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August 30, 2011

New Jersey Center for Teaching and Learning Progressive Science Initiative
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PSI Physics

Dynamics: The Laws of motion

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Table of Contents: Dynamics

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Dynamics Thought Experiment

Newton's 1st Law of Motion

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion
Net Force

Intro to Dynamics Thought Experiment

Mass, Weight, and Normal Force

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

Free Body Diagrams

Friction Tension General Problems

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Intuitive Physics
We all have an intuition about how objects move.

Galileo vs. Aristotle

In our experience, objects must be pushed in order to keep moving. So force would be needed to have a constant velocity. This is what Aristotle claimed in his in his series of books entitled "Physics", written 2400 years ago. But 400 years ago, another scientist and astronomer, Galileo, proposed the following thought experiment which revealed another perspective.

Our beliefs are hard to change since they work well in our day to day lives.

But they limit us in developing an understanding of how the world works - we must build on our intuition and move beyond it.

August 30, 2011

Thought Experiment
Imagine two perfectly smooth ramps connected together by a perfectly smooth surface. What Will Happen?

Thought Experiment
Imagine two perfectly smooth ramps connected together by a perfectly smooth surface. What Will Happen?

Thought Experiment
Imagine two perfectly smooth ramps connected together by a perfectly smooth surface. What Will Happen?

Thought Experiment
Imagine two perfectly smooth ramps connected together by a perfectly smooth surface. What Will Happen?

Thought Experiment
If a ball rolls down one ramp, it keeps rolling up the other side until it reaches the same height.

Thought Experiment
Now repeat that experiment, but make the second ramp less steep. What Will Happen?

August 30, 2011

Thought Experiment
Now repeat that experiment, but make the second ramp less steep. What Will Happen?

Thought Experiment
Now repeat that experiment, but make the second ramp less steep. What Will Happen?

Thought Experiment
Now repeat that experiment, but make the second ramp less steep. What Will Happen?

Thought Experiment
It will still keep rolling until it reaches the same height, but it has to roll farther!

Thought Experiment
Finally, make the ramp flat. Now what will happen?

Thought Experiment
Finally, make the ramp flat. Now what will happen?

August 30, 2011

Thought Experiment
Finally, make the ramp flat. Now what will happen?

Thought Experiment
Finally, make the ramp flat. Now what will happen?

Thought Experiment
Finally, make the ramp flat. Now what will happen?

Thought Experiment
Finally, make the ramp flat. Now what will happen?

Thought Experiment
It will keep rolling forever, no external force is necessary.

Galileo vs. Aristotle

It's not that Aristotle was wrong. In everyday life, objects do need to keep being pushed in order to keep moving. Push a book across the table. When you stop pushing, it stops moving. Aristotle is right in terms of what we see around us every day.

August 30, 2011

Force and Motion
It's just that Galileo, and later Newton, imagined a world where friction could be eliminated. Friction represents an external force acting on the object, just as your push is an external force.

Newton's 1st Law of Motion


In the absence ofall external forces, an object's velocity remains constant. Two equal and opposite forces have the same effect, they cancel to create zero net force.

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Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's First Law of Motion: An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion, unless acted on by a net external force.

Newton's First Law of Motion

Newton's First Law of Motion: An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion remains in motion, unless acted on by a net external force.

In other words, an object maintains its velocity (both speed and direction) unless acted upon by a nonzero net force. Galileo's observations were more fully formed in 1687 by the 'father of physics,' Sir Isaac Newton, who called it "The First Law of Motion". Having zero velocity, being at rest, is not special, it is just one possible more special than any other.

1 In the absence of an external force, a moving object will

2 When the rocket engines on the spacecraft are suddenly turned off, while traveling in empty space, the starship will

stop immediately.

A stop immediately.


slowly slow down, and then stop.

go faster and faster.

slow down and eventually come to a stop.

move with constant speed.

C go faster and faster. D move with constant velocity.

August 30, 2011

3 When you sit on a chair, the net external force on you is
A zero.
B up.

4 A rocket moves through empty space in a straight line with constant speed. It is far from the gravitational effect of any star or planet. Under these conditions, the force that must be applied to the rocket in order to sustain its motion is

C down.

equal to its weight.

equal to its mass.

D depending on your weight.


dependent on how fast it is moving.


5 You are standing in a moving bus, facing forward, and you suddenly fall forward. You can infer from this that the bus's
A velocity decreased.
B velocity increased.


speed remained the same, but it's turning to the right. speed remained the same, but it's turning to the left.

6 You are standing in a moving bus, facing forward, and you suddenly fall forward as the bus comes to an immediate stop. What force caused you to fall forward?

normal force due to your contact with the floor of the bus force due to friction between you and the floor of the bus There is not a force leading to your fall.

Inertial Reference Frames

Newton's laws are only valid in inertial reference frames: An inertial reference frame is one in which Newtons first law is valid. This excludes rotating and accelerating frames. For instance, when your car accelerates, it is not an inertial reference frame. That's why a soda on the front dashboard can suddenly seem to accelerate backwards without any force acting on it. It's not accelerating, it's standing still. The reference frame, the car, is accelerating underneath it.

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

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August 30, 2011

Newtons Second Law of Motion
An object doesn't change its velocity unless a force acts on it. How does an object respond to a force when it is applied?

Newtons Second Law of Motion

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion:

F = ma

Newtons second law is the relation between acceleration and force. As a net force is applied, an object accelerates.

*the word 'net' means overall, or total. We will discuss this in further detail later, but for now just think of F as any force on an object

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion:

F = ma

7 A 3.5 kg object experiences 2 an accleration of 0.5 m/s . What net force does the object feel?

The unit of force in the SI system is thenewton (N).

