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Gheorghe CRIN Gheorghe GRIGORA

Universitatea Tehnic Gh. Asachi din Iai, Romnia, 700050, Iai, Bd. D. Mangeron, nr. 51-53, Telefon: 232 27 86 83, Fax: 232 23 76 27, e-mail: gcartina@ee.tuiasi.rom,

Elena-Crengua BOBRIC
Universitatea Stefan cel Mare Suceava, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica, Romania Strada Universitatii 13, 720229 - Suceava, Tel/Fax: 230 52 48 01 E-mail: Rezumat: Lucrarea prezint o metodologie pentru identificarea distribuitorilor reprezentativi din reelele electrice de distribuie, utiliznd tehnicile de grupare i fuzzy. Aceasta s-a dovedit a fi un instrument eficient n estimarea pierderilor de energie care poate fi aplicat pentru diferite grade de ncrcare ale distribuitorilor. Cuvinte cheie: distribuitori reprezentativi, reele electrice de distribuie, tehnici de grupare. Abstract: The paper presents a methodology for identification of the representative feeders from the electrical distribution networks, based on the clustering and fuzzy techniques. The proposed methodology is proven as a useful tool for estimation of energy losses which it can be applied for different loading levels of distribution feeders. Keywords: representative feeders, electrical distribution networks, clustering techniques.

1. Introducere Minimizarea pierderilor de energie reprezint un indicator important n planificarea i exploatarea reelele electrice de distribuie, cu implicaii tehnice i economice deosebite. Estimarea nivelului pierderilor de putere/energie depinde de un numr de parametri i variabile care rezult att din criteriile de proiectare ct i din condiiile de funcionare ale reelelor electrice de distribuie. Astfel, distribuitorii sunt caracterizai de o gam larg de para-metri: tensiunea nominal, lungime, puterea instalat a transformatoarelor din posturile de transformare alimentate, numrul posturilor de transformare alimentate, tipul circuitului (subteran, aerian, mixt), sarcina alimentat etc [2], [5]. Obiectivul acestei lucrri este s identifice distributorii reprezentativi ce aparin unei societi de distribuie a energiei electrice. Informaiile ce privesc distribuitorii ce aparin societii respective se refer la lungime, puterea instalat i gradele de ncrcare ale transformatoarelor amplasate n posturile de transformare alimentate. Pentru a obine caracteristicile particulare ale grupelor de distribuitori din baza de date a fost utilizat analiza de grupare (clustering). Dup efectuarea acestei analize i validarea rezultatelor au rezultat opt grupe de distributori. Pentru fiecare din aceast grup a fost identificat distribuitorul care reprezint cel mai bine caracteristicile grupei din punct de vedere al pierderilor de energie. 2. Modelarea sarcinii cu tehnici fuzzy In reelele de distribuie, exceptnd msurtorile obinuite din posturile de transformare, exist puine informaii ce privesc starea acestora. Distribuitorii i sarcinile nu sunt n mod obinuit monitorizate. Ca rezultat, n orice moment exist un mare grad de incertitudine asupra sarcinii din noduri i, n consecin, asupra nivelului de ncrcare al reelei, nivelului de tensiune

1. Introduction The minimization of energy losses in distribution networks is an important issue during planning and operation, with important technical and economical implications. The estimation of the power/energy losses levels depends upon a number of parameters and variables that derive the design criteria and the operating conditions of the distribution networks. Thus, the feeders have a broad universe of the different parameters, such as nominal voltage, the length, installed power of transformations, the number of the transformation points, the circuit type (underground, aerial, mixed), load being served etc [2], [5]. The objective of this paper is to identify the representative distribution feeders within an electric distribution company. Data from a database of distribution feeders within the studied company refer to the length, installed power and loading level of transformers. The clustering analysis was applied to this database, allowing obtaining particular characteristics of the representative groups. After analysis using the above mentioned techniques, and validity assessments of resulting groups of feeders within the database, eight distinct groups were obtained. For every group was identified the feeder that represents best the group characteristics from viewpoint of the energy losses. 2. Load modeling with fuzzy techniques In distribution networks, except the usual measurements from substations, there are few information about the network state. The feeders and the loads are not usually monitored. As a result, there is a high degree of uncertainty about the power demand and, consequently, about the network loading, voltage level and power losses. Therefore, the


