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Las preposiciones son las palabras que se ponen delante del complemento circunstancial. Como hay diferentes complementos, tambin tenemos distintos tipos de preposiciones. Aqu vamos a ver las bsicas, como siempre. Hay muchas ms, pero si te aprendes todo lo de esta unidad, es suficiente. PREPOSICIONES DE TIEMPO Responden a la pregunta when? con los aos con los meses con las estaciones con algunas partes del da


in in in in in in on on on on at at at at at at at at at

2005 April winter the morning the afternoon the evening Wednesday 15th April Friday morning Christmas Day three oclock lunch the weekend Christmas night midday / noon dawn that time the moment


con los das de la semana con fechas concretas con da + parte del da con das festivos sueltos con las horas del reloj con las horas de las comidas con perodos de ms de dos das

con algunas partes del da con expresiones concretas

Excepciones: Estas preposiciones no se utilizan delante de palabras como:

* * * * * *

this I leave school this year. last . She was in Paris last month. next .The plane leaves next day. every . He goes to the beach every summer. tomorrow The football match is tomorrow morning. yesterday .The fire was yesterday night.


A.- COMPLETA CON UNA PREPOSICIN CUANDO SEA POSIBLE 1.- 2.- Im going to the cinema ____ six oclock ____ tomorrow morning. 3.- I hate getting up ____ the morning. 4.- 5.- Marys birthday is ____ August. Its ____ 15th August. 6.- She was born _____ 1968. 7.- Micky is going to Paris ____ Spring. 8.- Alison usually goes home _____ weekends. 9.- I passed my driving test _____ Saturday morning. 10.- 11.- Where were you ____ 9 oclock____ yesterday evening? 12.- What are you going to do _____ next summer? 13.- I study best _____ night. 14.- 15.- Were _____ holiday _____ Easter. 16.- I went to bed ______ nine o'clock. 17.- It rained ____last night 18.- We are going to the party ______ New Years Day. 19.- Shakespeare died _____ 1616. 20.- Do you go out ______ the weekend? 21.- I go to Turkey ______ July. 22.- We have a break ______ the afternoon. 23.- She arrives ________ Tuesday. 24.- Its cold _____ night. 25.- I dont work ______ next weekend. 26.- You never study _____ Saturday afternoon. 27.- We can play tennis ______ the summer. 28.- School starts _______ 20th September. 29.- I see you _____ dinner time. 30.- I have paella ______ Sunday. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ 59 Escribe aqu las palabras nuevas

PREPOSICIONES DE LUGAR Responden a la pregunta where? Estas preposiciones indican la posicin de algo o alguien y a veces es difcil saber cul utilizar. Vamos a verlas por separado: cuando algo nos rodea por todos los lados con ciudades con pases con los nombres de las calles


I have it in the pocket She is in the garden I live in Albacete Im in Spain I live in Ancha Street I have it on the wall The poster is on the door I live on the first floor Bath is on the River Avon Theres someone at the door Shes at the bus stop See you at the match I live at 10 Gran Va Street She comes from England


con superficies con cosas que estn en una lnea cuando hablamos de un punto en el espacio con acontecimientos con damos la direccin completa


FROM indica origen

Cuando slo va la calle se pone in, pero si pones el nmero, utilizamos at. Con edificios utilizamos in cuando no nos interesa su funcin, sino su tamao:

There are 200 seats in the cinema. Utilizamos at cuando nos referimos a la actividad que se realiza en ese edificio: I was at the cinema last night (viendo una pelcula)
Algunas frases comunes:

IN in in in in in in in the country prison hospital the sky the middle the photo/picture a book/newspaper on on on on on on on

ON the platform the farm page 28 the island the screen the beach the right/left at at at at at at at

AT the station/airport home work school the seaside the top/bottom the end

B.- COMPLETA CON UNA PREPOSICIN 1.- I read the news ______ a magazine. 2.- London is _____ the Thames. 3.- We live _____ 33 Oxford Road. 4.- They have an aunt ______ Barcelona. 5.- What have you got _____ your hand? 6.- Is there a supermarket _______ this road? 7.- Hes _____ hospital. Hes very ill. 8.- You meet her ______ church. 9.- Ruth is _____ the office. Shes working. 10.- The cat is _____ the roof. 11.- My uncle works _____ a big farm. 12.- My suitcase is ______ the station. 13.- Benidorm is _____ the Mediterranean Coast. 14.- I study Maths _____ your book. 15.- Look at the picture ______ page 10! 16.- My parents are _____ home.

Escribe aqu las palabras nuevas ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

C.- COMPLETA CON IN, ON, AT Janet was born ______ Rochester ______ December 22nd ______ 3 o'clock ______ the morning. Rochester is ______ the state of New York ______the United States. Now, she goes ______classes ______ the university. She usually arrives ______the morning ______8 o'clock. ______weekends. She likes driving ______her friend's house ______Canada. Her friend lives ______Toronto. She usually arrives ______9,30 ______the evening and leaves ______Sunday morning. ______Saturday, they often meet friends ______a restaurant. ______night,


they sometimes go ______a disco. ______summer, ______July for example, they often go ______the countryside.


