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======================================================================== RichFaces - Ajax enabled JSF 2.0 component library RichFaces 4.1.0.Final SHOWCASE http://richfaces.

org March 2011 This software is distributed under the terms of the FSF Lesser Gnu Public License (see lgpl.txt) ======================================================================== RichFaces showcase is an application created to show RichFaces components in action. It contains a set of small use-cases implemented using RichFaces components. This showcase is also mobile compatible with WebKit based browsers; this includes iOS, Android, and Others. After you deploy the showcase, just browse to the default context path (for example, http://localhost:8080/showcase) with a mobile iOS or Android based device. You will see the showcase has been modified to fit and dynamically adjust to mobile screen widths and orientations. We removed some components from the RichFaces Mobile Showcase which were not mobile ready. For example, rich:tooltip, rich:extendedDataTable, rich:jquery, and rich:popupPanel either did not make sense in a mobile environment or needed a heavy rewrite for touch interfaces. rich:dragDrop however, does work on iOS Mobile Safari, but not on Android. To use rich:dragDrop in Mobile Safari browsers, you can include this snippet of JavaScript ( d.js) at the bottom of your JSF template. The examples shown in the application were chosen from the most popular questions at the user forum. You will find a lot of useful information on how to implement RichFaces components and re-use the code to implement the components in your own application. This file explains how to build and execute the showcase application on your own server. BUILDING AND RUNNING THE APPLICATION -----------------------------------1. Requirements In order to build the Showcase application you will need: - Maven 3.0.3 or later - Servers: Apache Tomcat 6.0 or any JEE6 application server (e.g. JBoss AS 7) - JDK 1.6 Also optional Additional Software would make it easy for you to work with the sources of the application: - Eclipse IDE + JBoss Tools (to explore and run the application in IDE). You're obviously free to use any other IDE you wish, but

JBoss Tools is recommended. 2. Build/Deploy - Deploying on Tomcat To build the project for Tomcat you need to navigate to the /examples/richfaces-showcase and run: mvn clean package When you see the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message you can deploy the application on the server. To deploy it on Tomcat, copy the .war file from 'target' folder to TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder. Then, launch the or startup.bat script from TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ directory to start the server. - Deploying on JEE6 server (JBoss AS 6) To build the project for a JEE6 server you need to navigate to the /examples/richfaces-showcase and run mvn clean package -Pjee6 When you see the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message you can deploy the application on the server. To deploy it on the application server copy the .war file from 'target' folder to the JBOSS_HOME/server/defaul t/deploy folder (or change "default/" to used profile folder). Then, launch the or run.bat script from JBOSS_HOME/bin/ directory to start the server. - Deploying on JBoss AS 7 To build the project for a JEE6 server you need to navigate to the /examples/richfaces-showcase and run mvn clean package -Pjbas7 When you see the BUILD SUCCESSFUL message you can deploy the application on the server. First, make sure the application server is running. To start the serve r: launch the or standalone.bat script from JBOSS_HOME/bi n/ To deploy it on the application server, use either: 1) Use the jboss-as-maven-plugin to deploy to a running application ser ver: mvn jboss-as:deploy -Pjbas7 2) Copy the .war file from 'target' folder to the folder: JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments After deploying the examples to your server open a browser and type

http://localhost:8080/richfaces-showcase to view the examples. - Publishing to Google Application Engine (GAE) We have completed a resource plugin which generates static resources allowing us to create Google App Engine compatible applications using RichFaces. This means deploying to and working with GAE is a piece of cake. Here is how you can deploy your own RichFaces showcas e example: * Update the GAE application name, and register it with google. Do this by updating the /webapp-gae/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml following the GAE standard documentation. * if using MyFaces: Configure the MyFaces encryption secret values in the /webapp-gae/WEB-INF/web.xml. Replace the "-- Insert some s ecret here --" with a base64 encoded password. This is important because otherwise MyFaces will generate random keys, and this causes issues in a cluster environment like GAE. For more information on JSF encryption check: MyFaces - io Mojarra - cesRI#JavaServerFacesRI-HowcanIsecureviewstatewhenusingclientsidestatesaving%3F * Build using: mvn clean package -Pgae * Use GAE SDK and the appcfg script just as you would for any other GAE application. There are some additional changes that were made in order to make richfaces-showcase GAE compatible: * WebConfiguration class from com.sun.faces were patched removing code which is not compatible with GAE * web.xml with additional properties for GAE created and placed at src\main\webapp-gae\WEB-INF\ (it replaces common one during build with GAE profile) * check pom.xml GAE profile section in order to check additional dependencies for that configuration SETTING UP ECLIPSE TO WORK WITH THE SHOWCASE -------------------------------------------In order to explore, run and deploy the Showcase using Eclipse IDE you can use one of the following options: - You could use JBoss Tools with m2eclipse plugin and just import the examples as maven-based projects. * Open Eclipse and go to File > Import * Expand the project type named Maven and select Import Maven Project * Browse the directory in which you placed the examples, select

it and press OK. * Press next on the import wizard to finish importing the examples. - Or if you are not using m2eclipse execute use Maven to convert the project to an Eclipse project: * Open a terminal inside the RichFaces examples directory * execute mvn eclipse:ecllipse * Open Eclipse and select File > Import * Select Import as existing project into workspace after build is complete. * Follow the instructions on the import wizard. You are now able to work with the Showcase within Eclipse. MORE INFORMATION AND RESOURCES -----------------------------For more information on RichFaces 4, please visit RichFaces website at: - Or check the Wiki for more information on build instructions for the examples at : - To report or check the status of issues related to RichFaces Examples use the project's Jira at: - Community support and help can be obtained from the RichFaces forums at: -


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