The 6 International Power Systems Conference


din noduri i al pierderilor de putere. Prin urmare, abordarea fuzzy poate reflecta mai bine comportarea unei reele de distribuie n diverse condiii de ncrcare [1]. Pentru modelarea sarcinilor dou variabile fuzzy au fost considerate: factorul de ncrcare KL [%] al transformatoarelor din posturile de transformare i factorul de putere cos, astfel nct reprezentarea fuzzy corespunztoare puterilor active i reactive rezult din relaiile [1], [2]:
kI P = S n cos , 100 Q = P tan

fuzzy approach may reflect better the real behavior of a distribution network under various loading conditions [1]. For modeling of the loads, two primary fuzzy variables are considered: the loading factor KL (%) of the transformers from distribution substations and power factor cos, so that the fuzzy representation of the active and reactive powers result from relations [1], [2]:
P = kI S n cos , 100 Q = P tan



unde Sn [kVA] reprezint puterea nominal a transformatoarelor din posturile de transformare. Pentru determinarea factorului de ncrcare al transformatoarelor a fost folosit o metod de grupare (clustering) care a utilizat o baz de date ce conine curbele de sarcin pentru 39 de noduri de medie tensiune (20 kV) ce corespund zilei n care a avut loc vrful de sarcin n sistemul de distribuie. Curbele de sarcin au fost normalizate n raport cu consumul de energie din ziua n care s-a nregistrat vrful de sarcin n sistem. In acest scop a fost utilizat relaia:

where Sn [kVA] is the nominal power of the distribution transformer from the distribution substations. For determination of the loading factor of the distribution transformers, a clustering method (centroid method) was applied for a database containing the load shapes of 39 medium voltage nodes corresponding to the day when the distribution system load peak. Active power profiles corresponding to the considered nodes were normalized relatively to the proper energy consumption, during the day when the load peak was recorded. For this purpose, the following relation was used:

pih =

P i ; h =1,..., 24; i =1,..., NR Wi


pih =

Ph i ; h =1,..., 24; i =1,..., NR Wi


unde: Pi - puterea activ [kW], cerut n nodul i la ora h; Wi energia activ [kWh], consumat n nodul i n ziua cnd s-a nregistrat vrful de sarcin n sistem; NR - numrul total de noduri luate n considerare pentru procesul de clasificare, dup puterea activ. In urma utilizrii tehnicilor de grupare au rezultat patru grupe pentru puterea activ. Pentru fiecare grup, CP1, CP2, C3 i CP4, au fost calculate valorile medii i abaterea (m i ) corespunztoare zilei n care s-a nregistrat vrful de sarcin. Coeficienii m ne conduc la profilele tip de de sarcin corespunztoare puterii active, pentru nodurile de 20 kV, Fig. 1 4.
0.06 0.05 m [kW/kWh] 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 [h] 15 17 19 21 23

where: Pi h - the active power [kW], demanded by the i node at h hour; Wi - the active energy [kWh], consumed by the i node during the day when the peak load was recorded; NR the number nodes that were taken into consideration for clustering process, for the active power. Using the clustering techniques, four groups were determined for the active power. For every group, CP1, CP2, C3 and CP4, the average and the standard deviation (m and ) during the peak load day of the distribution system, were calculated. The coefficients m lead us to the typical load profiles corresponding to the active power, for the 20 kV nodes, Fig. 1 4.
0.07 0.06 m [kW/kWh] 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 [h] 15 17 19 21 23

Fig. 1. Profilul tip de sarcin pentru grupa CP1 Fig. 1. Typical load profile for CP1 group
0.07 0.06 m [kW/kWh] 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 [h] 15 17 19 21 23

Fig. 2. Profilul tip de sarcin pentru grupa CP2 Fig. 2. Typical load profile for CP2 group
0.07 0.06 m [kW/kWh] 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 [h] 15 17 19 21 23


Fig. 3. Profilul tip de sarcin pentru grupa CP3 Fig. 3. Typical load profile for CP3 group Factorul de ncrcare al fiecrui transformator din posturile de transformare este determinat utiliznd profilele tip de sarcin aferente puterii active i factorul de putere cos.

