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Learning Dutch Lets start with Some Basic Phrases

Goedemorgen khoo-duh-mawr-ghuh Good Morning Goedemiddag khoo-duh-mih-dahkh Good Day Goedenavond khoo-duh-nah-fohnt Good Evening Goedenacht khoo-duh-nahkht Good Night Tot ziens toht zeens Goodbye/See you Alstublieft / Alsjeblieft ahlst-ew-bleeft / ahl-shuh-bleeft Please Dank u wel / Dank je wel dahnk-ew-vehl / dahnk-yuh-vehl Thank you Graag gedaan khrahkh khuh-dahn You're welcome Hartelijk bedankt. hahr-tuh-lik buh-dahnkt Thank you very much. Ja / Nee yah / nay Yes / No Hoe gaat het met u? hoo khaht ut meht ew How are you? (formal) Hoe gaat het met je? hoo khaht ut meht yuh How are you? (informal) Goed / Heel goed khoot / hayl khoot Fine / Very well Het gaat / Slecht uht khaht / slehkht So so / Bad

The Alphabet a-ah b-bay c-say d-day e-ay f-eff g-ghay h-hah i-ee j-yay k-kah l-ell m-emm n-enn o-oh p-pay q-kew r-air s-ess t-tay u-ew v-fay w-way x-eeks y-ay z-zett

Vowels a-

(short a-: between `duck' and `dock'. The a- is found in words such as klank(sound), andrand(edge).

klank (sound), brand (fire), krant (newspaper), lam (lamb), want (because), strand (beach) hand (hand), kast (cupboard), bal (ball), wacht (wait), vast (fixed), grap (joke), schat (treasure)

aa- (long a-: not found in English at all. It is produced by shaping the mouth for the vowel-sound in
the English words `by', `why', etc. but opening the mouth much wider). It is found in Dutch words such as: kaas (cheese) and gaan (to go) and also in open syllables, i.e. in syllables ending on a vowel, as in maken (to make) and praten (to talk). ja (yes), gaan (to go), waar (where), baai (bay), vaas (vase), raam (window), kaas (cheese) taal (language), maan (moon), naakt (naked), maak (make), plaat (record), draad (thread)

words such as bos (woods) and kop (head of an animal). los (loose), gazon (lawn), vossen (foxes), vol (full), op (on), wol (wool), bot (bone), grot (cave) kop (head of an animal), blok (block), sokken (socks), rok (skirt), borden (plates), stof (dust)


Short o- more or less as in English `more', `for', etc. but quite short). It is found in Dutch

the last o is part of an open syllable and followed by the letter r) The pronunciation comes very close to the English words `your' and `for' goor (dirty), koor (choir), oor (ear), voor (for), pastoor (priest), storen (to disturb) boor (drill) vroor (froze), bevroren (frozen), woord (word), woorden (words), boren (to drill), oren (ears) (short e-: more or less like the sound in English `set', `crest', etc. but somewhat rounder, approaching the a- in English `sat', etc.) It is found in Dutch words such as mes (knife) and kerk (church). gek (crazy), lekker (nice, delicious), best (best), vet (fat), wet (law), met (with), sterk (strong) erg (very), kerk (church), kerken (churches), mes (knife), messen (knives), werken (to work)


(The pronunciation is a bit different If the letter r comes after double oo or if



(long ee-: more or less like the English ay- as in `say', `crazy', etc. but without the glide towards `i'). It is found in Dutch words such as veel (much, many) and steen (stone, brick). If e- is in an open syllable, as in `stegen' (ste-gen) (alleys), the word is pronounced stee-gen, but never spelled that way. This is also the situation in words like `breken,' (to break), `weten' (to know), `vergeten' (to forget) and `spelen' (to play). veel (much, many), vlees (meat), heel (very), stegen (alleys), delen (to share), breken (to break) keel (throat), nee (no), kaneel (cinnamon), weten (to know), vergeten (to forget), spelen (to play)


Do you speak English? Spreek je Engels? I'm learning Dutch Ik leer Nederlands I can understand Dutch but I cannot speak it very well Ik begrijp Nederlands maar ik kan het niet goed spreken. I can speak Dutch but not very well Ik spreek Nederlands maar niet zo goed How do you say that/this in Dutch Hoe zeg je dat/dit in het Nederlands?

I am sorry, I don't speak Dutch Het spijt me, ik spreek geen Nederlands

Could you pronounce it for me? Kun je dit voor mij uitspreken? How do you pronounce this/that? Hoe spreek je dit uit? Could you please write this/that word for me? Kun je dit/dat woord voor mij opschrijven? How do you spell that word? Hoe spel je dat woord? Can you teach me some Dutch? Kun je me wat Nederlands leren? Can you repeat that please? Kun je dat nog even herhalen? Say again! Zeg het nog eens! You speak too quick for me Je spreekt te snel voor mij Speak more slowly please? Praat alsjeblieft een beetje langzamer What does this mean? Wat betekent dit? Wat does _____ mean? Wat betekent _____? I just started learning Dutch Ik ben net begonnen Nederlands te leren.

Practice Basic Daily Informal Conversation Dutch less. 1 v=mkOAVtxoJGA&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL Dutch less.2 v=3CFQH97RBn0&feature=related Hallo!! 1:Hoe gaat het? 2:Goed. En met jou? 1:Heel goed.

Terima kasih Baik Sekali Rumah hitam Atau Me too

: Dankjewel : Heel goed : zwart huis : of : ik ook : black house

1: Ik heet Karel. Hoe heet je? 2: Ik heet Jimmy. 1: Aangenaam

1: Waar woon jij? 2: Ik woon in Amsterdam, in Nederland. En jij? 1: Ik woon in Bangalan, in Indonesie. 1: 2: 1: 2: Studeer je of werk je? Ik studeer (verb). / Ik ben een student. En jij? Ik werk op een kantoor. Wat studeer jij? Ik studeer economie.

Dagen van de week 1-maandag 5-vrijdag 2-dinsdag 6-zaterdag 3-woensdag 7-zondag 4-donderdag

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