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Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:

y Treats leprosy, smallpox and wounds. Helps reduce fever Solves several skin problems Relives headache and arthritis Treatment for ear pains Functions as a laxative for children Eases chest pains Helps in speeding up the recuperation of women who have just given birth and are still weak Pandan reduces stomach spasms Pandan flowers have also been traced with characteristics that function as aphrodisiac. Pandan also manifests anti-cancer activities, It can also be used as antiseptic and anti-bacterial, which makes it ideal for healing wounds.

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How to use:
Decoction of the bark may be taken as tea, or mixed with water that is to be used in bathing, in order to remedy skin problems, cough, and urine-related concerns. Apply pulverized roots of pandan to affected wound areas to facilitate healing. The anthers of the male flowers are used for earaches, headaches and stomach spasms. Chew the roots to strengthen the gum. Extract oils and juices from the roots and flowers are used in preparing the decoction to relieve pains brought about by headache and arthritis.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y y y y y y y y y y Decoction of bark and leaves used for dysentery. Peel, rich in oleoresin, used for diarrhea and intestinal spasms. Crushed seeds used for fevers. Astringent bark used for dysentery and malaria. Powdered bark used for scorpion stings. Bark resin used for flatulence and gastrointestinal colic, for swellings, and as antispasmodic. Grounded seeds mixed with water as vermifuge and antipyretic. Tincture prepared from the dried rind used for diarrhea and abdominal colic. In Java, seeds are used as vermifuge and antipyretic. In Indonesia, used for malaria.

How to use:
y y y y y y The solution formed by boiling the bark of the tree in water is taken internally as medicine for dysentery. The powdered bark is applied as a remedy against poison in scorpion and centipede stings. The ground seeds mixed with water are taken internally to expel the intestinal worms. The resin from the bark of the tree is prepared and applied externally for the prevention of muscular spasms or cramps. A preparation from the dried rinds is useful in counteracting diarrhea. Burning dried fruit peels which gives a certain fragrance drives mosquito away.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
Astringent and mouth wash: Gargle dilute infusion of bark and leaves and retain in mouth for a few minutes to relieve toothache, sore gums, or sore throat. Do not swallow. Receptable boiled in sweetened water used by Filipinos as remedy for dysentery. Bruised nut used as irritant to cause abortion. Decoction of bark used for diarrhea, syphilitic swelling of the joints, and for diabetes. Bark, rich in gallic acid, used as decoction against aphthae and mouth ulcerations. Bark and leaves considered astringent; infusion used to relieve toothaches and sore gums, and as a lotion and mouthwash, also used internally for dysenteric conditions. Spirit distiled from the fruit is considered rubefacient. Used as diuretic. Pear-shaped receptable eaten as cure for scurvy. Oil from pericarp used as anesthetic in leprosy and psoriasis, and as a blister for warts, corns, and ulcers. Also applied to cracks in the feet. Juice of receptacle is acid and astringent; used for uterine troubles and dropsy.

How to use:
For diarrhea and diabetes-Boil the bark; cool and drain the solution before drinking. For Ulcerations in the mouth-Boil the bark:cool and drain the solution before using mouthwash. For Dysentery-Pour boiling water on the leaves of cashew placed in a container.Cool and drain before drinking. Juice from the cashew apple or pericarp increases the amount of urine and also induces sweating. For toothache and sore gums-the solutions used for dysentery can also be used for gargle to relieve toothache and sore gums.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
Leaves are bruised and applied to centipede and scorpion bites. Also, applied to temples and forehead for headache, help in place by a bandage. Leaves in infusion or as syrup used as aromatic and carminative; used for dyspepsia and also as a cure for asthma. Decoction of leaves is given after childbirth. In India, leaves are used traditionally for bronchitis, asthma, diarrhea, epilepsy, nephrocystolithiasi, fever, indigestion and cough. The Chinese used the juice of leaves with sugar, for cough in children, asthma and bronchitis, epilepsy and convulsive disorders. Leaves are applied to cracks at the corners of the mouth, for thrush, headaches; against fever as a massage or as a wash. Used for bladder and urinary afflictions, and vaginal discharges. Used as carminative, given to childen for colic. Expressed juice applied around the orbit to relieve conjunctival pain.

