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2. They are formidable.

Spiritual Leader ship

The threat from Samaria was no small thing. Verse 12 every place.

Staying Power
Nehemiah 4:7-23 Introduction: One of the marks of great leadership is the ability to stay at a project until it is finished. Often great dreams big plans good start, fast fade. Not long into it drudgery, monotony, unexpected difficulty. Fall out. Background: Nehemiah had come to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall. Planned carefully. Inspired workers. Rebuked the opposition and the got after it. Just one problem the opposition would not go away. Got worse. Threatened them. Nehemiah 4:7-8. That incessant barrage took its toll. The people reached a crisis. Will they finish or will they stop. Needed leadership to push them through and deliver staying power. Still need it.

3. They are intimidating.

Verse 14.

II. The Effects of the Enemies of Staying Power.

The effect this had on the workers.

1. Fear.
Verse 14 when I saw their fear. Wise leader is sensitive to his people. Fear is usually worse than the thing itself. Ill. . . Thomas Carlyle waiting on the cock to crow. Only crows three times a night. Terrible agony waiting for it to crow. Ill. . . The mountain trip and my tormenting the youth for putting a rock in my backpack. Always pay back double. 1200 miles of agony. Nothing I could do to equal that fear. Fear led to discouragement.

I. The Enemies of Staying Power.

Just when the end was in sight. Isnt that how the enemy works. Right when you can see it. They were half way done v 6. Ill. . .Dave Draveky pitcher who loved God. Cancer in the right shoulder and arm. Removed main muscle. Terrible discouragement. Fought to come back. Doctors said never. But Draveky had faith. Came back! Then in the middle of 2nd game threw a pitch arm snapped. Had to have the arm amputated. Brand new struggle. Many enemies: opposition, failure, difficulty, discouragement, limitations. Illness, fatigue. All the things that would keep you from finishing what you started. Lets nail down three things about the enemy of staying power:

2. Loss of Energy.
Verse 10. They were de-energized. Talk about depression. Cant get up dont have the energy. Hope deferred makes the heart sick.

3. Loss of Focus.
Yet much rubbish. Eyes were off the end result and on the problem. Stopped seeing what could be, and saw only what was.

1. They are always unexpected.

When least expected running to finish tired vulnerable. Bang: strike. V 11.

By the way these were the Judahites singing the sad song. Gen 49:8-9 Jacob blessing his children prophesied that Judah would be the leaders. So this is a crisis of leadership. To compound problem well intentioned unknowing accomplices: Verse 12 Ten times. Steady stream of gloom and doom. Fear was their tactic and those Jews were playing right into their hands. I can just hear Nehemiah: Enough already. Weve heard it 10 times! We know their plan. In church hear from everybody when something isnt right. Love bad news. III. Defeating the Enemies of Staying Power. Nehemiah takes it head on. Verses 14-15. I love it. Ill. . .Story of Battle of Bulge. Like a caged animal Hitler pressed into a corner attacked. 5:30 in the morning, Dec. 16 25 German divisions hurled against the allies weakest point. Created a bulge in the line. By midday breached in 3 places. Clear that 101 would be trapped at Bastogn. They were. Hemmed in on all sides, hopeless. German commander issued terms of surrender. US Com Br. Gen. Anthony C. McAuliffe sent his now legendary reply, NUTS! That is what Nehemiah does. Nuts! We arent quitting or giving up. Three principles flow from his response that produce Staying Power.

Verse 16 organized a defense. Verse 17-20 Developed a warning system. Now of course these probably arent the tactics to use in your situation. Principle applies. Prepare what you can. Flex and adjust. Dont drive into the ground and ignore the situation.

3. Stay At the Task.

Verse 21-23. Staying power. I wonder how many great things were done simply because the leader had the courage to stay at it. God will bless when you finish what you start. What area are you working on. Maybe Sunday School. Committee work. Leadership in the home. Projects unfinished. Dreams untried. One of the greatest things you can teach your children is staying power. Staying power makes the difference.

1. Dependence on God.
Never forgot. Christian the source of strength is knowing God is for you.

2. Practical Preparation.
Notice, trusted God but still prepared. Like the old revolutionary soldier, Trust God but keep your powder dry. Came off the wall to reform. Verse 13. Old saying, You will break the bow if you keep it always bent. Stationed them in families. Good move. Eliminated worry. If Im over here and my kids are over their Im worried.

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