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From The Editor

If youre reading this book right now, chances are you're taking better care of your health. Probably more now than ever, right? Maybe you're trying to lose weight. Maybe you're exercising more. Maybe you're reading food labels. But if being healthier is just a matter of eating right and exercising more, then why does it seem so hard to get rid of the excess weight? And why is our society struggling so hard with health concerns that don't reflect this healthier lifestyle? Unfortunately, despite all of your due diligence and efforts to get into better shape, there are other hidden factors that can short circuit your hard work by making it more difficult to lose weight. Even worse, these silent dangers are potentially creating an environment in your body that could lead to long-term illness. What could be so unnoticeable yet so DAMAGING to your health and vitality? I'm talking about the unhealthy buildup of toxins as a result of our environment, as well as the foods and drinks that we consume on a regular basis. But all is not lost. In fact, with the Easy 3-Day Detox program well uncover HOW YOU CAN SAFELY AND EASILY REMOVE THESE HARMFUL TOXINS FROM YOUR BODY to not just speed up fat burningbut also CREATE AN AMAZINGLY HEALTHY BODY THAT LOOKS GREAT AND FEELS GREAT!

Were going to discuss the biological mechanics within your body that help you detox and why theyre under attack with your diet. Then were going to dispel your current misconceptions about what detoxing is and isnt (and youre going to be RELIEVED to learn what weve found). Finally, were going to challenge you to implement your detox for JUST 3 DAYS. And if youre still hanging in there once the 3 days is done: were going to help you learn how to incorporate these principles month after month, year after year for a longer, healthier, and more satisfying life. What youre about to discover is an account of my interview with renowned author and health expert, Yuri Elkaim. Yuri is a certified kinesiologist and registered holistic nutritionist whose work has been featured in such publications as Maximum Fitness, IMPACT Magazine, Fitness Business Canada and Flare magazine. Yuris book, Eating For Energy ( is a top selling holistic nutrition manual for the modern times and his creation of the ultimate cleanse program ( is helping thousands finally overcome self-damaging habits and physical ailments to create a body full of energy, vibrancy. One that will not only help you to live longerbut live better! Im delighted to share his information with you now and look forward to hearing how this information has changed your life as it has mine. Enjoy!

Jeff Anderson Editor

Table of Contents

Part 1: Why Should I Detox?

Your Body: The Toxic Waste Dump .7 Detoxing Demystified .9 The Legend of the Cleansing Quick Fix! ...12 Your Body Holds on to Toxins with a White Knuckle Grip! ..14 SCARY Places You Store Your Toxic Waste ..17 Identifying YOUR Toxic Buildup! .19 Do You Have a Toxic Tongue? ..22

Part 2: Preparing Your Body for the Easy 3-Day Detox

Getting Your Game Face On ........23 Will I Lose Weight Because I Detox? .26 And Clear Up My Skin, Too?! ..27 Will Cleansing Make Me Smarter? .29 Cleansing to be Energy Efficient? ..31 Ancient Asian Detoxification Secrets 33

Part 3: Cleanses to Avoid Like the Plague!

Cleansing Gone Wild 34 Cleanse to Avoid #1 ..35 Cleanse to Avoid #2 ..36 Cleanse to Avoid #3 ..37

Cleanse to Avoid #4 ..39 Cleanse to Avoid #5 ..40

Part 4: The Easy 3-Day Detox

Are You Ready To ROCK?! 42 The Easy 3-Day Detox: Step 1 ....44 The Easy 3-Day Detox: Step 2 ....48 The Easy 3-Day Detox: Step 3 .51 The Easy 3-Day Detox: Overcoming Food Fixations ..53 My Personal Easy 3-Day Detox Morning Jumpstart! .54 The Easy 3-Day Detox: MIND CONTROL ...55

So What The Heck CAN I Eat Now?