Mass is measured in kilograms (kg). Acceleration is measured in meters/second2 (m/s2) Therefore, the unit of force, the Newton, can be found from the second law F = ma N = kg*m/s2
F = ma F = 3.5 * 0.5 F = 1.75 N

8 A 12 N net force acts on a 36 kg object? How much does it accelerate?

9 How much net force is required to acclerate a 0.5 kg toy car, initally at rest to a velocity of 2.4 m/s in 6 s?

F = ma a = F/m a = 12/36 a = .33 m/s2

v = V0 + at
a = v/t = 2.4/6 = .4 m/s2

F = ma F = .5 *.4 = 0.2 N

August 30, 2011

Newtons Second Law of Motion
Newton's 2nd Law of Motion:

Newtons Second Law of Motion

We can rearrange this equation to see how mass is related to acceleration:
Acceleration is directly proportional to force (which we already knew!) and inversely proportional to mass.
When two variables are 'inversely proportional', it means that if we increase one, the other will decrease! So if we increase the mass of an object under a constant force, the acceleration will decrease. Think about what happens when you fill a wheelbarrow with dirt...

F = ma

We can use this equation to understand how Force, Mass, and Acceleration are related. When two variables are 'directly proportional', it means that if we increase one, the other will increase as well.

a = F m

F = m a
In Newton's 2nd Law, Force and Mass are directly proportional. More mass requires more force to create the same acceleration. Similarly, Force and Acceleration are directly proportional. To increase the acceleration of an object, more force must be applied.

10 A net force F accelerates a mass m with an acceleration a. If the same net force is applied to mass 2m, then the acceleration will be
4a 2a

11 A constant net force acts on an object. The object moves with:

a/2 a/4

A constant acceleration B constant speed C constant velocity D increasing acceleration

12 A net force F acts on a mass m and produces an acceleration a. What acceleration results if a net force 2F acts on mass 4m?

13 The acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to

A the net force acting on it.
B its position.
C its velocity. D its mass.

8a 4a 2a

August 30, 2011

Net Force F = ma

Net Force F

Let's look at the left side of this equation first.

The greek letter sigma "" means "the sum of". Sometimes F is written as F net, it means the same thing. It means you have to add up all the forces acting on an object.

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Net Force

The arrow above "F" reminds you that force is a vector. We won't always write the arrow but remember it's there. It means that when you add forces, you have to add them like vectors: forces have direction, and they can cancel out.

Net Force F
Example: A 5.0 kg object is being acted on by a 20N force to the right (F 1), and a 30N force, also to the right (F 2). What is the net force on the object?

First we'll draw a free body diagram. This consists of a dot, representing the object, and arrows representing the forces. The direction of the arrows represents the direction of the forces...their length is roughly proportional to their size.

Newtons Second Law of Motion F

Example: A 5.0 kg object is being acted on by a 20N force to the right (F 1), and a 30N force, also to the right (F 2). What is the net force on the object?

Newtons Second Law of Motion F

For example: A 5.0 kg object is being acted on by a 20N force to the right (F 1), and a 30N force, also to the right (F What is the net force on the object?
The second force, F 2, acts to the right also, with a greater magnitude of 30N. This is drawn slightly larger than F-1.
2 ).

The first force, F 1, acts to the right with a magnitude of 20 N


August 30, 2011

Newtons Second Law of Motion F
For example: A 5.0 kg object is being acted on by a 20N force to the right (F 1), and a 30N force, also to the right (F What is the net force on the object? To add vectors, move the second vector so it starts where the first one ends. The sum is a vector which starts where the first vector started, and ends where the last one ends.
2 ).

Newtons Second Law of Motion F

For example: A 5.0 kg object is being acted on by a 20N force to the right (F 1), and a 30N force, also to the right (F What is the net force on the object? To add vectors, move the second vector so it starts where the first one ends. The sum, F, is a vector which starts where the first vector started, and ends where the last one ends.
2 ).





These free body diagrams are critically important to our work. Once done, the problem can be translated into an algebra problem.

Newtons Second Law of Motion

For example: A 5.0 kg object is being acted on by a 20N force to the right (F 1), and a 30N force, also to the right (F What is the net force on the object?
2 ).

14 Two forces act on an object. One force is 40N to the west and the other force is 40N to the east. What is the net force acting on the object?
Remember to draw a force diagram first!



First we will define "to the right" as positive. Then we can interpret our diagram to read: F = F1 + F2 F = 20N + 30N F = 50N to the right we get the direction from our diagram and from our positive answer, which we defined as meaning "to the right"
F = F1 - F2 F = 40N - 40N F = 0

15 Two forces act on an object. One force is 8.0 N to the north and the other force is 6.0N to the south. What is the net force acting on the object?
Remember to draw a force diagram first!

Newtons Second Law of Motion ma

Now let's look at the right side of our equation. Mass is a does not have a direction.

14 N

But acceleration does have a is a vector. The direction of the acceleration vector is always the same as the direction of the net force, F, vector.


14 N to the north

14 N to the south
2 N to the north
2 N to the south

August 30, 2011

Newtons Second Law of Motion
For example: A 5.0 kg object is being acted on by a 20N force to the right (F 1), and a 30N force, also to the right (F 2). We found the net force on the object to be 50N to the right. Now let's find its acceleration.

Newtons Second Law of Motion

Force is a vector, so F = ma is true along each coordinate axis.
F1 F3

a = 1 m/s-




F = ma a = F / m a = 50N / 5.0 kg a = 10 m/s to the right


Newtons Second Law of Motion

Force is a vector, so F = ma is true along each coordinate axis.
F1 F3 F2
a = 1 m/s2

Newtons Second Law of Motion

Force is a vector, so F = ma is true along each coordinate axis.
F1 F3 F2
a = 1 m/s2

That means we can add up all the forces in the vertical direction and those will equal "ma" in the vertical direction.