How to use:
The juice of the leaves for dyspepsia, asthma, chronic coughs, bronchits, colic, flatulence, rheumatism. The dose is one tablespoonful of the fresh juice every hour for adults and one teaspoonful every two hours, four times daily, for children. As an infusion, 50 to 60 grams to a pint of boiling water, and drink the tea, 4 to 5 glasses a day. For chilldren, 1/2 cup 4 times daily. For otalgia (ear aches), pour the fresh, pure juice into the ear for 10 minutes. For carbuncles, boils, sprains, felons, painful swellings: Apply the poultice of leaves to the affected area, four times daily. For sore throats, a decoction of two tablespoonfuls of dried leaves to a pint of boiling water, taken one hour before or after meals.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y The saheng (oleoresin) is used as a stimulant; a rubefacient (an external skin application causing redness of the skin); and an anti-rheumatic when applied externally. Poultices of brea soft resin obtained from genes Canarium tree) are use externally for swellings of legs. Pili is an excellent antioxidant. It has good moisturizing properties. It is rich in vitamin E. What we do is we crush it to extract its wonderful properties. The amino acids in the pili nut help with healthy blood-sugar levels, muscle-tissue development, production of hormones, regulation of energy, healthy bones and skin, nerve-cell health, detoxification of the liver, and balance in the brain. Magnesium supports healthier nerves, bones and muscle. In addition to healthier skin, the omega fatty acids support immune functions and aid in protection from various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases by helping to prevent cholesterol from turning into plaque. Although its makeup is similar to olive oil, the pili nut has more beta carotene, which makes it more nutritious. It also has a purgative effect, which assists people going through detoxification.

y Oleoresin, prepared in the form of ointment, is applied on indolent ulcers.

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How to use:
y For Constipation - eat boiled pili.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y y y y y y y y y y The roots, leaves, bark and immature fruits are used for gastroenteritis as they are astringents. The fiber content in guava controls blood pressure and cholesterol. As a result it is very beneficial for heart. Vitamin C in guava fruit regulates heart beat and fights with free radicals. The potassium content and fiber in guava helps kidney in eliminating wastes. Lycopene in guava reduces the risk of cancer. Guava controls diabetes and it is good for constipation. Apply the crushed leaves on wounds and aching places to get relief from pain. Chew the leaves of guava after washing thoroughly to get relief from toothache. The decoction of leaves of guava is a good remedy for cough and throat pain. Gargling with the decoction of guava leaves relieves from swollen gums and oral ulcers. The decoction is also beneficial for skin diseases and it is very useful in stopping the puking sensation.

How to use:
y y y y For Dizziness - Sniff the crushed leaves For Diarrhea - Drink tea made with boiled leaves Leaves are chewed to relieve toothache and to cure bleeding gums and bad breath. Guava leaf decoction is gargled to relieve mouth sores and inflamed and bleeding gums.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y In traditional medicine, rose petals are used as a remedy for diarrhea, coughs and colds, sores, nervous tension, lethargy and painful joints. Petals are used to prepare gargles and tonics for colds and mouth sores. Rosewater was invented by the Persian physician Ibn Sina in the first century C.E. Among its other uses, it is commonly prescribed for eye inflammation and to strengthen the heart. Rose oil is also referred to as rose attar or otto. It is used to soothe irritated and chapped skin. It is a part of modern traditional and modern aromatherapy which seeks to relieve nervous tension and depression. Rose seeds are used as an effective diuretic and to cure various urinary tract disorders. Rose hips also have a mildly laxative effect.

How to use:
y y y y y To prepare an infusion, mix cup rose petals with 1 cup cold water. Pour in a jar, seal tightly and let sit for 2 to 3 days. Shake the bottle once daily. On the third day, strain the petals and add 1 tbsp. vodka. Transfer to a decorative bottle if you like.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y This is a powerful alternative medicine containing many steroidal saponins, mainly Dioscin which is widely used to manufacture progesterone and other steroid drugs used as contraceptives and in the treatment of various disorders of the genitary organs as well as in other diseases such as asthma and arthritis. Other constituents Phytosterols (beta-sitosterol), alkaloids and Tannins make this plant useful as an antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, cholagogue, diaphoretic and vasodilator. A decoction of the root is used to alleviate many of the symptoms of menopause and PMS such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and vaginal dryness. It is also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, gall bladder complaints, spasmodic cramps, painful menstruation, and in small doses is especially helpful in treating the nausea of pregnant women.

