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Diploma in Civil Engineedng / Diptoma in Electrical & Mechanical Englneering Term-End Examination June.


Time : 2 hours MoximumMalks : 70

No,e t Attempt Q. No. I uhich is compulsory ond ony other lout questions. In all, soloe fioe questions. All questionscofty equal morks. Use oJ colculators is pemitted.


{a) Simplib and express the result with positive components

(3xz1ox--f-xax-a {3x')-'
{b) Find whetheror not th lirst polynomialis a lactor of the second.
n2 E ^24 --2 1.



BET.O1 1



In a circle with centre O and radius5 cm, AB is a chord of length6 cm. lf OM -t AB, find the lengthof


(el (f)

If circumference a circleis 44 cm., find its area. of term of the sanes Computethe elventh 4+8.5+13+...

b) Find a unit vectorperpendicllarto the vectorsi, f.

(h) Find the principal value of

Evaluate sin230' + cos230'


corespondingto 15". Find the radianmeasure through Find th equationof a straight[n passing (4, 3) and slope2. Determinelhe equationof a circle if ils centreis (8, - 6) and radius 5 units. is

BET'o1 I

What is meaning of the lollowing box ln a flow chaft ?

(n) Mention fout computerprogramming languag. 14x1=14 2. (a) The first term ol an AP is 4, and the tenth term is 31. Determine sumol the first 10 terms. the (b) Express lollowingwithout logariihms: the log x = logP + 2 log Q-log K- 3

Simplifu ,
f l-6

3. (a) ll


!*'v" l


a2 + bz - 7 ab, prove ihai 2 log (a + b) = log 9 + log a + log b

(b) Find th middletrm in ihe expression of

/ I

-3f b/


5+8+11+......8terms then complte the l"llue oI n,

BET-o1 1





sn x)

(b) Show that sin 105' + cos 105' = cos45 ' tc) Findthe angleof elevation the sunat a time when ot pole 12 mehes hrgh castsa shadow 20 a wrtical metres longon the ground. 5+5+4

5. (u) Find the equations lineswhich passthrougha point ol

(4, 5) and makean angleof 45" with the line 2x+y+1=0. (b) Find the equationof a line thai has x-intercpt-3 and is perpendicular th line 3x + 5y = 4 to (c, Find the equationof a line passing through ihe point an {1, 3) and maktng angleof 60'with the positi\re direction ol x-axis. 5+5+4

6. ia) Find the co-ordinates of the ceDtre and radius of the

(b) Find the ccentricity, foci, and centre for the ellipse


BET.O 1 1

In the adjoining{igure,AB and CD are h{o chordsol a circle, interscting eachother at p If z BAC = 40", ard t BpD = 110., find Z PBD.



r r. * l - z i + 3 f a n d b = z t * ss t , -i
then find a x b. Veriiy that a nnd a x b are perpendjcular lo each otber,

Find the value of ), so that the vectors

zi-ai +2t ansl-r.i*st d

are perpendicllar to each other

Show thdt the vectors

u=3t*4i anu=el._rzf a
are parallel.

BET.O1 1


Diploma in Civil Engineering,/Diploma in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

Term-End Examinatiorl ' June, 2OO5 BET-012: PHYSIGS

Time : 2 hours MaximumMorks: 70


Answer ang five questions. Quesfion no. 1 's

(ii) (iii)

All qlestions cofty equol marks.. Giue SI units of physicol quantities in numerical You can use o colculotot.


Ans.r./er any seuen parts : (a) (b) (c) Define intensityof soundwaves,and write its units. Draw shess - strain curve for a steel wire.


The resistance an electricheater is 25 Q and its of ends are connected to the poles of.a 90 V dry battery. Calculate the current flow in the heater



ld) Why paramagnetic and diamagnetic substances

cannot be used to make permanentmagnets? Convert 120" on Celsiusscaleinto Fahrenheitscale. (f) igl Define Diopter. Draw ray diagram for image formed when the objct is kept between F and C in froi,t of a concave

(h) Give t',{/o applications of Pascal's Law. 2. (a) Name the lactors allecting velocig ol sound wave in
a gaseous medium, Discuss them. 6

(b) An ai! column with a tuning fork of frequency

v = 256 Hz resonates with column lengths of 334 cm and 101.8 cm. Calculate the speed of sound in air. tcl Dellne surlace iension and give iLs SI unit How does the ,"alue of surface tension depend on

3. (a)

2, 1, 1

Whai is a paramagnetic substance ? Give one example. State txo properiies of paramagntic


1 ,1 , 2

(b) Define one calorie of hat. How is it related with

Calculaie mean kinetic energy for one gram mole oI hydrogen ai S.T.P. Given density of hydrogn at S.T.P. is 0 09 kg m-3.


4. la) State Kirchhoff's law of black body radiation. 2 (b) A \teel wire of lenglh 4 ? h and cross-seclion
3 0x10_5 m2 stretchesby the same amount as a copper wire of iength 3 5 m and cross-section 4'0X10 5 mz under a given load. What is the rdtio of the Young's modulusoI stelio that of copper ? Define ihe term magnification in lenses. Calculate the focal length ol a convex lens that can be used to throw 29 times magnifiedimage.ol an object on a screen20 cm away. 2,4

Explain construction and working of a compound microscop,with a neat labelleddiagram. 1,5

(b) A wire 2 crn long and 0.40 mm in diameter has a

resisianceof 4 O. Caiculatethe resistivityof the material oI th wire. (c) A charge q is moving with a velocig 1, in a region wbere both the magneiic field.B and electric field E are simuitaneously present. Whai is the Lorntz lorce acting on the charge ? What is the principle of a galvanometer ? 4

2 2

(d) 6. (a)

Whai are secondary cells ? Explain their worldng principle. 2,2 Calculai the operating magnetic lield required ior accelehting protons if the ndius of the cyclotron dees is 50 cm and its oscillator lrcquency js 16 MHz. cj,,eD e - 7.6 x 10-19 C; = 1.67 x lO-27 kg. 4





State FaEday's laws ol electrolysis. Eiplain importance of Faraday constant in elctroiysjs.

the 3, 1


Why are the passengers advised to remove ihe ink {rom their pens \rhile going up in an aeroplane ?

