and then they would worship him the rightful ruler of this world. His evil, sick and twisted mind in conflict against the creator now filling his once majestic being with darkness and perversion, it then shifted gears. He reveled in this madness, giving into its arcane twisted darkness completely now and his transformation was complete as his heart drank the blackness and became hard as the stones scattered in the desolated place where he stood. He saw them and knew immediately somehow where he would strike. It was her. The weaker one he thought, she loved without reason gave herself to him with abandon questioned him not, trusted him implicitly. He laughed out loud maniacally into the cool night. When she was alone he would strike. Like a coward always does. Adam watched her as she picked the pretty little yellow flowers they were her favorite he thought to himself. How she loved to sing and twirl in the noon day sun. Her long beautiful hair like the wings of the silent unrecognizable Guardian who now watched over them in his dreams, it was so silky and light as wellas a feather! Her svelte body glistened in the warmth of another perfect day and he smiled and sang in his heart thank you again Father for you must love me so, to give me such an amazing and beautiful gift. Little did he know she was doing the exact same thing at the exact same time as he, they stared deep into one anothers eyes as timeless currents of eternal faith, hope and love for one another filled their souls washing over them as it always did and was always meant to be, I love you.they thought to themselves about one another. Time stood still in that moment. Her body was wracked in pain from the intensity of her sobbing, the tears flowing like the springtime rain she loved so much. The dark and cold lifeless whisper beckoned her still, but alone

she shivered and cried. Where was he? Where was he now her protector and her hero? He had always been there to stop her from slipping and falling on the rocks at the waterfall where they made love. She now just felt used and ugly and still all alone. The taste in her mouth bitter and unsatisfying, like nothing she had ever known up until nowhow could she have possibly known? How could she have known this would happen? The voice in her head told her howand again her body was doubled over in sheer agony. Why hadnt he saved her? She awoke in a cold sweat and a jolt of reality as the warm sun flooded her world. Thank God she thought to herself.she was only dreaming! But where did those strange dark thoughts come from? She had never felt such emptiness, the feelings completely foreign to her. Foreign and unwelcome to say the very least, she hoped never to feel those again. Today she and her love would venture somewhere new! He had seen the enormous tree from his favorite vista a while back and its sheer size and beauty even from the distance he had seen it from were breathtaking. He was both excited and strangely disturbed, after all this was the tree they were told to never eat from or they would die. What could that possibly mean? This thought although foreign to them resonated to their very cores..they had been forewarned. The word itself was ominously hollow and lifeless to their ears. Strangely curious they stared at it and a longing inside them took root and began to capture their imaginations. Why couldnt they eat the fruit? They wondered to themselves. The symphony was a thousand miniature lime green tree frogs chirping and singing to them coaxing both to drift away again. Eve slipped into slumber just as the frogs grew strangely quiet. The familiar sounds that normally wafted with the wind into his earshot here were peculiarly absent as well as the subtle fragrance of the gigantic purple tulips, they seemed almost repulsive? Was it also actually cold tonight? His body shivered for the very first time ever. He walked alone in the dark and the enormous shining moon and twinkling stars were mysteriously absent. The mist now clung to his body and he seemed to be shrouded in darkness, the voice in his head was sickeningly sweet unlike his Fathers voice. As the mist cleared and the grassy field before him opened up he recognized where he was. The mighty tree proclaimed off-limits stood tall and true. As he reached out for it the voices grew louder and louder confusing him even more. This wasnt normal, what was happening to him and where was Eve? All of a sudden there she stood before him somehow. Her beauty was also strangely hidden from his view. The fruit in her hand already bitten into he reached out and took it from her as if to say no but it was too late. The look in her eyes was one he had never seen before and the ache inside him deep and painful as if he were actually broken inside. He felt as if he had somehow let her down and wasnt there to save her, protect her or help her. The look in her eyes now downcast and she fell to her knees wrapping herself up in a shameful fetus like manner. He knew what to do, he would save her. As he bit into the normally succulent fruit he withdrew in horror to feel the worms half-chewed in his mouth. The image of their blood and intestines as they squirmed in their death throes turned his stomach as he lurched forward spewing the putrid chunks of rotten fruit from his body. Why? Why had he done it? Where was Eve now? His mind was reeling, his body shivered again and the joy he normally reveled in every waking moment was sucked from him as if the very hand of God himself removed and withdrew it. Adam and Eve awoke thoroughly un-rested and the seed of destruction, doubt and fear had been planted. CHAPTER 5 Paradise Lost That morning they ate in silence. They also ate like they hadnt eaten in a lifetime, as if it were there last meal. The pomegranate sweet and delightful, the banana firm and delicious coated in honey. The cashews large and meaty, they finished with the silky rose petals which were her favorite treats to eat and a tear fell from heaven once more in silence. The very moment Adam decided in his heart to venture where God had specifically told him not to go everything had changed everything was

