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Is Now Available For Purchase The Water of Life And The Perfect Science Company

By Dr Joshua David Stone My Beloved Readers, this article I am writing here may be the single most important article or chapter I have ever written in any of my books. I am inspired to write this article after many long conversations with the inner plane Ascended Masters and Angels. In the opinion of the inner plane Ascended Masters and Angels as well as myself, the "Water of Life" drinking water and environmental products, created by the Perfect Science Company headquartered in Turkey, may be the single greatest Earthly invention in the history of the Earth. These products are a gift to the planet from GOD, the Masters and the Angels. The actual "Water" and line of "Environmental Products" were created by scientists in a laboratory. They have been given to return this planet back to its original "Edenic" state before all of the corruption and pollution that mankind has unconsciously heaped upon the Earth, especially in the last hundred years. The inner plane Ascended Masters and Angels have told me emphatically, that these products are the key to healing the Earth Mother and returning the ecology and nature of our planet back to its perfected state. In my opinion, these are the finest products on the Planet. I say this with "no axe to grind," and "I do not own stock in the company." I say this because I love the Earth Mother and I want to see her restored and healed on all levels. The Perfect Science drinking "Water," also know as the "Water of Life," "Meditation Water" or "Mother's Water" products are 100% non-addictive and have no harmful side effects whatsoever, no matter how much you drink. Any rumors to the contrary are not true according to the inner plane Ascended Masters and Angels who fully and emphatically support the drinking of this "Water," and the entire line of "Environmental Products" to help rid the Earth of all the pollution in the air, lakes, rivers, bays and on the Earth itself. The Water of Life drinking water and environmental products are literally a Divine Dispensation given to the Earth through the Perfect Science Company. The products that have been scientifically created to save the Earth, and help heal the Earth and all her inhabitants. These products are the most cutting edge products on the planet and have the ability to repair the ozone level, and rid our lakes and rivers of pollution. They can decontaminate nuclear waste. They can neutralize chemical weapons, and decontaminate them. They can put out dangerous and costly petrochemical fires. They can encapsulate heavy metals in a way that renders them harmless to all living things. They can totally remediate toxic dumpsites. These products can totally remediate chemically farmed soils and return the land to organic farming. These products can enhance agricultural crop production and create longer growing seasons. The drinking water helps to aid in restoring normal biochemical and electrical capabilities in the body, in the face of all the environmental toxins to which we are continually exposed. This water contains countless numbers of electrons in its orbit that seem to create enormous amounts of extra energy. These environmental products have been used to clean up oil spills such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill. They have been used to put out oil fires in Kuwait. They have the ability to cleanse

enormously large bodies of water, even as large as entire bays that have become totally polluted. The Perfect Science Company also has household products that do not pollute, and industrial cleansers that harmlessly replace toxic solvents and degreasers. This "Water of Life" has the ability to rebalance Acid Rain. It has the ability to be used in waste water treatment facilities for the purpose of recycling waste water into drinking water. There is even "Water of Life" drinking water now for animals and pets. This "Water of Life," has the ability to turn waste products and pollution in whatever form it is manifesting, into protein, fatty acids, and bionutrients. In one video I saw, a totally polluted waste dump was completely remediated to the point that beautiful vegetables were growing in the waste dump naturally, which before could not sustain life of any kind. Hundreds of medical doctors have been working with the Water of Life in Turkey and around the world in health clinics for over eight years. From personal experience and reports from friends and family, I find this drinking water and environmental products to be the most amazing physical product I have ever discovered. My wife and I have used it in our garden and the effects have been tremendous. There are even skin and bath products that we have found to have equally fabulous results. It also has the effect of removing odors. There have even been experiments to use this water to run automobiles, which have been very successful in their initial stages. The "Water of Life" drinking water seems to have an enormous cleansing effect, and it seems to be a living water that has consciousness. This water, the Ascended Masters have said, very much helps the entire Ascension process, and dovetails perfectly with all the Spiritual, Psychological and Physical/Earthly work I have presented in my thirty volume "Easy To Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path." This "Water of Life" helps to remove physical toxins in whatever it touches. The Water seems to create a Spiritual and biological change in all that it touches. It has the amazing ability to undo unnatural, artificial chemical bonds even in such products as petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food additives, hydrogenated oils, and pesticides. The Turkish government has totally validated and approved the "Water of Life" products, and these products are now in the process of being spread around the world to help the Earth. These products have the potential ability to remove all petrochemical pollution on planet Earth. The "Blossom" environmental product seems to have the ability to help remove plant disease and help grow much more beautiful, radiant gardens and vegetables. The "Water of Life" seems to have the ability to remove sludge in all forms of physical life. It even has the ability to clean the air. I spoke with one Naturopathic Doctor who tested the water and he told me that it even works on the DNA. The inner plane Ascended Masters told me that the uses for this "Water of Life" for people and the Earth is literally limitless. It must be understood that there are many formulas of this Water that the Perfect Science Company has invented. No one else on Earth has these formulas and they cannot be replicated. In conclusion, this "Water of Life," the inner plane Ascended Masters told me, blesses everything it touches. It is the most cutting edge product on the planet that has ever been invented to heal and repair the Earth Mother from the damage that has been done to her. There are few things in life that can be called a panacea or cure all. I tell you, my Beloved Readers, for the material world, this "Water of Life" series of products is a panacea for the Earth Mother in all her forms and manifestations. The Earth Mother needs our help. We as Spiritual seekers, are