Fig. 4. Profilul tip de sarcin pentru grupa CP4 Fig. 4. Typical load profile for CP4 group Using these load profiles corresponding to the active power and the factor cos, the loading factor of the every transformer from the distribution substations is determined.

03-04.11.2005, Timioara, Romania


Astfel, factorul de ncrcare orar al unui anumit transformator poate fi folosit la aproximarea sarcinii nodale. Datorit faptului c cele mai multe societi de electricitate nu au date complete despre distributori, n continuare se propune utilizarea termenilor lingvistici n descrierea incertitudinii factorului de ncrcare orar. Aceti termeni lingvistici sunt definii n funcie de ncrcarea transformatoarelor la vrful de sarcin. Fiecare nivel de ncrcare, reprezentat de o variabil lingvistic, este descris de o variabil fuzzy creia i este asociat o funcie de aparte-nen. Factorul de ncrcare KL i factorul de putere cos au fost mprii n cinci categorii lingvistice (Very Small, Small, Medium, High and Very High) crora le-au fost asociate funcii de apartenen trapezoidale, Fig. 5 i 6. Pierderile de energie vor fi calculate pentru fiecare dintre aceste categorii lingvistice [1], [2]. (cos) 1 VS 0.5 S M

Thus, the hourly loading factor of a particular distribution transformer can be employed to approximate the nodal load. Because the most electric utilities have not historical records of feeders, it is proposed to use linguistic terms, usually used by dispatchers, to describe the uncertain hourly loading factor. These linguistic terms are defined in function by the loading of the transformers at the peak load. Each loading level represented by a linguistic variable is described by a fuzzy variable and its associated membership function. The loading factor KL and the power factor cos were divided into five linguistic categories lingvistice (Very Small, Small, Medium, High and Very High) with the trapezoidal membership function, Fig. 5 and 6. The energy losses will be calculated for each one of these [1], [2]. H VH

cos 0.75
0.79 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87 0.89 0.91 0.93 0.95

Fig. 5. Categoriile lingvistice ale factorului de ncrcare KL Fig. 5. Linguistic categories of the KL factor
(KL )

1 0.5



KL [u. r.] 0.10

0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95

Fig. 6. Categoriile lingvistice ale factorului de putere cos Fig. 6. Linguistic categories of the cos factor 3. Determinarea distribuitorilor reprezentativi Informaiile privind caracteristicile primare ale fiderilor au fost actualizate i pregtite pentru procesul de grupare, incluznd selectarea variabilelor pentru un numr total de 44 de fideri de distribuie ce aparin unei sucursale de distribuie a energiei electrice. In funcie de caracteristicile primare (lungimea total a distribuitorilor i puterea instalat a transfomatoarelor) distribuitorii sunt mprii n grupe folosind o metod de grupare (metoda centrului de greutate). Astfel, n urma procesului de grupare au rezultat 8 grupe, Fig. 7. Pentru fiecare grup au fost calculate valorile medii i abaterile standard corespunztoare lungimii totale (L) i puterii instalate (Si). Distribuitorul reprezentativ corespunztor fiecrei grupe este identificat dup determinarea caracteristicilor de grup. Acest distribuitor reprezentativ trebuie s caracterizeze cel mai bine particularitile grupei din care face parte, att din punct de vedere al caracteristicilor primare (lungime i putere instalat), dar i din punct de vedere al pierderilor de energie. In Tabelul 1 sunt indicate valorile medii i abaterile standard corespunztoare lungimii totale (L) i puterii instalate (Si) pentru grupele de distribuitori, precum i caracteristicile distribuitorilor reprezentativi (LRF, Si RF). 3. Determination of the representative feeders The data about the primary characteristics were updated and prepared for the grouping process, including the selection of the variables for a total of 44 feeders belonging to the electrical utility. In function by the primary characteristics (the total length of the distribution feeders and the installed power of the transformers), the feeders are divided in representative groups using a statistical clustering method (centroid method). Thus, the eight groups of the distribution feeders were determined, Fig. 7. The average values and the standard deviations corresponding to the total length (L) and the installed power (Si) for the every group of feeders are calculated. Beyond determination of the characteristics of the feeder groups, it identifies the representative feeder for every group. This representative feeder must to characterize the best the peculiarities of the groups, from viewpoint of the primary characteristics (length and installed power) and the energy losses. In the Table 1 are indicated the average values and the standard deviations corresponding the total length (L) and the installed power (Si) for the groups of feeders and the characteristics the representative feeders (LRF, Si RF).