somehow different now, and the dream? What did that mean? Was it some kind of sign or warning? Or could it simply be his fear of the unknown? Could he choose to do the right thing when it came time? Could he protect Eve from whatever it was that haunted him now? Could he satisfy his curiosity and still have the strength to walk away were his last thoughts as he drifted off to sleep. The woman listened intently now. The voice in her mind whispered and she listened. She followed the voices as she did in her dreams the night before. Her curiosity wanting to know what God had meant. She needed answers and the voice It told her lies. It persuaded her to believe what her creator had said was false. What he meant to say was so much different, wasnt it? Surely he would not kill the ones he loved so, surely you will not die the voices said. God merely wanted to protect you both from knowing what he knew. Or was it that if we ate the fruit we would be like God? Or was it.wait, what exactly was it he said again? She couldnt see through the mist in her mind. The clouds in her mind rolling and darkened now. The voice kept whispering..see, the fruit is good. Isnt all the fruit here in the Garden good? Yes, why yes all the fruit here was good! She loved the succulent mangos and the.the voices, the voices whispering to her. Taste it, doesnt all the fruit in the garden taste so good! Isnt it sweet and luscious? Why, yes! Yes it is you are right again! Surely you wont die, if you eat the fruitwhy would God do that? Doesnt he love you so? Its true! He loves us so.He has given us so much! Yes, said the voice he has given you everything in the garden to enjoy has he not? Surely you will not die, besides what exactly does that mean anyway? Lets find out! Her mouth tasted the bitterness He awoke with a start and jumped to his feet, all at once he knew. The dreams! He must find Eve and warn her. Why hadnt they talked? Why hadnt he told her about them? He ran as fast as he could now, his body a physical specimen to behold as it flew through the brush leaping as his legs churned even faster toward her. His instincts took over and he raced through the early morning that day like never before. As he reached her, his heart broke. His bones aching and his spirit deflated. He took her in his arms and the love he had for her covered her. He knew by the look in her eyes she was dead inside? Hollow, remorseful dark and filled with sadness. He longed to fill her with his strength at that moment. Every fiber of his being cried out in desperation to restore her joy. He held her close and knew instantly what he must to do save her. He took the fruit and sank his teeth into it his mind reeling with the thoughts of rotting, putrid flesh inside like in his dreams. The deceiver is done he whispered as they hid themselves away. Adam and Eve felt remorse for the first time. It was the moment they pulled away from one another and felt the stunned painful almost shameful look in one anothers eyes. Their sleep that night restless and almost painful a part of them that knew deep in their hearts why they withdrew but also in some innocent way so naively unperceptive about what they had just done. And so it began.both unaware of before now non-existent insecurities they were now already blaming the other for their behavior, neither of them taking responsibility for their actions. The both of them now mysteriously at odds with one another in an instant, and one short day ago both of them were so very deeply in love and safe. This pattern now the spiritual inheritance they would leave behind for eternity and for one another. They were surrounded by such utter beauty and sublime peacefulness before today but inside them now the stench of deception and turmoil began to simmer, their shame now covering their glory. The Fallen One had succeededhe knew their weakness, he knew their fragile innocent minds would succumb to his devilish, simple yet well thought out strategy for their destruction and his success. It was his very own masterpiece he would help them see his light and he would convince them in their sleep to doubt what God had told them and to question his command. To convince them that the knowledge of all things good AND evil were the true path to enlightenment! He filled their dreams with fear and countered it with his twisted version of the truth, that God would not punish them,

in fact could not punish them by the severity of which he spoke. Surely you wont die! God loves you too much for that! If they only knew what their Father meant was that they could not handle the knowledge and were never meant to. Their innocence had now died and therefore they were now accountable for their newfound acquisition, without the benefit of actually being able to do so. Not without an unblemished mind. They were now capable of trying to determine the difference between the two, like God himself but again without the capability to do so. Humans were meant to be in love with their creatorNOT to rival their creator. Not to be capable of what God is capable of.but to worship and adore the Father and be blessed and loved by him choosing to obey and therefore receive authority and dominion here nothing more nothing less. CHAPTER 6 Who Told You? They huddled beneath the great tree they took the leaves from to cover themselves and shivered in the rain, covered in dew and shame. Their once unbridled intimacy and purity now replaced with guilt and fear. Was this possibly what the Lord meant by they will surely die? Still foreign to them mentally but this sickening feeling begin to sink-in that things would never be the same again and they wish they would have listened to their Father..and not the voices that confused them. Regret and longing for the past overtook them now and they held each other close. A deep darkness now surrounded them and they now struggled to see the light of hope, to feel his warmth embrace them, something until now they took for granted would always be there and for the very first time ever man and woman truly felt alone. They could feel him before they heard his voice ask them why they were hiding. Their answer was no surprise but heart-breaking nonetheless. God knew what happened even watched in sadness as it unfolded before all of them. He longed now only for their confession. This so they could feel some relief. This confession was necessary in order to begin the healing process on their deep ragged wounds. The man took no responsibility contrary to how he was created and how he truly felt. His Father was disappointed deeply, for all the false bravado of his actions to protect and love her still disobedience. His Sons future would now be fraught with toil and trouble..not what was intended at all. His future would now be so totally different, the brightness and hope for the grandeur he lived in now replaced. The man had now exchanged his birthright, his inheritance over to the Fallen One. He had been tricked into handing it over this paradise. Now the entire planet once destined to be a divine gift for them all was until the end of time itself now the enemys. His Son relinquished his inheritance here and only the purity and sacrifice of another could restore it now. God observed the planet as it spun ever so wonderfully on its axis. The deep rich blues of the oceans and seas as well as the vibrant greens of the forests and jungles teeming literally radiated life. The magnitude of its grandeur from this vantage point humbling and awe inspiring all at once as it hung there in space, a living breathing entity created for one purpose. That purpose now forever changed. Now only a mission of mercy could save his beloved ones. As they sat and spoke of how and when, a tear rolled down his heavenly sons cheek. As steely resolve filled his eyes and took the place of sadness for what had transpired and what was to come the Lord knelt before him thanking his Father for such an honor and clenched his fist in anticipation vowing in his heart then and there nothing would stop him. Neither death, nor life, nor angles or demons would keep him from the appointed time and from his mission. He would come save them and reclaim what is rightfully Gods. Thus the great planet earth was now cursed. The man and woman would now and forever more bear the burden of life without constant contact with their creator. A veil took the place of their spiritual eyes now, the connection severed by their choice to not listen. For always we would now constantly yearn to be filled once more with the love and warmth of our heavenly Father. Our spirits would long for his voice once again to soothe and comfort us. We would forever seek and search to be filled with unexplainable peace and unbridled joy every waking moment of every day. The first blood sacrifice would provide their covering, the blood of the animal darkened in the dust. It replaced the fig leaves