2 7x2


Write short note$on any ,&o of ihe following : (a) {b) lc) {d) Determinaijonof Mechanical of Equlvalent heat Daniel Cell Archimedes'principle Tele.cope



Diploma in Clvil Engineering / Diploma in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

Term-End Examination June, 20O5 BET-013 CHEMISTRY :

Time: 2 hours
Maximum Morks ' 70

(i) . (ii) (iii)

Question No. I is compulsor!,. Ansuer ony fo 2to7. " questions/rom Quesiions No.

All questionscarrg equol marks.

(iu) Use ol calculator is allowed.

r, (a)

Define ionizationenergy.How does it vary acrossthe periods in the periodic table ? What is red mud ? Explain briefly lce floats on liquid water. Give reasons. Ditferentiate bet'r./eena Calorie and a British Thermal Unit. Wtit the ussof molybdnum disulphide. Define glass transition tmperatute- How important ? is it 2x7

(b) Ljst any four charactristics non-metals. of

(c) (d) {e)

(0 (s)




(a) What is modem periodlclaw ? Descdbevariousparis

of the modem perjodictable.

(b) Giv the eleckonic configurationsof the following

Ms l'12),Fe '26), As(33), Sn(50)

List five generalpropertiesof d block elemnts. 5, 4, 5


(a) Discussany two meihodsol pr"paration of hydrogen

gas and list its five uses. 'Complete (b) the following reactions (il (i0 NH4NO3 (.) '-

3 NO2 ki + H2O (i) '-------+

How is nitric acid produced by Oshrald procss ? 5, 2, 7 List t o usesoI nitric acid.



Write any iwo ors ol iron. How is iron extracted using a blast fumace ? Illustrate your answer with the help o{ the chemieal reactions involved and a labelled diagram.

(b) Give compositionand usesof lollowing alloys ,

Brass,Gold (18 carat) 1o,4

What is meant by demineralisation of '&arer ? Describe ihe procss of deminralisation using ion exhangeresins.

BE'T 013

(b) What is boiler corrosion ? Suggest iis preventive

Explain ReverseOsmosisprocesso{ desalination of braikish watr. 6,4, 4 6. (a) IllustraiOtto Hoffmann's by-productoven process to nanulacture metal)u coke. Discuss Fischer Tropsch process to produce synthetic De{ine cloud and pour pojnis of lubricants. How are rhese deternined ? Stap 'herr (ignifi(dnce in lubricaiion. 5,3,6



(a) What do you mru by polgmers ? Write the an

mechanismof free radicalpolgmerisation.


What is w canizationof rubbers? Give composition.propertiesand usesof pyrex glass and optical glass. What is clay ? Explain the term plasticity and describe methods to obtain 'quired plasticig. 4,2,4,4




Diploma in Civil Engineerlng / Diploma in Electrical & Mechantcat Engineering Term-End Examination JuDe,2OO5 BET-O14 APPLIED : MECHANICS
Tirhe | 2 hows Moximum Morks: 70

Note I Atterhpt Q. M. I rahich is cofipvttotg and ony othet lour questions. In oll, sahreftoe qvestions. All questionscarty equol motks.UseoJ cqlculator is permitted.


(a) Select tbe righl answer from the given four alternatives. 10x1=1O (i) A particle of mass m has momentum p, !t's kinetic ene4g ruill be {a) (b)

n1p 2p2 p2 m






A particle moves in a circular path of radius r. In half the period ol revolution, its displacement and distance co\reted are


2\ 2nr

lcl ld)

2\ ft r, ft



The re$ltani o( t'.ro Jorces P and Q aciing ar an angb e is equd to

r-;_----;{a) {P' + Qf + 2PQsine


iP' + Qt + 2PQcose
t;--;{P" + Q' 2PQsin0



\jP' + Qz -



{ie) The efliciency of a tifting machineis the rafio

of {a) (bl ic) (dl its outputto input work done by it to the viork done on lt its mechanical adr,antage lts r,locity to ratio AUof the above


{v) A lifting machine ha\,ing an efficiency less thah

50% is known as (a) (b) (c) (d) reversiblemachine idal machine noh-.e!rsible0achine None of the above

(vi) Th velocity raiio of a simple wteel and .!de with D and d as the diameters of effort wheel and load axle is (a) D+d {b) (c) (d) D-d Dd D/d

(vii) The iime of tlight of a proiectiie on a horizo al plaoe is ,^, 2u sin cr

(b) {c)

2u coso
g usind



of {uit The maximumdisplacement a body moving with simple harmonic motion from its mean position is called {a) {b) (c) (d) oscillation amplitude beat None of the above

(ix) The dope on the rcad surfaee generalb providedon the curvesis known as (a) {b) {c) (d) (xl angleof frictton angleof repose angleof banking None ol the abor

The kinericenergyo[ a body of mass I kg is 12.5 kg m2 s_2.Its momentumln llnits of kg (a) (b) 25 5

(c) o ld) 1.2.s

(b) Fi in the blank: {i) 4x1-4 'P' If the resultantof two forces and 'Q' acting at an angle0 makesan angleof cr with P, then




The coefficient of static fricton is aways than coefficient of d!'namic friction. Th centroid of an equilateral triangle of sid 'h' is located from any of its three sides at a distance h,


A ball dropped lrom the top of a tower reaches the ground in 6 seconds. The height of the to\lrer $


An electriclight fixture weighting15 N hangsfrom a point C by h^,ostringsAC and BC. The string AC is inclinedat 60'to the horizontal and BC at 45" to the vertical as shown in figur 1. Determinthe {orcesin the stringsAC and BC. 14

Figurc 1




to A truss shown in figure 2, is subjected t\xo point loads of at B and F Find the fo:cesin all the members the ttuss 14 and tabulatethe results ----+F-----i 3m 3m F-

1.5 >P kN


Figure 2 4.

