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Diagrams GCSE P2
We have looked at simple energy flow diagrams. In each of the following examples, only the useful output energy has been included:

However, a process cannot be perfectly efficient. There is always some energy wasted, which is normally given off as thermal energy or sound energy.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; only changed from one form to another.

Sankey Diagrams
These can be used to show not only what type of energy transformation is going on, but also exactly how much energy so is given off. This is the Sankey diagram for a filament light bulb 100J of bulb. electrical energy is put in, and only 10J of useful light energy is given out. Most of the energy (90J) is wasted as thermal energy.

Sankey Diagrams GCSE P2

Sankey Diagrams on Graph Paper
Sankey diagrams are usually represented on graph paper, as we can measure the size of the arrow more accurately. The width of the arrow represents the amount of energy energy. In this Sankey diagram, how much energy has been wasted? Input, 200J = Useful, 50J = ? 1 little square = ? Waste, 15 squares = little squares little squares J J

We could also have worked this out as the total input energy minus the useful output energy: 200J 50J 150J.

One square on this Sankey diagram represents 5J of energy. How much (a) electrical energy is input?

(b) useful sound energy is given off?

(c) thermal energy is wasted?

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