they had sewn together for coverage which God knew would need to be replaced often and not provide them what they would need to face the elements. The animal skins would give them warmth when necessary and protect them from the harsh sunlight during the day. A tear fell from Gods eye as his thoughts flashed forward to that day on Golgotha. Their eyes would cry for the paradise lost to them and their memories stained with the knowledge they were the ones responsible for this loss. This would haunt them well into their latter years. The innocence of those first days spent in holy a communion with their creator, their God, their Father just living, breathing and laughing together now a distant painful recollection. The three of them cried now as they begged for mercy and forgiveness. He gave them his forgiveness and the comfort of knowing he would always be listening, always be watching out for them, but they were the ones who chose this path and now they must face the consequences of their choice. He couldnt reverse the harsh reality, their choice was made and it couldnt be taken back now every choice has a consequence whether good or bad he told them. And it wouldnt be fair to the rest of man-kind to come. He gave them his blessing, to now be fruitful and multiply. Gods hands upon Adams face as their tears streamed down together he sadly gave Adam the truth of what he must soon face now as a Man here on this planet ruled by another. His words ringing in Eves ears as visions of the crippling pain she would face overtook her. He would never leave them nor forsake them.but now the course of this planets fate was set and the alternate reality of what was never meant to be began. The damage was now done he thought to himself, his eyes filled with hatred and anger he loathed them. How could he love them so much? Hadnt he sung with the rise of each new day in the majestic courts above? Worshiping the Holy One with all his heart and soul he sang for him and in loyal service to the King he offered his service. Why was it not good enough? Why did he even bother to create the fragile little creatures so easily persuaded to give their gifts away for nothing in return? He watched them as the creators heart poured out over them. This entire world was given to them and still they wouldnt listen. So weak they were, so nave so, so, so human! He felt smug and secure with his plan to wrestle away their birth-right from their trembling hands. This place was his now! As it should have been all along..and he would create a place fit for himself. This would become a place where HE would be worshipped, where HE would be loved and HE would bea God. He would rule his subjects with greater discipline, no mercy for the weak and faithless. No love for the disobedient, no hope for them if they couldnt do things his way. They must earn his favor! Yes, they must earn the gift that was now in his possession..not like the gutless Father who created them. They will all see me rise up and rule here, my laws and decrees will govern the hearts and minds of men now and any who oppose me I will destroy .destroy them all. Just then anothers voice rang out. The Fathers righteous anger fueled by a broken heart shook the very heavens themselves that day and the great halls were scattered like never before thenHIS voice rang out as loud as the Earth itself cracking in two and reverberating throughout the galaxies. It is for only an appointed time oh Fallen One, until the redemption of my children. Nothing more was heard. These words were now forever etched into his warped mind as he screamed toward the sky and shook his fists before crumpling to his knees in subjugation to the true King of the universe and the very words of God himself were spoken for all to hear. They would NOT return unfulfilled. CHAPTER 7 Long and Winding Road Home

Adam and Eve scuffled along in the dust their feet kicked up. Craggy rocks and pebbles bit into their tender flesh and it hurt. Eves tears fell in silence once more as the weight of what she had done begin to crush her again. He took her in his arms and held her close. He whispered words of comfort and lovethe heart in his chest torn apart as she sobbed there in his arms. Why hadnt he stopped

her? Why hadnt he protected her like all those times before? Why, why, why? He consoled her, apologizing for not being there, for not helping her see, for not protecting her from the deceptive one. She too confessed her weakness to him, she wished so badly now she would have never listened to the whispers in her head confusing her so. She was sorry she convinced him to eat too, if she had only known then what she knew all too well nowshe would have never. His words of strength and truth corrected her, then and there. He chose to disobey for her sake. Vainly hoping it would somehow save her, somehow protect her. Somehow it would lay blame on him and avert it from her. He apologized for not confessing when asked by their Father as well, again when it came time to take control, be a man and assert himself as his Father created him to do he didnt. Her next few words were cut-off in mid-sentence as her body shook uncontrollably now in his arms and her full weight would have crumpled to the ground if not for his arms. Adam had no idea how difficult this was going to be now. He caught himself day-dreaming of days gone by. The days of innocence, the days of laughter and warmth and their nights filled with cool breezes and reckless love-making, passionate and pure. Safe and warm in their Fathers garden where nothing could harm them.what would happen now he wondered to himself as the rain came down. Their make-shift shelter was nothing like the big beautiful majestic tree they once lay beneath during their day-time after meal naps nor was it the lush thick grass they lay upon under the million stars in the sky at night where they would lay for hours counting the numberless twinkling lights above until they either made love or fell asleep in one anothers arms. No, this was much different here. Dusty, cold, uncomfortable sleep was not easily captured this their first night in their new world. Adam sat straight up watching her intently. She squirmed and tossed searching desperately for rest that couldnt be found and his heart sank once more. The pain came to him now, his muscular chest heaving with reckless abandon, his body aching as he doubled over himself and he cried. He felt a pain so deep inside him it seemed to gnaw his very soul, his heart literally brittle in his chest. He awoke to the heat of the sun and it seemed hotter than usual to him, could it be so much different here? His body ached from fitful sleep and he struggled to his feet. Where was Eve? She wasnt there next to him, where could she be he thought to himself. Her impression in the dust looked the same as his, sleepless and tortured. The disturbing images in his dreams hurt his head as he strained to think them away. He looked out over the landscape and saw a tiny figure standing over by the rocky crag in the distance and he began to walk towards her. Her vomiting wouldnt stop. Her very inside churned threatening to tear her apart. She felt woozy and found it difficult to stand but was so tired of the dust in her lungs when she knelt so she forced herself. This was so revolting and embarrassing she thought to herself as she felt his hands upon her shoulders. Eve, are you okay? He whispered, she began to cry again and pointed to the dust below as she hid her face in his chest as she wept. The dry dusty wind kicked up again as they sloughed along searching for anywhere that provided shade or water. The recent past was now a distant memory or was it now only just a dream to them both? Their steps beleaguered as they longed for the security and serenity of home. The Father watched intently as his children struggled to adapt to their new surroundings. His heart aching to help them, to hold them once more, to love them back into his arms, he whispered into Adams heart I love you and just keep walking you will soon be there Son. Adam turned his head as if to capture the fleeting thoughts in his head, had he actually heard that? Just keep walking and I love you? He felt the desperate longing in his heart for those words once more from his loving Father and let it fill his being giving him the strength to carry on. She too could sense something different about Adam she could literally feel his heart pounding, and his chest filled with new life. His body grew taller as he lifted her into his arms and carried her now. It was as if he was being carried himself and felt no weight, felt no pain had no doubt and walked with a purpose. The lush green palm trees and sparkling pool of water which mystically came into view became a smile which spread across his face as he set her down and pointed ahead. She breathed deeply and flung her arms around his neck

