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TYPES OF RESEARCH There are different kinds of research as there are different kinds of points of view.

In presenting the element s of research in the nursing y Treece and treece (1973),  Categorize research into two general types: basic research and applied research. o BASIC RESEARCH, the researcher tries to find the truth; to seek knowledge simply for knowledge s sake. o APPLIED RESEARCH has for its goal the practical application of knowledge to everyday situations. Also termed basic biochemical research or fundamental research.

In discussing research in education, best (1970) refers to three types of research based on the timed element, namely: 1. Historical Research which described what was; 2. Descriptive Research wherein the investigator studies the relationship of variables, and 3. Experimental Research wherein the researcher studies the effects of the variables on each others. Abdellah (1986) classified research into two broad types, y y Experimental Research Non-experimental Research

Experimental vs. Non experimental I. Experimental Research y Researchers are active agents and not merely passive observers. y The researchers consciously manipulate the conditions in the study and make observations in a tightly-controlled environment. Types: 1.) True Experiment y A true experimental research has three properties, namely, manipulation, control, and randomization. y Manipulation is the property that is achieved when the experimenter does something to at least some study participants. y Control is the property that is achieved when the experimenter introduces controls over the experimental situation by manipulation, by applying the principle of randomization, by careful preparation of the experimental protocols and use of a control group. y A Control Group refers to a group of subject whose performance on a dependent variable is used to evaluate the performance of the experimental group on the same dependent variable y An Experimental Group refers to a group of subjects that is manipulated and given the treatment or intervention thus, it is also called the Treatment Group. y Randomization or random assignment is when the experimenter assigns subjects to be part of either a control or experimental group on a random basis, giving every subject an equal chance of being assigned to either/ any group.

2.) Quasi-experiment y It lacks at least one of the properties of true experimental research, usually randomization or control groups. It involves the manipulation of an independent variable, but lacks randomization to treat groups, which characterizes true experiments. 3.) Pre-experiment y Called Non-equivalent Control Group Posttest-only Design, is considered fundamentally weak, and is rarely used because it lacks control strategies to compensate for the lack of a comparison group or randomization. Non Experiment y There is no manipulation of conditions done by the researcher. y The study and observations are done under nature conditions and in an uncontrolled environment. o Two broad classes or types non experimental research are: 1. BASIC RESEARCH is undertaken to increase or extend the base of knowledge in a particular discipline, or to refine a theory. Also termed library (or desk) research. 2. APPLIED RESEARCH is undertaken for practical reasons and application and focuses primarily on finding solutions to existing everyday problems. Is it also termed action research. Types of applied research include. y Descriptive research answers specific questions by describing and elaborating on the nature of a certain phenomenon. Descriptive research includes the following:  Surveys collect self reported data from respondents through the mail, phone, the internet, personal contact, mostly through the use of questionnaires and interviews. It aims to describe populations in relation to the specific variables under the study.  Feasibility study serves the purpose of determining the viability of undertaking a business venture, establishing a project or institution, or constructing infrastructure.  Case study the central issue in a case study is the case under investigation.  Content analysis investigates documents for purposes of dissecting messages embodied in them.  Correlation study examines the extent of the relationship between variables by determining how changes in one variable relate to the changes in another. y Developmental research satisfies felt needs and answers questions by developing new and more effective and efficient products, treatments, procedures, or methods. y Evaluative research tests the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of products treatments, procedures, or methods. y Demonstration research shows how already developed products, treatments, or methods can be applied to specific situations and conditions. y Explanatory research is a scientific inquiry into how the variables of one phenomenon relates to the variables of another. It is also termed correlational research. y Problem-solving research indentifies problems and generates alternatives to solve this problem. y Decision-making research is a type of scientific inquiry that selects the most feasible course of action from given alternatives to solve a particular problem. y Historical research is a scientific inquiry into past events, conditions and situations. y Natural experiment is an non-experimental study that investigates a naturallyoccurring events phenomenon that has important health consequences and is presumes to have implications on people exposed to the event with a non-exposed group.


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