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B. Storytelling: It reguires children to be active participants.Children involve in the lesson while listening to a story and they also enjoy.

Using storytelling in the class, children can develop a creative comprehension. While children are listening to a story,they get through different mental process.They create a mental picture of what they are listening to.Then, they try to imagine what is going to happen next.Also,they can lose themselves in the situations;thus; they can get rid of their anxiety and they can increase their self-confidence and esteem.Moreover, storytelling can discourage them to become readers of English.As a result,students can improve their critical-thinking and later produce the target language.I can use storytelling to teach the right language Pantomime: It helps them learn to express themselves without using words.It encourages imagination of the story.Pantomime gives children a chance to explore their bodies and creative movement.While they are pantomiming,they are both acting out, pretending the actions and using their imagination.Pantomiming helps them to learn the words easily because they are just doing it;thus, they can keep them in their minds.It is more suitable for the young learners. I can use pantomime for young learners.They enjoy making big facial expressions and bodily movements after sitting in a classroom for hours.Pantomime is a good way for children to express themselves in a natural way through body.They learn express themselves through bodily action without spoken.I can teach them moods,feelings or characterisations.Grammar or vocabulary could be taught through pantomime. Guided imaginery: Guided imaginery may be started with breathing techniques.It's a way to teach children stress management techniques they can use throughout their lives.I can use it to help them to get rid of stress or negative feelings.I can teach some vocabularies by using words suggesting the use of five senses.Also,I can use it to calm learners down.Students learn the use of their bodies and minds at the same time. Role-playing: It can be beneficial for children in a variety of ways. Through roleplaying, children can learn about difficult subjects. This enforces empathy, cooperation and negotiation skills. It helps children identify with others in different situations. The creative play can teach them to see the world through other perspectives and develop good social skills.Students can practice English and it encourages class involvement and enjoyable learning. Guided Fantasy: It makes students relaxed.The imagination of guided fantasy provides deep positivi feelings.Students are highly imaginative in guided fantasy.They learn how to use their imagition and express what they saw in their mindseye and how they felt. It can be used for calming the class down.It also could be used for just like meditation that keeps them peace,pleasent,relaxed..It helps emotional development.

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