8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 20 37 39 16 3817 15 1 28 7 29 23 8 19 41 27 33 5 44 22 11 30

The 6 International Power Systems Conference


26 34 4 12 6 13 40 18 21 36 35

Fig. 7. Gruparea distribuitorilor n funcie de lungime i puterea instalat Fig. 7. Grouping the distribution feeders in function by the length and installed power

2 32 2531 1443 10 3 24 9 1 2

3 L [km]

Tabelul 1. Caracteristicile grupelor i ale distribuitorilor reprezentativi Table 1. The characteristics of the groups and the representative feeders L [km] Si [kVA] LFR Si FR Group [km] [kVA] mSi mL L Si 1.492 0.501 1.461 1975 452.33 2000 G1 1.765 0.139 1.585 3447.5 239.08 3550 G2 3.289 0.202 3.430 2590 259.33 2690 G3 3.077 0.169 3.022 4535 255.93 4520 G4 4.214 0.248 4.180 3870 575.95 3430 G5 5.427 0.069 5.380 5477.5 239.08 5431 G6 3.568 0.344 3.325 5805 275.77 5610 G7 5.537 0.343 5.24 6577.5 327.65 6580 G8 Pierderile de energie au fost calculate, n funcie de nivelul de ncrcare, pentru fiecare distribuitor din grupele obinute. In final, pentru distribuitorul mediu al fiecrei grupe au fost determinate pierderile de energie. In Tabelul 2 sunt prezentate pierderile medii de energie pentru grupa G1 i distribuitorul reprezentativ. Erorile W din cadrul Tabelului 2 au fost calculate cu relaiile: (3) W = WG WRF [kWh] (4) W = (WG WRF ) *100 / WG [%] unde: WG valoarea crisp a energiei totale pentru distribuitorului mediu din fiecare grup; WG valoarea crisp a pierderilor de energie pentru distribuitorului mediu din fiecare grup; WRF valoarea crisp a pierderilor de energie pentru distribuitorului reprezentativ din fiecare grup. 4. Concluzii Nivelul pierderilor de energie reprezint un indicator important n planificarea i exploatarea reelelor electrice de distribuie. Lucrarea prezint o metodologie pentru identificarea distribuitorilor reprezentativi din reelele electrice de distribuie, bazat pe tehnicile fuzzy i de grupare. Bibliografie (References)

Tabelul 2. Pierderile de energie corespunztoare grupei G1 i distribuitorului reprezentativ, n funcie de nivelul de ncrcare Table 2. The energy losses of the group G1 and the representative feeder,in function by loading level WG WRF W W WG [kWh] [kWh] [kWh] [%] 6181 191.25 185.16 6.09 0.105 VS 10347.25 227.19 218.60 8.59 0.092 S 15168.75 294.74 299.72 -4.98 -0.030 M 22571.44 404.18 405.07 -0.88 -0.004 H VH 29697.44 529.05 535.99 -6.93 -0.014 0.029 Med 16793.176 329.28 328.91 0.37 For every feeder from the obtained groups were calculated the energy losses in function by the loading level. Finally, from the medium feeder of every group are determined these energy losses. In Table 2, the medium energy losses of the group G1 and the representative feeder are presented. In the Table 2, the errors W were calculated with the relations: (3) W = WG WRF [kWh] (4) W = (WG WRF ) *100 / WG [%] where: WG the crisp value of the total energy for the medium feeder from every group; WG the crisp value of the energy losses for the medium feeder from every group; WRF the crisp value of the energy losses for the representative feeder from every group. 4. Conclusion Level of energy losses is an important indicator for the planning and operation of electrical distribution networks. The paper presents a methodology for identification of the representative feeders from the electrical distribution networks, based on the clustering and fuzzy techniques.

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