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CONTENTS..................................................................... INTRODUCTION ..............................................................2 1.1 Background .............................................................2 1.2 Identification of Problem .........................................6 1.3 Limitation Problem ..................................................6 1.4 Formulation of Problem ...........................................7 1.5 Research Objectives ................................................7 1.6 Benefits of Research ...............................................7 BIBLIOGRAPHI ................................................................8 LIST OF TABLES

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the existing potential in him ( Educational problems which are disclosed in the media shows there are many educational issues that can not be sought to solve, including problems in mathematics education ( Mathematics is one of the lessons in school which is a basic lesson and the means of scientific thinking that is needed by students to develop logical ability. About mathematics and school mathematics Soedjadi (in WL Sihombing 2007:107) suggests: Mathematics as one of the best basic science aspects and applying aspects reasoning plays an important role in the effort to the mastery of science and technology. This means that the mathematics necessary to a certain extent controlled by the entire people of Indonesia, both the application and thought patterns. School mathematics is a part of mathematics that are selected on the basis of ability and personality development interests of learners and the development of science and technology, should always be made compatible with the demands of the interests of learners face the future. The expression shows that mathematics has a very important role in every aspect of life. But in fact the role of mathematics to improve the ability is still low. Along with the quality of education in Indonesia is still low. As expressed by Zainurie (2007: 1): Many people say 'quality of education in Indonesia', especially in mathematics remains low. Data that support this opinion are: UNESCO data showed Indonesia was parked right mathematical ranking 34 out of 38 countries. So far Indonesia still has not been able to escape from the row occupants under the board.

Chairman of the Mathematics Teacher Association of Indonesia (AGMI) Word of Shah Noor (Voice of Reform, 2007) http:/ revealed that: "Achievement of 8th grade math students (equivalent to junior grade 2) in Indonesia is still lower compared with Malaysia and Singapore that the number of hours of lessons each year fewer than Indonesia. Indonesian students' math achievement only through an average score of 411. Meanwhile, Malaysia and Singapore reached 508 605 (400 = low, 475 = medium, 550 = high, 625 = advanced). Timms is the result of the implementation analysis conducted Frederick KS Leing from The University of Hong Kong. This means time spent Indonesian students in school are not comparable with the achievements. " Some mathematicians like Russefendi (in Elfrida, 2008) indicated weakness in students' mathematics Indonesia, because of fear of maths at school and even hated by the students. According Sriyanto (in Bambang R, 2007) negative attitudes such as these arise because of the perception that math is difficult. According Soejono (1984:4) (in "Student learning difficulties can be caused by several factors, both internal and external factors such as physiology, social factors and pedagogical factors. In addition there are special difficulties in learning mathematics such as: 1) difficulty in using the concept, 2) difficulty in learning and using the principles, 3) difficulty in solving verbal form. " Same thing also expressed by Bambang R

(Http:// that: "Many factors that cause math is considered difficult subjects, such as mathematical characteristics of an abstract, logical, systematic, and full of symbols and formulas are confusing. In addition, some students do not like math because math is full of a count and poor communication. " From the above statement can be concluded that one of the difficulties to learn mathematics is the low ability mathematics student communication. According to Alex Sobur (2003: 164) that: "the human ability to create symbols to prove that humans already have a high culture in

communication". The








(in that: "In studying mathematics rather than merely memorize, but every student should be able to interpret mathematical symbols and formulas contained in mathematics because mathematical symbols are" artificial "has new meaning after a meaning given to him". The importance of improving students' mathematical communication skills have also been written in Indonesian national education goals and the latest curriculum in 2007 specifically for the learning of mathematics. Given that the world of science, mathematics has a role as a symbolic language that allows the realization of a careful and proper communication. Just as revealed by Soejadi (2000:199): With the symbols and its properties and terms contained therein can mathematics act as a language of science. From some of quote above is so important to explain the meaning and role of education to increase the students' mathematical communication skills. Abdurrahman even conclude that difficulties in language can affect the child's ability in mathematics. This is supported by research cocking and Mestre. (In http / / executiveimet) said that there is a positive relationship between students' difficulties in speaking with their difficulties in learning mathematics. The author also did an interview with the mother Lumbantobing as junior high math teacher Neg. 1 Sidikalang, obtained information that the student's ability to interpret and understand the questions given by teachers is still low. Students still not able to communicate his ideas with the language of mathematics. The low quality of education in Indonesia was not apart from the ability of teachers to teach their students. As long as it was felt that some teachers lack the right to choose the method used to convey the subject matter. This statement is reinforced by Freire (2006) (in which states that: "Still the discovery of learning where teachers teach and students taught, teachers and students do not understand all of them know nothing, the

