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An apartment located in an area known as Smiich in Nger- Valuable items stolen were two laptop computers worth

chemai Hamlet of Koror State was broken into last Monday, $5,000 combined including mini-Dvd player, a back-pack, cell-
October 13th, around 9:00 am in the morning, through the bed- phone, and jewelries among others. According to the victim,
room window. the thief or thieves used tools to cut through the security screen
covering the window and entered the apartment.
The incident was reported to the police and the victim asks
the public to notify the authorities on any suspicions and/or
information related to the incident. The victim requested that
hers and her husband’s named not be published.
In related news, a report filtered from Ngatpang State of a
thief who stole four Palauan money beads and seven “ongall ‘l
With less than three residence in Astumbo area toluk” last month in September. It is said that the suspect, a
weeks left before the No- for a brief face to face dis- heavy alcohol drinker, have been identified and items returned.
vember 4, 2008 General cussion. Remoket proposed
Election, aspiring candidate an agriculture industry that
to House of Delegates of the he believes can change the
Olbill Era Kelulau to repre- face of Ngaraard… “it is an
sent the state of Ngaraard, industry that can open oppor-
Salvador Remoket, met with tunities for the people of
the people of Ngaraard in Ngaraard and help improve
Guam and Saipan on the their well-being for the bet- Travelers to and from port building, there is only
weekend of October 17-19. ter,” said Remoket. the islands through Continen- one rest room used by men
In Guam, Remoket went While in Saipan, Re- tal Airlines have on occasion and women where the pas-
on a house-to-house spree moket drove around the is- encountered the security SAFE CHECK... (Cont. on page 6)
virtually visiting each Nga- land visiting each house dis- checks conducted by the air-
raard voter residing on the tributing his brochure and line in Yap and the other
island. The citizens of Nga- speaking individually with Micronesian islands. Many
raard were invited to a gath- each Ngaraard voter while are irritate and at times are
ering at Christobal Teliu’s REMOKET… (Cont. on page 4) infuriated considering pas-
sengers on either the left or
the right side of the plane are
asked by the pilot to deplane
while security checks are
conducted, especially in Yap. Continental personnel on
Than while on Yap air- security Check duty

Last issue of Roureur Belau No. 10 published a story of a non-profit

group “Desiungii a Buai” on the front page which was not the name
of the organization. The group’s correct name is “Desisichii a
Buai”. The paper also made a typo error on Senator Santy Asa-
numa’s background which Ms. Nangisa Mai was nice to point it out.
According to her, the Senator is running for a second term instead
of a third term. RBN truly apologizes, in particular to members of
Ngaraard citizens in Guam gathered at Teliu’s residence in Astumbo “Desisichii a Buai” and Senator Asanuma.
Specimen for the November 4th on the machine counting specifications ward to the Presidential and Vice Presi-
General Election are off the press and and, “therefore the specimen is outlined dential candidates followed by candi-
currently available at the office of the the way it is,” he said. dates to the House of Delegates on each
Palau Election Commission as of Mon- The specimen is designed into three ballot for every States at the bottom.
day, October 20th. columns with instructions on the left The middle column and the far right
According to PEC Chairman Santos column. Instructions are registered on column list all 43 names running for the
Borja, the specimen was designed based the top in Palauan and English down- Senate with one write-in line on the bot-
tom of the far right column.
“Although the ballot displays one
write-in line,” stated Borja, “voters can
and may scribble the names of 13 candi-
dates of their choice other the ones writ-
ten on the ballot.”
Borja said that the names of absen-
tee requestors received by PEC for the
Primary Election will automatically be
re-send to them for the General Election.
“However, since ballot boxes are to be
sent to Guam, Saipan and Honolulu than
absentees will not be sent to absentee
requestors from those areas.
From the 1,700 plus absentee re-
quest for the primary, PEC Chairman
said close to 1,000, or probably over,
absentees were eliminated. “PEC has
received more than 500 requests for ab-
sentee ballots beyond the Honolulu
The Ballot Specimen was re-design exactly as printed by Palau Election Commission for this paper with full knowledge of Chairman Santos Borja.