That means we can add up all the forces in the vertical direction and those will equal "ma" in the vertical direction.

F1 - F 2 = m*a F1 - F 2 = 0

F1 - F 2 = m*a F1 - F 2 = 0



And then can do the same thing in the horizontal direction.


F3 = m*a F3 = (2kg) * (1 m/s )


a = 1 m/s-

F3 = 2 N

16 A force F1 = 50N acts to the right on a 5.0 kg object. Another force, F2 = 30N, acts to the left. Find the acceleration of the object:

17 A force F1 = 350N pushes upward on 20.0 kg object. Another force, F2 = 450N pulls downward. Find the acceleration of the object:

August 30, 2011


18 An object accelerates downward at a rate of 4.9 m/s . If the downward force on the object is 500N and the upward force is 250N, what is the mass of the object?

Mass, Weight, and Normal Force

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Mass is the measure of the inertia of an object, the resistance of an object to accelerate. In the SI system, mass is measured in kilograms. Mass is not weight: Mass is a property of an object. It doesn't depend on where the object is located. Weight is the force exerted on that object by gravity. If you go to the moon, whose gravitational acceleration is about 1/6 g, you will weigh much less. Your mass, however, will be the same.

Newtons Second Law of Motion

The unit of force in the SI system is thenewton (N).
Units for Mass and Force



Note that the pound is a unit of force, not of mass, and can therefore be equated to newtons but not to kilograms.


kilogram newton (N) (kg)

gram (g)

pound (lb)


Conversion factors: 1 dyne = 10 N; 1 lb 4.45N

Weight the Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force

Weight is the force exerted on an object by gravity. Close to the surface of the Earth, where the gravitational force is nearly constant, the weight is:

19 Determine the Force of Gravity (weight) in Newtons on a 6.0 kg bowling ball.

Near the surface of Earth, g is 9.8 m/s downwards.

August 30, 2011

20 Determine the Force of Gravity (weight) in Newtons on a small car with a mass of 900 kg

21 Using a spring scale, you find that the weight of a friction block in the lab is around 24 N. What is the mass of the block, in kilograms?

22 A 120 lb woman has a mass of about 54.5 kg. What is her weight in Newtons?

23 What is the weight of a 25 kg object located near the surface of Earth?

w = mg w = 25*9.8 w = 245 N

24 Which of the following properties of an object is likely to change on another planet?

A Mass


C Color D Volume (size and shape)

25 The acceleration due to gravity is lower on the Moon than on Earth. Which of the following is true about the mass and weight of an astronaut on the Moon's surface, compared to Earth?
A Mass is less, weight is same B Mass is same, weight is less
C Both mass and weight are less

D Both mass and weight are the same

August 30, 2011

Weight the Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force
An object at rest must have no net force on it. If it is sitting on a table, the force of gravity is still there; what other force is there?

Weight the Force of Gravity; and the Normal Force

An object at rest must have no net force on it. If it is sitting on a table, the force of gravity is still there; what other force is there?

The force exerted perpendicular to a surface is called the normal force.



It is exactly as large as needed to balance the force from the object (if the required force gets too big, something breaks!) The words "normal" and "perpendicular" are synonyms.

26 A 14 N brick is sitting on a table. What is the normal force supplied by the table?

27 What normal force is supplied by a desk to a 2.0 kg box sitting on it?

(Use g = 9.8 m/s and round to two figures.)

14 N upwards 28 N upwards


14 N downwards 28 N downwards

F = ma = 0 FN - mg = 0

FN = mg = 2*9.8 20 N

Newtons Third Law of Motion

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

Any time a force is exerted on an object, that force is caused by another object.

You need two objects to have a force.

Force exerted on cat by table

Newtons third law : Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal force in the opposite direction on the first object.

Force exerted on table by cat

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August 30, 2011

Newtons Third Law of Motion
Newton's 3rd Law of Motion: Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second object exerts an equal force in the opposite direction on the first object.

Newtons Third Law of Motion

A key to the correct application of the third law is that the forces are exerted on different objects. Make sure you dont use them as if they were acting on the same object. Then they would add to zero!

You may have heard this, or something similar, before: For every action, there is an equal, opposite reaction. This is another way to state Newton's 3rd Law. It is important to remember that the forces (or actions) are always applied to two different object
Force on hands Force on floor

Newtons Third Law of Motion

Rocket propulsion can also be explained using Newtons third law: hot gases from combustion spew out of the tail of the rocket at high speeds. The reaction force is what propels the rocket.

Newtons Third Law of Motion

Helpful notation: the first subscript is the object that the force is being exerted on; the second is the source.

Note that the rocket does not need anything to push against.

Subscripts help keep your ideas and equations clear.


Horizontal force exerted on the ground by person's foot FGP

Horizontal force exerted on the person's foot by ground FPG

28 An object of mass m sits on a flat table. The Earth pulls on this object with force mg, which we will call the action force. What is the reaction force?

29 A 20-ton truck collides with a 1500-lb car and causes a lot of damage to the car. Since a lot of damage is done on the car
the force on the truck is greater then the force on the car the force on the truck is equal to the force on the car the force on the truck is smaller than the force on the car the truck did not slow down during the collision


The table pushing up on the object with force mg The object pushing down on the table with force mg The table pushing down on the floor with force mg The object pulling upward on the Earth with force mg


August 30, 2011

30 As you are sitting in a chair, you feel the chair pushing up on you. The reaction force in this situation is:

31 A student is doing push-ups in gym class. A reaction pair of forces is best described as:

A The chair pushing down on the ground B Gravity pulling down on you
C You pushing down on the chair D The ground pushing up on the chair

A The student pushes down on the ground / the ground pushes up on the student B Gravity is pulling the student down / The ground is pushing the student up
C Gravity is pulling the student down / The student's arms push the student up D The student's hands push down on the ground / The students arms push the student up

32 Which of Newton's laws best explains why motorists should wear seat belts?
A the first law B the second law
C the third law

33 If you blow up a balloon, and then release it, the balloon will fly away. This is an illustration of:
(Note: there may be more than one answer. Be prepared to explain WHY!)