F 4kN

(a) Definecoefficient staticfrictionandangleof friction. of Showthat p = tan 0 whrthe lettershar,thef usual meanings. (b) Two block A and B of weights 1 kN and 2 kN are respectiveD in equilibriumposition as shown in figure3.

Fisurc3 II the coefficintof friction behreenthe hvo block as well as the block B and the floor is 0 3, find ihe minimum {orce (P) requirei to move the block B. BET-O14


Show that there are h,\'o angles ol projection for a projectile to have the same horizontal range. What will be the maximuh heights attained in the tJ/o cases ? Compare ihe t'.,,/ohejghis for 0 = 30" gnd 60".


A projectile is lired honzontallg with a velociiy of 98 ms-r from a hill 490 m high. Compute (i) time taken to reach the ground (ii) th distanceof ihe target from th hill, and (iii) the velocity with which the dy strikes the ground. Find the moment of ineriia of a T sction . as shown in tigure 4 about X-X and Y-Y axesthrough the C.G. of the section. 14


50 mm

150 mm ___l


,50 mm. F- -n Figure 4




(a) State Newlon's second law of motion and prove that

impulse is equal io the chang in momentum produced.

{b) Two masses 7 W

d 12 kg are connected at the

t1r,o ends of a light inextensible string that passes over a frictionlss pulley. Find the acceleration of the massesand the tension in the string when the masses are rcleased.

a, (a)

A block of mass 0 8 kg is dragged along a level surlac at constant acceleration by hanging a block of mass 0.2 kg as shown in figure 5. Calculate th tension in the siring and the acceleration of the system.

Figure 5

aET-O 14

Two blocksof masses = 2 kg andMz = 5 kg arc Mt moling in the same direction along a frictionless surface with speeds 10 mt1 and 3 mi1 respecth,ely, being abeadof Ml. An ideal spnng MZ = 1120 N m-r is attached the backsideof with K to block Mz as shoumin figure 6. Find the maximum compressjorof the spring!^then block collide. the -----' 10 mtl ---- 3 ms-i




Diploma in Civll Engineering / Diploma in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Term-End Examination

Time , 2 hours
Note t

MaximumMorks: 70

Attempt dlt questions. All questions carry equal


(a) Fiil in the blank ; 7x1=7 (i) Dull paiches developedon a paini sudace is deiectol paint. (ii)

White lead and zinc oxide are parnt,

in a

is the defect formed due to improper sawing of timber.

(iv) Outemost ring beiween the bark and sapwood whjch is rlot yet converled jnto wood is known (')
(vi) (vit

is obtained by bumlng limestone containing lot of clay and other substance. Shale is a -_ type of material. rocks are formed bv alteration oI original structure under heat and pressure.




State hue/faLse {or the follc*/,Jing statements : (i) (i4


The second class bricks have a minimum crushing strength of 45 kghm2. A good timber should have regular annual rings.

(iii) Blue siain is a defct of timber due to Fungi. (iv) A good sand should not have coarse and angular gYainso{ pure silica. (v) Sandstone is a sedimeniary rock.

(vi) Dolomite is a soft rock. (vii) A good brick should have a crushing strngih of lessthan 105 kg,/cmz. '7x2=14 2. Answer any trr,o o{ the followins : (a) List the method of quarrying of stones and explain any tlro of ihem. Discuss the qualirv o{ good bricks. Explain the manulacturing tiles. of 7x2=14

(b) (c) 3.

Answer aoy trro of the {otlowing t (a)

What are the essentialqualities of good building sions ? Dscuss the qoncrete. selectlon ol materials for cement



Explain the signilicanceof compactjonof concrete. How v,,ill you achleve this at a constyuctlon site ?



Answer any lu,o ol the following :


la) (b) (c) 5.

of What ts decayol timber ? Explain variouscauses


Explain the chamcteristics good timber. of Discuss propertiesof disiempers. the

Write short noteson : (a) Rapid HardeningCement


(b) Blast Furnaica Slag Cement {c) Air-entrainingcemeni (d Lo;heat cement



Diploma in Civil Engineering / Diploma in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Term-End Examination June,2OO5 BET-016: ENGINEERING DRAWING
Time : 2 hours
Note :

MoximumMarks: 70

Port A is to be attempted on ansuer scrlpts ond Pott B on drawing sheis. Use oJ calculator is allowed.

PART A Attempt ony elgh, questions. All the questions cofty equol morks. (5 morks each)


What are aligned s!6tem and unidirectional system of dimensioning ?

2 . What is the dillerence between a plain-scale and a

diagonal-scale? lndicate the formula for the length of scale.

3 . lnscritte a circle in a given Equilateral-Triangle.

4. Define Ellipse,Parabola and Hlperbola by any method.


Give the name of ihat curve which is traced out by a moving point on the circumference of a circle without slipping along a straight line and where it is used.

6. Define Projection and state the position of any object with

respect to reference-planes {H.P and VP) in 3d Angle Projection. Projections of hro Points 'A' and 'B' are gi\n in the figure. State the position of each point with respect to the planes of projection, giving the disiances in mm.