Your Top Eight Easy 3-Day Detox Questions Answered! ...57 How Many Calories Should I Consume During My Easy 3-Day Detox? .57 Are Beans Okay During My Easy 3-Day Detox? .58 Can I Eat Eggs During The Detox? ..59 Can I Eat Whey Protein During My Easy 3-Day Detox? 60 Is This A Raw Foods Diet? .61 Is Flour Okay? 61 Is Granola Okay For My Easy 3-Day Detox? .63 Can I Eat Potatoes During My Detox? .64 The Easy 3-Day Detox Shopping List .65 The Easy 3-Day Detox: SNEAKY TRICK to Getting Vitamins FAST ...66 Taking the Easy 3-Day Detox to the Next Level: Phase 1 69

Taking the Easy 3-Day Detox to the Next Level: Phase 2 ..70 Taking the Easy 3-Day Detox to the Next Level: Phase 3 73 Stick It to the Man Level 76

Part I: Why Should I Detox?

Your Body: The Toxic Waste Dump
When you envision toxins, you probably see barrels of chemical waste lying in a landfill somewhere with skull and crossbones clearly labeled on the side. Perhaps you see sad images of animals covered in oil from a plant disaster near some ocean or lake. After reading this book, youre probably going to see a picture of Diet Sodas or Wonder Bread in place of these terrible images. Toxins come in many formsand some of them are infiltrating your body even as you read this sentence. Where do they come from? Well, primarily from two sources: From OUTSIDE your body (called exogenous sources); and From INSIDE your body (known as endogenous sources) To break these down further, from OUTSIDE your body, toxins and chemicals enter your body through 3 big sources: Your food supply Your water supply Air pollution

Gases from vehicles, your favorite air fresheners and cleaning products, or even minerals used in your prescription drugs will assist to make your body more toxic. Adding insult to injury, many of these toxins in our food, air, and water supply are XENOESTROGENS that contribute to hormone imbalance and are a great detriment to the immune system.

Not to mention they contribute largely to mens plummeting testosterone levels and rampant problems in the bedroom as is evident from the many little blue pill commercials on television. Causes for these massive amounts of environmental hormones are even coming from plastics!

Certain types of plastic containers can leech a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA). Look on the bottom of your plastic containers to see if there's a little recycling symbol with a 3, 6, or 7 listed on it. If so, stay away from it unless it specifically states next to the symbol that it's "BPA Free"! Theres no way of escaping the toxins in our air, however the Easy 3-Day Detox will assist you in GREATLY REDUCING the amount of exogenous toxins in your system through food and water. With that said, the other source of toxins actually comes from INSIDE your body. Essentially, your bodys cells produce waste all the time. Its part of the natural metabolic process your body goes through. Those toxins are like your cells micro feces; produced by cells similar to how you expel waste when you go to the bathroom. These toxins need to be removed from the cells and processed out through the body. This is your bodys NATURAL WAY TO DETOX ITSELF. But DETOX is a strange word with a lot of misunderstanding behind it. So lets clear up a few things right now, ok?

Detoxing Demystified!
You get it. You may have even tried a detox diet or cleanse yourself. IN FACT - most people also know that: Weve got to WAKE UP and start taking ownership of our bodies, our food supply, and our well-being and stop hiding like ostriches with our heads sandwiched in the dirt and our hands elbow-deep in a bag of potato chips! In order to take ownership of their bodies, many will take the approach of denying themselves something that is clearly unhealthy such as daily desserts or fried chicken binges. A great many of these people will take it even a step further to explore holistic nutrition. When it comes to holistic practices like cleansing and detoxing, theres still a lot of misunderstanding and mystery surrounding these principles. Some of the misconceptions weve heard are: 1. I dont want to subsist on tree bark and graze on grass to get healthy 2. I cant afford to go to drain my whole paycheck on health foods 3. I dont have the time to research plants and mystery fruits to verify whether or not I even need them. 4. Im very regular; my body does a great job of digesting what I consume. 5. Cleansing?! Detoxing!? No Way! Thats New Age-y Witchcraft! 6. Im not a Hollywood starlet, how could I afford to do such a thing? And heres one of our favorites: 7. I once knew a guy who did a Cleanse that was so extreme it took up his entire day just to maintain!