clinging tightly to him as he held her in his arms. She looked deep into his eyes and whispered He still loves us doesnt he? He nodded and knelt taking her with him, right then and there they poured out their hearts towards heaven in thankfulness and joy. Their laughter as they ran was rivaled only by sheer delight as they both plunged into the pool of liquid refreshment, enveloped by its coolness filling their senses with renewed strength and vitality, the dust covering their bodies washed clean awayand they felt renewed. The water had cleansed their bodies.their God was cleansing their hearts and souls. They lay for what seemed like hours napping there beneath the shade of the enormous leafy green trees and shared something they had longed for once more, a sense of hope. Their prayers had been answered and here was a beautiful oasis just for them! It may not be what they were used to but it sure was better than where they spent the night before and even somewhat reminded them of their beloved garden if not just a little. Eve ran her fingers through her now clean hair and felt the sun dry her naked body as she baked herself there in the afternoon warmth. The dirty ragged smelly skins they wore on their seemingly endless journey here thrown against the rocks surrounding this golden oasis. Adams eyes were now staring intently at her beauty he was reminded of all those times she sat there playing with her hair and stared off into the distance as if transfixed by something beyond all they could see. This time was no different, he loved watching her. Starting with her neck, his eyes caressed the tender lines of her shoulders. They swept downwards spilling as the gentle creek did over the smooth stones in it her back so perfectly sculpted each tender sloping curve perfectly symmetrical and luscious. Her hair was like the wings of the angelic visions in his dreams. It had a life of its own so very soft and feathery light as it danced with the cool breeze now lifting it ever so slightly into the wind. He sighed deeply as he drank her in, her legs folded ever so slightly beneath her body as she sat there by the water beneath the trees. She placed her hands behind her and stretched herself towards the sun once more and Adam gasped. Her body soaking up the heat and light and cooled by the breeze and shade of the flowing trees beside her she let go. She released all of her worry and fear, opening her heart and mind to the possibilities of a future here. She was caught unaware by him, as he kissed her tenderly upon her neck and shoulders from behind. His strong clean masculine scent filled her senses as she longed for his touch upon her flesh. She turned her head ever so slightly and coyly smiled at him, just like she did in the garden right before they would. He walked along the misty river shrouded in fog not exactly sure of why he was there. The distant sounds were unfamiliar to him and he was mystified and curious to determine just exactly what they were and where they were coming from. His body was tense with anticipation and coursing with adrenaline as he approached the clearing where the sounds were reaching their crescendo. His field of vision widened as the heat and light revealed themselves to him. What was that? He thought to himself as he stared as is mesmerized by the flickering reds and yellows as they climbed towards the sky. Its heat was like that of the sun in the sky during the afternoon but different somehow. It was condensed somehow here as it crackled and hissed at him hidden there in the dense foliage and that smell? It was like nothing he ever smelled before, strangely repulsive yet oddly alluring? Not sure what to make of this he decided to not investigate and he merely re-traced his steps back to where he came. When Adam awoke from his dream, he remembered the heat and lights as they danced and popped as well as the mystifying smell that filled his nostrils once again. Was his mouth actually watering? Perhaps he was only thirsty as he rose to drink his fill from the pool mere steps away. Eve had already gathered an armful of luscious fruits new to them she found not too far away from where they slept, and she was excited! Look she cried not quite as sweet as the ones in the garden, but delicious all the same! The smile across her face the one he cherished. It was pure unbridled joy and it warmed his entire being to see it. He took her in his arms and kissed her deeply, kissed her passionately and stood there drowning in her lipid eyes mesmerized by the love there deep inside them. She smiled and her gaze told him everything he needed to know about her feelings for him as well. They laughed and

took one anothers hand as they sat and feasted on what Eve had returned with, none quite as large and luscious as they were used to but satisfying all the same, especially after what they had spent most of the night and early morning engaged in! Their hunger was immense and their appetite quite voracious both now and then. His rage was volcanic at this point as he stood on the hill overlooking the green valley below. How could he? How could he give them such reprieve? His body rippled with jealousy and outrage at the thought of the two of them so happy and content there below him. How they slept so soundly now and how he could not penetrate their dreams last night. He couldnt believe they were led here! As far as his eye could see, the valley opened up before him. The sparkling pool of water they lay by, the small outcropping of palm trees filled with succulent dates, as well as the flower beds nearby bursting with color and fragrance. He screamed and shouted to the heavens, the accusations flying off his tongue like sharp daggers in the Fathers great heart. The scene could not match the garden from where they were cast out of but beautiful nonetheless. If God couldnt see why they didnt deserve this he had to make them pay, their happiness sickened himwait, that was it! The womans sickness, what was it? It intrigued him, he thought deep and hard of what could it be. He reveled in her sickness watching her helplessly spew her insides onto the dusty earthsomething inside her forcing its way out. Damn it all he must know, he must discover what it was and use it against them somehow. It was maddening and all in one instant his seething anger birthed a thought, and that thought gave birth to a plan. Everything Lee had heard and witnessed to this point were like some crazy dream. As he struggled to regain conscience he realized he couldnt. He was stuck somewhere in-between a reality he thought used to exist and a place where his imagination ruled. The revelation of what was happening in this dream-world stupefied him and as he fought to waken himself each time unsuccessful he was faced with the fact whatever was happening was way beyond his control..what unfolded next was a continuation of the childhood story he knew so well. CHAPTER 8 Cain and Abel The little dark haired boy named Cain hid behind the rocks and waited. His younger brother approached unsuspecting his surprise attack. Cain crouched lower until the moment where his trap would be sprung! Cain where are you Son? His Fathers voice rang out. Your Mother has been looking all over for you, where are you? His reaction was one of disappointment for he had been stalking his Brother all morning and now his prey would escape! He threw down the stick and rock both then kicked the dust where he stood rolled his eyes and walked shoulders slumped towards his Fathers voice. Abel walked slowly as he petted the small wooly creature as it lay there peaceful and content in his arms. Unsuspecting to his brothers secret hiding place as Cain ran up behind him and bonked him on the head another small smooth stone smarting him and causing him to rub his head in response. The lamb now unsupported by his keepers arms fell to the ground bleating and scurried away after stumbling in the dust his mouth filled with it as it struggled to re-gain its feet. Abels tear fell in silence. Cain sought out his Mother and clung to her leg as Abel ran to his Father and sprung into his arms wrapping his arms around his Fathers neck and hugging him tightly. Noticing the wet streak on his cheek Adam asked Son, have you been crying? Cain just buried his face into Adams neck deeper and held him so. His Father held him tightly and comforted him, his love wrapping itself around him as he held him now up to the sky thanking and praising God for such a beautiful, loving Son. Their smiles shone like the sun in the sky. Abel was not smiling and this did not go unnoticed. Years would pass and the two would grow tall and strong. Their bodys lean and muscular, well tanned by the hours spent either working the land or tending the sheep. Each one of them spent the majority of their day learning what their Father had to pass onto them, Cain working the earth tilling