A Newton's first law

B Newton's second law

C Newton's third law

D Galileo's law of inertia

D the law of gravitation

Free Body Diagrams

1. Draw and label a dot to represent the first object.

Free Body Diagrams

2. Draw an arrow from the dot pointing in the direction of one of the forces that is acting on that object. Label that arrow with the name of the force. 3. Repeat for every force that is acting on the object. Try to draw each of the arrows to roughly the same scale, bigger forces getting bigger arrows. 4. Once you have finished your free body diagram, recheck it to make sure that you have drawn and labeled an arrow for every force. This is no time to forget a force. 5. Draw a separate arrow next to your free body diagram indicating the likely direction of the acceleration of the object. This will help you use your free body diagram effectively.

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6. Repeat this process for every object in your sketch.

August 30, 2011

A hot air balloon hovers in the sky. Draw it's free body diagram:

A boy pulls a toy along (with constant velocity) on a string. Draw the toy's free body diagram:


a = 0 (const. velocity)

Determine F in the x and y directions

Fx = max = 0 Fy = may = 0 Fy= FB - mg = 0 FB = mg

Determine F in the x and y directions

Fx = max = 0 Fx = FT = 0 Fy = may = 0 Fy = FN - mg = 0 FN = mg

An object on a crane descends with constant velocity. Draw the object's free body diagram:



Determine F in the x and y directions

Fx = max = 0 Fy = may = 0 Fy = FT - mg = 0 FT = mg

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Friction - A Resistive Force

There are many different types of forces that occur in nature, but perhaps none is more familiar to us than the force of friction (F f). Friction is a resistive force that opposes the motion of an object. Friction is the reason objects stop rolling or sliding along a surface. It is the reason it is difficult to start pushing a heavy box along the floor. There are many different types of friction: Friction between solid objects and air is often called air resistance. Friction between two fluids is called viscosity, and so on.

Kinetic Friction Force

Where does friction come from? On a microscopic scale, most surfaces are rough. This leads to complex interactions between them that we don't need to consider yet, but the force can be modeled in a simple way.

August 30, 2011

Kinetic Friction Force
Friction that acts on an object that is already in motion is called kinetic friction. For kinetic sliding friction, we write:
A larger coefficient of friction means a greater frictional force. Notice the friction that occurs between different materials in the table below:

Kinetic Friction Force

Kinetic friction is the product of two things: k is called the coefficient of kinetic friction, and is different for every pair of surfaces. FN is simply the Normal Force, which, on flat surfaces, is equal to the weight of the object.

A man accelerates a crate along a rough surface. Draw the crate's free body diagram:

34 A 4.0kg brick is sliding on a surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the surfaces is 0.25. What it the size of the force of friction?


Fapp mg

Determine F in the x and y directions

Fx = max Fapp - Ffr = max

Fy = may FN - mg = 0 FN = mg

Ffr = kFN FN = mg Ffr = kmg Ffr = (0.25)(4)(9.8) = 9.8 N

35 A brick is sliding to the right on a horizontal surface.

What are the directions of the two surface forces: the friction force and the normal force?

Static friction is the frictional force between two surfaces that are not moving along each other. Static friction keeps objects from moving when a force is first applied.

** Static Friction Force



right, down
right, up


left, down
left, up

August 30, 2011

** Static Friction Force


** Static Friction Force

Note the symbol in this equation. Imagine pushing on a box until it moves. You can apply a small force... nothing happens. You apply more and more force until the box finally starts moving - this is the maximum amount of static friction. The friction can be LESS than the maximum amount or EQUAL to the maximum amount, but never greater. The force of friction is equal to s F N at the instant when the object starts to move. Then what happens?


s is the coefficient of static friction, and is different for every pair of surfaces.

The static frictional force increases as the applied force increases, always equal to the net applied force. Until it reaches its maximum, sFN.

**Friction Force
50 40
30 20
10 10
f = S FN

The table below shows values for both static and kinetic coefficients of friction.
Coefficient of Static Friction

** Friction Force
0.4 0.1 0.15 0.7 1.0 0.7 1-4 0.04 0.01

Coefficient of Kinetic Friction

Wood on wood Ice on ice

20 30

0.2 0.03 0.07 0.6 0.8 0.5 1 0.04 0.01

Then the object starts to move, and the kinetic frictional force takes over, KFN .

** 36

A 4.0 kg brick is sitting on a table. The coefficient of static friction between the surfaces is 0.45. What is the largest force that can be applied horizontally to the brick before it begins to slide?

Friction force, f





Metal on metal (lubricated)

Steel on steel (unlubricated)

Applied force, FA
no motion


Rubber on dry concrete

Rubber on wet concrete
Rubber on other solid surfaces

Teflon on Teflon in air

Joints in human limbs

Notice that static friction is greater than kinetic friction. Once an object is in motion, it is easier to keep it in motion.

** 37

A 4.0kg brick is sitting on a table. The coefficient of static friction between the surfaces is 0.45. If a 10 N horizontal force is applied to the brick, what will be the force of friction?

Ffr = sFN FN = mg Ffr = smg Ffr = (.45)(4)(9.8) = 17.64 N Fapp = 17.64 N

Ffr = sFN FN = mg Ffr = smg Ffr = (.45)(4)(9.8) = 17.64 N Fapp < Ffr (a = 0) Ffr = 10 N

August 30, 2011

Tension Force
When a cord or rope pulls on an object, it is said to be under tension, and the force it exerts is called a tension force, F T.