What do you undeEtandby Tracesof a lioe ? Explain in brief. Define 'plane' and make a list of different typgs of planes with simple sketches.


lO. What are ihe differentpositlons whlch a solidcan takewith respectto the Reference-planes and V.P) ? {H.P 11. How canwe developany calindrical shape? ExplainIn brief with sketches. 12.Ditfercntiate between 'lsometric-view' and

Indicate the ratio beftreen Isometric Iength and Actual length also.


PART B Attempt ong two questions. quesfions A/l coftIes equol morks.(15 markseach) 13. Construct a parabola by Rectanglemethod when the abscissa {Axis) - 60 mm and the double-ordinate (Base) 100 mm. = 14. A line 'PQ' 60 mm longhasits end 'P' in both H.P arld VP It is inclined 45'to H.P and 30'to VP Drawthe at projectionsof line and determineits Tracesalso. 15. A PentagonalhJramid, edge of base 30 mm and height 70 mm has its ole dge ol the baseon the horizontal plane (H.P). Draw ihe projections the RJramidwhen its of axismakes angleof 60'to the horizontal plane(H.P.). an 16. Two viewsof a coneare givenin figure.Draw its lsometric



Diploma in Civil Engineering / Diploma ln Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Term-End Examination June, 2OO5 BET-017 COMPUTER : BASTCS
Time : 2 hours
Note : (il lii) Question no. 1 is compursory. Attempt any fout'questions out oJ the remaining questions numbered 2 to 7.

Moximun Mdrks: 70

1, .

Fill in the blanksllom the choicesbelow: (t) First dialog box that appears after opening of MS Word is .-- -. You can use styles to .in Microsoft Word. yow documents




You use the toolbox to apptg common -characterand paragraph{ormar' ro splecledlext The unit o{ slze measurement of fonts is called For slecting a particularprintef you have to cJick defalit printer.






ls usd to insert the contenis o{ clipboard into the documeni.

{vii) Marking a block of texi is done b9 dragging it with (viii) A passage of text is delied by seiecting it and pressingkeY. (ix) The short-cut key to open an existing file is _ displaysihe contents of and name oi


the active celi. has In the Page Sefup oI MS Excel, . -the option to selectthe area to b printed (i.e- range ol cellsor rows or colurrns),

(xii) In MS Excel _-ate included in ihe worl,shets and can be moved, copied and /eslzed as any other graphicalobject lt can be viewed along with the data and many charis can be inselled (xlil) is tbe name given to the main computer equipmentand its periphraldevices. (xlv) Insiructions to compuiei ate given through

.n"o;l(0 (a)Alt, (b)poini, (c)Ctrl+O,ld) format,(e)mouse, del' (g) tip cf ihe clay, (h) Embedded charts, (l) prosram' 0 fotmula bar, (k) hardware, (l) Set 3s, (m) She{tab' {n) cursor, 10)paste, (p) iormat

7 BET.O]


Attempi an9 tDo oI ihe following : (i)


Whai is a computer ? Describe the general architecture a computer. of What are MailMerge and data source ? What iheir advantages ? What are ihe steps r'nvolvedin copying a workshet to a new worksheei ?




Attempi any tlrJo of the fojlowing : (i) {ji} How will you create a custom list in MS Excel ?


Lisf and explain the contents ol fo[nattjDg tooJ bar. Make necessary assumptions.

(iii) Where can one lind pictures to be insertd in a document ?


Attempt any one of the following : (i) Crat a slide show that shows the dajly time schedule an afmy personnel6n a week day, (max of of 5 slides), with the name, tiile slides,morning and evening duties, name of regiment etc. Write content oI each slid on the answer shet. Mak necessary assumplons. How do Explain, in detail, ihe Windowsaccessoris. you prini in Windows ?






Attmpt any tuo of the lollowing j (i) Explain differeni tlpes of chartsjn Excel.


1i1) What is a footnot ? (iii) What is the role of "F1" key jn Windows ? 6. Attempt any l(ro of the folLowtng , (i) (ii) What does Jormaftingof a floppy disk mean ? What are the lunctions in MS Excel ? cjve h/,/o examples-


(iii) DiflerentiatebetweenFIND and REPTACEfunctions. 7. Attempt any one of the followins , (i) Ust the steps followed for finding a document in a computer by searching. Is it possible to convert text into table using Microsoft Word ? Justify youl answer wrtD an exampl. 14




Diploma in Civil Engineering / Dlploma in Electdcal & Mechanical Engineering Term-End Examination June,2OO5

Time : 2 hours
Nole :

MaximumMorks, 70

Question r'o. 1is coitpulsory. Attempt anyfour qustiohs out' oJ the rcmdining questions numbered 2 to 7. Use oJ colculotor is permittecl. Select the correct answer from ihe four given altematives each pari given betow : lor
{,) _ ,t,, -.' rr y = ro9 IlaD y). lhprr i, eq]|/'l t" dr



lal (b) (c) (d)

2 sec2x 2 cosec2x 2 secsx 2 cosecrx



The point on tha curve y2 = x, the tangent at ,J.,bichmahes ar, angle o{ 45', wiih x-axis will be given by

1\ . ,u, 1 1 aJ lr.


f1 1\

\.t t)

(c) (2,4)

' [+' ;]
The right circular cylinder o{ given guriace {including the ends) shail have maximum volume jf the ratio of lts height to its diametet is

la) 2

,o) ;
(c) 15 (d) 1

lf i(x) = xz + 3x + 4, tlren i(A) (a) A2+3A+41 (b) A2+3A+4 (c) A2 + 34 (d) (A+41(A+l) where A is a squarmatrix