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How to use:
y Add 1 to 2 tsp. of dried wild yam root to one cup of water. Boil the water and pour it over the dried root and let it steep for three to five minutes. Make this and drink it three times daily, Consume 40 to 120 drops of wild yam tincture three times a day. If you use the fluid extract, use 10 to 40 drops, three to four times a day. Use a dropper to get a correct dose. Apply wild yam cream containing 12 percent wild yam extract as directed on the product packaging. The University of Maryland suggests looking at the packaging of wild yam creams, since they may also contain synthetic hormones. Consult with your doctor if it is appropriate for you to use preparations that may have added synthetic hormones, since these may interfere with birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy. Take wild yam pills as directed on the package with a full glass of water

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y y Raw fruits are green and change into dark purple when ripe. Fresh fruits are sweet and delicious and are used to prepare tasty jam and juice. The medicinal tea made out of the leaves is believed to cure diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. As well as traditional medicine the decoction made from the leaves is believed to prevent cancer. The bark decoction is used to alleviate coughs.

How to use:
y y y Take some star apple leaves 6-10 pieces. Chop the leaves in to pieces using kitchen knife. Boil 1 cup chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes. Dosage: Adults: 1 cup, 3 times a day and after every loose bowel movement. Children (Babies): 1 tbsp. 3x a day and after loose bowel movement. (2-6 yrs. old): 1/4 cup, 3x a day and after every loose bowel movement (7-12 yrs. old): 1/2 cup, 3x a day and after every loose bowel movement

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y y y y y y y The leaves served as a purgative. Bark decoction is used to stop diarrhea. Decoction of the leaves and/or root is taken in cases of dysentery. Decoction of the leaves is good to cure diabetes. The leaves are applied to abscesses and open wounds and used to cure skin itches. The crushed leaves are sniffed to overcome fainting spells and hysteria. In Malaya, the flesh is pressed through a sieve to eliminate the seeds and is then added to ice cream or blended with milk to make a cool beverage.

How to use:
y y y y Get some seeds and place it to a mortar and pestle to grind them. Place some grinded seeds to a container with a shampoo. Mix the two ingredients until the shampoo changes its color. After mixing, you can now use the made product. Make sure you rinse well your hair properly after putting enough shampoo.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y y y y y Young fruits cooked as vegetable and seeds are boiled, roasted, and slated dried as table nuts. The flesh of the unripe fruit has been experimentally canned in brine or with curry. The seeds, which appeal to all tastes, may be boiled or roasted and eaten, or boiled and preserved in syrup like chestnuts. The seed starch is given to relieve biliousness and the roasted seeds are regarded as aphrodisiac. The ash of jackfruit leaves, burned with corn and coconut shells, is used alone or mixed with coconut oil to heal ulcers.

How to use:
y y y To cure an open wound, get some jackfruit leaves which are enough to cover the wounded area. Heat the leaves 3-5 minutes. Place the heated leaves on the wounded area and cover it with bandage.

Uses/ Medicinal Benefits:
y Cassava can be cooked in various ways. The soft-boiled root has a delicate flavor and can replace boiled potatoes in many uses: as an accompaniment for meat dishes, or made into pures, dumplings, soups, stews, gravies, etc. Deep fried (after boiling or steaming), it can replace fried potatoes, with a distinctive flavor. Cassava was also used to make alcoholic beverages. In many countries, significant research has begun to evaluate the use of cassava as an ethanol biofuel feedstock. Cassava starch is used as an adhesive, in cosmetics and for making paper. The starch mixed with rum has been used for skin problems, especially for children.

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How to use:
y y y y y In curing skin problems such as irritating skin, sores etc. Cassava root starch may be used in Vitamin C supplements. To make starch from the roots, grind the roots until it reaches its starch form. Mix the starch with rum. Place the produced material on the affected area of the skin. Apply it gently.

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