the Guardians and Restorers for Mother Earth. The inner plane Masters and Angels are now asking us to galvanize our friends, family, and students around the Globe to spread the consciousness of this product and its profound applications, to help heal and restore Mother Earth. It is time for each one of us to mother the Earth as she has mothered us. The inner plane Ascended Masters and Angels have asked me now on their behalf, to put forth the "Clarion Call" to lightworkers and people around the world to help the Perfect Science Company with their mission to turn as many people as you can around the world onto these products. As GOD is my wittness, my total motivation for writing this article and supporting the "Water of Life" products is because I love the Earth Mother and I want to see her healed in this lifetime. My Beloved Readers, if you share this inspiration, I ask you to step forward in Spiritual Leadership and Spiritual Service, and do whatever you feel guided to do to spread the knowledge and understanding of this most blessed gift from GOD, the Masters and Angels to save, restore and heal our most beautiful and precious Earth Mother! __________________________________________________________ Beloved Sisters and Brothers, Dr Joshua David Stone and Rev. Wistancia Stone are exhilarated to announce that The "Water of Life," also known as the "Living Water," "The Alive Water," "Superionized Water," "Conscious Water" and/or "The Primordial Water," which was spoken about at the 1999 Wesak Celebration in Mt. Shasta, CA, is now available for purchase, under the brand name The Water of Life, Restoring Perfection through Science. It is our experience that this "Beloved Water" can and will make a difference on Earth. As it makes a difference on Earth, it makes a difference "In Heaven" for all is connected and in Oneness. We believe intuitively that this water is a catalyst for taking the Earth back to where it was In The Beginning as far as the Paradise Vibration of the Water and the surface of the Earth. As our four-body systems, alignments, encodements, and DNA structures are transitioning, reshifting, recalibrating, and resurrecting into our Adam Kadmon and Higher Evolutionary Systems, this Gift of Water has been offered to Humanity and Goddess Mother Earth as one of the many gifts to The Children of GOD on Earth during this Time of Radiant Transformation into the Seventh Golden Age. The "Water" has been charged and filled with Divine Power. It is Alive and filled with Divine Power and Divine Love. We have extensively checked out this product with The Masters and Angels as well as clairvoyantly, and through actual testing and personally do stake our reputations and integrity on its authenticity, beneficial qualities, effectiveness and Blessing to Life. The Inner Plane Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings are 100% in support of this Water and have guided us to now make it available to all of you! We have heard that each water molecule is one-half the size of a normal molecule of water, which facilitates greater assimilation in the body because of increased permeability to body tissues and cells. This water is Conscious: it knows where to go in the body. This water has been used in Turkey for over 8 years, and has a great reputation. Many who have tried it are quite pleased and feel that it benefits all of the bodies for they are interconnected. It is important to realize that there are many different waters for various purposes. Many have heard of its environmental benefits. It is important to know that the environmental water is different from the living water designed for human and animal consumption. It is also important

