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Child Development Semester 1 - 2011 Dr.

Diana-Lea Baranovich Observation and Interaction # 2 Write in Narrative (Paragraph) Form

DUE January 8, 2011 Choose on of the following to do your 2nd observation and interaction
Middle Childhood Pre-adolescence (8 12 years) Observe and interact with a child (of seemingly normal development) UP CLOSE AND PERSONALLY for a period of no less than 2 hours in his/her natural environment. (Home, School, Playground, etc.) NOTE: With older children (4 an older) you may want to see them at 2 separate times in separate places. (school and home) 2. This child should not be someone with whom you live too familiar. 3. The child should be awake the entire time you are with him/her. 4. Interact with this child one on one, with primary caregiver, with siblings, with friends. 5. Only report what you SEE for yourself Not what the parents/teachers tell you the child does, can do, cant do, etc. HAVE FUN !!! Briefly discuss the following Background of Child (Include a picture get informed consent) Name: Ethnic Origin: Age: (Include birthday) Siblings (sex and age): How do you know this child ? Home environment and family lifestyle (Discuss)? Where did you observe this child and under what circumstances? Developmental Information Physical Development Fine motor skill Gross motor skills


How did you observe these skills activities/where? What toys did he/she play with alone/with others? What types of play did the child engage in? Cognitive Development What stage of Piagets Developmental Hierarchy does the child seem to be functioning (based on what you observed) Explain Explain aspects of Vygotskys Developmental Theory that you were able to observe interaction with family members, classmates or peers. Are the parents hands on parents (I dont mean in an abusive sense). Social Emotional Development What did you observe in regards to Eric Ericksons Hierarchy of Development? Especially for the older child what does the childs dress say about the child? Especially for the younger child what does the childs dress say about the parents? Attachment - Discuss what you observed in regard to the childs state of attachment and temperament. (Older children in terms of interacting with you as well as with family members and peers) Discuss the attachment level of the child to the Primary Caregiver(s) Why older children ask questions that give you insights into the childs relationship with his caregivers. Such as What is your favorite thing to do with your dad? Did the child come to you easily? Interact with you easily? Do you notice any differences between the way the child socializes and interacts with adults and the way he socializes with peers? Briefly discuss the overall personality of this child as you observed and interacted with him. What are the childs favorite school subjects? What are his favorite hobbies? How does the child spend his down time? What appears to be the childs attitude toward school and learning? Have the child define good friendship? What makes a good friend. For children 8 and above Discuss the child in terms of Banduras Self- Efficacy Model

Language Development Hold a conversation with the child. Older children What does the childs language tell you about his personality? Primary language spoken in home. What language did you speak when verbally interacting with the child? Was this your mother tongue? Was it the childs mother tongue? Explain. Is the child exposed to more than one language (Explain) Is the child speaking in more than one language (Explain) Can coo and babble Can speak single words Can string a few words together Can speak in complete sentences Does the child pantomime language (with words and/or sounds) Does the child pantomime language (without words and/or sounds) Summary Discus your overall impression of this child.

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