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V - VI Grades

Subiectele de la 1 la 10 valoreaz cte 3 puncte, cele de la 11 la 40 cte 4 puncte, iar cele de la 41 la 50 cte 5 puncte. Se acord 40 de puncte din oficiu. Elevii trebuie s rspund la maximum 40 de ntrebri, dar nu mai mult de 5 ntrebri de 5 puncte. Dac un elev rspunde la mai mult de 40 ntrebri sau la mai mult de 5 ntrebri de 5 puncte, atunci se puncteaz n ordine descresctoare maxim 5 ntrebri de 5 puncte i maxim 40 de ntrebri n total. Exemplu: Dac un elev rspunde la 44 de ntrebri: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11,..., 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, atunci se vor puncta 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10,..., 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50. Fiecare ntrebare are un singur rspuns corect. Orice rspuns greit scade punctajul concurentului cu un sfert din valoarea ntrebrii. Subiectele la care nu se indic niciun rspuns sau se indic 2, 3 sau 5 rspunsuri nu se puncteaz. Dac vrei s anulezi rspunsul la o ntrebare, bifeaz nc un rspuns. Dac intenionezi s schimbi un rspuns deja bifat, bifeaz toate celelalte rspunsuri n afara celui pe care l-ai ales n final. Dac nu ai bifat limba german, se consider implicit limba englez. Pentru a vizualiza, pe Internet, analiza n detaliu a lucrrii tale completeaz parola pe foaia de rspuns. Dup ce vor fi afiate rezultatele concursului, vei gsi pe analiza rspunsurilor tale.

Read the following text and answer the questions 1-5: If I was asked to describe an ideal room, I would most certainly imagine a room that I wouldnt have to share. It would be very extravagant and untidy. The windows would never be clean because I would always paint something on them to remind me of all the places Ive been to. I have always wanted less furniture and more pleasant things like a hammock or a special container for my collections of rocks, shells, napkins and dry plants. My pets, which would be many, would also have a place in my room, but there wouldnt be any electronic devices, and of course, no alarm clocks! My diving fin, my mask and snorkel would be the only possessions I would have in my drawers. 1. The writer would like ................. . A) to have a roommate B) his room to be tidy C) to have an alarm clock in his room D) to have much furniture in his room E) to paint on the windows of his room 2. How many collections does he have? A) one B) two C) three 3. How many animals would he like to have? A) a lot B) a few C) much 4. What is a hammock used for? A) diving B) cleaning C) storing things 5. What is his favourite sport? A) swimming B) snorkelling C) football 6. Choose the right reply: James: What do you do? Peter: ................. A) I read a book. D) Im fine, thanks. D) four D) little D) writing D) soccer E) five E) few E) sleeping E) driving

B) Im reading a book. E) Im here!

C) Im a teacher.

7. I am a bird, but I cannot fly. I am black and white. I live in a very cold place. What am I? A) a penguin B) a zebra C) a panda D) a polar bear E) an emu 8. The famous clock in London is called ................. . A) Big Foot B) Big Ben C) Big Brother 9. What does a caterpillar turn into? A) an ant B) a hedgehog C) a cricket D) Big Bang D) a butterfly E) Big Clock E) a grasshopper

Limba englez clasele V-VI

10. How many corners does a circle have? A) one B) two C) zero

D) three

E) four

Read the following text and answer the questions 11-15: A stranger was driving through a small village. He got thirsty so he stopped near a small country shop. On the fence, he noticed a sign reading, Danger! Beware of Dog. He was scared of dogs, so he opened the gate slowly, saw that there was no dog in sight, and carefully advanced towards the door of the shop. As he advanced, he noticed more similar signs on the trees in the yard. He was getting anxious. Finally he arrived at the door and, with his heart pounding out of his chest, he opened the door and entered. Inside the door, on the floor, he saw a harmless old hound dog, sleeping on the carpet. He was so relieved that he exclaimed: So THAT is the bad dog? Ha ha ha! Why in the world did you post that sign? The shop owner replied: Well, I had to ................. . 11. Choose the best ending for the fragment: A) because people kept tripping over it B) because it keeps biting people who do not read the sign C) because people like reading signs as they enter the shop D) because the dog cant speak for itself E) because the dog is really dangerous 12. Find the opposite of the word anxious in the context: A)nervous B) dangerous C) worried D) soothing 13. Who had put up the sign? A) The customers. D) The author. B) The dog. E) The clients. E) calm

Limba englez clasele V-VI

C) The shop owner.

14. Complete the sentence in order to make a true statement about the situation in the text: If a customer ................. the shop tomorrow, he ................. the sign. A) enters/ will read B) will enter/ will read C) will enter/ will fall D) enter/ will read E) enters/ read 15. Find the false sentence: A) There was more than one sign warning the customers. B) The stranger was in his car when he got thirsty. C) The dog was in the shop when the customer entered. D) The dog barked when the stranger entered the shop. E) The stranger read the signs and was very nervous. 16. In which country was Charles Dickens born? A) Canada B) Australia C) the UK 17. ................. does this book belong to? A) Which B) Who C) To whom 18. Quack quack is the cry of a ................. . A) hen B) goose C) cow D) the USA D) What D) duck E) Ireland E) Whose E) turkey


19. What word from the following is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed? A) queue B) pronoun C) along D) straw E) proof 20. Fill in: Did he ................. the homework by himself? A) wrote B) made C) do