the soil and planting the various seeds provided them. Abels love the timid little wooly creatures he adored. He herded them with patience and kindness, his staff giving them direction and guidance when necessary and protection from what dangers may lurk just out of sight. They believed it was time to offer the God of their Father an offering, to say thank you for the gifts they had been given just as they were taught. Abel in his heart believing the life of the tender little creature he would sacrifice for the Lord was the only way he could truly show his love and appreciation, by taking and giving the life of something he loved so very deeply. He struggled as he looked into the tender innocent creatures eyes before drawing the knife across its neck. Abels tears flowed as his body shook as he took the lamb into his arms and knelt. He lifted the offering to the sky and bowed his head. Both Fathers were profoundly moved. Both of them knowing it took everything Abel had inside to sacrifice something so dear to him in thankfulness for all they had been given. They knew Abels heart was broken when he decided to kill something he loved so much. Gods heart was touched that Abel would do such a thing for him. It wasnt that he desired the innocent death but to see Abels heart and He was moved by it. The tears that streamed down his face were wiped away by his earthly Father now, also moved by his Sons sacrifice. He took Abel in his arms and held him, as the young man looked deep into his Fathers eyes and smiled. Bless you my Son..Bless you for your heart. Adam couldnt be any prouder or thankful than he was at that very moment. Neither could God. Cain had not been so lucky. His offerings were gathered hastily and without regard to how he felt in his heart about how the Lord miraculously blessed his crop. He felt almost obligated to offer them and they were but the leftovers of all his personal favorite choices. The seeds of doubt and fear had grown into weeds in the garden of his heart and once again the deceiver choked the life from one of his creations. His heart fell as he asked why his gift wasnt good enough and knew before he even finished asking why. He wasnt truly thankful for these precious gifts as he should have been, and now seeing his Fathers reaction towards his Brother just made it all the worse. He felt jealousy and anger, his pride was hurt and instead of choosing to ask for forgiveness and make his heart right he took it upon himself to take things into his own hands. Satan knew this was his chance and wasted NO time. Whispering into his mind again the lies which led him astray initially the night before and now that his heart had wandered away from the love he shared with his Brother. It was all the easier. The words which justified in his mind why he was just as good if not better than his Brother.words the deceiver lived by. The words telling him to imagine, and he did. He resolved then and there Abel would pay. The Fallen Ones lips curled in twisted delight. He would take Adams son as far away from him and the creators blessing as he possibly could this very day. His fellow fallen angels skulking in the shadows made sure of it. Ever since their expulsion alongside their new Master their jealousy and hate ran deep right in step with the once bright and Morningstar. They would follow him and do as he required. The blood shone bright red in the afternoon sun as it coursed from the severe head wound which had been inflicted. The ground thirstily soaking up every precious drop and Abels body lay twitching as it convulsed in the final moments of his death his eyes stared blindly off into innocence. Gods anger with the deceiver was matched only by his deep sorrow for Adam and Eve. Their beloved Son had been brutally murdered, by none other than his very own Brother. God knew it was going to happen and yet that didnt change the fact he grieved with them and their pain, as Abels blood cried out to him Gods heart was filled with sorrow. But he also knew his children would need him and he sent them comfort now as well as justice. In his heart, he knew someday this reign on earth would be over and justice served once and for all. For now He must vindicate and mete out justice, in fairness He must. The banishment and curse were severe, but for such an atrocity nothing less would be right or fair. Cain cried out looked at his parents for mercy finding only disappointment and ran into the fields from where he took his Brothers life. The madness and twisted realization of what he had done overtaking him as he fled. He ran as if he was being tortured by some unseen force and disappearing never to return.

They held one another tightly staring blankly at the now lifeless body of their youngest Son and the salient memories of his birth, childhood and teen years filled them. Of how he smiled, of how he laughed when the wooly little sheep he loved, protected and fed would kick and prance in early springtime bounding effortlessly around and around in circles in their pens. The memories too of their now cursed older son too, they loved him no less but their hearts were torn in two at the realization they were now without not just one Son, but them both. How and why did this happen? A whisper in Adams mind silently reminded him..Eve already knew. CHAPTER 9 Unanswered Prayers Cindy felt as if her body was floating and she realized everything she had seen up until now happened with so much more depth than the stories of her youth, even the descriptions of it all by her loving Mother and Father was nothing in comparison to what she was imagining now. No, wait she thought to herself was she imagining this or was it real? It sure felt real to her. The words she heard sounded real the scenes unfolding before her looked real. The bodies of the people, the wings of the Angels or what she thought should be angels were as if she reached out and touched them she could feel them! The way she felt when the Devil was near, the power she felt when Jesus himself made his appearance were beyond description..speaking of which. He floated through the sky surveying the land, smugly confident his twisted mind and blackened heart purely non-repentant. He embraced the darkness once more and it swallowed him. His face wracked in torment and pain as if it would disfigure him somehow. Nevertheless he rejoiced. His attempt to thwart the lineage of God had succeeded. Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, their first-born sons one now dead and the other cursed and tortured would wander the desert endlessly in search of peace. He would find ways of exploiting him further down the road he thought to himself as the speck of a man wandered aimlessly in the distance. His sick twisted mind wandered back in time.he remembered the very first time He himself wasnt good enough and neither was his gift. He remembered and he would follow this man wherever he may wander and guide him as he taught him the way. Now man would worship his vengeful hatred filled dominion here. Gods all encompassing love surrounded and consumed him..his spirit soared on the very winds themselves! He spread his arms like the great birds of the sky and flew beyond it all. His entire being filled with the love and power and holiness of God himself. He felt the weightlessness and exhilaration of complete abandonment and flight. The clouds below him, the sun above warming him as he reveled in all his glory, pure joy overtaking him as the smile spread across his face and it strengthened him. He had this dream once before. The stories of the winged warriors and protectors of Gods throne seeds planted in his imagination he always thought to himself were his personal favorite second only to the laughter he once shared in the very presence of his heavenly Father himself back in the Garden of Eden. His remorse immediately replaced with the light and truth that he was again at one with his creator and he in a split second flew beyond the very speed of thought to anywhere he desired. His thoughts now longed for Eve to be there with him and no sooner had he finished his thought there she was. The brightness in her eyes, the unbridled joy in her laughter rang out into the noonday sky. They held hands as they soared back over their Garden once more as they did each time in this dream. He wished they could stay forever..Adam woke each time inspired but depressed another day here in this new world could never be enough to restore him to his former glorious existence. Lee couldnt believe any of this. Was he being given a vision of the creation story here?!!?!?! His mind struggled to comprehend any of this and or understand it. The last thing he remembered was leaving the Church that nightand Cindys face as they snuck out the back door. He drifted into

