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DEVELOPMENT OF KIDNEY Primordia : Intermediate mesoderm Cervical part nephrotomes.

. Caudal part nephrogenic cords 3 sets appear following each other : PRONEPHROS MESONEPHROS - 5-7 pairs of small hollow balls of - mesonephric tubules are more caudal, epithelium (pronephric tubules more numerous 80 are connected to pronephric duct Mesonephric tubules differentiate into a cup-shaped Pronephric tubules Bowmans capsule (that is degenerates by 4th week invaginated by capillaries forming the glomerulus) Pronephric duct persists Bowmans capsule + glomerulus = and extend caudally to make up the renal corpuscle become mesonephric duct - mesonephros has NO special duct it uses the pronephric duct now called the mesonephric duct mesonephric duct elongates and opens into the cloaca mesonephric tubules connect to mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct) persisting mesonephric duct gives: - duct system in male - para-ophron, epo-ophron & Garterners duct in female

METANEPHROS COLLECTING PART SECRETORY PART from ureteric bud from metanephric cap - ureteric bud arises from the - metanephric cap divides into small lower end of metanephric bud masses (one opposite each of collecting then invaginate the nephrogenic tubules) cord (which is now called the metanephrogenic cap or - part of metanephric cap canalizes to blastema) form vesicles - vesicles elongate & canalize to form nephrons (Bowmans capsule, renal tubules) and open into collecting tubules

- ureteric bud elongates forming the ureter, major calyces, minor calyces & collecting tubules

- most primitive kidney - non-functional in mammals

- mesonephric kidney is the functional adult kidney of fish and some amphibians

LATE CHANGES - Branching system becomes larger forming the pelvis and calyces - Kidneys undergo cranial ascend from the pelvic region to the abdominal region lateral displacement brings them in contact with the developing adrenal glands that fuse to their cranial pole rotate 90 so that the renal pelvis is facing the midline CONGENITAL ANOMALIES Renal agenesis means failure of formation of one or the two kidneys - always associated with oligohydraminos Polycystic kidney abnormal development of the collecting system, or failure of the collecting tubules and nephrons to join Pelvic kidney due to failure of the kidney to ascend to the abdomen where it is kept in the pelvis Horseshoe kidney both kidneys fail to ascend, and their lower poles fuse together

pelvic kidney

horse shoe kidney

Terminal part of hindgut (cloaca, endodermal in origin) is divided by cloacal septum into: 1. Primitive urogenital sinus (anterior part) 2. Anorectal canal (posterior part) rectum & upper part of anal canal primordia URETER ureteric bud from mesonephric duct (mesoderm) - develops from the caudal part of mesonephric duct - its cranial end dilates to form pelvis of ureter

Primitive urogenital sinus gives : 1. primitive urinary bladder, cranially 2. definitive urogenital sinus, caudally URETHRA 1. the constriction in between gives - male = upper pt of prostatic urethra - female = urethra 2. definitive urogenital sinus - male = 1) cranial (pelvic) part lower part of prostatic urethra + membranous urethra 2) caudal (phallic) part penile urethra except fossa navecularis (ectodermal) - female = vestibule of vagina

URINARY BLADDER urogenital sinus (endoderm) 1) Upper part primitive urinary bladder continuous with allantois (obliterated later) 2) Middle part (constriction) urethra 3) Lower part (definitive urogenital sinus) - male = penile urethra - female = vestibule

- the developing bladder absorbs most of the lower part of mesonephric duct till the origin of ureter - caudal part of mesonephric duct is absorbed into the posterior wall of primitive urinary bladder till the origin of the ureters the absorbed part will form the trigone (mesodermal)

double ureter - early splitting of ureter (complete/partial) - split ureters might open into bladder separately, or unite and open as usual

1. Urachal fistula - caused by persisting allantois. * urine may drain from the umbilicus. 2. Urachal cyst - caused by failure of obliteration of middle part of allantois 3. Urachal sinus - caused by failure of obliteration of proximal or distal part of allantois

congenital anomalies

4. Ectopia Vesicae (Extrophy of bladder) - rare severe anomaly - both anterior abdominal wall and the anterior wall of the bladder are absent and the posterior wall of the bladder (trigone and ureteric orifices) are exposed and protruded to the outside dribbling urine 5. Congenital recto-vesical or recto uretheral fistula 6. Hypospadius - urethra opens on the under surface of the glans penis. It might be perineal (scrotal), penile, or terminal - a common anomaly that might be an isolated defect or may be associated with other anomalies of the male genital system 7. Epispadius

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