teacher talking and students listening, disciplining teachers and students didisplinkan, subject teachers and students are the objects of the learning process." Usman (2001: 306) also states that: "What is the cause of low or lack of understanding of math concepts students, one of whom is the learning method used by teachers for example, in learning which is oriented to the traditional approach that puts students in the learning process as a listener." Generally in the learning process teachers deliver lessons using the conventional method, where teachers are more active as the giver of knowledge to the students whereas the passive students who only receive inputs only and students are usually less active in their opinion. As said by Lie (2004:3) that: "many students expect teachers to teach with Sit, Stay, Listen, Record and memorized (3DCH) and students complained to each other." To overcome the problems mentioned above, the teachers need to pursue improvement of learning as a strategy to improve students' mathematical communication skills in a way how students participate actively in the learning process. One of the mathematical learning that can enhance student participation and relatively easy to implement in the classroom is cooperative learning type TPS. This allows to happen because the procedure has been developed so that it can give more time to students to think, and respond as one way that can generate forms of student participation (Arend, 2001). This opinion is also supported by Ansari mathematical communication in the book are: "Cooperative learning model or type of think pair share" exchanging ideas in pairs "is an effective cooperative learning structures to enhance students' thinking. This allows to happen because the procedure has been structured in such so as to give more time to students to think, and respond as one way that can generate forms of student participation. Based on the fact that mathematical communication skills of students who were low, and the important role of communication as a fundamental capability that must be owned by actors and users of mathematics while studying and teaching mathematics curriculum. Referring to the opinion that cooperative

learning is a learning type of polling stations that carry students in answering the problem by giving students more time to think, to respond, and to help each other. Thus, it can be expected that this learning can be a facilitator in developing and stimulating the students' mathematical communication skills. With these expectations, the learning of mathematics with cooperative learning TPS type selected in this study to see effects on students' mathematical communication skills. In connection with the above problems, researchers interested in conducting research with the title "Different Communication Skills Mathematics Students Taught by Type of Cooperative Learning Model and Learning Think pair share Conventional Class VIII At Junior High School I Sidikalang in Academic Year 2011/2012". 1.2. Problem Identification From the description of the background of the problem before it arises some question as identification of problems in this research are:
1) The level of communication skills mathematics students is still low 2) The learning process is limited support for students to express their

mathematical communication skills possessed by students.

3) Students had difficulties in solving mathematical problems in the form

of verbal 1.3. Problem Limitation Given the complexity of the problems that exist in this study and the limited ability of researchers to limit this problem, the researcher on matters relating to the cooperative learning model types think pair share students' math and communication skills. The problem definition in this study was to see the model of learning which one is better in improving communication skills math class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Sidikalang.

1.4. Problem Formulation The formulation of the problem in this research is: Are there differences in students' mathematical communication skills and are taught by cooperative learning model types think pair share compared with conventional learning? 1.5. Research Objectives In accordance with the formulation of the above problems, the purpose of this study was to determine whether there are differences in communication skills mathematics students taught with cooperative learning model types think pair share compared with conventional learning. 1.6. Benefits Research In accordance with the purpose of the study above, the results of this study are expected to give results as follows:


what type of cooperative learning model or think pair share the best conventionally used in learning.

As input for

the researcher as a stock of knowledge in teaching mathematics in the future




insight into the writer as a prospective teacher.


As input for

the next researcher.

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