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Pro Forma Kursus Program Sarjana Muda Perguruan Dengan Kepujian ( Pendidikan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran Pendidikan Rendah

) Course Title Special Methods in Teaching and Learning Science ( Kaedah Khas Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains ) PKB 3110 3 (2+1) 60 hours English Language None First / Second 1. Ascertained the concepts, goals and objectives of Science among the learning disabilities students.

Course Code Credit Contact Hours Medium Prerequisite Semester Learning Outcomes

2. 3. 4.

Analyzing the basic principles of teaching science for learning disabilities students. Identify problems related to teaching and learning science process for students with learning disabilities. Accomplish the teaching and learning of students with learning disabilities. Science for


This course provides the knowledge of concepts, goals, objectives, and basic principles of teaching science to learning disabilities students. Problems related to teaching science process, procedures, strategies to overcome the problems, and the element of functional science in daily life usage will be emphasized. Kursus ini memberi pengetahuan tentang konsep, matlamat, objekyif dan prinsip asas pengajaran Sains untuk murid-murid bermasalah pembelajaran. Masalah pengajaran proses Sains, langkah-langkah, strategiuntuk mengatasi masalah pengajaran Sains, dan penggunaan sains dalam kehidupan harian turut diberi perhatian.


Topics Theory 1.



Introduction to Science Definition and the concept of Science - Science components - Science and daily life Factors which influence science process - Cognitive - Environment - Motivation Science learning theory Biological Theory Cognitive Theory Constructivism Theory Ecological TheorY General principles of teaching science for learning disabilities students. - Easy to difficult - Concrete to abstract - General to specific - Little to many


Problems of Learning Science

Causes of failure in acquiring science skills - Cognitive - Physical - Emotion

Problems in learning science among learning disabilities students. - Motor coordination - Visual /auditory perception - Gross and fine motor skills - Attention - Memory - Abstract reasoning - Language


Topics 3.

Contents Basic Skills of Science Process Definition and basic concept of science The importance of science in daily life Identify the basic skills related to science process Observation Classifying Measuring and using numbers Communicating Using the relationship of space and time Operational definition Experiment skills

Hours 4

Stages of teaching science process for learning disabilities students

Identify the concept and term Analyzing material Analyzing the basic knowledge Identify concept and terminology Relation to daily living Application in life - Social interaction 4


Strategies for Teaching Science

Methodology of teaching science Inquiry Experiment Hands on activity Exploration Active exploring Science Project Cross Curriculum activities Field work Group Work Simulation

Modification of strategies in teaching science for pupils with learning disabilities - Content - Level/stage - Material - Location - Evaluation - Relation with life


Topics 5.

Contents Assessment of Science Skills Type of assessment - Examine the science mistake - Determine the level of understand - Determine the mastery learning Formal assessment - Norm reference test - Criteria reference test - Teachers construction test Nonformal assessment - Evaluate students work sheets - Observation

Hours 3

Syllabus Study The study and interpretation of learning disabilities science syllabus. Content/skills Learning outcome Activities Teachers guide book

To compare , apply and modify the content of curriculum base on types of problem, learning style, behavior and the level of students achievement. 7. Teaching and Learning Science Daily lesson plan Planning format Learning outcomes Activity selection Teaching aids selection Stages of lesson plan Reflection 3 4


Teaching Aids The importance of teaching aids Characteristics of teaching aids Categories of teaching aids Commercial material Recycle material Teachers hand made material



Contents Types of teaching aids Concrete aids Multisensory aids ICT aids



Functional Science for Learning Disabilities Students Usage in Daily Life Communication Self care Social Using public amnities Health Security Recreation Career Total Practical



Application of strategies in teaching Science Inquiry Experiment Hands on activity Exploration Active exploring Science Project Cross Curriculum activities Field work Group Work Simulation



Teaching aids production Commercial material Recycle material Teachers hand made material Multisensory ICT Multimedia Micro Teaching Individual teaching 12




Contents Pair teaching Combine class teaching Multilevel teaching Total Grand Total


30 60


Course Work Final Exam

60% 40%

Basic References

Chew, C. (2003). Lets learn science. K. Lumpur :Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Monk, M. & Dillon, J. Ed. (1995). Learning to teach science: Activities for student teachers and mentors. Hampshire: Falmer Press. Oh, T. B. (2003). The essential guide to science and mathematics in English. Selangor : Shinano Pub. House.


Baker, D.R. & Piburn, M.D. (1997). Constructing science in middle and secondary school classrooms. Boston, M.A: Allyn & Bacon. Jabatan Pendidikan Khas, (2003). Huraian sukatan pelajaran pendidikan khas bermasalah pembelajaran rendah dan menengah : Bidang sosial, riadah dan kreativiti. K. Lumpur : Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia. Minzes, J.J., Wandersee, J.H. & Novak, J.D. (1998). Teaching science for understanding: A human constructivist view. Academic Press.


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