Any object that is hanging or suspended is considered to have tension acting upward.

In some cases, tension can be applied in other directions as well.


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Tension Force
There is no special formula to find the force of tension. We need to use force diagrams and net force equations to solve for it!

38 A 25 kg lamp is hanging from a rope. What is the tension force being supplied by the rope?



F = ma = 0 FT - mg = 0 FT = mg FT = (25)(9.8) = 245 N

39 A crane is lifting a 60 kg load at a constant velocity. Determine the tension force in the cable.

40 A 90 kg climber rappels 2 from the top of a cliff with an acceleration of 1 m/s .

Determine the Tension in the climber's rope.

F = ma FT - mg = -90 N FT = 900 N - 90N FT = 810N

F = ma = 0 FT - mg = 0 FT = mg FT = (60)(9.8) = 588 N

August 30, 2011

Tension Force
The tension in a rope is the same everywhere in the rope. If two masses hang down from either side of a cable, for instance, the tension in both sides must be the same.

41 A crane lifts a 400 kg2 crate upward with an acceleration of 3 m/s .

Determine the Tension in the crane.

T1 =
20 kg


50 kg

F = ma FT - mg = 1200 N FT = 4000N + 1200N FT = 5200N

Tension Force
50 kg 20 kg

Tension Force
50 kg 50 kg 20 kg

20 kg

This system is sometimes called an "Atwood Machine".

A 50 kg mass hangs from one end of a rope that passes over a small frictionless pulley. A 20 kg weight is suspended from the other end of the rope. Which way will the 50 kg mass accelerate? Which way will the 20 kg mass accelerate? Draw a Free Body Diagram for each mass:

m1 g

m2 g

Remember the Tension in the rope is the same everywhere, so FT is the same for both masses. The direction of acceleration is also different. What about the magnitude of acceleration?
Slide to reveal

Since the two masses are connected to each other, they must accelerate at the same rate. Otherwise, the rope would have to continuously get longer as the masses got further apart!

Tension Force
Remember there is no special equation for tension. We need to use net force to find the tension. Below each diagram, write the Net Force equation for each mass:

Tension Force
50 kg
20 kg


50 kg
20 kg


m1 g

m2 g

F = m1a m1g - FT = m1a

F = m2a FT - m2g = m2a

m1 g

m2 g
F = m 2a F T - m 2g = m 2a

F = m 1a m1 g - F T = m 1 a

What is different about each formula? Why aren't they the same?

August 30, 2011

Tension Force
We have two equations (one for each mass) and two unknowns (F T and a). This means we can combine the equations together to solve for each variable!

Tension Force
m1g - m 1a = m2g + m 2a
There is only one unknown (a) here. Solve for a:

m1g - m 1a = m2g + m 2a
Add m1a to both sides subtract m2g from both sides factor out 'a' (remember factoring is just the opposite of distributing!) divide by (m 1 + m2)

m 1g - F T = m 1a

FT - m2g = m2a


= m2g + m 2a + m 1a

First we'll solve each one for F

m1g - m 2g = m 2a + m 1a m1g - m 2g = a (m2 + m 1) m1g - m 2g = a (m2 + m 1)

m 1g - F T = m 1a m 1g = m 1a + FT m 1g - m 1a = FT

FT - m 2g = m 2a FT = m 2g + m 2a

Now we can set them equal to one another: m1 g - m 1 a = F T FT = m 2g + m 2a

m1g - m 1a = m2g + m 2a

Tension Force
Substitute and solve:
m 1g - m 2g = a (m2 + m 1) a = 50(9.8) - 20(9.8) 70 a = 4. 2 m/s

Tension Force
Now we can use either equation to solve for Tension:

m1 g - m 1 a = F T
50 kg 20 kg

FT = m 2g + m 2a FT = 20(9.8) + 20(4.2)
50 kg 20 kg

F T = m 1g - m 1a FT = 50(9.8) - 50 (4.2) FT = 280 N

FT = 280 N

Remember: this is the acceleration for both m 1 and m 2.

We get the same answer either way, since the Tension is the same in both ropes!

Putting it all together...

An 1800 kg elevator moves up and down on a cable. Calculate the tension force in the cable for the following cases:

General Problems

a) the elevator moves at a constant speed upward. b) the elevator moves at a constant speed downward. 2 c) the elevator accelerates upward at a rate of 2.4 m/s . 2 d) the elevator accelerates downward at a rate of 2.4 m/s .

Return to Table of Contents

August 30, 2011

Putting it all together...
An 1800 kg elevator moves up and down on a cable. Calculate the tension force in the cable for the following cases: a) the elevator moves at a constant speed upward.

Putting it all together...

An 1800 kg elevator moves up and down on a cable. Calculate the tension force in the cable for the following cases: b) the elevator moves at a constant speed downward.
No different than if the constant speed is upward!

Given: m = 1800 kg 2 g = 9.8 m/s a=0 T=?

F = ma T - mg = ma and a =0, T - mg = 0 T = mg T = (1800 kg)(9.8 m/s2) T = 17,640 N


Given: m = 1800 kg 2 g = 9.8 m/s a=0 T=?

F = ma T - mg = ma and a =0, T - mg = 0 T = mg T = (1800 kg)(9.8 m/s2) T = 17,640 N


Putting it all together...

An 1800 kg elevator moves up and down on a cable. Calculate the tension force in the cable for the following cases: c) the elevator accelerates upward at a rate of 2.4 m/s .

Putting it all together...

An 1800 kg elevator moves up and down on a cable. Calculate the tension force in the cable for the following cases: d) the elevator accelerates downward at a rate of 2.4 m/s2.