No matter what youre current level of knowledge or experience, you must know that that detoxing is NOT something to be seen as hard or new age-y. The Easy 3-Day Detox is going to introduce you to a lifestyle of constant cleansing that is, well, EASY! In the simplest terms, detoxing comes from the word "detoxification". Cleansing is a fanciful word we use to make a New Age-y life of eating bark and grass sound desirable. JUST KIDDING! Cleansing is just a synonym we use for the process of detoxification. In all seriousness, what you may not realize is that YOUR BODY IS DETOXIFYING EVERY SINGLE SECOND OF YOUR LIFE. Yes, its true as youre reading this as you exercise as you're sleeping your body is always, always, always detoxifying! There is a reason for this. You obviously realize that your body produces waste materials which are excreted by the body into your toilet. Well, imagine if you NEVER had a bowel movement or urinated! It wouldnt take long at all for that waste material to build up in your body and have catastrophic results, right? Well, just as we produce waste when we go to the bathroom and do our thing, our cells too, produce waste material. That waste needs to be removed so it doesnt cause damage. Though other bodily systems are at work, this waste removal primarily happens through your bodys main detoxification organ, the liver.


Your liver acts as a filter through which your blood flows. Toxins that are deposited into the blood stream reach the liver and are removed so they cant do any further damage. To accomplish this, the liver goes through a complicated two-step process. This is the process behind detoxification and the reason that your Easy 3-Day Detox is so important. We cleanse to help our bodies with the detoxification process, and thereby preventing some of the physical ailments, malfunctions, and even mental blocks that form from being overly toxic. Keep reading to learn more about how our minds and bodies benefit from the Easy 3-Day Detox program.


The Legend of the Cleansing Quick Fix!

Its unfortunate but true: the natural health industry has instilled a belief in people that detoxing and cleaning is some sort of a quick fix to all their health concerns. Supplement companies have brainwashed people into believing they can merely: Grab a pill Take a magic powder Poop some more Park further away from the White Castle entrance

And this is all it takes to benefit your health! Wrong answer! Cleansing, when done right, when done the way were about to show you, is something that should be in the back of your mind all the time. And the reason this Easy 3-Day Detox is REVOLUTIONARY is because it EMPOWERS through EDUCATION and it WORKS! Because the drug companies want you to continue taking joint pain medication for your arthritis they arent prescribing you with a NATURAL remedy for combatting this condition. Because the government doesnt profit off of lobbyists for natural foods, but they profit largely from the massive food conglomerates, you wont hear the President or Prime Minister of your country vying for more honest food labels and calling out food conglomerates... or the creators of the food pyramids Americans learn in kindergarten! Instead, youre going to continue thinking that your morning cereal that is richly fortified with neurotoxins, high fructose corn syrup, and loads of preservatives is good because its got Whole Grains, one of many myths purported by the money grubbing fake food pushers and well explain more about myths such as these later in the book. Its something that can be done on a daily basis through the food that you nourish your body with.


In most cases, these foods are already in your diet or your home. It's not about following some erratic, extreme cleansing program that you read about in Hollywood tabloids. (How long can you really subsist on spicy lemonade?) FAD CLEANSING JUST ISNT SUSTAINABLE. To truly benefit your body and feel the amazing effects of a detoxified system, you must follow a natural cleansing program that you can sustain on an ongoing basis. And here we come to the ultimate truth about detoxing You see, YOUR BODY KNOWS HOW TO HEAL ITSELF! It knows how to get rid of the harmful toxins that are in your body right this minute. Of course, medical doctors have different trains of thought on this. For example, if youre a burn victim some doctors will load your diet up with tons and tons of protein. On the contrary, some will tell you to do nothing but rest and let your body heal itself. With cleanses, its the same thing; some nutrients can assist you substantially but for the most part your own body is the most powerful antidote to detoxification. In most cases, detoxification actually works BETTER when we don't ingest all sorts of weird cleansing concoctions or outlandish super-supplements. The best support we can give our body in its natural detoxing process is actually to do nothing. For instance, one more extreme cleansing example is the water fast. When you hear about people doing water fasts (which is pretty extreme), you will see that these people are taking advantage of the fact that their BODIES are doing the work WITHOUT the aid of miracle bark or magic plants!


