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America the Brutiful It's been going on since before I was in high school.

Every new administration commits new sins against the American public. IRAN WILL DEVELOP NUKES! LET ISRAEL STOP THEM! How can I compete with that in your face every day on national news? I'm fairly certain every administration since I was born has 'stole from the cookie' jar by siphoning funds from social security. Bottom line: it should be illegal; those doing it should go to jail. The rationalization: Oh, we needed that money for x, y, and z. is simply a bad excuse. If the American government is supposed to be a 'business' where you can use money a to pay for need z, regardless of where money a comes from, regardless of where money z goes,.. A good example is agent orange in Vietnam. Do you know how many birth defects are directly attributable to agent orange? Just try to guess.. Don't get me started about accountability because the American government will go bankrupt; it's just a matter of time. Forcing some branch of the government to be accountable will only speed up the process.. So it almost doesn't matter if we try to force accountability onto the American government. The only purpose would be 'out of principle'. But I'm confident 2012 will be the Year of Awareness. American government won't be able to 'get away' with anything suspect anymore. Not just the American government; all governments .. You see.. Very soon people will wake up to the fact we're manipulated into the delusional fantasy that the American government actually cares about us. Right. And I have some land under the Antarctic ice I want to sell you.. Wake up America. Romney, Obama, and Bachmann will continue their warmongering rhetoric against Iran.. And we'll pay attention.. And we'll get manipulated into another insane war.. And that will be the end of the world. But America.. There's an alternative.. Don't (re)elect a warmonger to the White House! Don't let Satan manipulate us into Armageddon! ..Look.. You have several choices: you can believe the atheists who say there's no God and therefore no Satan, you can believe your own religious dogma and feel threatened by Iran,.. you can jump on the bandwagon to Hell or.. Wake up and realize you're being manipulated by Satan regardless if you're a Christian hell-bent on 'protecting American friends', a Muslim hell-bent on destroying America, or any other form of religious insanity. Bottom line is that's what it is.. Romney, Obama, Bachmann, and leaders of of other countries hellbent on dominating others are working for Satan directly. They might as well be punching a Satanic time-clock in Hell because that's effectively what they're doing. Anyone who advocates military action / violence as a 'way to solve problems' works directly for Satan. Violence is never a solution to anything .. Killing Bin Laden will only inflame the zealots all ready to die for Islam. Publicly killing Hussein and his sons only smacks of brutality which we supposedly abhor. America the Brutiful. What a parody.. What a caricature of civilization.. I've never been more ashamed to be an American than this moment in my life. And I thought Bush was bad.. My only question now is: can I examine Obama's scalp for 666? Obama makes Hitler look like a puppy hugging and kissing people in public then ostensibly declaring war on Iran. What two-faced bowl-sheet .. And they wonder why masses of dolphins are beaching themselves? Hey humans! Wake up before it's too late! Hey humans! Wake up before it's too late!

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