Given: m = 1800 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a = 2.4 m/s2 T=?

F = ma T - mg = ma T = ma + mg T = m(a + g) T = (1800 kg)(2.4 m/s2 + 9.8 m/s2) T = 21,960 N


Given: m = 1800 kg 2 g = 9.8 m/s 2 a = -2.4 m/s T=?

F = ma T - mg = ma T = ma + mg T = m(a + g) T = (1800 kg)(-2.4 m/s2 + 9.8 m/s2) T = 13,320 N


A 50 kg man stands on a scale inside an elevator. State the scale measurement for the following cases: a) the elevator moves at a constant speed upward. b) the elevator moves at a constant speed downward. 2 c) the elevator accelerates upward at a rate of 1.4 m/s . 2 d) the elevator accelerates downward at a rate of 1.4 m/s .

A 50 kg man stands on a scale inside an elevator. State the scale measurement for the following cases: a) the elevator moves at a constant speed upward.

Given: m = 50 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a=0 FN = ?

F = ma FN - mg = ma and a =0, FN - mg = 0 FN = mg FN = (50 kg)(9.8 m/s2) FN = 490 N



August 30, 2011

A 50 kg man stands on a scale inside an elevator. State the scale measurement for the following cases: b) the elevator moves at a constant speed downward.
A 50 kg man stands on a scale inside an elevator. State the scale measurement for the following cases: c) the elevator accelerates upward at a rate of 1.4 m/s .

Given: m = 50 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a=0 FN = ?

F = ma FN - mg = ma and a =0, FN - mg = 0 FN = mg FN = (50 kg)(9.8 m/s2) FN = 490 N



Given: m = 50 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a = 1.4 m/s2 FN = ?

F = ma FN - mg = ma FN = ma + mg FN = m(a + g) FN = (50 kg)(1.4 m/s2 + 9.8 m/s2) FN = 560 N



A 50 kg man stands on a scale inside an elevator. State the scale measurement for the following cases: d) the elevator accelerates downward at a rate of 1.4 m/s .

Problem Solving A General Approach

Read the problem carefully; then read it again. Draw a sketch, and then a free-body diagram. Choose a convenient coordinate system . List the known and unknown quantities; Find relationships between the knowns and unknowns. Estimate the answer. Solve the problem without numbers, algebraically. Then put the numbers in and solve for a numerical answer. Keep track of dimensions . Make sure your answer is reasonable .

Given: m = 50 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a = -1.4 m/s2 FN = ?

F = ma FN - mg = ma FN = ma + mg FN = m(a + g) FN = (50 kg)(-1.4 m/s2 + 9.8 m/s2) FN = 420 N



#75. A train with a mass of 25000 kg increases its speed from 36 km/h (10 m/s) to 90 km/h (25 m/s) in 20 seconds. Assume that the acceleration is constant and that you can neglect friction. a. b. c. d. Find the acceleration of the train; Find the distance traveled during this 20 s? Draw a free- body diagram for the train; Find the average net force supplied by the locomotive.

A train with a mass of 25000 kg increases its speed from 36 km/h (10 m/s) to 90 km/h (25 m/s) in 20 seconds. Assume that the acceleration is constant and that you can neglect friction.
a. Find the acceleration of the train

Given: m = 25000 kg V0 = 36 km/h (10 m/s) v = 90 km/h (25 m/s) t = 20 s a=?

v = V0 + at
a = (v - V0)/t a = (25 - 10)/20 a = .75 m/s2

August 30, 2011

A train with a mass of 25000 kg increases its speed from 36 km/h (10 m/s) to 90 km/h (25 m/s) in 20 seconds. Assume that the acceleration is constant and that you can neglect friction.
A train with a mass of 25000 kg increases its speed from 36 km/h (10 m/s) to 90 km/h (25 m/s) in 20 seconds. Assume that the acceleration is constant and that you can neglect friction.
c. Draw a free- body diagram for the train

b. Find the distance traveled during this 20 s?

Given: m = 25000 kg V0 = 36 km/h (10 m/s) v = 90 km/h (25 m/s) t = 20 s a = .75 m/s2

x = x0 + V0t + (1/2at2) and x0 = 0 x = (10*20) + (.5*.75*202) x = 350 m

Given: m = 25000 kg V0 = 36 km/h (10 m/s) v = 90 km/h (25 m/s) t = 20 s a = .75 m/s2



A train with a mass of 25000 kg increases its speed from 36 km/h (10 m/s) to 90 km/h (25 m/s) in 20 seconds. Assume that the acceleration is constant and that you can neglect friction.

d. Find the average net force supplied by the locomotive.

#77. Two blocks, with masses m1 = 400 g and m2 = 600 g, are connected by a string and lie on a frictionless tabletop. A force F = 3.5 N is applied to block m2. a. Draw a free-body diagram for each block showing all applied forces to scale. Next to each diagram show the direction of the acceleration of that object. b. Find the acceleration of each object. c. Find the tension force in the string between two objects.

Given: m = 25000 kg V0 = 36 km/h (10 m/s) v = 90 km/h (25 m/s) t = 20 s a = .75 m/s2

F = ma F = (25000 kg)(.75 m/s2) F = 18750 N

Two blocks, with masses m1 = 400 g and m2 = 600 g, are connected by a string and lie on a frictionless tabletop. A force F = 3.5 N is applied to block m2.

a. Draw a free-body diagram for each block showing all applied forces to scale. Next to each diagram show the direction of the acceleration of that object.

Two blocks, with masses m = 400 g and m = 600 g, are connected by a string and lie on a 1 2 frictionless tabletop. A force F = 3.5 N is applied to block m2.

b. Find the acceleration of each object.

