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Executive Message
“Coming together
is a b eginning,
fr o m Dan H illstr o m
s ta y ing together
D earleaders, trainingfrom these top of time. I love the fact that
is p rogres s , a nd leaders. we are not j ust anotherj uice
Overthe last 12yearsI have company. I love the integ-
w ork ing together
hadthe privilege of working One of rityof ourowners. I love
is s u c c es s .” with IPC businessleaders the things the manydifferent products
from acrossthe globe. that that we offerto the world.
H enry F ord Through the yearsI have stoodout
watchedmanygreat leaders to me is The next large Tahitian
buildtheirTahitianNoni® the dedi- Noni event will be ourIn-
“D on’t q u a c k lik e businessesto amazinglev- cation ternational LeadershipCon-
a d u c k . S oa r lik e els. It isalwaysfascinating andcom- ference heldat the M GM
to me to watch how much mitment GrandHotel insunnyLas
a n ea gle.” foresight andplanninggoes of every- Vegas. I encourage youto
Dan Hillstrom
into each of theirbusinesses one in U.
S.General M anager
make the decisiontodayto
K en B la nc ha rd to reach theirultimate suc- atten- joinusthere.
cess. dance. Not onlywasthis
meetingheldonHalloween, M ake the commitment to
W e concludedwhat I think but manyIPCshadto travel expandyourview of our
IN SID E wasthe best Jade Campin longdistancesto attend. business. Come rubshoul-
TH IS ISSU E ourcompany’ shis- derswith those who
tory. W e hosted “Come rub shoulders [at ILC] with those have hadsuccess
Executive 1
close to 600 IPCs with TNI acrossthe
M essage who have had success with TN I across the
from acrossthe globe. Come get the
countryat the in- globe. Come get the knowledge and training knowledge andtrain-
“W here Are 2 credible Hyatt ingto take your
TheyNow?” RegencyHotel. This to take your business to the next level.” businessto the next
H ighlights incredible hotel is level.
Research locatedinanbreathtaking W hile the vast majorityof
Scientist area,right onSanFrancisco the attendeeswere from the W e will be introducingnew
Harbor,with an wonderful UnitedStates,we didhave products,new incredible
U.S.SalesTeam 3 view of the BayBridge. one groupof about 20 IPCs incentives,andrewards.
who made the longtrek Youwill get to hearfrom
W e hadthe chance to hear from Nigeria! the best IPCsinourbusi-
November’s 4 andlearnfrom not one but nessandcelebrate the suc-
nine of ourTahitian-Noni- I love TNI. I love ourdiver- cessof yourpeers. I look
createdmillionaires. It was sity. I love ourscope and forwardto seeingeach of
Conference incredible training;each breadth. I love ourcommit- youat Convention.
Calls personinattendance had ment to buildinga business
the opportunityto get that can withstandthe test Continued on Page 4
N O V E M B E R 2 008 PA G E 2

W h er e A r e T h ey N o w ?
Dr. Anne Hirazumi Kim remembers how her dog helped her gain confidence in the noni fruit
W e caught upwith Dr. Kim to hearherstory
of how she first came incontact with noni and
how it changedherlife. She currentlyserves
asSeniorResearch Scientist at TNI.
Q:How andwhendidyoucome incontact
with the noni fruit?
A:I first heardabout noni backin1989. That
waswhenmydogBrownie got sick. He wasa
healthydog,real playful,andit j ust seemed
like all of a suddenone dayhe got sick. One
of hiseyeswasfilledwith blood,he became
verylethargic,andhe wasn’ t eating. I was
reallysadto see him that way. M yfathersug-
gestedthat I tryto give him some noni j uice. I
hadneverheardof the noni j uice before,but
he saidit helpedone of hisfriendswho had
stomach cancer. I waswillingto give it a try.

I still tookBrownie to see a vet anywayj ust to

findout what waswrong. The vet toldme he
wasanemic andthere reallywasn’ t anything
that she coulddo forhim. I askedherif it
wouldbe okayto give him some noni j uice. I
wasverysurprisedwith heranswerbecause
she wasverycurt andj ust said,“No, ”that the
juice wasnot goingto helphim.

Of course,I didn’ t want mydogto be sick.

She didn’ t offerme anyhelpwith medication
so I still wantedto trythe noni j
though she thought that it wasn’t goingto
work. I askedmyfatherif he couldget some
of forme andhe did.

Q:So what happenedto Brownie?

A:W henI first saw the j uice,I remember
takingit out of the refrigeratorandthinking
it wasveryyuckylookingbecause it was
brownandverygelatinous. AndthenwhenI
openedit,it reallysmelledbad. I thought,
“Oh,Brownie wouldneverdrink this.”

