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Some people, Rheginos, seem to want to learn all about

everything. Anyhow, this is what they say they want when
they’re busy with questions that are really hard to answer.
If they come up with an answer to a tricky question, they
usually think they’re hot stuff. But I think they haven’t
really gotten into the Word of Truth. They’re only after
self-satisfaction, which we’ve got though Christ our
Saviour. We got it when we got gnosis and rested on that
gnosis. Since you’ve asked so nicely what the rebirth is
all about, I’m gonna tell you how much you need it. Lots of
people think it’s hooey, but a few of them get it. So,
let’s talk about it and maybe you’ll be one of them that
gets it.

Now, didn’t the Lord talk about things while he was

still inside a physical body, after he already told us he
was God’s Son? He lived the same as us, under natural law,
what I call “Death.” God’s Son, my son, was Humanity’s Son.
He had both of them inside, was both divine and human, so
on one hand he could overcome death because he was God’s
Son, but on the other hand he could bring back the Pleroma
since he was Humanity’s Son, and physically here with us.
He came down from above, a seed of Truth, before any of
this world came around, back when all kinds of dominions
and divines also came along. I know this is a tricky
answer, but there’s nothing that tricky about the Truth.
The Ultimate Answer came around to uncover everything, so
nothing gets left hidden, not the end of evil or the
salvation of the Holy. This is how Truth and Spirit and
Grace came around.

The Saviour ate up death– you already know this–

because he threw away the dying world. He changed into an
eternal Aeon and came back from the dead, the invisible
swallowing up the visible, and taught us how to live
forever. Just like Paul said, “We suffered with him, we
came back to life with him, and we went to heaven with
him.” Now then, if we show up in this world clothed in him,
we come out of him, and we’re part of him until we die in
this life. Then, we’re taken up by him, like sunbeams,
without anything getting in our way. This is being born
again in the Spirit, and that eats up the other kinds of

If somebody really doesn’t get it, though, there’s no
use trying to change his mind. It’s about faith, see, not
about trying to change minds: The Dead Will Rise Again! If
even one of the smart guys gets it, he’ll be born again. Of
course, don’t let any of these smart guys think that they
can come back on their own– we know this isn’t the case
because of our faith. We’ve had gnosis of the Son of
Humanity, and believed that he came back from being dead.
He’s who we’re talking about when we say, “He killed death
itself; we believe he’s the greatest.” Of course, anybody
who believes is great.

We’re already destined to salvation and redemption

because from the very beginning we weren’t gonna fall into
the silliness of folks without gnosis. Instead we’re gonna
be wise like those folks who know Truth. That’s right! Once
you know the Truth, you can’t forget it or give it up.

Now, if you’re saved, your thoughts won’t die. If

you’ve known the Saviour, your mind won’t fade out. You’ll
maintain your individuality. “The Pleroma is Mighty, but
the World of Forms is small. Everything is contained in the
All. The All was existing from the get-go.” So don’t you
doubt about being born again, because if you didn’t already
have a body, you got one when you came into this World of
Forms. Why wouldn’t you get a different kind of body when
you fly into the Aeons? Even better than the body is the
thing that causes life. If something was made for you,
isn’t it yours to keep? If you own something, don’t you
keep it with you? But while you’re in the World of Forms,
what exactly are you missing? This is what you’re trying to
figure out.

Old Age is the afterbirth of the body, and you exist

in imperfection. You’re ahead because of what you don’t
have. You’re not gonna give up something valuable if you
leave. Something worse is less important, but there’s still
grace for it.

Nothing “can save” us from this World; [b]we’re

already saved because we’re part of the All[/b]. We’ve
received salvation from the beginning to the end. Think
about it! Let’s really try to get it!

Some people want to know and ask about whether sombody

who dies will instantly be saved. This is pretty certain.
The visible parts of the body wouldn’t need saving because

they’re dead. Only the living parts of the body would come
back to life.

So what does it mean to be resurrected? It’s always

for those who are born again while they’re still alive. You
remember reading about Jesus that Elijah and Moses showed
their faces to him, but don’t think it was some kind of
trick. It’s no trick; it’s TRUTH! Actually, it makes more
sense to say that the World is a Trick, rather than being
Born Again through our Saviour Christ Jesus! So what am I
really telling you? The living are gonna die. How can they
not know it’s a trick? The rich are poor, and the kings are
tossed out. Everything changes. The World is a Trick! It’s
worth repeating!

The resurrection, though, is no trick; it’s the solid

truth. It’s learning all about what’s real, and how things
change and become new. Something rotten becomes fresh, and
the dark gets lightened, and the Pleroma fills up the World
of Forms. These are all symboic ways to talk about being
born again. Jesus Christ redeems.

Don’t take things out of context, Rheginos, and don’t

give into the flesh just so you’ll get along with people,
but run away from the strife and chains of day-to-day life
and you’re already reborn. If you know you’re eventually
gonna die, even if you live a long time, why not consider
yourself already Born Again? If you have rebirth but live
like you’re doomed to death, or like you’re already dead,
then that’s how you’re gonna be treated. So find a
practice! There are a bunch of different practices you can
try that’ll help you get out of the World of Forms so you
won’t go wrong, and you’ll find the beginning.

I know all this because of the grace of Jesus Christ.

I’ve taught you and your brothers and sisters, and I
haven’t left out a thing. Still, if any of this is too
unclear, let me know and I’ll try to explain it. But don’t
hesitate to ask any of your brothers and sisters for help,
too, and see if they can answer.

To anybody else who reads this: Peace, and Grace.

Hello to all of you and everybody who loves you.

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