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Q.1 Syllabus Study Language teaching also takes into account learners multiple intelligences and these are reflected in the learning outcomes (a) Match each of the multi[le intelligences below with its descriptions (i) Visual-spatial intelligence The ability to perceive and mentally manipulate a form or subject or object in visual or spatial display Interpersonal intelligence The ability to understand and get along with others Naturalistic intelligence The ability to observe living things, natural phenomena or ecological awareness Verbal linguistic intelligence The ability to use language to excite, please, convinces, stimulate, or convey information Kinaesthetic Intelligence The ability to use fine motor skills in the sports, performing arts and crafts production





(b) When teaching English Language in the KBSR classroom, teachers should focus on specified teaching contexts to make learning meaningful for learners Identify two of these teaching contexts (i) (ii) (iii) World of self, family, and friends World of stories World of knowledge

The Curriculum Specifications document has three columns listing the learning outcomes, specifications and the activities/strategies (c) In which column are the following statements found? Write either Learning Outcomes, or Specifications or Activities/Strategies in the space provided. An example is given. (i) Learning Outcomes 2.4 Tell stories based on pictures and other stimuli Specifications 3.9.1 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story Learning Outcomes 3.9 Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them by talking about the people and moral values in the story/poem and relate it to ones life.



Question 2: Teaching of Listening and Speaking (a) State two aspect of pronunciation which can be taught by using songs (i) Sounds (ii) Intonation (iii) Stress (b) State two ways you could contextualize the teaching of listening in the primary classroom (i) Listen to the songs or action rhymes (ii) Listen to an instruction (c) Name two factors that affect listening (i) Length of input (ii) Speed of delivery (iii) Problem of interpretation (iv) Background noises

Question 3: Teaching of Reading (a) Study the stimulus below and answer the questions that follow (i) You would like to use the text to teach reading comprehension. Which year/level would the text be appropriate? State a reason for your answer Year 3, Level 1 because in the text, there are three lessons about vowels of long sounds, ea and ee. The words are deep, dead, heed, deaf. (ii) Set two questions according to Level 1 (Literal Comprehension) and Level 2 (Inference) of Barretts Taxonomy Level 1 (Literal Comprehension) (a) What did the other frog tell the two frogs when they were travelling through the woods? Level 2 (Inference) (b) Why did the other frogs continue to jump?

(b) Extensive reading programme is one way to encourage independent reading among children. (i) Children can practice reinforce and gain confident in what they currently know about reading (ii) Evaluate and experiment their method of reading and learn from their mistake (ii) Children can choose their favourite books (iv) Children can select match text that suit their interest

Question 4: Teaching of Writing (a) There are four specific types of writing that teachers do in their classrooms. Match the following strategies that a teacher does with the appropriate types of writing (i) Shared Writing A corporative activity in which the teacher and child work together write messages and stories. The teacher supports the process as the scribe (ii) Modelled Writing The teacher writes in fronts of students and verbalizes what she is thinking and writing. As children observe the teacher in the act of writing, the teacher makes explicit what she is doing (iii) Independent Writing Children write their own, including stories, informational texts, retellings, labelling, speech balloons, lists etc. (iv) Guided Writing Children engage in writing an assortment or texts. The teacher facilitates the process and provides instruction through mini-lessons and individual conferences (b) Give two reasons why the pre-writing stage is important (i) Prepares pupils to write (ii) Help students to develop ideas (iii) Enrich original ideas

(c) State two activities that are suitable for the pre-writing stage (i) Brainstorming (ii) Listing

Question 5 : Teaching of Grammar (a) You have identified the following errors in some of your pupils writing (i) Identify the grammatical item you would teach to correct the errors Singular and plurals nouns (ii) Explain how you would teach the grammatical item you have identified in (i) above

(i) Overt grammar teaching The teacher explicitly explains the rules when presenting the new language. There are two approaches available. Deductive approach, the teacher presents the rules, patterns, generalizations, and then goes on to provide practice in the application of these rules. Another approach is , inductive approach or discovery method. Using this method, the students are first give a number of sample sentences containing the target forms and the teacher guides the students into deriving rule for themselves. (b) State two reasons for integrating grammar with other language skills Reason 1 Allows pupil to use language in different ways Reason 2 Allows pupil to use language in context

Question 6 : Lesson Planning

(a) State two reasons why lesson planning is important 1. To enable the teacher to pitch the lesson in the appropriate 2. To enable the teacher to plan appropriate activities to achieve the objectives of the lesson (b) Identify two purposes for the set induction activity in a lesson 1. Stimulate interest in the lesson 2. Introduce the topic 3. Focus pupils attention

(c) Give two reasons why the following lesson objective not well written 1. Not specific 2. Not measurable 3. Not behavioural

Section B Question 1 : Teaching of Listening and Speaking (a) Explain three factors you would consider in planning a listening and speaking lesson (i) Make sure pupils understand clearly what they are expected to do before they start on any activates (ii) Task that are appropriate for the level of proficiency of the student and the type of text (iii) Ensure the quality of tape is excellent, exactly the way you want it.

(b) (i) Activity for skill 1.6.1 : Listen to and enjoy childrens songs, rhymes, and poem (i) Teacher shows a picture of a doctor on a whiteboard (ii) Teacher brainstorms the class about the picture by giving questions and pupils answer orally (iii) Teacher asks the pupils to listen to the song carefully (iv) Teacher plays the song (v) Teacher gives a worksheet of incomplete lyrics of the song and asks them to fill in the blanks with the correct words while listening (vi) Teacher plays the song again and check the answers together with pupils

(ii) Activity for skill 2.4.4 : Recite simple poems and jazz chants with expression and appropriate gestures : (i) Teacher displays a poem on the board (ii) Teacher explains the selected vocabulary (iii) Teacher reads aloud with the correct stress and intonation, while pupils listen (iv) Teacher reads again and pupils follow afterward (v) Teacher divides pupils into four groups, and asks them to prepare choral speaking based on the poem with expression and appropriate gestures (vi) Teacher asks pupils to perform in front of the class. (vii) Group with the best performance will be winner.

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