to understand that the "Water of Life" does not appear to be "self-replicating" so that saving a small amount would make it last "forever." It has also been suggested to drink the double amount of plain Spring Water afterward. Proper dilution instructions are on the bottle. ____________________________________________________________________________ _____ Channeled Messages about the "Water of Life" through Wistancia "Greetings to you in the Fullness of GOD and within the Sacred Heart that beats within you, flowing GOD through you. The movement of the Infinite Universe is the Movement of the Body of GOD. We are all Sparks of the Living God, and are as cells on the Living Body of GOD. As each cell becomes more alive, more energized and more harmonized with the Whole, each becomes part of the Ultimate Change and Realignment of All That Is. Each becomes part of the One Ascension into Higher and Higher Light that is the Ascension of Mother/Father GOD through all of the mysterious ways of GOD. A pitcher of water pours forth and empties itself into the cups that are placed below it and within its reach. As the water flows, the cup, if it desires to be Full Filled, must empty itself of its contents. Its opinions, divisions and judgments. It must empty itself of any thoughts that it cannot be filled, that it is not worthy of filling up, and any thoughts of Impossibility. All is possible Under GOD and all live under the protective blanket of GOD's love for us. A gift of Divine Water has been offered by the Angels because that is what Angels do best. They offer Radiance. They take the wishes, will and instructions of GOD and work for GOD to manifest those instructions. The Angels ask you to trust yourself in all ways. They ask you to ask yourself if you might wish to drink this Divine Water. They ask you to hold no judgment of the answer, whether it is for you to take or for you to wait until another time perhaps. What they do urge is that you feel the flow of life within your Selves. They urge you to let go of limitations and impossibilities. They know that many have been manipulated, hurt, confused and broken hearted in the history of your planet. And so they ask that as a New Door opens and a New Day arrives that you walk into that day with hope, faith, love and mastery of your thoughts and feelings. Your Self-mastery will let you know if you would like to bring this Living Water into the Temple of your Human Body." --- Mother Mary " Beloveds, I AM Archangel Metatron. Everything in your world is in a state of flux. Your consciousness is expanding in an unprecedented manner. Your geometries are becoming more and more delicate, refined, elaborate and quickened. They are becoming literally infused. You ARE a geometry and you are a tone and a shape that fits perfectly into the Highest and Most Sacred Structure which is Life and which is GOD. There is an inseparable pattern to all of life that holds you, nurtures you and nourishes you. When you trust in that and live within that Experience and Knowledge, you become One with Life and you become More Unified and Whole. You feel different and you respond to Life with a great deal of passion, integrity, joy, and sense of Self that is not separate. You feel that you Are Love and that you are about Spreading Love and circulating the Power of Love. You will come to know that there is no separation and that All is One and all is connected through the Blueprint of GOD. You will know this in every

conceivable way eventually; in all cells, in all thoughts, in all perceptions and in all of your permeations you will express this. This is forthcoming, so please have patience with that which appears to be Your Time. Even That appearance is changing, yes? This blueprint is not a fixed blueprint; it is an ever-changing one. GOD is changing Itself through the Creation and looking at Itself. GOD sees the emergence of Good upon the Earth and there is recognition of the passage into a Bright and Radiant Inhabitance on the Sacred Planet. All resources and gifts are coming to the Healing Planet. And the Healing Planet Herself is pleased. Wherever She turns, there is Love springing forth in a new form. As your consciousness changes, more can be given unto you. This is the Law of Life. As your earthly bodies alter and take on new geometric formulations and become vessels that can hold and sustain More Light, you are becoming a New More Refined Species of Light. New Light is emerging before your eyes in Self and in Others as well as in New Forms never before seen on Earth. The "Water of Life" looks like water but is not. It has become activated by Love and Power that is Divine and it has become Full and Restorative. It is therefore conscious and it is therefore ordained. What can GOD not do? Can GOD not change you? Change the face of one planet? Find a way to bring peace to the emotions? Can Mother/Father GOD not issue forth the gift of Flow to the Sons and Daughters? Can the angels, as conductors of GOD energy, not step forward in this Time of Transformation and gently offer a way to transform your world back to its Paradise Vibration before the World Was As You Know It? When the time is right, what can not be done? This water is like fire water because it has a will that is aligned with the Will of GOD and because it has a Desire to circulate and shift the Shape of What Has Been into What Is Possible Now. All water comes from the Same Source. It runs in rivers and rivulets from the Ocean to bring the gift of Life to the parched land. And it moves within the Law of the Circle. For it is evaporated back into the Heavens only to be released again to the land. Everything moves in cycles and issues forth from circles. And it is all for the Purpose of Completing a Creative Act. Circumstances have propelled Your Living Planet into a parched planet, spiritually speaking, and in other ways as well. But the richness of Your Love and Preparation and the Ripeness of This Golden Age Assembling and Unfolding now opens wide the floodgates from the Heavens. You might call it Divine Intercession, and it is Divine Dispensation to be sure! The Angels have many Rescue Remedies and " Water of Life" is but one of them. Angelic designer products created to enhance The Return and Restore the Primordial Vibration of Perfection and the feeling nature of Effortless Grace. Keep your eyes open for more is coming! It will be like Manna from Heaven as the Heavens step forward in new streams of energy to Assist in the Lifting of Earth, as it Is in Heaven! As this is a wondrous time to witness and participate in the ushering forth of the Millennium Energies of Mastery and Magnificence upon your planet, you may choose to drink a toast to the Days of Plenty and the Resurrection of the expression of the Full Divine on Earth. Perhaps you wish to feel these words: I AM The Resurrection and the Life of all the Power and the Glory that I knew with Mother/Father GOD before the World was. In the early days of Earth you lived in Divine Light Bodies and you mirrored Heaven perfectly. Water was pure and unpolluted; so were thoughtforms and feelings. With the power of The One