area,” said Borja. Guam, Saipan, and

Honolulu will hold the General Election
on November 1st starting from 7:00 am
to 9:00 pm.
Guam Palauan residents’ voting
place is Astumbo Senior Citizens build-
ing while Saipan’s Palauan voters will
go to Marianas High School to cast their
votes. “As for Honolulu voting place,”
said Vestus Ringang, “the area is still to
be arrange.”
“For the voters scheduled to go off-
island they can cast their vote before
departing Palau,” said PEC Commis-
sioner Baudista Rengulbai, “if their re-
turn date is beyond the General Election
or the person is not returning to Palau.”
The 22 amendments proposed by
members of the Second Constitutional
Convention in 2004 will also be voted
for during the General Election.
“However, the counting on the amend-
ments,” said Borja, “will be done manu-
ally and not by the counting machine.”
PEC said that the specimen for the
amendments was design by the 2nd Con-
Con and given to their office.
The 23rd amendment to the Consti-
tution passed and adopted by the Olbiil
Era Kelulau, according to PEC, will be a
separate ballot sheet from the 23 amend-
Roureur Belau Join the Island
Ngiratereked as Floor the position to head the Tra-
Leader. ditional Committee, Dorothy
Allen Kangichi repre- T. Ueda of Ngeungel Village
senting Ngermetong Village took the chairmanship of
became Chairman of Judici- Tourism and James Ultirakl
ary and Governmental Af- of Mengellakl Village tack-
He will be recorded in fairs Committee while Chief led the committee on Educa-
history of political develop- OBAK RA IYEBUKEL tion and Health.
ment in Palau as the longest Lorenzo Ngiramolau took Wasisang never lost an
serving Vice Speaker of any over as chairman of the com- election in twenty six years
legislative body in a state mittee of Resources & De- for representing Ngeriil Vil-
government with 24 years velopment. lage of Ngarchelong State.
since the constitutional gov- Abraham Osima repre- He was challenged once but
ernment was launched in senting Ollei Village became unopposed eleven times in
1981. the chairman of Ways & the 12 elections since 1982.
Kalistus Wasisang who Means and Chief IECHAD Wasisang also served as
became the Speaker of the RA BUTELBAI Mathias Chairman of Ways & Means
14th Ngarchelong State As- Erbai took hold of Capital Committee for two years but
sembly during its installation Improvements with John in 24 years of 12 terms, he Palau’s native religious and
last week was sworn into Sambal representing Iyebukel was the Vice Speaker. social organization. He suc-
office on Friday, October Village to the committee on A soft spoken and con- ceeded his older brother
10th along with Immanuel Youth & Social Welfare. sensus builder as community Ngirchobeketang after his
Maldengesang as Vice Chief UONG ERA ETEI leader, Wasisang is the pre- death as the head of
Speaker and Rimirch Hayes Victor Joseph was granted sent leader of Modekngei, Modekngei.
Wasisang took over the
Speakership left vacant by
former Speaker Koichi West
With the decline of Last Thursday, October ernment to pump $3 million who took the reign from the
Crude Oil per barrel at 16th, Crude Oil in the world’s to help the public defray the longest person to ever hold a
$75.48 plus on Monday, Oc- market price slumped to overcharge. state speakership Tadao
tober 29th, from an area of $69.85 per barrel but still As of now, there has Ngotel who is a candidate to
close to $160.00 about three along ways from the close to been no announcement the Senate of the 8th Olbiil
months ago that brought 160 mark. whether PPUC will lower Era Kelulau this upcoming
prices at gas stations in Palau During an interview down the cost of power or general election.
soaring to its highest at conducted by Fox News last not considering the oil per Unlike the other states
$5.05, it still remains to be month with Donald Trump, barrel price on Sunday is a except Ngiwal, Ngarchelong
seen whether gas prices he mentioned that the possi- little over the $70 dollar State elects its governor
trickling down will eventu- bility of oil price may fall mark. every four years and mem-
ally bring into line a fair downward to $25.00 per bar- On the other hand, Palau bers of its Assembly every
price at the pumps. rel provided the US Federal GAS PRICES… (Cont. on page 6) two years.
This weekend gas prices not help bail out the corpora-
in Guam’s pump stations tions.
from different areas was sta- In related news, Palau
ble at $4.04 while in Saipan Public Utilities Corporation
it was $4.17 all over the is- (PPUC) increased the cost of
land with Palau’s different electricity during the out of
gas stations in Koror and control scenario three months
Airai pumping between before of oil prices which
$4.10 and $4.16 per gallon. prompted the National Gov-
(above) Saipan gas prices as of Saturday, October 18th.
Palau gas stations fuel price as of Monday, October 20th at 10am. (below) Guam gas prices as of Sunday, October 19th.