Given: m1 = 400 g (.4 kg) m2 = 600 g (.6 kg) Fapp = 3.5 N g = 9.8 m/s2 a=?




F = m a F1 = m 1a T = m 1a F2 = m 2a Fapp - T = m 2a



Fapp - m 1a = m 2a Fapp = m 2a + m1a Fapp = a (m 2 + m 1) a= F app (m 2 + m 1) a= 3.5N (0.4kg + 0.6kg) a = 3.5 m/s

to the right

August 30, 2011

Two blocks, with masses m1 = 400 g and m2 = 600 g, are connected by a string and lie on a frictionless tabletop. A force F = 3.5 N is applied to block m2.

15 kg 12 kg
# 79. A 12 kg load hangs from one end of a rope that passes over a small frictionless pulley. A 15 kg counterweight is suspended from the other end of the rope. The system is released from rest. a. b. c. d. e. Draw a free-body diagram for each object showing all applied forces in relative scale. Next to each diagram show the direction of the acceleration of that object. Find the acceleration of each mass. What is the tension force in the rope? What distance does the 12 kg load move in the first 3 s? What is the velocity of 15 kg mass at the end of 5 s?

c. Find the tension force in the string between two objects.

Given: m1 = 400 g (.4 kg) m2 = 600 g (.6 kg) Fapp = 3.5 N g = 9.8 m/s2 a = 3.5 m/s2 FT = ?

F = m1a FT = m1a FT = (.4 kg)(3.5 m/s2) FT = 1.4 N

A 12 kg load hangs from one end of a rope that passes over a small frictionless pulley. A 15 kg counterweight is suspended from the other end of the rope. The system is released from rest. a. Draw a free-body diagram for each object showing all applied forces in relative scale. Next to each diagram show the direction of the acceleration of that object.

A 12 kg load hangs from one end of a rope that passes over a small frictionless pulley. A 15 kg counterweight is suspended from the other end of the rope. The system is released from rest. b. Find the acceleration of each mass.
F = m1a T - m 1 g = m1 a T = m1a + m1g

m1 (12 kg)

m2 (15 kg)

Given: m1 = 12 kg m2 = 15 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a=?

F = m2a T - m 2 g = - m2 a T = m2 g - m 2 a

m1g m2g

m1a + m1g = m2g - m2a a(m1+ m2) = g(m2 - m1)

a = 1.1 m/s

A 12 kg load hangs from one end of a rope that passes over a small frictionless pulley. A 15 kg counterweight is suspended from the other end of the rope. The system is released from rest.

A 12 kg load hangs from one end of a rope that passes over a small frictionless pulley. A 15 kg counterweight is suspended from the other end of the rope. The system is released from rest.

c. What is the tension force in the rope?

Given: m1 = 12 kg m2 = 15 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a = 1.1 m/s2

d. What distance does the 12 kg load move in the first 3 s?

F = m1a T - m 1 g = m1 a T = m1a + m1g T = 130.8 N

Given: m1 = 12 kg m2 = 15 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a = 1.1 m/s2

and x0 = 0, V0 = 0

t=3s x=?

August 30, 2011

A 12 kg load hangs from one end of a rope that passes over a small frictionless pulley. A 15 kg counterweight is suspended from the other end of the rope. The system is released from rest.

500 g

e. What is the velocity of 15 kg mass at the end of 5 s?

Given: m1 = 12 kg m2 = 15 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a = 1.1 m/s2

300 g
#81. A 500 g block lies on a horizontal tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.25. The block is connected by a massless string to the second block with a mass of 300 g. The string passes over a light frictionless pulley as shown above. The system is released from rest. a. Draw clearly labeled free-body diagrams for each of the 500 g and the 300g masses. Include all forces and draw them to relative scale. Draw the expected direction of acceleration next to each free-body diagram. b. Use Newtons Second Law to write an equation for the 500 g mass. c. Use Newtons Second Law to write an equation for the 300 g mass. d. Find the acceleration of the system by simultaneously solving the system of two equations. e. What is the tension force in the string?

v = V0 + at (and v0 = 0) v = at v = 5.5 m/s

t=5s x=?

A 500 g block lies on a horizontal tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.25. The block is connected by a massless string to the second block with a mass of 300 g. The string passes over a light frictionless pulley as shown above. The system is released from rest.
a. Draw clearly labeled free-body diagrams for each of the 500 g and the 300g masses. Include all forces and draw them to relative scale. Draw the expected direction of acceleration next to each free-body diagram.

A 500 g block lies on a horizontal tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.25. The block is connected by a massless string to the second block with a mass of 300 g. The string passes over a light frictionless pulley as shown above. The system is released from rest.

b. Use Newtons Second Law to write an equation for the 500 g mass.
x - direction
y - direction

m1 (.5 kg)
FN Ffr

m2 (.3 kg)

F = m1a T - Ffr = m1a T = m1a + Ffr

Ffr = FN Ffr = m1g

F = 0 FN - m1g = 0 F N = m1 g


T = m1a + m1g

A 500 g block lies on a horizontal tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.25. The block is connected by a massless string to the second block with a mass of 300 g. The string passes over a light frictionless pulley as shown above. The system is released from rest.

A 500 g block lies on a horizontal tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.25. The block is connected by a massless string to the second block with a mass of 300 g. The string passes over a light frictionless pulley as shown above. The system is released from rest.

c. Use Newtons Second Law to write an equation for the 300 g mass.

d. Find the acceleration of the system by simultaneously solving the system of two equations.
Given: m1 = .5 kg m2 = .3 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 = .25 a=?

y - direction

T = m1a + m1g
m1a + m1g = m2g - m2a a(m1+ m2) = g(m2 - m1) a = g(m2 - m1) (m 1+ m2) 2 a = 2.14 m/s

T = m2 g - m 2 a

F = - m2a T - m 2 g = - m2 a T = m2 g - m 2 a

August 30, 2011

A 500 g block lies on a horizontal tabletop. The coefficient of kinetic friction between the block and the surface is 0.25. The block is connected by a massless string to the second block with a mass of 300 g. The string passes over a light frictionless pulley as shown above. The system is released from rest.


e. What is the tension force in the string?