Most High as My Source of All Inspiration, I declare that Purity shall Return to Earth. Let us drink to that!!! I AM Archangel Metatron and I AM with you always. How could it be otherwise?" --- Archangel Metatron ____________________________________________________________________________ __________ Testimonial by Rev. Wistancia Stone: What I have come to know is that this water absolutely creates within the DNA, a spiritual biological change. It is really Living Light Water! What it appears to do is open things up to create more complex geometries along the Life Continuum. It is truly a mariage of the priest and the scientist! It is truly a Spiritual Science Synthesis! What happens is that tremendous energy is released and this results in the changing of the molecular system. This has to do with the reincorporation of form as well as the dismantling of form. It allows us to become more Open to receiving the Divine Image of the Adam Kadmon. The vibrations of this essence further quicken the body to rise from clay, from its former dust, to take on new dimensions of Life. It is all about Living. It is Water of Life. It will indeed change the molecular arrangement of material that it comes in contact with. This is not a health claim; it is my intuitive feelings from my guidance. ---Wistancia How the Water of Life Reflects the Seven Rays A Reflection of the Water of Life from the Perspective of Heart An Intuitive Testimony by Wistancia ____________________________________________________________________________ __________ Testimonial by Dr Joshua David Stone For legal reasons in this write up I cannot make any medical claims, however, I can speak for myself and my friends who have tested and used this drinking water. What I can tell you is that this is an incredible Future New Age Science Product. It has an enormous cleansing ability unlike any product I have ever seen or tested. This product is truly a gift from GOD to revolutionize our physical bodies and our planet. In the time I have been working with this product, with friends and students, I have seen extraordinary results. There are very few products on the planet that I would ever consider endorsing or being a part of. It is not really my thing to get involved in such matters. This product is so extraordinary however, that I consider it to be in a class by itself. I could say much more, however, I think all of you, my Beloved Friends, have understood my meaning without me having to say more! ____________________________________________

New Lowered Prices We are now able to get the water directly from Turkey
To order the "Water of Life" for drinking, order online through secure server or fill out the form below. ___

Small Bottle of Concentrate makes one gallon




Medium Order: 6 Bottles of Concentrate makes 6 gallons Large Order: 11 bottles of concentrate makes 11 gallons Super Large Orders for Distributors Who Order 50 to 100 bottles - discount price of only 16 dollars a bottle.







$16 per bottle


Subtotal S&H Total

___ Turkish Spa in a Bath, for relaxation, radiant energy,and conditioning the skin, 4 treatments. Blossom 1, for your yard and plants, 1 liter (start now to clean up the planet). Skin Care Kit: Bag contains cleanser, toner, energized water, exfoliate and mask TLC Skin Care Cream, 2 oz. TLC Skin Care Cream, 4oz. $20

$____________ $____________ $____________ _____________


small order: $25 large order: $150





___ ___

$24 $40

_____________ _____________

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Cleanser for face Toner Shampoo Conditioner Aloe with Water of Life in Formula 2 oz. Aloe with Water of Life in Formula 4 oz.

$14 $14 $8 $8 $24 $40 Subtotal S&H Total

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ $____________ $____________ $____________

Shipping and Handling: Within the USA $6.00 per bottle and $1.00 for each additional bottle. Medium order to USA is $11 total cost. Large order to USA is $16.00 total cost. To Europe $10.00 per bottle and $1.00 for each additional bottle. Medium order to Europe is $15 total cost. Large order to Europe is $20 total cost. To Australia and New Zealand $12.00 per bottle and $3.00 for each additional bottle. Medium order to Australia and New Zealand is $25 total cost. Large order to Australia and New Zealand is $42 total cost. You can order by Personal Check in the United States. Outside the United States (including Canada) payment must be made by U.S. Cashier's Check or U.S. Postal Money Order. Visa/MasterCard accepted from around the Globe, on Dr Stone's web site,or by fax, phone or letter. All personal checks should be made out exactly as 'Dr Joshua or Wistancia Stone'. Please make sure both names are written on the check. Send your order to: Melchizedek Synthesis Light Academy 28951 Malibu Rancho Rd Agoura, California 91301 All orders will be sent out First Class Mail. Skin Care Products About Perfect Aloe The Garden Product: Blossom Important Water Product News Updates! New Water of Life Products and Ways to Use Them A Super-Ionized Water Newsletter

Frequently Asked Questions For more information on the Water of Life call Rev. Wistancia Stone at 818-706-8533.

For every gallon of drinking water, you will receive one bottle of concentrate. When you purchase a medium order you will receive 6 separate bottles of concentrate. With a large order you will receive 11 separate bottles of concentrate, each making one gallon of drinking water.
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