The mode of the following sequenceof numbers

25, r5, 23, 40, 27, 25, 23, 25, 2D


la) 25 (b) 20 lc)


None of the above

(vi) Inverseof I

l 4

I is



f r 1l 4 3 l

I* - r l

. 1 I I

( b i -'l f
,[1 ( c ) ; 1 zJ L0

" l-7

3l I
o] | rl


'' f1 ldr *l





rs equal Io ---r

l' a. l

(b) :+:i 3 4. ., tcl ;+;t (d) None of ih above

are {b) Siaie whtherihe followingstatemenis true or justi{! your an$rer. falseand (jl - 1e (--,2)
lit) .3 -cl -: --= li'r' r+ 3 x+J = 27

lriD r) y = t4x - 5f, rh,n lv = 4{4x 5)3 dx

Fill in the blank.

(i) rf I

l"-2 l'-s

x+ v l f 0 l=l -81 L4 4a
_ z = -

lihen 12)

x = _ y =

( i t L e t A = 1 4 5 6 1a n d = , B

lrlI I







I sin 2x l - o * =

(iv) Average ';alue may be termed


2. la) Elaluate
Im- - -It 2x' + y" 6y 9x - 0. determinerhe equarion 7+7

ol the normal to ihe curve at the poini (1, 7).

3. la) Show that the tunction l*' f(x)= j l2 when +1 x when =1 x

ls dlscontinuous x = 1. at


f 1 Lvatuate| dx. J ex+1




(a) Evaluate I J 0 (b) Rnd the area bet$een the paratolas yz = 4ax and
,2 = 4ay.




(a) Solve lor o suchihat the expression =ffi rmagrnary. (b) lf {2+3i(3-4 = x + iy, evaluatandy. x




(a) I I A - I

1 1 2
L-1 3

5 1
land -41

t B=10



l 4 l f i n dw h e t h t h em a t r i x er



expression for ach of [t A + B, {ji) AB and liii) BA is possible/valid. State with reasons when a matrix expression is not \Elid,/possible. Determine the inverse of the matrix


f r i

, -,1
3 0l

f o -2
7. (a)



Show that th variance of the first n positive iniegets



The following iable shows the mirrks obtained by 100 candidaiesin an examination. Calculate the 7+7 mean and standarddeviation.


No. ol Candidates

1- 10 11-20 21-30 31-40

4 1- 5 0 51 60

3 26



Diploma in Civil Engineering / Diptorna in Electrlcal & Mechanical Engineering Teml-End Examination June, 2O05 BET-02?. STRENGTH MATERTALS OF
Time: 2 hours
Noae :

MaximumMorks: 70

Question no. 1 is computsory. Attempt on9 tow questions Jrcm the rcmaining. Assume suitable data whereuer necessoryand mention it clea y. Use ol colculotor is ottowed.

l-. Choose corect answers the from iie givenaltmatives. 14x1=14 (i) The relation behren young,s ModuL,s E, Bulk modulusK, and Poisson's ratjo p is given by (a) E=2K(1 -2p) (b) E = 3K(1 + &) (c) E=3K{1 -2p) td) E=2Klt+p)




The elastic modulus of steel is 18 iimes the lastic modulus of concrete. The modulat ratio will be (a) e (b) (c) (d) 18 36 None of the abov


If the Young's modulus of elasticity of a material is n ic its modulus ot ngidiiy, the Poisson's raiio oI the material is (a) -1 (b) -05 (c) 05 (d) zero


If a prismatic member with area of cross section A is subjctedto tensile load P, then the maximum shear strssand its inclination with the direction of the load,


P/A and 45"

(b) P,u2Aand 45' lc) (d) P/2A and 60' P/A and 30"


Compatibility condition in a compositebai ensures (a) (b) strains in the components of the bar are equal stressesin the componnts of the bar are equal

(c) strains and stresses th componntsof the in bar are equal (d)

None of the above

Maximum bending moment in a beam occurswhere (a) deflectionjs zero (b) (c) (d) shear force is maximunl shear force is minimum shear force changes sign


The variaiionof bendingmoment in the portion of a beam carryinglinearlyvarying load is (a) (bl (c) (d) linear parabolic cubic constant

(viit) A poftion of the beam bet'r,,eentwo sdctians is said

to be in pure bendingwhen there is (a) (b) (c) constant berding mofient and Ero [orce constant shear force and zero bending rnoment constant bnding moment and constani shear None of the above P.T.O,




Ii the length of a simply supportedbeam carrying a concentrated load at the centre ]s doubled, the defleciionat the centre will becone la) (b) (c) (d) hro times four tims eight times sixteen times


An isotropicmaterlalis one which has (a) (b) (c) (d) same elastic properties in all three direcilons same elastic properties in at least two dlrections different elastic properties in all direciions None o.f'!he above

{x') Bucklingload for a column dependsupon

(a) (b) (c) (d) length of the column only least lateral dimension only both lensth and teast lateml dlmension None of the above

(xit Principal planesare the planes

(a) (b) (c) which have maxlmum shear stresses which ha'" zero shar shesses which ha!, maximum normal stresses

(d) which have minimum normal stresses


(xiii) A propped canttlever is a,/an (a) (b) (c) {d) stable and statistically determinate beam unstable and statistically indeterminate beam stable and statisiically indeterminate beam unstable aDd siatisticallg determinate beam

lxiv) If th load at the free end of a caniileverbeam is

doubled la) (b) sjope and deJlectjon al the fixed end will

slope and deflection at the fixed end will


slope and defleciion at the fixed end willremain unchanged None of the above


A iimber beam 200 mm wide and 400 mm deep is simply supported over a span of 4.0 m. Find th maximum uniformly disiributed load that the beam can carry, if ihe bendingsire.s is nor to exceed8 N/mm2. l4 If a 2.0 m long bar having a square cross sction of 300 mm side is subjected to a compressive force of 600 kN/mm2, find the changein votumeif elasticconstant E and r for the material are knour as 100 kN/mmz and 0.2 respectively.