a deep sleep once again somehow self cognizant of what was unfolding before himstill like a crazy dream to him but try as he might he just couldnt wake up In retrospect Adam now spoke to his bride. He spoke to Eve of all they had been through thus far he spoke to her of his dreams of the shining one as they flew together with him in the sky. He spoke to her of the reunion of them with their heavenly Father all because of the radiant King in the shape of a Man. His silhouette shone with the vary warmth of the sun, his voice like the mighty rivers rushing. His eyes filled with the love of their Father. His smile filled him with hope, and strengthened his very bones themselves! The breath of life was His TO BREATHE as he spoke. His touch restoring Adams spirit to its former glory taking him back to the exact second he opened his eyes to see his Father staring back at him! The jubilation in Adams voice filled her with unspeakable joy and she allowed herself to believe once again. To believe she had been forgiven and she could be restored too. He spoke to her of the revelation of everything that had come to pass. How the voices deceived them, how they became confused and were led astray! Yes, the final choice was theirs to make and they were now paying for that but to take heart and know the dreams were real. The dreams of a dark one mysteriously purposefully misleading them, to harm them to steal from them that which they loved most, to kill what they cared for, to destroy what God had given them to enjoy. That all of this they were experiencing now was never meant to be, that they were meant for greater things than this. To hope and believe that someday soon they would all be together once again. They must resolve to remember this. This the account of what has transpired here. To tell the story to their children and their childrens children to follow the vision God has given them to tell the world what they soon must face, of whom they can trust and whom they cannot. How only obedience which was only ever meant to protect is the secret to authority and dominion. When we disobey we relinquish our power, for obedience in its purest essence wasnt meant to control or place us in bondage from our free will, no it is to keep our mind clear to see our spirit unbridled and filled with endless joy. To devote our bodies pure and undefiled before him that we may enter into his presence itself nothing separating us from Him, oh what stories they could tell! They would no longer pray to return to the Garden, they knew now why they were cast out and came to grips with how the rest of their lives would be here on Earth and their childrens lives for generations to come. They felt remorse for what they had done and knew their prayers would now be for forgiveness..their prayers would be for all who would come behind them to give them insight and to pray they would remember the God who loved and created them. All he asked for was thatall he ever asked for was that! He only told them not to do one thing because what would happen they wouldnt exactly appreciate. Adam, remorseful but resolute chuckled to himselfwhy didnt I just listen to you Father? God smiled. God would tell Adam and Eve many more mysterious and wonderful secrets of the heavens and earth. They would live here together with the great and terrible knowledge of the ages inside them. Visions of the future frightening and wildbut even through all of this their love prevailed. Adam and Eves love grew. Its majestic and glorious creator kept His promisethis gift was one he would NEVER relinquish. Their love spanned days, weeks, months, years, decades and yes centuries together. Imagine..a love so great it CANNOT and WILL NOT die. Take a deep breath of it now.yes, believe. Adam stood flawless in all of his glory.his wifes eyes upon him now. His once sculpted perfection of youth still burned. His physique rippled and perfect the very craftsmanship of God himself stood..his arms raised to the sky once more, filled with the very love of God he felt the spirit course through his very veins, his fists clenching with a supernatural strength not his own, he felt as if he could fly. Wait on me the one true voice had said..Wait on me and I will lift you up as if on the wings of the Eagles my Son. Adam recounted his blessings gave thanks and came down to his wife shining with the very glory of God upon him. Radiating he took her in his arms and kissed her. The very life force inside him now was filling her. Gods power covered

them both and lifted her skyward, her heart soared with her lover just like in his dreams he told her. The evil one now flew into a hysterical rage, cursing God and his creation. Why? How? Did you forgive and restore them?!!?!?!?!? Tell me now! They willfully chose to disobey you, turned their back on you spitting in your face not honoring your very words! WHY DO YOU LOVE THEM SO???? How is this possible?!?!?!? He shouted. His tormented screeching could be heard throughout Heaven his rants those of a wounded child, jealous and filled with hatred and pride. I will continue to haunt them, to deceive them and soon will I fill them with fear and loathing for who I am and what I can do for this travesty of justice! They are not worthy of you, they are weak and unredeemable and I will prove it to you. They darkened the sky between Man and his God, manipulating the winds themselves with unmerciful lawless power. Corruption and hatred bred malevolence and weather never meant for this world breathed disdain. Cindy couldnt understand what was happening to her. What was this movie playing in her head? Where were these voices and these visions coming from? It was as if she was witnessing the actual events as they unfolded before her very eyes but behind the scenes. Was this her guilty conscience playing tricks on her or was all of this actually real!?!?!?!? Witnessing the struggle between God and the Devil, having a front row seat for the greatest story ever told was a little too far-fetched for her to actually grasp. She felt compelled to continue watching now. The rain pummeled them the painful sting like nothing they had ever felt. The thunder threatened to rip the Earth from its very axis and the lightning bolts streaked across the sky with what felt like heavenly vengeance. It was an an awesome display of nature in all of its savagery as they cowered there beneath their shelter from the storm. They although frightened chose to smile, laugh and hold one another close. As the waters ceased and only a sprinkle remained they stood and walked to the waterside and watched with reverence as the clouds parted and the sun came shining through. It was as if the very glory of God himself burned through the darkness.its radiating beams of light piercing the clouds as they dissipated without a fight. The fury now replaced with stillness, a quiet so peaceful and calm their bodies relaxed. The tenseness of what little fear hid itself inside them now completely gone. Adam and Evesmiled. CHAPTER 10 Fire The smoke drifted skyward. The still crackling flames danced in the wind and once again Adams dream came to realization. Its heat against the cool breeze blowing gave them warmth as they sat by it now, huddled close together. Adam had watched as the strike of lightning zig zagged across the sky before touching down splitting this great tree nearly in two. The breeze only seemed to breathe life into the red and yellow heat and it grew. How did God always do this? How did he take something so fearful, so dark and horrifying at first and by the time it was over with and the truth was known it always seemed to bring something that gave them comfort, or joy, or provision? Amazing Adam thought to himselfmy Gods timing is truly and endlessly perfect. Eves eyes were lit with the dancing flames and she was mesmerized by it. Its heat and light hot to the touch and yet beautiful to watch. Adams fascination with it would inspire him as long as he lived. Gods patience was never ending. His love and light the very essence of his being. He discharged orders now to his most trusted ones to give as before to the winged warriors still loyal and faithful to God. Continue to come to them in their dreams oh faithful ones their Brother also the newly appointed General said. Continue to protect them and their children still descend through the second heaven to them and warn them. They now understand and are no longer confused. They know the difference between the sound of His voice and the imposters voice. They now will choose to obey for their own good and Gods good pleasure. Their loss has taught themas soon as they realized they were still not listening to the Holy voice and that if they had all of this madness could have been prevented from the start. We will wage war now with the fallen one my brethren, we will fulfill our holy vow and serve the one who sits above all. Holy, holy is the Lord almighty. The winged one who came to