Somehow mydogmust have knownthat the

juice wasgoingto helphim because he drank
it everydayfora few weeksandto myamaze-
ment,he got better. He startedrunning
Above, top: Anne and her husband Jonathan join
around,hisappetite improved,andhe seemed
like a puppyagain. I knew he got betterbe- John W adsw orth and Kerry Asay for lunch in
cause of noni j
uice. It wasthe onlythingI was H onolulu in 1996.This visit introduced Anne to
givinghim all the time. TAH ITIAN N O N I® Juice as a product then ready
Q:That’ sanamazingstory. W hat isdifferent for distribution.
about noni that youbelieve differentiates
itself from otherfruitsandplants? Above: Anne and her dog B row nie play together
A:At the time mydogbecame ill,I wasclose
to finishingmybachelor’ sdegree. I hadto on the law n in 1996.
decide what I wantedto do aftergraduating. I
knew I didn’ t want to workright away. I still Left: Anne and her husband Jonathan, w ith their
wantedto furthermyeducationandbecause
tw o sons N oah (6)and N athan (8).
of the experience I hadwith mydog,I knew I
wantedto learneverythingI couldabout the
noni plant.
Continued on Page 3
N O V E M B E R 2 008 PA G E 3

Meet Your U.S. Sales Team

New GeneralM anager Louisiana,Oklahoma,M issis-
DanHillstrom hasbeenap- sippi,South Carolina,Tennes-
pointedasthe new U.S. general see,andTexas.
manager. Danhasbeenoverthe
Southeast regionsince itsincep- W est Region
tionandwill now take overman- JonathanHallstrom andHector
agement responsibilitiesforthe Contreras,who’ ve respectively
entire U.S. market. The HIRO™ runthe Desert South andM oun-
retailingprogram will also come tainW est regions,will team up
underDan’ sdirection. to leadthe new W est region.
Thisregioncombinesthe former Dan Hillstrom Dan Calley ShaneGreer
North Region Desert South,M idwest,M oun- U.
S.General M anager North M anager South M anager
DanCalley,who hasbeenrun- tainW est,andPacific regions.
ningthe M id-Atlantic region, It includesArizona,California,
will now take overthe new Colorado,Idaho,Iowa,Kansas,
North region. The North region M innesota,M issouri,M ontana,
combinesthe formerNortheast, Nebraska,Nevada,New M exico,
M id-Atlantic,andGreat Lakes North Dakota,Oregon,South
regions. It includesConnecticut, Dakota,Utah,W ashington,
Delaware,Illinois,Indiana,Ken- W isconsin,andW yoming.
tucky,M aine,M aryland,M ichi-
gan,New Hampshire,New Jer- OtherChanges
sey,New York,North Carolina, Cim Carverreturnsto TNI Jon Hallstrom Hector Contreras
Ohio,Pennsylvania,Rhode Is- corporate to become director
W est M anager W est M anager
land,Vermont,Virginia,W ash- overa brand-new salessystems
ingtonDC,andW est Virginia. andtrainingdepartment. Cim’ s
entire focuswill be on creating
South Region new trainingandsalesmaterials
Shane Greer,who’ sbeenmanag- to helpU.S. IPCsexpandtheir
ingthe Southwest region,will businessbuildingopportunities.
become the salesmanagerof the Violeta Ramirez,who hasbeen
new South region. The South incharge of the Pacific region,
regioncombinesthe former will now be workingto develop
Southeast andSouthwest re- the Latino,Chinese,andRus-
gions. It includesAlabama, sianmarketsinthe United
Arkansas,Florida,Georgia, States. Violeta Ramirez Cim Carver
Director ofU.S.Sales Director ofU. S.Sales

