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Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

Tables, Figures and Cross-referencing


January 11, 2011



Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

x2 + y2 = 1


The equation of circle is 1 and it is given on page 2.

\begin{equation} \label{eq:circle} 3 x{2}+y{2}=1 4 \end{equation} 5 The equation of circle is\ref{eq:circle} and it is given on page\pageref{eq: circle}.
1 2

label, ref, pageref, , section, table, gure, run two times

TEX Err Msg: Continue, and Ill forget that it ever happened.


Tabular Environment: I

Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

a d

b e

c f

\begin{tabular}{|c|l|r|} \hline\hline 3 a & b & c \\ \hline 4 d & e & f \\ \hline 5 \end{tabular}

tabular, l,c,r,|, hline, \\, &

TEX Err Msg: My plan is to forget the whole thing and hope for the best.


Tabular Environment: II

Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

a d

b e

this shall wrapped f


\begin{tabular}{|c|l|p{1in}|} \hline\hline 3 a & b & this shall be wrapped \\ \hline 4 d & e & f \\ \hline \hline 5 \end{tabular}
1 2

Good Practice: Make table on paper before writing it

TEX Err Msg: Im forgetting what you said and using zero instead.


Tabular Environment: III

Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

No d d d

TwoColumn e f e f e f

\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline\hline 3 No & \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{ TwoColumn} \\ \hline 4 d & e & f \\ \cline{2-3} 5 d & e & f \\ \cline{1-1} 6 d & e & f \\ \hline 7 \end{tabular}
1 2

multicolumn, multirow, cline, longtable

TEX Err Msg: I cant handle that very well; good luck.


Table Environment

Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

a c

b d

Table: This is the caption

\begin{table}[htpb] \center 3 \begin{tabular}{|c|c|} 4 \hline 5 a & b \\ \hline 6 c & d \\ \hline 7 \end{tabular} 8 \caption{This is the caption} 9 \label{tbl:table} 10 \end{table}
1 2

table, location, center, caption, label, \ref{tbl:table}

TEX Err Msg: Sorry, but Im not programmed to handle this case;


Figure Environment

Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

A Figure: LTEX Graphics Companion

\usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} 3 \begin{figure}[htpb] 4 \center 5 \includegraphics[width =0.5\textwidth]{../../ imgLtx/a.jpg} 6 \caption{\LaTeX\ Graphics Companion} 7 \label{fig:figure} 8 \end{figure} 9 \end{document}

graphics, gure, location, includegraphics, parameters, caption, label

TEX Err Msg: Ive inserted something that you may have forgotten.


More from graphics package

Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

Scaled by 2x2
t Ro g de 30 by ted a


\scalebox{2}[2]{Scaled by 2x2} 2 \resizebox{5cm}{0.4cm}{ Resizebox} 3 \rotatebox{30}{Rotated by 30 deg} 4 \reflectbox{ABC}


scalebox, resizebox, rotatebox, reectbox

TEX Err Msg: Things are pretty mixed up, but I think the worst is over.


Picture Environment
\usepackage{graphics} \begin{document} 3 \begin{picture}(200,100)(0,0)  4 \put(10,90){\framebox(50,15){ H HH drdo.sty}} H   5 \put(10,80){\line(1,0){100}} HH  6 \put(10,70){\vector(2,-1){100}} H HH   7 \put(100,60){\circle{30}} j H 8 \put(20,40){\oval(30,20)} 9 \qbezier(1,1)(50,50)(100,10) 10 \end{picture} 11 \end{document}

Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing


1 2

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

picture, framebox, line, vector, circle, oval, qbezier, pstricks

TEX Err Msg: Sorry, Pandora. (You sneaky devil.)



Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

RED Declaration Yellow COLORBOX MyColor

\usepackage{color} \begin{document} 3 \textcolor{red}{RED} 4 {\color{blue} Declaration} 5 \colorbox{yellow}{Yellow COLORBOX} 6 \definecolor{MyColor}{rgb}{1,0,1} 7 \textcolor{MyColor} {MyColor} 8 \end{document}
1 2

textcolor, color, colorbox, denecolor, pagecolor

TEX Err Msg: Try to go on, since this might almost work.


Believe it or not! Its Possible in TEX !

Tables, Figures and Crossreferencing

Cross-Ref Tabular I Tabular II Tabular III Table Figure Graphics Picture Color More. . .

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