them in their dreams knew one day this war would end, but for now all he could see was the battles ahead. He knew they would be victorious, nothing and no-one could stand before their God in rebellion forever. His boundless graces, his endless mercy his limitless power could only allow evil for so long. When it came down to it there would be a time when the Holy One would mete out his justice once and for all and the Son of God himself would do what only he could do then return to his rightful place here and prepare one last time to come in his Glory. The Holy Father kept his secrets close to those faithful to him now since the rebellion for he knew there were others who followed the accuser. He revealed to them he knew of the rebellion but again can do nothing to make his creation do what he commands for their own good. Lucifer chose to do what he did and if there were others who chose to follow behind the deceiver it was possible. Albeit beyond comprehension why one would choose to leave this place behind, Michael was told it may happen and to be prepared and careful whom he told what. Gods master plan would be revealed in time, the humans would be restored after much trial and tribulation and they would be tested greatly. There would be great heroes of faith who would be the voice of God now that Man had created a separation but God would not forsake them. Those who chose to believe would be given great insight and power through obedience to the one true God and thusly faith would save them and someday their King would fully redeem them all who desired it. Their King would have to die for them. He would be born as one of them, live as one of them and then die as one of them to take the curse they placed upon themselves upon himself. He would take their sins and their disobedience and their unbelief upon himself and make restitution for them himself for their transgressions. It was the only way they could be redeemed. They in and of themselves could not do it. Since the fall of Man the deceiver was given authority over them and death and darkness was his power in opposition to the life and light of God himself they once enjoyed. The deceiver tricked them and they chose to disobey, the only way he could get them to hand over their birthright and steal their joy which whether they realize it or not it was their covering yes, the very strength in their bones. The eternal light God intended them all to live in together forever stolen from them, hidden from them now. Forever would they seek, yearn strive to have its warmth, light, purity and holiness once again. The darkness now would separate them until that appointed day once and for always. The children below would have access to the King after his obedience unto his Death was complete and the remaining faithful ones on the earth would be responsible for telling the generations to come. Responsible of writing the true stories of their own experience but given by God the revelation of the ancient ones before them. The stories told from now to when the King must leave here to do what he must do, would be of great faith and great sorrow. The struggles of Man against the fallen one and his followers would give their childrens children the faith and hope they needed to overcome the evil to come into to this world. He the Archangel would follow and faithfully obey and in his very own heart he felt for them. He knew what power the fallen one possessed even if it still came under subjection to an ultimate authority. Since Man was tricked into believing a lie and chose to disobey God they gave Lucifer a way. A way to get to them, and there were some humans born of iniquity now and in the future who would choose the way of darkness. They would continue to believe his lies and therefore become in essence his children willfully disobeying the heavenly order of things in exchange for temptations of the flesh and temporal treasures. Lucifers kingdoms would be established here now in direct opposition to the Holy One and the children of God would be called upon to discover their true identities, reclaim what was rightfully theirs and fight with the righteous indignation of God Almighty himself, proving they indeed were Sons of God. Some of them would fight this good fight called out of their darkness all of them chosen for Gods purpose which to restore them, set them free and to one day be reunited here in the kingdom of Heaven. The History of His chosen people would make great chapters in the Book of His Word. There would be much great debate over its validity, reliability and divine authority but it was meant to be spoken by his children. It is his inheritance to them so they may battle the fear and doubt surrounding them now and down through time. My Father Said will come