Dr. K im r ecalls fir st visit w ith fo un d er s

KerryAsayand John W adsworth expound on the potential of TAHITIAN NONI®Juice
Continued from Page 3 doinga scientific experiment,youcancom- quicklyfoundout theywere reallynice
At first,I wasgoingto pursue mystudiesin pare directlythe noni fruit juice with a people.
botanybut laterswitchedto pharmacology control,andyoucansee without a doubt
because inthat fieldI coulddirectlystudy that the noni doespossessbeneficial bio- I still rememberthe first time we met at
the effect of the noni onlivingtissues. I logical properties. I publisheda couple of Kahala M all inHonolulu. W e hadlunch
founda professor,Dr. Eiichi Furusawa,who papersonthisactivityandwrote mydisser- togetherat California Pizza Kitchenandit
waswillingto let me test the effectsthat the tationonit aswell. Aftergraduatingwith wasthenthat theyshowedme one of their
noni juice hadinhisexperimental models. myPh.D. inpharmacology,I beganwork- first bottlesof TAHITIAN NONI®Juice.
ingwith TahitianNoni International. I thought it wasa j oke. I couldn’t believe
Dr. Furusawa hadbeenstudyingthe effects that someone wouldactuallywant to tryto
that mushroomshadagainst cancerousmice. Q:W hat happenedwhenKerryAsaycon- sell the noni j
uice. I knew that it helpedmy
Usingthe same animal model,I studiedthe tactedyou? dogandotherpeople,but the noni smells
effectsthat the noni j
uice hadagainst can- A:Actually,I first heardabout Tahitian so badandtastesawful that I didn’ t really
cersinmice andfoundthat it hadantican- Noni International whenI met him and thinkanyone wouldreallypaymoneyforit.
cerproperties. JohnW adsworth while theywere visiting
Hawaii inJulyof 1996. Johncalledme up Theyexplainedto me that theyhadformu-
I waspersonallyveryhappyto see the posi- one dayout of the blue andaskedif I could latedthe drinkinto somethingmore palat-
tive resultsof the noni fruit j
uice. I knew meet with him andKerryforlunch to dis- able,which wasamazingbecause now we
that the noni helpedmydogget better,even cussmyresearch onthe noni. At first I felt have TAHITIAN NONI®Juice that not
though some people toldme that it wasj ust a little hesitant since I didn’
t reallywant to onlytastesgoodandrefreshing,but isgood
wishful thinkingora coincidence. But by meet complete strangersbymyself. But I foryoutoo.
N O V E M B E R 2 008 PA G E 4

Dial In to N o vem b er ’s C o n fer en ce C alls

Get the hottest tips,the latest mar- November11,2008— 7PM November18,2008— 7PM
ketingangles,andthe biggest boost M DT M DT
yourbusinesscanget. Tuesday “Breaking BlackPearl” “Let ourProductsReduce YourStress
nightsbelongto yourTNI busi-
Hearfrom one of TahitianNoni and Grow YourBusiness”
snewest U.S. quali- JoiningLaura Kimball,Plan40
Callsare rebroadcast 24hoursa fiedBlack Pearl — JeffreyBroome. representative,will be Diamond
dayat 1-888-864-5842. That’ salso ThisgentlemenqualifiedinOcto- Pearl Elite Dr. Tanya Baldwin and
the numberto catch it live asit berforthisfabuloustitle andwill Arlene Olsen,founderof Tahiti
happensonTuesdaynights. All share how hisbusinessisbreaking Trim®Plan40®. Theywill discuss
conference callsare thenpostedin barriersandgrowinginspite of the how to de-stressyourlife during
Noni Office foryouto listento any economy. He isnow excitedabout stressful timeswhile utilizingthis
time. the future andopportunityfor product line. Dr. Baldwinisnot
Dial innext Tuesday!Here’
s theirnew team membersmore than onlya successful businesswoman,
also comingyourwayin November: everbefore. The call will be hosted but she isalso a familypractice
byU.S. General M anagerDan Hill- physician. She hasthe answeron
strom. how to make both yourbusiness
November4,2008— 7PM M DT life andyourpersonal life less
“Share Amazing Resultsfrom stressful. Dr. Baldwinwill also
TePoemäProducts” share with usthe keyto taking
Network marketingcompanies advantage of a growing$100
thrive onsellingproductswith a billion-a-yearindustry.
story. AndourTePoemä®facial
care line isjust that — a results- November25,2008— 7PM
drivenproduct with a unique story. M DT
These productsdelivercompelling
results,makingthem easyto share “Tellthe StorywithIncome
with othersanda perfect tool to Escalator”
buildyourbusiness. JoinNina Cur- Triple DiamondBlack Pearl Steve
tis,TahitianNoni International’ s Steggell j
oinsVioleta Ramirez,our
newest Personal Care advisory new directoroverthe U.S. Latino,
boardmember,andElizabeth Chinese,andRussianmarkets,to
Clyde,product salesmanager,as expandonhow Income Escalator
theyshare professional insight on will helpyou“tell the story”of
properskincare andhow TePoemä TNI andTAHITIAN NONI®
productswill bringyouresults Juice. Grow yourbusinessthrough
you’ll love to talk about! November’s conference calls are these invaluable tips.
rich w ith IPC testimonials of our
product lines and the Income Escala-
tor.M ake sure you don’t miss any of
these calls!

Executive Message fr o m Dan H illstr o m

Continued from Page 1 routine. Youwill neverchange your TNI youcanchange yourday.
life unlessyouchange somethingthat
To end,I wouldlike to leave you youdo daily.” Sincerely,
with one of myfavorite quotesfrom DanHillstrom
JohnC. M axwell:“The secret of I love thisquote. I challenge youto U.S. General M anager
yoursuccessishiddeninyourdaily make todaydifferent. Togetherwith TahitianNoni International

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