14 P.T.O



A beamABCD 20 m long is loaded shownin figure. as Th beamis supported B and C. Draw B.M. and S.F. ai diagram indicating principal numerical values. 14

12n tzm-t------."............_ --1-

6^ -,

A compound bar is constructed fastningthree bars by 50 mm wide by 12 mm thick together io form a bar 50 mm wide and 36 mm thick The middle bar is of airrninlum atloy {oI which E = 70 kN/mm2 and the oulside bars are of brasswith E = 100 kN/mm2. If the bars are initiallylastenedat 18oC and temperature the whole of of the assembly then raisedto 50' C, delerminethe stresses is qt up in lhe brassand lhe aluminrurn. dnd o . o, may be taken as 18 x 10-6 Kr respectively. and 22 x 1O-5 K:1



A beam of triangularcrosssectionoI basewidth 120 mm and heigbt 100 mm is subiected io shear torce of 5 kN. Find ih maximum shearstrssat th nutralaxis. 14 A solid shaft has to transmit 90 kW power at 160 RPM. Find the suitablediameter {or ihe shatt if the maximum torque transmitted in each rvolutjon excedsthe mean by 25%. Take allowable shear stress as 70 N,/mmz. 14


A steel bar of.ectangu)arsection 40 x 60 mm pinned ai each end is 3 m long. Determinethe buckiingload when it is subjected to axial comprcssion and also calculate axial stress using Euler's expression.Determine,the mininum length for which Euler'sequalionmay be valid. Take pyoportionality limii as 250 MPa ahd E . 200 GPa {2 \ 105 N/mn21 14



Diploma in Civil Engineering / Diploma in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Term-End Examination June, 2OO5


Time , 2 hours Note . Moxinum Morks : 70

Question no. 7 is c!mpulsory. Attempt ony four questions lrom the rcmaining. All questions carry equal marks. use of colculator is permitted


Select the most appropriate an$,/er for each of the following multiple choice objctive type quesiions given below. (i) 2x7=14

Geodet:c suweying is dilferent lrom Plane 5urveying

(a) (b)

the curvature of th arth the lae difference of elevation betreen various po,n$ coverage of very large area undulations of the iopography

(c) (d)




Number of link in a 30 m metric chain is (a) (b) (c) (d) 100 150 180 200


'Ranging' is the process of (a) (b) (c) (d) Iixing rangingrods on d suney line aligning the chain in a straight line behveen tro iaking olfsets from a chain ljne chaining over a mnge of mountains


Which of the following is not used for measuring

n,"l:r ^flc,lc ?

(a) (b) (c) (d)


Line Ranser Sieel Tape Optical Square Cross Staff

Local attraction in compasssurueging may exist due (a) incorfeci levelling of magneiic needle

(b) loss of magneiismof the needle (c) friction of the needle at the pivot

(d) presence of magnetic substancesnear the


{vi) Il th R.L. of a B.M. is 100.0 m, the backsight is 1.215 rn and the foresight 1.8?0 m, the R.L. of is the torwardsfation is la) 99 345 m (b) 100 345 m (c) 100.655m (d) 103 085 m {vit The instrumeni usedfor accurate centering plane in tabie surveyjs la) Spirjt level (b) Alldade
(c) {d) 2. Plumbing fork Trough compass

Dilferentiate between the following ierms : (i) (ii) Plan and Map Plane Survey and Geodetic Survey


(ii0 Main Station and Tie Siatton (iv) 3. {a) ' Backsight and Foresight A 30 m chain was found to b 3 cm too long after chaining 1800 m. The same chain was observedtc) be 5 cm too long alter chainingthe total distanceof 4000 m. Assumingthat the chain was correct at the commencement of work, find the true iength of the total distancechained.



{b) WiL\ the help ol a nat sketch, describthe 3-4-5 offsei method for obtainingperpendicular offset to a 10+4=14 cbain )ine.
4. (a) Deline the {ollowing , (i) (ii) (b) Magneticdeclination Local attraction

Convert the following reduced bearings io whote circle barings:

(i) s 54'32 W (it s 39" 52',W


Following readings were taken during a levelling exetcise. The inshment was shifted atter 5s and 8th reading. Enter the radings in the regular lild-book format and find RLs o{ the statiom, if the RL of stariing slation is assumed to be 105.000. 2430. 3546. 3113, 2106, 0945. 2.598. 2744. 14 7 615, 0 974, 0 823 and 0 178.

6 . State the thtee point problem. Explain how it is solved by

the gaphical method. Describe in brief the temporary adjustments oJ a theodolite. Explain how would you measure the bearingof a line with a theodolite.





Diploma in Civil Engineering / Diploma in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Term-End Examination June, 2O05 'gET.OZl : E/M ENGINEERING
Time: 2 hours Note : MaximumMarks: 70

All questions compulsory. UseoJ calculator are is permitted.


