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Prima zi de coal

Din punct de vedere caledaristic, vara s-a terminat, iar toamna i apoi sezonul rece sunt deja sinonime cu coala. mi aduc aminte cu mult nostalgie de una dintre cele mai frumoase toamne din viaa mea de pn acum: cea care mi-a oferit bucuria de a pi pentru prima dat n universul plin de farmec si mister al colii. Parc peam pe un trm de basm, coala era castelul din poveste, iar zna bun era nvtoarea. Cu pai mici i cu ghiozdanul n spate, innd-o strns de mna pe mama, ne ndreptam spre coal. Eram mndr de mine i stpnit de mari emoii. Astzi s-a dovedit a fi ns foarte diferit. Paii mei mici s-au transformat n paii mari ai unei adolescente, proaspat absolvent a colii generale. Ghiozdanul a fost nlocuit de map, iar mama prezent pna acum, astzi a lipsit. Emoia s-a dovedit a fi ns i mai puternic. Inima mi btea n piept cu o putere nebun cnd am auzit numele slii unde voi nva patru ani de acum ncolo.15, un numr sugestiv a spune, acelai cu vrsta mea nc fraged. Am pit pragul clasei plin de curiozitate. Mi-am cunoscut noii colegi si i-am revzut pe cei vechi. Sunt nite sentimente ce nu pot fi descrise n cuvinte. Este o emoie foarte diferit. O emoie matur, care arat ct de mult m-am schimbat. Contactul cu doamna dirigint a fost deosebit de plcut. Ne-a ntmpinat cu o cldur minunat. Prima zi de coal a fost una "memorial", mai ales pentru c m bucur alturi de colegele mele de statutul "boboac de Eminescu".

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First day of school In terms caledaristic summer ended and autumn and then winter is already synonymous with the school. I remember with great nostalgia of one of the most beautiful autumn of my life so far: the one that gave me joy to walk for the first time in the

universe full of charm and mystery of the school. Walked like a fairytale land, the school was a fairytale castle and fairy was good teacher. With small steps and bag in the back, taking a mother's hand, we walked to school. I was proud of me and possessed of great emotion. Today proved to be very different, however. Low my steps have turned into major steps of a teenage school graduates overall. Bag was replaced by the folder, and the mother presented so far, today was absent. Emotion, however, proved to be stronger. My heart was beating his chest with a power mad when I heard the name of the room where I now teach four years ncolo.15, a suggestive number I would say the same with my age still young. I stepped in the classroom full of curiosity. I met new colleagues and I reviewed the old ones. There are some feelings that can not be described in words. It's a very different emotion. A mature emotion that shows how much I've changed. Contact with Ms. class master was very pleasant. We were greeted with great warmth. First day of school was a "memorial", mainly because I enjoy my colleagues with the status "of Eminescu freshman."

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