Given: m1 = .5 kg m2 = .3 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 = .25 a = 2.14 m/s2 T=?

An elevator (mass 4850 kg) is to be designed so that the maximum acceleration is 0.0680g. What are the maximum and minimum forces the motor should exert on the supporting cable?

T = m1a + m1g T = 2.3 N

An elevator (mass 4850 kg) is to be designed so that the maximum acceleration is 0.0680g. What are the maximum and minimum forces the motor should exert on the supporting cable?

Two boxes are connected by a cord. A person pulls horizontally on box A with force F = 40.0 N. The boxes have masses of 10 kg and 12 kg. Ignore friction between the boxes and the tabletop.

Given: m = 4850 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a = 0.0680g = .67 m/s2

Fmax = ? Fmin = ?

(when "a" is up)

F = ma T - mg = ma T = ma + mg
T = 50799.5 N (max)

(when "a" is down)

F = - ma T - mg = - ma T = mg - ma
T = 44280.5 N (min)

a) Show the free-body diagram of the box B. b) Show the free-body diagram of the box A. c) Find the acceleration of the system. d) Find the tension in the cord.
mB = 12 kg
mA = 10 kg
FT = 40 N

Two boxes are connected by a cord. A person pulls horizontally on box A with force F = 40.0 N. The boxes have masses of 10 kg and 12 kg. Ignore friction between the boxes and the tabletop.

Two boxes are connected by a cord. A person pulls horizontally on box A with force F = 40.0 N. The boxes have masses of 10 kg and 12 kg. Ignore friction between the boxes and the tabletop.

a) Show the free-body diagram of the box B.

b) Show the free-body diagram of the box A.

mB (12 kg)

mA (10 kg)



August 30, 2011

Two boxes are connected by a cord. A person pulls horizontally on box A with force F = 40.0 N. The boxes have masses of 10 kg and 12 kg. Ignore friction between the boxes and the tabletop.
Two boxes are connected by a cord. A person pulls horizontally on box A with force F = 40.0 N. The boxes have masses of 10 kg and 12 kg. Ignore friction between the boxes and the tabletop.

c) Find the acceleration of the system.

d) Find the tension in the cord.

Given: mB = 12 kg mA = 10 kg Fapp = 40 N g = 9.8 m/s2 a=?

Given: mB = 12 kg mA = 10 kg F = 40 N app g = 9.8 m/s2 a = 1.82 m/s2

F = mBa T = mB a T = 21.84 N

to the right

Elevator car

Two masses are suspended over a pulley by a cable, as shown on the diagram. Let the mass of the elevator be 1150 kg and the counterweight 1000 kg. a) Show the free-body diagram of the elevator

Two masses are suspended over a pulley by a cable, as shown on the diagram. Let the mass of the elevator be 1150 kg and the counterweight 1000 kg.

a) Show the free-body diagram of the elevator

mE (1150 kg)

mE = 1150 kg

b) Show the free-body diagram of the counterweight c) Calculate the acceleration of the system d) Calculate the tension in the cable

Counterweight mC = 1000 kg

mE g

Two masses are suspended over a pulley by a cable, as shown on the diagram. Let the mass of the elevator be 1150 kg and the counterweight 1000 kg.

Two masses are suspended over a pulley by a cable, as shown on the diagram. Let the mass of the elevator be 1150 kg and the counterweight 1000 kg.

b) Show the free-body diagram of the counterweight

c) Calculate the acceleration of the system


mC (1000 kg)



Given: mc = 1000 kg me = 1150 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a=?

August 30, 2011

Two masses are suspended over a pulley by a cable, as shown on the diagram. Let the mass of the elevator be 1150 kg and the counterweight 1000 kg.

d) Calculate the tension in the cable

5.0 kg
Given: mc = 1000 kg me = 1150 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 a = .68 m/s2 T=?
F = mca T=m a+m g c c T = 10480 N

Two boxes are connected by a cord running over a pulley. The coefficient of kinetic friction between box A and the table is 0.2 a) Show the free-body diagrams of box A and box B b) Find the acceleration of the system of two boxes c) Find the tension in the cord
2.0 kg

Two boxes are connected by a cord running over a pulley. The coefficient of kinetic friction between box A and the table is 0.2

Two boxes are connected by a cord running over a pulley. The coefficient of kinetic friction between box A and the table is 0.2

a) Show the free-body diagrams of box A and box B

5.0 kg

b) Find the acceleration of the system of two boxes

Given: m A = 5 kg m B = 2 kg g = 9.8 m/s 2 = .2 a=?

y - direction


x - direction

y - direction



5.0 kg

F = - mBa T - m B g = - mB a T = mB g - m B a

F = mAa T - Ffr = mAa T = mAa + Ffr

F = 0 FN - mAg = 0 F N = mA g
Ffr = FN Ffr = mAg T = mAa + mAg

2.0 kg


2.0 kg

mAa + mAg = mBg - mBa a(mA+ mB) = g(mB - mA) a = g(mB - mA) (m A+ mB) 2 a = 1.4 m/s

m Bg

Two boxes are connected by a cord running over a pulley. The coefficient of kinetic friction between box A and the table is 0.2

c) Find the tension in the cord

Given: mA = 5 kg mB = 2 kg g = 9.8 m/s2 = .2 a = 1.4 m/s2 T=?

F = - mBa T - m B g = - mB a T = mB g - m B a T = 16.8 N

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