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Footsteps Episode #6 "Enter the Deet" By Nikko Nguyen

SUBURBAN PARK - DAY Tim and Nick sit on a park bench discussing life. Nick holds a book in his hands reading it. TIM So, Nick; I have a philosophical question for you. NICK Hmm? TIM What in life, at this very moment, inspires you to get up every day? Nick Pauses for a second from his book, looks up off the page, and when answers, continues reading. NICK Work. TIM No, no, no. Im talking about outside the physical needs. Money, nourishment, etc. Im saying spiritually, emotionally. You know, being internally satisfied and accomplished. The thing that drives you. Nick pauses again for an extended few seconds and looks up from his reading. NICK What, you mean like ultimate happiness? TIM MMM, I guess in a sense yes. NICK No, straight up, yes or no? TIM Well then yes. What in life would bring you the most pleasure in this time frame of your existence? NICK (coldly) No such thing exists. Perfect happiness, true bliss, pleasure, (MORE) (CONTINUED)



NICK (contd) etc. I dont believe in the idea of the perfect feeling of happiness. A PAUSE as Nick goes back to reading. TIM Wait, what? Ok first off, this means several things. A) You have the self-esteem of a skyrim gamer, B) your new found cynicism will grant you an unfortunate ability of being detached from all human emotion, and C). Youre gonna be a bum for the rest of your life. Nick closes his book for good now. NICK The fuck? Where the hell did the bum thing come from? TIM Just wanted to see if you were paying attention. NICK Well, you misunderstand my statement when I say true happiness doesnt exist. This is not to say that happiness does not exist. I am only merely suggesting that ultimate happiness is unachievable. TIM Can you not just humor me and answer the damn question? NICK I did! TIM No you didnt! You almost never answer the question, its like watching the republican primaries! Just give me a straight answer for once! What drives you to get up and go to work everyday? Whats the ultimate goal in your life? I mean if you want me to get all batman on you I will.


CONTINUED: NICK I Dont evenTIM - I warned you! Just, answer the goddamn question. (like batman) What drives you?


Nick just stares at Tim in a weird fashion. Then a look of fear glazes over his face. TIM Well? NICK Dont look now but a very unpleasant person just entered our midst. TIM Ok, no. Youre not changing the subject! Youve been my best friend for over a decade, and now that Im finally here Im not backing down from this! So just fucking tell me and get it over with! I want to know! NICK Well, Im telling YOU that we should get the FUCK out of dodge. Like RIGHT now. TIM Hows about no, and go fuck yourself? Nick looks straight into Tims eyes with the most sincere of looks. NICK You underestimate the gravity of coming events... TIM I hate when you quote Sherlock Homes. NICK Well then fuck you too buddy! If you wont believe me, then Im leaving whether you are coming or-FUCK.


CONTINUED: DEET HEY DICKHEADS! Tim pauses with wide eyes and slowly turns his head. POV: OF TIM FROM HIS BACK AS HE TURNS TO LOOK INTO THE CAMERA Tim sees the person and quickly turns to Nick TIM THE FUCK?! Why didnt you say it wasDEET Well, well, well! If it isnt my two favorite faggots in the whole world! Still farting around I see? (he laughs like an asshole and takes a seat) So how are my two favorite pussies? TIM (irritated) Whats, up? Deet? DEET Not much man! just you know, workin out, moving back to the west coast, you Manginas know how it goes. NICK So, how was the East Coast? DEET Mind opening! Definitely did some growing up, made some new friends, learned alot about the world...and women. Deet hugs Nick around the shoulder. DEET But now that Im back I find myself with a bit of free time! (Lowers his voice to a whisper) And I intend on finding the pricks who shipped me over there in the first place. I have a few things Id like to repay those assholes with in kind.


Deet smiles at both of them in a sinister sort of fashion and gets up off the bench. (CONTINUED)



DEET Anyway, gotta go take care of lady company. Take care you virgin fucks! Nick and Tim just sit and stare at each other as Deet walks off. NICK You realize were dead right? TIM No SHIT. NICK So what are we going to do? TIM The only thing we can do. Ship him off to Europe! Prost! Tim takes a swig from a flask and makes a satisfying sigh. CUT TO: TWO YEARS EARLIER Tim and Nick sit on the porch of a house and are talking. TIM So its decided then? Were actually going through with this plan? NICK Agreed. TIM FINALLY. Let Operation get rid of an asshole commence! CUT TO: BLACK

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