Whats truly needed is to give your body the time and environment to heal itself naturally is the ABSENSE OF TOXINS. So now the question is, if detoxification is such a natural process of your body, and we're constantly regenerating cells and we're constantly fighting these toxins, why is it then that it becomes so hard for people? What's happening that's causing our bodies to hold on to these things?

Your Body Holds On To Toxins with a White-Knuckle Grip

Imagine if you couldnt remove the garbage from your home. Life carried on like normal, but the garbage produced in your home stayed within your home. Think Extreme Hoarding where absolutely nothing escapes! It wouldnt take long before things would begin to rot, smell, become unsanitary, and make life absolutely unbearable. Within our bodies, our cells produce waste all the time. These are the ENDOGENOUS sources of toxins. Endogenous toxins, those from within the body, are thrown into the lymph system. Then theyre processed through the colon and the urine. Its as though youre piling up garbage bag upon garbage bag without your body and WITHOUT CLEANSING, YOU LITERALY PLUG UP YOUR SYSTEM WITH WASTE. Why is this dangerous? Many people experience the inability to expel solid waste regularly. This typically is due to poor food choices. Their internal systems are working fine but as the days and even weeks pass, their feces piles up inside.


By some estimates in the medical community... If you have ONE bowel movement a day, its estimated that you have about 1.5 pounds of fecal matter in your intestines and colon. Not too bad...but there are MANY people who DONT go number 2 every day! So its estimated that if you have a bowel movement EVERY 2 DAYS...then you have about 9 POUNDS of fecal matter sitting inside of you. But get this... If youre one of those people who only have a bowel movement once every 5 DAYS (yes, theyre out there!) could have up to 14.5 POUNDS of rotting matter in your system! In fact, weve had reports of people using our detox methods who were able to lose up to 5 POUNDS in a single day as their body purges all of this built up waste matter! And just think of all the poisons leaving your body when that happens! You see, after the liver has detoxified everything it can muster, toxins are sent to the colon. Essentially the colon, where the solid waste products are being naturally formed, is full and has a hard time passing the toxic waste. Because the waste has nowhere to go, the toxins eventually recirculate throughout the body. They even circulate throughout your bloodstream. This condition, known as autointoxication, reintroduces the unwanted toxins to your body and creates serious problems. Its even considered a major cause of low sex drive in both men and women and erectile dysfunction! Now, do we mean that basically avoiding fast food or fattening foods will magically reduce the risk of toxins in our bodies and bring back the libido of a 17 year old on prom night? NO!


We consume toxins from foods as healthy as blueberries, apples, and lean meats, even in our drinking water! These toxins that come from our food and water supply or through air pollution are from exogenous sources, or outside the body. Its the crux of the argument for organic foods, which are grown without the use of pesticides and other chemicals. Exogenous toxins cripple our bodys detoxification process its like your metaphorical Detox Factory is in perpetual overload and cant keep up with the amount of toxins it needs to cleanse your body of. Toxins we dont eliminate create free radicals in our bodies which impair our immune systems through binding to immune system information pathways called cytokines. Once your body can no longer ward off the attacking toxins, poisons and microbes will win the war. Ailments, cancers, and even death can be attributed to this toxic overload. Our bodies havent evolved to the point of being able to handle these toxic overloads so they just hang on to those chemicals. Are you TOXIC? It is important that we learn how to recognize when we are toxic and what to do about it. Thanks to the steps outlined in this book we CAN GREATLY REDUCE the amount of petrochemicals, pesticides, and other manmade toxins through a few simple diet tweaks. First its important to continue to outline the biology behind the Easy 3-Day Detox so that youre body and your mind will be properly equipped for the war against toxins.


