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FEDERATED 7/24/08 9:28 AM Page 76

federated group inc.

Private Brands
Federated Group helps clients develop private brands to market to consumers
as less expensive alternatives to name-brand competitors. By Kathryn Jones
company profile
Federated Group Inc.
Headquarters: Arlington Heights, Ill.
Employees: 150
Services: Sales and marketing
Dave LaPlante: “We offer retailers
and wholesalers private brands to
sell to their consumer that deliver
the same quality as the national
brand at a much lower cost.”

Through the years, the Arlington

Heights, Ill.-based company developed
other brands, such as Hy-Top, Parade and
Better Value, to help independent retail-
ers compete with large chains. Along
with creating those brands, Federated
Group also began developing programs
and services to assist any size retailers
and wholesalers in developing private
brand programs with the same quality
assurance used by their big-name com-
petitors. Products range from laundry
detergent to canned fruit. “When you
shop at Jewel, and you go up and down
the aisles, you’ll see the Jewel name
on certain products, which Jewel sells
as its own brand,” LaPlante explains.
“Those private-label brands are essen-
tially a program owned and operated by
the retailer, and it gives the consumer
a valued choice in a specific category
Federated Group Inc. has developed brands such as Hy-Top to help independent retailers compete with large chains. over a nationally advertised brand.”
In addition, the company provides

or those supermarket consumers who are grateful to find a marketing, design and labeling services
less-expensive alternative to a name-brand product but to clients through its wholly owned sub-
have always wondered where on earth these items come sidiary, SailPointe Creative, and supply
from, Federated Group Inc. has the answer. “The compa- chain logistics through another sub-
ny was founded in 1928 around the concept that independent sidiary, Golden Bay. “We are a sales and
grocery retailers needed a solution to compete with the large retailers with marketing company doing business with
private-label brands,” President and CEO Dave LaPlante says. “That pri- retailers, wholesalers and foodservice
vate-label brand was Red & White. Federated Group owns it and still distributors to assist them in their corpo-
sells it today successfully not just in the United States, but [globally].” rate brand needs,” LePlante emphasizes.

76 food and drink • fall 2008 •

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