The lamp is ABOVE the table (La lmpara est ENCIMA de la mesa) The cat is UNDER the table (El gato est DEBAJO DE la mesa)

The lorry IS IN FRONT OF the car (El camin est DELANTE DEL coche) The car is BEHIND the lorry (El coche est DETRS del camin)

Sam is BETWEEN Tom and Kim The house is AMONG the trees (Sam est ENTRE Tom y Kim)(entre 2) (La casa est ENTRE los rboles) (+ de 2) Kim is NEXT TO Sam (Kim est AL LADO DE Sam)

The girl is AGAINST the wall



(La nia est CONTRA la pared)

(Tom est ENFRENTE DE Kim)


UP the ladder (HACIA/PARA ARRIBA de la escalera)

DOWN the slide ( HACIA/PARA ABAJO del tobogn)

ALONG the pole (POR/A LO LARGO DEL palo)

(HACIA DENTRO/DENTRO en la piscina) INTO the swimming-pool

ACROSS the swimming-pool (POR/ CRUZANDO la piscina)

(FUERA DE la piscina) OUT OF the swimming-pool

OJO: en ingls hay tres formas de decir POR: ALONG (a lo largo de algo. En lnea) ACROSS (cruzando a lo largo y a lo ancho) THROUGH (cuando atraviesas en 3D)

TO the finish (A / HACIA la meta) (SOBRE / POR ENCIMA DEL muro) OVER the wall


THROUGH the tunnel (POR / A TRAVS DEL tunnel)

1.- Behind 2.- Into 3.- Under 4.- Up 5.- Next to Opposite On Down Out of In front of

ROUND the track (ALREDEDOR DE la pista)


E.- CONTESTA SEGN EL DIBUJO 1.- Wheres the dog?___________________________ 2.- Wheres the lamp? __________________________

3.- Wheres the cat? ___________________________ F.- MIRA LOS DIBUJOS Y COMPLETA

1.- The cat is _______ the ____________. 2.- Theres a tree _________ the __________. 3.- My ___________ is __________ a shop.

Escribe aqu las palabras nuevas


4.- She is standing ___________ the ___________. 5.- His name is ________ the main ____________. 6.- The Town Hall is ____________ the station. 7.- The switch is ____________ the ____________. 8.- The ___________ is _________ the sink. 9.- Therere some shoes __________ the ________. 10.- In Britain they drive ________ the _________.

___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Escribe aqu las palabras nuevas __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________

___________________ G.- ESCOGE LA PREPOSICIN ADECUADA 1.- You make a lot of mistakes _____ your homework. in on next to at 2.- We go swimming and lay _____ the beach on our holiday. on in 3.- They caught a train _____ London. down at at at at at from at in to to to

on in by 4.- There were two people _____ the picture. to on in 5. Theres a big party _____ my aunt's . on in 6.- My mom works _____ the garden. to

on in by 7.- My friend flies _______ Madrid to London. in on at 8.- I waited for him _____ the airport. in on 9.- My father let us stay _____ Paris. next

on from to 10.- My father always forgets his umbrella _____ home. around at in 11.- My children make friends _____ school. at for in 12.- My aunt is a professor _____ university. at from in 13.- I can see Julia _____ the hairdresser's.


for on 14.- I meet John _____ the taxi stop.


by on on on on

at by in 15.- I have my bags _____ the railway station. at by in 16.- I have three mistakes _____ this sentence. at to in 17.- I cry with pain _____ the dentist's. at to in

H.- COMPLETA CON UNA PREPOSICIN 1.- There is no smoke coming _________ the chimney. 2.- . There are no curtains _________ the windows. 3.- It is a cloudy day. There are clouds ________ the sky. 4.- Jane is waiting for you _________ the bus stop. 5.- The shop is _________ the end of the street. 6.- When will you arrive _________ the office? 7.- Do you work _________ an office? 8.- I have a meeting _________ New York. 9.- Do you live _________ Japan? 10.- Jupiter is _________ the Solar System. 11.- The author's name is _________ the cover of the book. 12.- There are no prices _________ this menu. 13.- There was a "no smoking" sign _________ the wall. 14.- I live _________ the 7th floor _________ 21 Oxford Street. 15.- The film is _____ Saturday morning. 16.- I go to the beach _____ summer 17.- Her mothers birthday is _____ 24th November. 18.- The championship is _____ April, I think. 19.- Christmas is _____ winter.

Escribe aqu las palabras nuevas _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________


20.- The football match is _____ Sunday afternoon. 21.- Easter is _____ spring. 22.- My friends birthday is _____ 23rd November. 23.- The reception is _____ March this year. 24.- I am with my grandparents _____ summer. 25.- We aren't __________ home. 26.- I was born __________ 1 July. 27.- We have the party _______ 1997.


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