Selectthe correct answerfrom the given four alternati\res for the following multiple choice quegtions : 14x1=14
(i) In cold countries, water pipes sometimes burst, (a) {b) (c) (d) (ii) the pipe contracts water expands on freezing when water {reezes, pressure jncreases when water freezes, it takes heat lrcm pipes

Heat required to raise the temperature of a body through 1" C is known as (a) specificheat capacity (b) (c) (d) water equr\,?lent molar s!,eci{ic beat thermal capacity



(iii) the
\al (b) (c) (d)

lue of



benreen 0 and 1 negative greatr than 1


It lhe Iempevaturc of lbe source js increased, efliciency of a Carnot engine (a) (b) (cl (d) increases decreases remains constanl lirst increases and then remains constant

processoccursat constant Ah adiabaLic (a, (b) (c) {d) temperature pressure heat None of the above

(vi) The capacityof lift and cranesls definedin terms of (a) the height to be lifted (b) carryingload in kg or tonnes (c) horsepower of the motor (d) None of the above BEl{24

{vii) When a capacjtor js connected to a batiety la) {b) (c) (d) an allernatjng currmi flows in the circu]i no curent ilows al all a current flows for some timc and finally it decreassto zero cunent keeps on increasing and teaches maximum after sorne time

(viir) A bird sitting on a high power lin

(a) (b) (c) (d) gets killed instandy gets a mild shock is not affected practically gets a fatal shock


Figue 1 shows cunents in a part of electrical cirqji.

The current i is (a) 1A (b) 13 A (c) 17 A (d) 37A




Four conductorsof equal length and of resistance 10 O each are connectedin the form of a squar. The eq{rivalent resistancebetween hro opposite cornersof tie squareis (a) 2'5 I (b) 10 o (c) 20 o (d) 40 c)


An inductor may sior energyin {a) its electrictield (b) iis coiis (c) its magneticfield (O both in electricand magneticlields

(xii) In a losslesstransformer, an alternating current of

2 A is llowing in the primary coil. The number of tums in the primary and secondary coilsare 100 and 20 respectilely. The ,.,alue of cufient in the secondary is coil (a) 0.08 amperes (b) 0.4 arnperes (c) 5 amperes (d) 10 amperes



In seriesLCR AC circuit, the phase angle bet een cur.ent and voltage is la) Any ang@ben een u ano t t

{b} I2 ' (c) r

toJ l1ny angte betweenu ano (xiv) Which of the following quantities remains constant in a slepdown lransformer? {a) (b) (c) {d) _ Cunent Voltage Power None of the above

Answerany t.oo of the following : (a) A Carnot heat pump opemtes between the temperaturelevels - 5" C and 25" C. If the power consumptionol the heat pump is 5 KW determine; {i)

the rate at which energy is iejected at 25" C,

the coefficient of performance. 7

{b) What are the five major air pollutants coming out of
an IC engin ? Explain in detail. Differentiaie between the fuel systems in a Diesel engine and a Peirol engine.



Answer any t.!o ot the following : (a) Derive expression for isothermalchange. work done during an


Why sholrld you have trees in the exteior area of the building? Justily your answer What are the proiection systemsavailable in the high rise buildings for avoiding fire hazards ?


4, Answer any l!.,o o{ ihe followjng :

(aJ Three capacitorsof 1 pF, 2 yF, and 3 pF are joined in series first and then in parallel. Calculate the rdiio ol equivalent ca!,acitance in the two cases, (b) Calculate the potential differnce bet'reen th points A and B ftom the data as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2

BEf 024

(c) A 100 Q resistor, 100 mH inductor a and 100 frF capacitor are all connectedin parallel acrossa 200 V, 50 Hz a.c. source. Findthe currentsupplied by the sourceand its relativephaseWith rspectio the voltage. 5. Anst er any ttr)o oJ the following (a) A powel transmissionline feeds input power at 2300 V to a stepdown transformer, with its primary windings having 4000 turns. What should be the numbr of turns in the secondary windingsin order to get output power at 230 V ? tbi A 250 V DC series motor runsat 500 rpm, when taking a cunent of 25 A. The rsistanceof the armature 0.5 e and ihat of the field is 0.3 O. If is the current remains constant, calculaiethe necessary additional resistance reducethe speed to to 250 rpm. An 8-pote, 50 Hz tnductjonmoior runs ai 720 rpm whenon lull load.Calculate the (i) slipof the rotor (ii) speedof the statorfieldwjth relerence stator to {ili) speedof the statorfieldwith relrence rotor to (iv) frequenc,of rotor currnts M speed at rotor field rviih relerence to rotor conductors {vi) speed of rotor field with reference to stator conduitors.




Diploma in Civil Engineering/ Diploma in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

Term-End Examination June, 2OO5


Time : 2 hours Note : Maximun Marks : 70

Question no. I is compulsory. Attempt six questions Jram Port A ond tbo questions Jrcm Part B


Atiempt any seuen questions mark each).Choosethe (2 correct answerslrom amongstthose givn below : 2x7=14 (a) The knot which can be easilyseparated from the out body of wood is known as (i) Dead knot (ii) (b) Live-knot

The tool which is usedfor drawing hro,parallellines dl a limp on a woodensurface i 'np erlnp rc r^ lnown as


Markns Knife

(ii) Marking Gauge (iii) Monise Gauge BET.O26 P.T.O.


For the preparationof oifpaint. litharge ts usd as a (i) (ii) Base Drier

(iij) Vehicle (d) The abiliiy of sand particls to stick iogether is (i) (ii) Cohesiveness Adhesiveness

(iii) Collapsibility ie) Dunns welding,Borax is usedas a (i) (ii) Filler meial Parent metal

(iii) Flux


Hard Solder usuallymelts at a temperatureoi about



(ii) 400'c tiii) 350'c


Hammers are generallgmade of (i) (ii) Casi iron Wrousht-iron

(iii) Cast-steel (h) Auger is used as a (i) Measuring tool [ii) Bonns too] (iii) Markins tool


For Oxy-Acetylenewlding process, oxygen gas is filled in the cylinderat a pressureof (i) lii) 90 ks,/cm2 100 ks/cm2

125 ks/cmz - 14o ke/cmz

(iri) I75 kg,/cm2 190 kg/cmz A cylindrical shape in a mould can be developed (i) (ii) Trtangle Circle

(iii) Rectangle

PART A Attempt any six queslions.AII the questionscarry equo/morks(6 narks each). 6x6=36
2. What are industris ? the common uss ol timber in building

3. 4.