D) make

E) to write E) forty minutes E) easier E) the Rhine E) care

21. What length of time is it from ten to ten to ten past ten? A) ten minutes B) five minutes C) twenty minutes D) ten hours 22. Hunger is ................. than the sword. A) sweeter B) more beautiful C) faster 23. The longest river in Europe is ................. . A) the Volga B) the Thames C) the Danube D) sharper D) the Nile

24. Nurses usually ................. after patients in hospitals. A) seek B) go C) take D) look 25. Who wrote The Jungle Book? A) Lewis Carroll B) Rudyard Kipling D) J.K. Rowling E) Jonathan Swift 26. Complete the sentence: Im younger than her, .................? A) isnt it B) dont I C) am I

C) Daniel Defoe

D) I am not

E) arent I

27. Find the odd one out: Grandpa usually eats ................. chocolate in the evening. A) a bar of B) a bunch of C) some D) a little 28. Which is the correct phrase: to go ................. . A) on foot B) by feet C) with foot D) to feet

E) a lot of E) with feet E) Monday

29. One of the following nouns contains something hot. Which one? A) Sunday B) Saturday C) Wednesday D) Thursday

30. Which character appears in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl? A) Snow White B) Cinderella C) Prince Charming D) Willie Wonka E) Thumbelina 31. If you have no brothers or sisters, you are ................. . A) single B) an only child C) orphan D) stepson 32. They helped ................. a lot when we had problems. A) we B) our C) them D) she 33. Fill in: Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you ................. . Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the ................. . Twinkle, twinkle, little ................., How I wonder what you are! A) be/ why/ star B) are/ far/ star C) are/ sky/ star E) just a child E) us

D) say/ hay/ car

E) hum/ sun/ moon


Limba englez clasele V-VI

34. Complete the sentence with the missing word: Im very interested ................. Chemistry. A) in B) at C) of

D) about

E) by

35. You see some gorgeous scenery and you want some images as a memory of it. This action is called ................. . A) making photos B) shooting photos C) taking photos D) designing photos E) doing photos 36. The flu is: A) a serious cold with a high temperature. B) a special drink recommended by the doctor. C) a person who speaks fluently. D) a medicine you take when you have a cold. E) a person who receives medical treatment. 37. He ................. me to go to the market and buy some fruit. A) said B) tell C) told D) spoke E) say E) happy tired

Limba englez clasele V-VI

38. Which one is not a pair of opposites? A) open close B) up down C) big small

D) light dark

39. We watch Star Wars over and over again whenever we can. It is our ................. . A) best movie B) number one film C) first film D) one film E) better movie 40. Mrs. Hamilton needs five dozen eggs for a traditional Easter dinner. How many eggs does she need to buy? A) 50 B) 15 C) 25 D) 60 E) 45 41. Match the following tourist attractions to their locations: 1. Acropolis a. London 2. Broadway b. Washington 3. White House c. Athens 4. Buckingham Palace d. New York 5. Eiffel Tower e. Paris A) 1e/ 2a/ 3b/ 4d/ 5c B) 1c/ 2b/ 3d/ 4a/ 5e D) 1c/ 2d/ 3b/ 4a/ 5e E) 1c/ 2d/ 3a/ 4b/ 5e 42. What are the colours of the American flag? A) Red, white and blue. B) Red, white and green. D) Red, yellow and blue. E) Yellow, black and blue. 43. These words form a question. Choose the correct one. staring what you at are ? A) 4/ 2/ 3/ 5/ 1 B) 2/ 5/ 3/ 4/ 1 C) 3/ 5/ 1/ 2/ 4
1 2 3 4 5

C) 1d/ 2b/ 3a/ 4c/ 5e

C) Blue, white and yellow.

D) 2/ 5/ 3/ 1/ 4

E) 3/ 2/ 5/ 1/ 4

44. There are twice as many girls in Jessicas class as there are boys. Altogether there are 18 students in the class. How many of them are girls? A) 10 B) 36 C) 9 D) 12 E) 8


45. There are four shops in a line: a bakery, a newsagents, a florists and a book shop. Which statement is true? A) The newsagents is next to the book shop. B) The bakery is between the book shop and the newsagents. C) There isnt a florists next to the book shop. D) There is a newsagents opposite the bakery. E) There is a florists between the newsagents and the book shop. Read the following text and answer the questions 46-50: Once there was a boy who was very keen on playing games with his dad. Daddy! said the boy one evening to his father. I bet you cant write in the dark, can you? Well, Ive never tried to before. Lets see ... his dad answered. The boy switched off the light and told his father: Lets try signing my school report, shall we? 46. To be keen on doing something means: A) To desire something. B) To hate doing something. D) To like doing something. E) To be intelligent. 47. Lets see is the short form of: A) Let us see. B) Let folks see. C) Let me see.

C) To be used to something.

D) Let them see.

E) Let all see.

48. Why did the boy switch off the light? A) He was proud of his marks. B) He didnt want his dad to see his marks. C) He wanted to play. D) He liked the darkness. E) He was sleepy so he wanted to go to bed. 49. What did the boy in the text do? A) He played hide-and-seek. C) He turned off the light before sleeping. E) He tried to avoid an unpleasant situation. B) He wanted his dad to see his marks. D) He placed a bet.

50. Put the events in the right order: 1. He gave his dad the school report. 2. The boy decided to trick his father, by challenging him. 3. Once, a boy was ashamed to show his dad the school report. 4. His father agreed to play the game. 5. The boy turned off the light. A) 3/ 2/ 4/ 1/ 5 B) 2/ 4/ 3/ 1/ 5 C) 3/ 2/ 4/ 5/ 1 D) 3/ 4/ 2/ 5/ 1

E) 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 1


Limba englez clasele V-VI

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