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SPECPOL Topic A: Response to National Political Crises Revolutionary Fervor in the MENA Region Democratic People's Republic of Korea

a Colegio Puertorriqueo de Nias The air of extreme dissatisfaction and protest in the region of the Middle East and North Africa is caused by political and economic instability, injustice against the people, a lack of a unifying ideology, the absence of a strong and adequate political leader, poverty, and no proper education. The Arab Spring is a clear cry for help coming from of the citizens of this region. They are highly unsatisfied with the way their countries' governments are being run mostly because the government have not met their basic needs, such as the need for a job, a fair justice system, and inclusive education. The people have acted out in peaceful and violent protests, demonstrations, strikes, and marches, in part instigated by social networking sites and social media's erroneous portrayal of what truly is a revolution. Many of the leaders of these countries have seen themselves forced to step down from power. The Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi was even killed by his own people. The men in charge of these countries are not working devotedly to provide their people with protection and security. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a nation unified by the Chuch'e ideology, under the power of the Kim dynasty. The North Korean people are provided with universal 11-year compulsory education, sufficient job opportunities, and health care. The citizens of North Korea are protected by a large, and formidable army, and their dear leader Kim Jong-Un. All citizens are united under the principles of self-reliance, self-defense, an independent foreign policy, and a self-sufficient economy. Our country is in no need of foreign help, and believes countries should deal with their issues, internally. North Korea understands that a country led by a strong leader, with a unifying ideology, and protected by a mighty army, will always remain protected, satisfied, and in control. When it comes to considering solutions for the situation in the MENA region, no foreign aid should be accepted from nations like the United States, when they have shown that they only care to establish new governments that benefit their economic interests. They have also been known to educate the youth of other countries incorrectly, planting senseless imperialist ideas in their heads, to force them away from their culture. To offer an reasonable solution to this issue, these countries should go through different phases. Phase 1 would be for the people to begin negotiations to establish a ceasefire on protests if the current leaders step down from power. The people should create their own military force to reenforce this measure. This is the only way to assure a clear path to a new, more efficient, governmental structure. Phase 2 would be to have the current leaders step down since they have not proven to be apt for their positions. Phase 3 would be to recruit soldiers to be part of the new army for this government. This will create new job opportunities and protection for these nations. Phase 4 would be to choose a leader of each army based on strength, strong ideals, and a big sense of pride for his country. Candidates will be chosen between the new soldiers and elected by the people. This person would be put into power of the countries, since

this will ensure a strong government. After having completed these phases, North Korea suggests that these nations make foreign companies relinquish majority stakes in the oil causing them to give back a large majority of the earnings. This could be done with oil embargoes. These nations should also establish an educational system with a focus on educating the youth to be loyal and honor their country. This system would educate them to follow a unifying ideology, based on the country's culture, These principles might be religious, military, etc. An internet ban should also be established in these nations to not mislead the people into a revolution that is uncalled for. Certain governmental bodies should be created to cater for the specific needs of each country. For example, an Oil and Gas Commission, to monitor exports of these valuable products. Each country should also explore into other natural resources they might have. This would create more job opportunities. It has been shown that the population is increasing to a point, where it will be impossible to provide jobs for all the people in this region. A solution to this would be to implement family planning solutions like birth control, sex education, and adoption and abortion opportunities. They could also give tax deductions to families with fewer than two (2) children.

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