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Description of project tasks

A. Project management (22 days) 1. Project meeting and management plan Like in every project, project management team (PMT) will be responsible for the coordination of partners, implementation of activities, monitoring and evaluation of project results. It will prepare all the reports for the donor. For this purpose, two qualified person will be employed as project manager and assistant to project manager. Partner organisation will have their representatives on the team working part time, so PMT will consist of 7 members (project manager, assistant to project manager, headmaster, 2 teachers, 2 representatives of local government). Finance and accounting for the project will be subcontracted to an accounting service. PMT will arrange the initial meeting, so called, kick-off meeting, for a wider audience from project partners and important stakeholders (10 participants). During the meeting the role of partner and their responsibilities and time constraints for all the summary activities will be discussed. In accordance with the conclusions of the meeting, PMT will prepare a partnership agreement to be signed by the partner. The agreement will ensure more efficient project implementation and achievement of project objectives. PMT will meet once a month or more often if necessary. They will communicate on a daily basis. PMT will report about carried-out activities, and negotiate details of implementation for planned activities. They will manage possible risk and solve problems that arise during the project implementation. All necessary goods, services and works will be conducted in accordance with the rules of public procurement (PRAG). All the activities will take into account fair and transparent competition, efficiency and effectiveness. 2. Promotional activities Four press conferences will be organized at various locations: at the beginning and at the end of the project, at the beginning of the education for children and at the beginning of planting. To promote the project, working materials and presentations for the media will be prepared. Project promotional material will be produced and distributed to the press and event participants (information leaflets, pencils, notebooks with the designed logo of the project and EU).

B. Specify resources
1. Define people PMT will write the tender for experts and volunteers in accordance with the rules of public procurement (PRAG), and in the end, PMT will choose the most appropriate experts that meet our needs. 2. Define materials Elements like selection of plants and soil can contribute to a healthy garden climate. Selection of plants is important because we have to select plants that are suited to our site conditions. Plants that are happy with their growing conditions will be healthier than plants that are stressed. Stressed plants are very attractive to pests. For example, we cannot choose plants that require full sun if our garden is in shady woodland. Similarly, we cannot select plants that like a moist environment if we have sandy soil and lots of sunshine. We have to purchase the mix of plants that will attract more beneficial insects and prevent a problem from spreading throughout the garden. Also it is important to mention that will plant vegetables and flowers which will grow fast because in that way children can easily see the whole process, from planting to picking the products. PMT and the experts (gardener) will make a final decision which supplies, tools and plants to buy and plant according to soil test and the position of the garden.

C. Educational activities
1. Workshops for volunteers For activities that involve children and hard work we will need the volunteers. Each volunteer will have to successfully finish two day long workshop on which they will be introduced with the project and action plan. Workshop is important because volunteers will learn how to help the gardener and children to plant vegetables and flowers, but also they will learn how to act in different situations. 2. Workshops for children before starting work in the garden (1) Before we introduce children the garden, we have to teach them what is garden and what kind of garden will we make. Children dont learn a lot in classes about planting and gardening, so with first workshop we will give them basic knowledge about gardening. The main educator will be the teachers. 3. Workshops for children during the manual work in the garden (2)

Gardener will teach the children which kind of preparations must be done before the planting of vegetables and flowers. Teachers and gardener will help the children to make plant markings so that each plant I the garden will have its identity card. Plant markings will consist of a name of the plant and general information like what kind of soil and place does the plant need, how does it reproduce and when can the first products (flowers and vegetables) be expected. 4. Workshops for children planting (3) Special workshop will be held on behalf of the garden to teach the children how to plant each specie. It is of great importance to show the children all the necessary steps when planting, because when they come in the garden they can just start with the planting. But also children will learn what kind of tools they need for planting and how to use them. This workshop will be partially held in the classroom and partially in the garden. All the workshops are important because they represent the spine of the project. To help the plants thrive, and become resistant to pest and disease. Throughout all the workshops but also the whole project, we shall apply these simple steps that Mrs Marie Iannotti has recommended1: Pay attention to the plants' light, moisture, and soil preferences. Match the plant to the right site, and it will grow more robustly and be better able to resist pest and disease issues. Give your plants some breathing room. Fungal diseases run rampant when plants are planted too closely. Susceptible plants, such as lilacs, monarda, phlox, and roses should be given a site with plenty of space for air to circulate around the foliage. Purchase and plant disease-resistant varieties. Maintain a clean garden. Remove diseased foliage from the area. Pick up fallen fruit. Pay attention to pruning; powdery mildew and blackspot can be thwarted by opening up the plant and cutting back diseased or weak stems. Observe, observe, observe. If you catch a problem at the beginning, such as a case of blackspot or an aphid infestation, you can nip it in the bud right away and be done with it. It is much easier to deal with it in its early stages than having to fight off a full infestation. Check your garden regularly, daily if possible, to watch for problems.

D. Work in the garden

1. Cleaning the site Before starting with the work in the garden we have to clean the sight. Person responsible for cleaning is garden and he will get help from volunteers. 2. Preparation of the land After the cleaning of the sight, we have to prepare the land for planting. Landscape designer will help the gardener to design the best garden according to soil and position. Main work will be done with help from volunteers. They will tillage the land which is necessary for the next activity. 3. Division of the beams and the paths After the tillage, volunteers will start the division of the beams. We will also much the garden beds because it suppresses weeds, conserves water, moderates soil temperature, feeds the soil, prevents erosion and is attractive to boot. We planned to have two main parts in garden one for vegetables and one for flowers. But each part will have its beams. 4. Development of the brick path To make garden, actually beams, more accessible, volunteers will make the brick path. In that way, when children and teachers come to garden they will easily access to their beams. 5. Setting the benches Sometimes children will have lessons in the garden, like reading, so to make it more attractive, we shell set some benches to sit on. 6. Setting the nursery garden For organic planting it is very important to have seeds that are organic, which means they are not hybrids and they werent threated with pesticide. Nursery garden is generally used for cultivation of plants, until they grow to usable size, which means, until we can plant them in the garden. In our
1 (20th November 2011)

nursery garden we shall use only organic seeds of our plants, but also the ones we can get in organic shops. 7. Making the place for compost To make our soil more nutrients, and in that way, increase our production of vegetables and flowers, we will make compost. There are many ways how to make the compost, we shell use all the plant waste which can be find in a garden. For composting, we will include children and school, too. For example, in schools kitchen there is much waste, so we will recycle that waste into our compost. Compost can and will be used also in the nursery garden. It is good to know that there is nearly impossible to add to mush compost in garden, so we shall use it everywhere, even on our lawn that surrounds the garden. 8. Planting In final phase of implementation, we shall start with the planting of vegetables and flowers. Children, teachers and volunteers will do it, and gardener will supervise it. Because in the project are included all classes from first to eight, children with their class teacher will plant separately, to avoid crowd and accidents. That is way to finish the planting will take up to 8 days. 9. Placement of the plant markings After the plants are planted, we will put the markings in each beam, so that visitors in garden will know which plant is planted in each beam. But also, on the markings will be written basic information about the plant and how to grow it. When we finish with setting the markings, gardener will observe on daily basis it, and in that way he/she will the able to decrease possible problems before they become big.

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