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Name: Jenny Reed Date: February 2, 2012 Grade Level/Subject: 4th grade Englishabbreviations Prerequisite Knowledge: students should have some idea of what an abbreviation is and know some familiar abbreviations; students need to know rules of capitalization Approximate Time: 30 minutes Student Objectives/Student Outcomes: Students will: o Capitalize and punctuate abbreviations for titles, addresses, months, and days o Identify special 2 letter abbreviations used for state names with zip codes o Proofread for incorrect abbreviations Content Standards:

L.4.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. L.4.2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Materials/Resources/Technology: English textbook Smart Board Worksheet pg. 80-81 Implementation:

5 minutes

Opening of lesson: Students are expected to be quiet and respectful while the lesson is being taught Students are expected to raise their hand if they have a question or comment Warm-up: Have students take out their English books and turn to page 174 Write the sign from the textbook on the Smart Board Ask for a volunteer to shorten the 2 words mister and company on the board Remind the students how to write on the Smart Board (cant rest their hands when writing) Point out the capital letters and period in each of these abbreviations Explain that Mr. and Co. are abbreviations

Ask students for other abbreviations they are familiar with and write these on the Smart Board if you want

20 minutes

Procedures: Have students look at the first bullet point Ask a volunteer to read this aloud Point out that abbreviations for months and days arent usually used in writing compositions, letters, and reports Ask for another volunteer to read the second bullet point aloud Relate this to their spelling wordsask the class where they have seen abbreviations for states before? Pull up the sentences for the lesson by double clicking Abbreviations on the desktop of the Smart Board There will be 1 sentence on each slide. These sentences are from the students text book. Tell them that there is at least 1 word in each of the sentences that needs to be abbreviated. Use the popsicle sticks (or call on volunteers) to choose who will come to the board and fix each sentence. If the chosen student does not want to come to the board, ask them what needs to be abbreviated and have another student come to the board to show the class. When the students come to the board, have them choose a pen by picking it up and write the correct abbreviation for the underlined word. This activity will cover #1-24 in their book. Students are expected to follow along while we do this is as a class. Students are expected to be quiet and respectful. If students seem to fully understand the lesson and are no longer engaged, you may stop going through the sentences and just assign the homework. If students have a question, they are expected to raise their hand. Their homework assignment is the Workbook Plus worksheet p. 80-81 Read the directions aloud and write this assignment on the board. Tell them the worksheet is due tomorrow.

5 minutes

Summary/Closing: Ask the class: what is an abbreviation? Why do we use them? Call on a volunteer to answer these questions. Remind them to check for correct capitalization and periods.

Student Assessment: The assessment for this lesson is both formal and informal. The formal assessment is the worksheet. This will be graded on correctness and will allow me to see if the students are able to capitalize and punctuate abbreviations for titles, addresses, months, and days. Additionally, this worksheet will allow me to determine if the students are able to proofread for incorrect abbreviations or if this is something that needs to be revisited. The informal assessment

is having the students come to the board and write the correct abbreviations for the underlined words. Additionally, asking them what an abbreviation is is also informally assessing their knowledge of this lesson.

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