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A Small but Thorough How-to Guide on Basic Report Writing

Basic Report Writing

Basic Report Writing involves the development of a report in its most basic form. It is essential to note that the subject of consideration in this case is to report on the assigned subject.

Different from Essay Writing

Basic Report Writing begins by providing an introduction to the subject of the report. It is essential to note that Basic Report Writing is different from essay writing and should therefore be considered in the same light. In addition, it is commonplace to make use of headings when engaged in Basic Report Writing as compared to essay writing.

Observation and Analysis in Basic Report Writing

Basic Report Writing also generally entails carrying out a detailed observation of the subject of the report. It involves observing cause and effect relationships between the variables present within the subject of the report. Basic Report Writing is not a purely exploratory exercise. It also involves analysis and highlighting of key efficiencies and deficiencies of the subject of the report. It is for the same reason that Basic Report Writing can be performed for any individual, group, organization or subject for that matter.

Using External Sources in Basic Report Writing

Basic Report Writing generally follows a sequence in which the subject of the report is introduced and then the discussion presented in the body is frequently punctuated with secondary sources. Adding references to outside sources serves to add credibility to the practice of Basic Report Writing and also allows the report to be written so that it is authentic and genuine in nature. Basic Report Writing does not allow any room for personal opinions or the exercising of biases against any phenomena. It has to be purely analytical and in-depth in nature.

Effective Report Writing

To produce a good report requires effort The content must be clear, concise and accurate! Above all it must convey an image of total professionalism Great effort goes into the preparatory work but the look of the document should not be forgotten We cant write your report for you


Your report needs a good Format and structure it should include most of the following categories: o Heading Page o Content List o Executive Summary o Background / Introduction o Methods o Results o Observations o Conclusions and Appendices

Heading Page

Leave the Report heading page til last! The report Header needs a lot of thought & first impressions count when looking at a report Its the secret to making a simple report look absolutely brilliant! The header is fun to create! Think about the Layout of the front page:
o o o

Size and Style of font Colour of font (the bigger the font enables you to use a lighter colour) Use of images and logos

Contents Page

This is obviously another page you will leave until you have compiled the main body of the report A contents list is only necessary for a lengthy report Give each section of your report a title and cross refer this to a page number

Executive Summary

An Executive Summary is a real must if your report is a really lengthy one An executive summary provides bullet points of all of the main elements of your report It gives the reader a snapshot view of the contents It ensures that your main points are emphasised And it conveys a really professional image!

An executive summary is easy to create once you have written the complete report easy to create once you have written the complete report.

Background or Introduction

The Background or Introduction section should set the scene for the reader It should explain why the information in the report has been put together It should details any problems that have been identified and the effect of any such problems on the content of your report


This section of your report should explain HOW the information has been gathered What were the sources of information? What format did any investigation take? Was any special documentation used to gather information?


This section should detail the results of the exercise the facts. These can be presented in text or tabulation format, depending on the content If the results are quite short they can be presented within the body of the report

Remember that charts, diagrams or graphs can be exported from Excel or PowerPoint and embedded into the body of the report

If, however , the results are lengthy consider if they would be better placed as an Appendix


Sometimes presenting factual results is simply not enough There might be other influences that should be mentioned You might wish to make your own comments on the subject of the report Observations are not fact-based and therefore cannot be substantiated Observations are your views !


This section allows you to make recommendations based on the findings of your report The recommendations could be for: o Change o Improvement o New Ideas The recommendations should be based on the findings / results detailed in the report


The How factor!

How the implementation of your ideas and recommendations would improve o Service o Productivity o Performance Your assessment of the outcomes Your evaluation of the benefits Its your chance to really sell your ideas and recommendations to the reader!


Appendices allow you to add supporting information to your report. You can attach spreadsheets, forms, questionnaires, tables, charts, articles in fact anything that will support the content of your report By attaching an Appendix it will allow your report to flow, without interruption
Appendices are usually numbered using Roman Numerals to get the right effect select the font style Times new Roman and use capital letters e.g. Appendix I, Appendix II, Appendix III etc.


A report is compiled of many different elements Always keep in mind the Impact of your report on the Reader The Impact of your report will be dictated by the look so think about it carefully The look can help you create a positive image of the writer YOU!

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