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Visual Basic .

NET keywords
Keyword Description

1. AddHandler Visual Basic .NET Statement

2. AddressOf Visual Basic .NET Statement
3. Alias Used in the Declare statement
4. And Boolean operator
5. AndAlso Boolean operator
6. Ansi Used in the Declare statement
7. Append Used as a symbolic constant in the FileOpen function
8. As Used in variable declaration (Dim, Friend, etc.)
9. Assembly Assembly-level attribute specifier
10. Auto Used in the Declare statement
11. Binary Used in the Option Compare statement
12. Boolean Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
13. ByRef Used in argument lists
14. Byte Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
15. ByVal Used in argument lists
16. Call Visual Basic .NET statement
17. Case Used in the Select Case construct
18. Catch Visual Basic .NET statement
19. CBool Data-conversion function
20. CByte Data-conversion function
21. CChar Data-conversion function
22. CDate Data-conversion function
23. CDec Data-conversion function
24. CDbl Data-conversion function
25. Char Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
26. CInt Data-conversion function
27. Class Visual Basic .NET statement
28. CLng Data-conversion function
29. CObj Data-conversion function
30. Compare Used in the Option Compare statement
31. CShort Data-conversion function
32. CSng Data-conversion function
33. CStr Data-conversion function
34. CType Data-conversion function
35. Date Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
36. Decimal Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
37. Declare Visual Basic .NET statement
38. Default Used in the Property statement
39. Delegate Visual Basic .NET statement
40. Dim Variable declaration statement
41. Do Visual Basic .NET statement
42. Double Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
43. Each Used in the For Each...Next construct
44. Else Used in the If...Else...ElseIf...End If construct
45. ElseIf Used in the If...Else...ElseIf...End If construct
46. End Used to terminate a variety of statements
47. EndIf Used in the If...Else...ElseIf...End If construct
48. Enum Visual Basic .NET statement
49. Erase Visual Basic .NET statement
50. Error Used in the Error and On Error compatibility statements
51. Event Visual Basic .NET statement
52. Explicit Used in the Option Explicit statement
53. False Boolean literal
Visual Basic .NET keywords
Keyword Description

54. For Used in the For...Next and For Each...Next constructs

55. Finally Visual Basic .NET statement
56. For Visual Basic .NET statement
57. Friend Statement and access modifier
58. Function Visual Basic .NET statement
59. Get Used in the Property construct
60. GetType Visual Basic .NET operator
61. GoTo Visual Basic .NET statement, used with the On Error statement
62. Handles Defines an event handler in a procedure declaration
63. If Visual Basic .NET statement
64. Implements Visual Basic .NET statement
65. Imports Visual Basic .NET statement
66. In Used in the For Each...Next construct
67. Inherits Visual Basic .NET statement
68. Input Used in the FileOpen function
69. Integer Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
70. Interface Visual Basic .NET statement
71. Is Object comparison operator
72. Let Reserved but unused in Visual Basic .NET
73. Lib Used in the Declare statement
74. Like Visual Basic .NET operator
75. Lock Function name
76. Long Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
77. Loop Used in a Do loop
78. Me Statement referring to the current object instance
79. Mid String-manipulation statement and function
80. Mod Visual Basic .NET operator
81. Module Visual Basic .NET statement
82. MustInherit Used in the Class construct
83. MustOverride Used in the Sub and Function statements
84. MyBase Statement referring to an object's base class
85. MyClass Statement referring to the current object instance
86. Namespace Visual Basic .NET statement
87. New Object-creation keyword, constructor name
88. Next Used in the For...Next and For Each...Next constructs
89. Not Visual Basic .NET operator
90. Nothing Used to clear an object reference
91. NotInheritable Used in the Class construct
92. NotOverridable Used in the Sub, Property, and Function statements
93. Object Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
94. Off Used in Option statements
95. On Used in Option statements
96. Option Used in Option statements
97. Optional Used in the Declare, Function, Property, and Sub statements
98. Or Boolean operator
99. OrElse Boolean operator
100. Output Used in the FileOpen function
101. Overloads Used in the Sub and Function statements
102. Overridable Used in the Sub and Function statements
103. Overrides Used in the Sub, Property, and Function statements
104. ParamArray Used in the Declare, Function, Property, and Sub statements
105. Preserve Used with the ReDim statement
106. Private Statement and access modifier
Visual Basic .NET keywords
Keyword Description

107. Property Visual Basic .NET statement

108. Protected Statement and access modifier
109. Public Statement and access modifier
110. RaiseEvent Visual Basic .NET statement
111. Random Used in the FileOpen function
112. Read Used in the FileOpen function
113. ReadOnly Used in the Property statement
114. ReDim Visual Basic .NET statement
115. Rem Visual Basic .NET statement
116. RemoveHandler Visual Basic .NET statement
117. Resume Used in the On Error and Resume statements
118. Return Visual Basic .NET statement
119. Seek File-access statement and function
120. Select Used in the Select Case construct
121. Set Used in the Property statement
122. Shadows Visual Basic .NET statement
123. Shared Used in the Sub and Function statements
124. Short Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
125. Single Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
126. Static Variable declaration statement
127. Step Used in the For...Next construct
128. Stop Visual Basic .NET statement
129. String Used in variable declaration (intrinsic data type)
130. Structure Visual Basic .NET statement
131. Sub Visual Basic .NET statement
132. SyncLock Visual Basic .NET statement
133. Text Used in the Option Compare statement
134. Then Used in the If...Then...Else...EndIf construct
135. Throw Visual Basic .NET statement
136. To Used in the For...Next and Select Case constructs
137. True Boolean literal
138. Try Visual Basic .NET statement
139. TypeOf Used in variations of the If...Then...EndIf construct
140. Unicode Used in the Declare statement
141. Until Used in the For...Next construct
142. Variant Reserved but unused in Visual Basic .NET
143. When Used with the Try...Catch...Finally construct
144. While Used with the Do...Loop and While...End While constructs
145. With Visual Basic .NET statement
146. WithEvents Used in variable declaration (Dim, Public, etc.)
147. WriteOnly Used in the Property statement
148. XOr Visual Basic .NET operator

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