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Chanyuan Corpus The Greatest creator

Symmetry in naturemysterious and great power

Section 15 of 40 Evidences Proving The Existence Of The Greatest Creator


Look into the mirror. You step forward, the person in the mirror steps forward; you move backward, he does the same. You smile so does he. You raise your leg and so does he. Take the mirror as tangent, you and your image in the mirror have formed symmetry. If an object is cut in halves vertically from the midpoint and the left and right sides completely overlap each other, then this object is a symmetrical object. Lets look at the microscopic and macroscopic world, and we will discover that the galaxies, the solar system, the earth, man, birds, tigers,

Seek Truth from Facts, and Tell Truth

fish, frogs, roundworms, flies, crickets, leaves, fresh flowers, butterflies, shells, eggs, seeds, cells and so on are all symmetrical objects. Tornadoes, vortexes, diamonds, crystals, apyrite, pearls, hairs, water droplets, the orbits of celestial movements, and helixes and others are all symmetrical. Among the Arabic numerals of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and ten, the odd numbers 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 are symmetrical with the even numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The number of men is symmetrical with the number of women when considered in a larger time scale. Symmetry is omnipresent in the universe. Without symmetry, there would be no universe. Why does the protruding rafter rot first? For the protruding rafter destroys the symmetry. Why the Leaning Tower of Pisa looks uncomfortable? For it has lost its symmetry. Why some people are called the handicapped? For they lack symmetry. Why was the World Trade Center of America got bombed? For America has become exposed rafter that unsymmetrical with other countries. Why was Falun Gong suppressed? For it was not symmetrical with the Chinese culture then. Why have many ancient civilizations in human history have declined? For they have lost symmetry. Why monsters and demons are frightening? It is because they

Chanyuan Corpus The Greatest creator

are unsymmetrical. Why the works of some artists look disgusting? It is because their works lack symmetry. Why some buildings appear unsafe? It is because these buildings are not symmetrical. Why are some people irascible? It is because they are psychologically unsymmetrical. Why are corrupt officials punished in the end? It is because their mentality is not symmetrical with those of the common people. Why are meteorites frequently seen in the sky? It is because these celestial bodies have lost their symmetry. Why did the emperor hang himself? It is because his existence was unsymmetrical with the situation of the time. Why does tranquility make one feel comfortable, while turbulence makes one feel nervous and upset? It is because tranquility is symmetrical but turbulence is unsymmetrical. Symmetry is a kind of harmony, perfection, aesthetics, and order. Why beauties are intoxicating? Why fresh flowers are pleasing to the eye? Why the music of Moonlight of Spring River is so soothing? Why do the sculptures of great masters make appealing to us? Because they are harmonious and perfect, providing people with enjoyment of beauty. Try to think. If a girls left eye is larger than her right eye, her mouth is a bit oblique, only four fingers on her left hand, eight toes on her right foot and her left leg is shorter than her right leg, how would you feel?

Seek Truth from Facts, and Tell Truth

Man is inclined to symmetry. Outstanding artists (painters, sculptors, musicians, and so on), architects, and political leaders are all experts on symmetry. Whoever understands symmetry understands the mystery of nature; whoever has mastered symmetry will do things with ease and skill. A mature man is a psychologically symmetrical person, while a whimsical, eccentric, irascible, testy, and tempestuous person is no doubt psychologically unsymmetrical. Symmetry is perfect, asymmetry is defective; symmetry is long lasting, asymmetry is transitory. The reason for me to discuss symmetry here is to find out what power has made all things in nature symmetrical and why people are innately inclined to symmetry. Symmetry is a surface phenomenon, behind which is a mysterious and great power. The power controls in the form of symmetry to any over development and inharmonious kinetic energy and potential energy. Why does man have only two eyes instead of three? Why is the earth round? Why does the dog tail grow on its rear body? Why are the wings of butterflies and the wings of birds identical? Why do people dislike ugly things?

Chanyuan Corpus The Greatest creator

Scientists will certainly seek answers from the characteristics and structures of particles like atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, and photons which were proved in vain. For they could not explain the balance and symmetry for both sexes and why man does not grow a tail. So far, can we feel deep within our subconscious selves that a super wisdom is in control of all beings? If so, who is this super wisdom but The Greatest Creator?

More information please go to site The Kingdom of the Greatest CreatorGod Home without Family and Marriage Follow the guide of the Greatest Creator will be beneficial to humanity, Blessed by God and Buddha, ideal will come true. Come on, my dear friend! We are destined to be hand in hand in this lifetime Lifechanyuan, follows the Tao of the Greatest Creator, safeguard life, cultivate saints. The invitation from Lifechanyuan

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