to mean so much more to the blind lost little sheep they will be. His very words are life to them and they must plant it in their hearts and minds to give them light, hope and strength to overcome their plight. He loves them soif only they would listen. If they will only but for one second dare to believe that all the mysteries they will face do indeed have an answers God will reveal it to them. They that seek him will find him and those that answer the knock on the doors of their hearts will see as I do the greatness, majesty, love and holiness awaiting them, intended for them. Michael shed a tear for his once beloved Brother, his once great friend chosen to cover the glory of their Father with his wings and He to stand guard there in the great halls of God. The bright and morning star once filled the heavens with his mighty voice, his beautiful song, his gift to delight them all with his instrumental and musical skills. Now he must face him in he must come against him and at any cost and with Gods holy fire. CHAPTER 11 War His screaming reached a fevered pitch as the multitudes that followed him here swayed and chanted. His plan was simple they would pervert, twist, manipulate and expose the weakness of the humans. They would tear down their defenses and steal the word of God from their hearts. They would whisper deceit and filth in their minds clouding their judgment and confusing their senses! It would be subtle at first, but with each wave after wave of lies the truth would indistinguishable! His power over this host of fallen angels was like a drug to them. His voice sang out to them, promising them the very same power he held. Promised them they would rule with him. Promised them they would rule this planet with him and usurp mans dominion forever. His scheme was simple, sow seeds of doubt and fear in the fertile soil of their minds first, then as time and hardship strained them the seeds would take root in their minds, reaching deep into their hearts and souls strangling the life and wretched joy of the Lord right out of them. As soon as he broke their minds he knew their hearts and spirits would follow. Once this was accomplished he would own their very souls! His hatred burned deep and only the entire eradication of these worms would complete his rebellion and the breaking of the heart of the one who had cast him down. The final triumph of his newly appointed kingdom here. The Lords words rang throughout the heavens once again and the Angels clamored before him in perfection they stood, they knelt before him as he began to disclose his redemption plan. Revealing to his guardians of the precious ones below on earth how Satan would position himself between heaven and earth and his wickedness ruling there. The Lord instructed them on how to protect, how to interfere and how to ensure the prayers of his beloved would need their help from now on. They would face great struggle but the victory was theirs.eventually they would win the war and their King would once again reign on a new Earth and in Heaven both for and with them for a thousand years. But for now these children would rise and fall down throughout their history. Some would choose to follow the risen King and yet others corrupted by the fallen one would persecute the true believers. Michael prayed silently they would remember from whom they came and solemnly vowed to himself and to His God that the Archangel of War would die to protect them if they let him. They knew so little. They had no idea what they were up against with Satan and his ever-growing army. His lies spread like wild-fire and consumed many victims. Appealing to the lust for power, greed of possessions and pride of self-awareness and high-mindedness that would be their downfall, not realizing their powers of creation were a gift but were no match for the principalities and powers of the air above them. These invisible powers set up a barricade between them and their God that would snare their very prayers themselves. Only those with the greatest of faith and the help of his winged brothers would breakthrough. The battle would be one never meant for the Humans and they would be tried and tested to find their way back to their Father. The Devil would not give up his dominion easily. Only the return of the King himself could trump the futile plans of the Wicked One now. There would be many victims, many casualties and much

spiritual and physical carnage Michael thought to himself. Being the General of the Holy Guardian Army he thought in terms of battle. He knew what the Devil was capable of, after all it was his Brother in Arms he now waged war against in the heavenly places. Where once they shared views of the great vistas of creation and reveled in their creator as they laughed and sang to the Holy One, filled with joy and praise night and day there in the great Kingdom Hall of God. Lucifer was the trusted one, the Archangel of Praise and Worship and the very winged one of the Throne of God. His position giving him the insights of the creator of them all, Lucifer the Morningstar knew of many great secrets and mysteries of God almighty himself. Lucifers music moved the multitudes of heaven leading them in worship to the Alpha and the Omega. Only the Son of God himself would have had greater position. The Holy one whom God used as the template for the creation of Man itself, Jesus alone stood above all the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The master of the universe, his Princely robes flowing like the waters around him, his crown of glory and grace shone like the sun. His majesty unmatched by any, his radiance filled with love and strength, power and intelligence. This was the reason for Lucifers fall from grace. His pride and jealousy took hold of his heart and his countenance fell before the Father and in his heart he rebelled. In his mind he placed himself above his creator not fully realizing his place in the order of things. Not realizing the glory God created him for! This angel of light, this angel above all angels would be trusted with sacred blessings and throw them all away for the chance to be the ruler of all. A position only capable of being filled by a loving, patient, allknowing, God whose wisdom and heart the only thing capable of ruling this universe because it was his universe. He spoke it into existence just as he had spoken all of them from nothing and could speak them away if he so chose. It was his love for them that kept him from doing so, his everlasting all-consuming desire to bless his creation. Lees mind was reeling now as he floated in and out of conciseness the voices, and visions in his mind causing his body to twitch involuntarily with each new revelation. Could he really be seeing what he was seeing? Was all of this his imagination? What happened next would change his mind forever. His eyes beheld a sight which could only be explained one way. It was Jesus himself. The glory, heat and power emanating from what looked like a throne as the figure rose elegantly, as only a true King could. His sword at his side too long and wide for any human hand to wield, his majestic robes seemingly alive themselves and then he turned.a fire burned deep inside his eyes filled with passion and purpose. Then without a warning he spoke. The words were like a melody he had never heard but as powerful as the mighty Mississippi river as it rolled into the Gulf of Mexico. Rushing waters filled his ears and the eyes looked his way. Lee once again felt unable to move. His very body felt as if he were being consumed alive by the great Kings gaze. He fell to the ground unable to stand worshipping in a language he couldnt audibly understand but it filled his very soul with a love he didnt know existed or imagined were even possible. He shook with involuntary sobs of joy! He was filled with a power now and rose to his knees longing into the loving eyes of his loving Savior. His arms rose in adoration and the smile of Jesus himself made his spirit leap with joy as the Lords hand reached back to himthe power unimaginable, Jesus opened his arms wide open and beckoned Lee to him. The words Jesus whispered into Lees soul shook him like a rag-doll and he crumpled to the ground once more fading into the blackness again. The strangely beautiful humanoid stared at the woman with disdain and arcane lust for her flesh. His assignment was to seduce and impregnate her physically and spiritually with his unholy seed, perverting the perfect DNA God had originally created. He waited as she left the festivities, drunk with far too much wine. She wandered outside being followed by two others who mysteriously disappeared as quickly as they appeared when they saw the 9 foot tall unearthly image appear from out of nowhere. This fallen angel followed her and begun casting his evil spell over her as he sang in a high-tongue foreign to human recognition audibly but in her spirit the melodies sang and lilted her soul. She raised her arms to the sky as she twirled and danced to his ancient song. His master had taught him well. The woman had no chance of repelling his advance when it finally came over her, his smile and perfect

physicality took her breath away. His deep lifeless eyes sparkled with a fire born of pure consuming seduction. He took her face in her hands and drew her breath from her lungs as he kissed her. The night would be spent with reckless abandon and twisted pleasures never meant for man-kind to know. The child in her womb would be the first of many born unholy into this world offspring born of pure hatred and lust. These creatures would soon populate the human world and the holy seed of God would eventually be bred out of existence. Satan knew by mixing his fallen angelic seed with the women of this world that he would be taking the necessary precautions in case the rumors of the Anointed one planning to come save these wretched little humans could be true. His plan was sheer genius and he wasted no time implementing it now. The first couple had been cast out of paradise, their sons murdered or exiled and their lineage would now be FOREVER wiped from the memory of the heavens and replaced by his legions of rebellious children! He learned his nemesis would be coming to earth and knew the only way to stop him would be to destroy his lineage

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