SCARY Places You Store Your Toxic Waste

If the thought of toxins in your bloodstream doesnt make your blood curl this will. Once your liver has detoxified your body as much as it can it passes the baton to your colon. As stated above, your colon is already backed up with work and passes the baton off to your fat cells. Toxins are then stored in your fat cells when theres nowhere left for them to go and not escape through the liver and natural digestion. Thats TERRIBLE. Most people whove been turned on to cleansing did so during their initial attempt to lose weight. Once you burn those fat cells, the toxins are released. Therefore if youre trying to lose weight, its CRITICAL that you simultaneously detox. When we carry excess fat on our bodies, we also retain toxic chemicals that are fat-soluble. These chemicals may remain the in body for years! Moreover, toxins dont just curl up into your fat cells, but they bunk with your nervous tissue as well. If you remember 8th Grade Bio, nervous tissue isnt the one you need after sitting passenger while your fifteen year-old is getting his drivers permit Nervous tissue is the material that makes up your brain, spinal cord, and the nerves around your body. With degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimers, and other debilitating conditions of the nervous system at epidemic scales, experts and doctors are looking towards our chemical-laden food, water, and air supply for answers.


If were storing toxins in the nervous tissue for years and decades, theres much more than fat that you should be worried about in the long term.


Identifying YOUR Toxic Buildup!

You may not know that you have a toxic buildup. This is because people get used to the state that theyre in. Some signs are: 8. Lack of energy, lethargy 9. Gastric problems 10. Food Cravings In most cases, you wont recognize the symptoms until you become healthy and find yourself saying, AHA! Now this is the way I SHOULD feel! As we mentioned above, the excess of toxins in your body manifests itself in your bloodstream through autointoxication. This allows us, in our quest for healthier, happier, and more energetic lives, to become our own toxin detectives. Where do you start? First, look at your blood alive. A blood test at a clinic or with a naturopath can determine whether or not you are toxic. With just a small sample, the experts can look at your blood using a special dark field microscope. These tests are called either live cell microscopy or dark field blood analysis. This is where you can really learn about the health of your blood, your red blood cell activity, and if parasites or toxins are present. The naturopath or doctor is going to able to point out such things as: 1. Acidic blood Youll SEE your red blood cells clumped together! 2. Parasites Eew!


3. Actual toxins in your system This is a HUGE wakeup call for people! Your blood is: 1. Your biggest tissue 2. A reflection of your health 3. The passageway of oxygen to your cells And we have a TON of it! When toxins are present in our blood it slows the movement of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. This is why you may feel tired all the time; oxygen is not being efficiently carried to your cells. Another important skill that you need to master in order to identify the presence of toxins in your body is the ability to be aware of yourself. Sounds simple, but it means taking note of how you feel and symptoms that arise throughout the day; especially before and after meals. HEY if some so-called diets ask you to weight your food to the micro-ounce or COUNT calories (YUCK!) the least you can monitor during your Easy 3-Day Detox is how you feel, right? When you dont pay attention to your own body, it is difficult to know what healthy does and does not feel like. These skills will become easier and more accurate as you experience more and more what it feels like to be healthy. Can you imagine actually being joyfully able to deny your body the nasty foods you currently crave because youre so in tune with yourself? Its pretty metaphysical, actually! How would your weight loss and overall diet goals change if you suddenly woke up one day and said to yourself Coffee with cream and sugar? No way, I actually want to stay awake through my 3 oclock meeting today!


Big Mac for lunch? That sounds terrible! I wouldnt even make it through the first bite! Sugar cravings? Not really. But sometimes I really get a hankering for a kiwi-strawberry smoothie from my juicer! Similar to the way you cant stand the taste of tequila because of that first night in Cancun that ruined your whole week When you know what HEALTHY feels like, you never want to go back to the perpetual hangover of being toxic.