Roureur Belau Join the Island

(Continued from page 1) … REMOKET early morning flight the next day and rested for the whole day
supporter James M. Elidechedong in Saipan organized a gather- before departing to Palau that Sunday evening. There are over
ing of Ngaraard people on Saturday evening from 6:00 pm to 50 Ngaraard voters each in Guam and Saipan. Remoket’s team
10:00 pm at 4H Building behind Susupe Sabalu across from included his wife Sharon with campaign manager Jerome Te-
Marianas High School. Despite a gathering of Chin/Seid sup- mengil and advisors Cleophas Roberts and Washington
porters on the same evening, many Ngaraard voters showed up Elidechedong.
at the gathering and were enthralled with the presentation pro- In related news, team Toribiong/Mariur held their rally in
jected on a laptop computer displaying pictures of the five Guam on Saturday afternoon while Chin/Seid’s rally was in
counties of Ngaraard before the candidate addressed the crowd. Saipan on Saturday evening. On Sunday, Toribiong/Kerai sup-
An issue that outshined many of the questions asked from porters were in Saipan on a house-to-house visit while Chin/
the crowd was a request from Mr. Victor Ngiraswei of the de- Seid attend their Guam rally. Supporters of Ngaremlengui can-
sign of first-rate sewer system for Ngaraard State. “In Saipan didate to the House of Delegates, Swenny Ongidobel, were also
after a heavy rain the island floods and the sewer system over- seen on Saipan on Saturday with plans on meeting with his con-
flows running down onto the beach resulting in flags warning stituents.
the public that the water is contaminated and should not be en-
tered,” said Ngiraswei. “Many of us here on Saipan are fisher-
men,” continued Ngiraswei, “ and therefore those without work
depending on fishing as a source of income and raw sewage
flowing into the water to the west of Saipan ruins everything.”
Ngiraswei continued saying that Ngaraard can learn from this
understanding to prevent ruining the natural beaches to the east
of Choll County.
“This is the first time that the building 4H has been used
for rally gatherings,” said Francis Remoket. According to
Elidechedong, 4H Building is the former session hall for the
House of Representatives of the CNMI government. Food and
drinks were provided by the Saipan supporters which the candi-
date and his committee expressed their appreciation including a
hotel room that was donated by the Saipan supporters as well. Saipan residents from Ngaraard gathered at 4H Building,
Remoket along with his delegation left for Guam on the the former CNMI session hall for House of Representatives
Roureur Belau Join the Island
WCTC Ace Hardware personnel displaying their items
Palau High School students visiting the Agriculture Festival during
their free time from classes on Thursday, October 16th.

Republic of Palau on Thursday, October 16, 2008, held for

the very first time an Agriculture Festival that took place on the
grounds of the old Olbiil Era Kelulau adjacent to the main high-
way in Koror.
The event, although it was a working day as well as school Goats to the left with ducks on the right
day, it was packed with young and old and highlighted diversi- and a cow and horses exhibition
fied local plants and fruits including farm livestock such as
goats, horses, chickens, and ducks from Polycarp Basilius’s
farm in Ngchesar, pigs from Palau Community College and a
cow from Lucky’s Farm in Ngiwal.
Non-profit group “Desisichii a Buai” exhibited their har-
vest of giant papayas, the five types of taro plants, soursop,
guavas, etc… with Taiwan Technical Assistance showcasing
jellies made of local papayas and other local fruits. Ngchesar
women displayed syrups made from sugar cane and WCTC’s
Ace Hardware putting on views assorted farm and garden tools ately ran out of stock to the customers’ exasperation.
and supplies. The Division of Agriculture of the National Government
Most items at each booths were for sale, especially plants, hosted the event and announced publicly through EcoParadise
beverages, foods, and animal feeds for pigs and fowls. Lucky’s Radio Station that the festival will be an annual event.
Farm even went as far as to sell fresh roasted pig that immedi-

“Desisiich a Buai” group on the booth selling their hard earn harvest
7th Graders from Koror Elementary School took a field trip with their during the festival and were admonishing RBN publisher for making a
teachers to observe the animals and enjoy the event huge error in their group’s title on last issue’s front page story.
Roureur Belau Join the Island
Roureur Belau recently (Issue No. 40) reported as
learned that the Division of follows… a new radio station
Communications under the debut last week adding to the
Ministry of Commerce & existing three FM stations in
Trade informed Mr. Salvador the country. PWFM went on
Tellames by a letter dated air at 80.0MH2 on Monday,
October 13th to cease broad- September 30th and is on for
casting and close his radio 24 hours with all music for
station. now as the founder and
According to the office owner prepares to launch a
of Communication, Mr. variety of programs in the
Tellames did not have a li- coming weeks.
cense to operate a radio sta- Salvador Tellames who
tion and that the radio station just retired as the Director of
on a test mode at frequency Domestic Affairs under the
80.0 megahertz is way Ministry of States to run for
passed on its deadline. The the House of Delegates rep-
currently law allows FM to resenting Koror State said
be transmitted on 88.0 fre- that he received from a friend
quency and up. in Japan equipment for the
Eco Paradise is broad- station that include an anten-
casted on 87.9 and asked nae and 800 wires. His
why the government is al- friend came down last week
lowed to broadcast on that and they worked together to
frequency Chief Takon Chin set up the station last week.
said it is the government and Tellames assured that
is therefore allowed to do so. his station will focus on news
Roureur Belau’s at- and talk programs that will
tempted inquiries to Mr. disseminate factional and
Tellames were unsuccessful reliable information to the
as it went on-line. public which is much needed
(Continued from page 1) ... SAFE CHECK
Tia Belau’s Volume 17 RADIO… (Cont. on page 8)