Describein brief the characteristics a good oil-paint. of How is French'polish prpared ? Differenhatebetween Paint and Polish. ? How are the tools of carpentry classified Explain wiih



What js "Settjng ol Saw Teeth" ? Why is it done ?



7 . Distinguish betwen"Facingsand" and "Parting-sand. 6.

Nam the common sheet metal working machinesas per their nature of work.

9 . What do you undersiandby Gas welding ? Make a list ol

welding. tools and equipmenttequiredfor Oxy-Acetglene

10. Distinguishbetwen solderingand brazing


PART B Attempt anv tuo questions.All the questionscarry 10x2=2O equal morks(10 morkseach). 1 1 . Sketch and describethe constructionand working of the
"Band-Saw . the 12. Describewiih ihe help of sketchs, different iypes of "Gas WldingTechniques' .

1 3 . What do you mean by stakes ? Nam and sketch i\ro iypes

of siakesgivingtheir usesin sheetmetal work. which 14. Explainin brief the uarjousiyps of air comprssors are genrally used at construction plant sites.



Diploma in Civil Engineering ,/ Diploma ln Electrical & Mechanical Engineering Term-End Examination June,2OO5 BET.037: FLUIDMECHANICS
Time : 2 hours
Note : Maximum Marks : 7O

All questions ore compulsory. Use ol colculotor is permitted.


Selectthe correctaltemative. (i) Neunon'slaw of viscosityrelates (a) (b) (c) (d) {ji) ihe shear stress and strain in a fluid the shear stress, pre&ure and velocity the shear stress and rate of strain none of the above


A uujd is a substance that (a) (b) (c) (d) cannot withstand any shear lorce cannoi remain at rest under the action ol a shar force flows in ihe absence of extemal lorces is jncomp/essible and jnviscid




Capillarig rise and depression phenomena (a) (b) are observed on9 ln vertical tubes depend solely upon the surface tnsion of the liquid (c) depend upon the surface tension of the liquid as well as the matedalof the tube (d) depend upon th prssure dlfference behteen the liquid and the en\nronmnt


Relation behreen Co, C., and Cu is C (a) C, = :!

(b) c, = =!

k) cd = ci"
d\ (v) a _ ta c \1/2

The pressure at a point is equal in all directions (a) only when rhe lluid is inviscid (b) (c) (d) when the fluid i5 incompressible when ihe fluid is at rest, regardlessof its nahrre in a laminar flow



Ol the various methods of measuring dischae through a pipe lin, the one with the least loss of energy and direct radingis (a) by mans ol a venturimeter (b) by meansof an orilicemeter (c) (d) by meansof a Ilow nozzle by tra\,rsing a piiot-static probe

(vii] In paralll-pipe systems (a) the pipes must be placed geomeirically parallel to each other (b) the flow mu.r be rhp samp rn all pines (c) (d) 2. the head loss acrosseach of the parallel pipes must b the same none of the abov :s valid

Answer any tt,o of the Iollowing I (a)


Find the heighi through which water rises by capillary acUon in a glass iube ol 2 mm bore il ihe surface tension at the prevailing temperature is 0 075 N,zm. Water Jlows through a horizontal venturimeter, 35 cm x 20 cm diameter, at the rate of 0.082 cumec.If the differenceof pressureis 0 32 m of water, calculate lhe coefficini o{ the venlunmeter. An oil of specificgravity 0 80 is flowing through a pipe of 100 mm diameir at a velocity of 1 m/sec. Determinewhther ihe llow i9 laminar or turbulentit ihe kinematic viscosity the o'l is 1 x lO E mz/s. of




P.T . O


Ansrrer any tuo of the loilowing :




A ptpe oI 25 cm diameter cauies water with a mean veloci9 ol 4 m/sec. Calculaie the discharge. ll the pipe is bifurcated jnta two pjpes al 72 crn diametereach, Jind the vlocityin each pipe.

{ii) (b)

A sharp'edgdorifice of 6 cm diamter discharges water under a bead of 6 m. Find th valusot the coefficients of velocity, coeflicient of contraction, and coefticientof dischargeil ihe measuredrate of flolv is 0.016 cumecs.The diameterof the jet ai th vena-contracta 5 cm, is What is Euler's equaiion of motion ? Derive the equation along a s\eatnline and obtajD Bemoulli's quationfrom it. List the assumptions made il any. 14



Answer any one of the lollowing , (a) A 160 mm diameter pipe reduces in diameter abruptly to 120 mm diameter. If the pipe caries water at OO4 m3,/sec, calculate the loss of head acoss the contYaction. Take the coefficientof coniractionas 0 60. (b) Find the Ioss of head due to friction in a pipe carryjng water. The pipe is 400 m long and 20 cm in diameir. Th dischargeibrough the pip is O 05 cumecs. Takef=004.



Answer any or of the following I (a) The cross'section an opn channelis a trapezium of wiih a bottom widih of 5 m and sizeslopes1 vettical to 2 hoyizontal. Calculaie th discharge if the depth ol warer is 2 m a-d S = __-.


Use Chezys lormula

(b) Write short notes on any toat: (l) (ij) Viscosity Turbulent Flow

14 nr3!=M

(iii) Hydraulic Slope (iv) Venturimeier (v) Energy Gladient Ljne

(vi) Intemal Mouthpiece



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