sengers are kept and the line is often long and embarrassingly
cumbersome. On the plane after security checks on one side of (Continued from page 3) …GAS PRICES
the plane, the passengers are asked to remove their belongings Public Communications Corporation (PNCC) Board of Direc-
from their side and move over to the other side for security tors have approved on July 4th an increase of 10% for all ser-
checks by Continental personnel to be conducted once again. vices such as Internet and Data, Digital TV, local and business
All seatings are checked over by personnel pulling seating phones, installation and reconnection fees, etc… to take effect
bases to look under the cushion as well as running their hands in January 2009, according to PNCC news bulletin on Channel 6.
behind the head padding. Passengers’ litters are also collected
and thrown into trash bags including blankets and pillows
folded back and put back in place.
During such security checks, the plane sits idle on the tar-
mac for about two hours and are escorted back on the plane once
the security checks are completed for take off to its destination.

In Guam,
customers get a
bright smile from
Bem Yore’s clerk
located at the
Barrigada Heghts.
The store front doors
are littered with
candidates’ posters
and pictures (right)!
Roureur Belau Join the Island
The people of Koror led by their government celebrated for three days
their 25 year dubbed as the Silver Anniversary which commenced on Sun-
day and concluded on Tuesday (October 19, 20, & 21).
Day one on Sunday started off with a Walk-A-Thon in the morning
followed by the fishing derby and various activities at Long Island Park.
Day Two on Monday an Open House started at 9:00am at the state’s Capi-
tal Building in Ngerbeched with an opening remark by the overall chair-
man of the event Adalbert Eledui.
The crowd was invited to take a tour at the Capital Building with pres-
entations from the House of Traditional Leaders (HOTL) and various agen-
cies under the Administration from the Legal Department, Treasury Sec-
tion, State & Cultural Affairs area, Conservation & Law Enforcement sec-
tor, Koror State Public Lands Authority (KSPLA) office, etc…
Day Three on Tuesday was reserved for the floats from the villages
which was scheduled to start at 7:30am but due to heavy traffic they had to
lengthen the time to 9:00am beginning at the old Koror State Building to
the Asahi Ballfield. Spectators were lined up on the side of the main street
to gawked at the colorful floats that exhibited mainly Palauan traditional
National Police rerouted traffic from NECO to Dngeronger so as not
to interrupt the float line-up. Koror State Rangers coordinated traffic at the
Asahi area where the main event took place.

Roureur Belau Join the Island

(Cont. from page 6) … RADIO
in the broadcasting media in
Palau today. When asked
why he did not do it with
public radio stations that he
managed, he responded that
in the government there is a
problem of funds and also
political control.
Tellames added that his
station has two phone lines
that can take in two callers at the Olbiil Era Kelulau.
one time during talk shows Having served as a member of the Koror State Legislature for twelve years, Tellames never
or live interviews. The news lost an election and was the Speaker for eight years. He is presently the Chairman of the Koror
and talk show programs will State Planning Commission and a member of the Koror State Public Lands Authority.
be broadcasted during The Division of Communication under the Ministry of Commerce & Trade said that Tellames
7:00am to 8:30am and has applied for a license to run at 88.3 frequency.
11:00am to 1:00pm and
4:00pm to 6:00pm every day
after the station is formally
Tellames is a former
newscaster of WSZB that is
no Eco Paradise FM and
T8AA AM station and
moved up in the government
civil service to director be-
fore he retired in August The navy blue Toyota RAV4 with Ngerchelong
after filing his candidacy for License Plate 672, according to a witness, is
Delegate of Koror State to owned by Rory Taro and crashed on the front
the House of Delegates in lawn of the Hospital on October 21st morning.

P.O. Box 9006

Koror, Republic of Palau 96940
Cell: 779-3440


“Under Construction

JeRome Temengil

Monthly Subscription......... $5.00
Yearly Subscription .........$60.00
Subscription to begin in 2009!

Roureur Belau
is published weekly by

Publications Mrs. Jennifer Y. Sugiyama - Yano , a strong willed and aggressive young woman running for the Senate,
flew by her own self visiting constituents in Guam and Saipan on October 18-19 with posters,
October ©2008 Roureur Belau campaign business cards, rosary “good luck charm” and her word of promise to represent the people
with her leading logo “Beches el Omerael.” Mrs. Yano’s number on the ballot is #40.
Roureur Belau Join the Island

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