Your Tongue Is Trying To Talk To You

Go to a mirror and look for these potential signs of toxicity

Crack Down the Middle of the Tongue
A midline crack not reaching the tip of your tongue indicates that you have a weak stomach and digestive function is not what it should be. As a result, you could be lacking some essential nutrients. Underactive digestion can manifest through bloating and gas after meals and even a slump of energy during the day.

Teethmarks Around the Sides of the Tongue

Teethmarks around the sides of the tongue are a sign of nutritional deficiency, especially in relation to the function of the spleen and stomach. Sluggish spleen function is very common and is often accompanied by bloating and gas. The main function of the spleen is the production and storage of red blood cells, a vital component of our blood.

Swollen Tongue and/or Thick White Coating

These are indicators that there is too much mucus in your body. These can also indicate a lack of beneficial bacteria in the colon, and even an overgrowth of yeast (ie. candida).

Horizontal Cracks, Small Cracks/Grooves

Sometimes referred to as a geographic tongue. Cracking on the tongue is a sign of malabsorption, especially of B vitamins, and is often accompanied by a lack of energy. Cracks like this take a long time to develop, indicating that such nutrient deficiencies may have been present for a long time.


Part II: Preparing Your Body for the Easy 3-Day Detox
Getting Your Game Face On
You feel lethargic and fatigued sometimes. You have a hard time with regularity and digestion. You have already seen first-hand that your blood is riddled with toxins (And you want your blood to flow like the freeway at 3 a.m.) So how will we prepare for a full-out cleanse? For most people, detoxing will involve a calculated, daily change of eating habits. As we know, kicking any habit is no walk in the park. If youre truly addicted to toxic- particularly those foods that contain a higher ratio of chemicals than actual FOOD- youre going to have a tougher time than others! Have you ever heard an Italian claim that foregoing pasta leads to depression? What about the term emotional eating? Maybe you cant sit through a movie without buttered popcorn and soda. We are tied to the foods we eat in a variety of ways such as: * Psychological * Emotional * Physiological * Cultural


This can make any changes tough, especially if your current eating habits are tied into any of the above. If youve ever fought a soda pop addiction, cigarette smoking, chocolate, refined sugar, or even salty cracker cravings when youre trying to lose weight, you understand that becoming healthy involves substantial and difficult challenges. In fact, even those of us who are generally healthy eaters will find changes to their routine to be a substantial challenge. Maybe youre going to have to cease alcohol or caffeine intake (or both!) The challenge is especially noticeable for those of us who are independent and generally subject to the whim of our own desires You decide when you want to eat You decide what you want to eat You decide with whom you want to eat and you generally make healthy food choices! Right?! While making your way through law school youve enjoyed a steady diet of protein bars and lattes. Youve become accustomed to your evening dinner of low-fat buttery popcorn with diet soda at 10 p.m. Not so bad!? Well, a life of regular detoxification and cleansing is just as important for you, too! You think that: Fat-Free dressings Diet Sodas Lean Meats Heart healthy packaged foods Low Fat, Fat Free or Reduced Fat Options


Will keep you clean. NO. Diet options can sometimes be your worst enemy! Nonetheless, its still imperative that you get your blood tested, know the truth, and modify your diet accordingly. You may have a lot to change and thats fine! It wont take long before the whole process becomes easier and eventually a preferred way of life! (And it doesnt involve sucking down clay, either!) The positive feeling you get after the changes are made is exactly what we want to explore next


Will I Lose Weight BECAUSE I Detox?

In a word, YES! One of the most obvious benefits that you will see and feel as you rid your body of toxins is weight loss. As explained in Part One, in response to the toxins in your body, your body will literally store toxins in you FAT CELLS to keep them OUT OF YOUR BLOOD. Your body holds on to fat stores as a protective, defense mechanism. Therefore, if youre overweight, youre most likely toxic. As long as the toxins are present, the fat cells stay too. The good news is that as soon as you start to cleanse your body, your fat stores will be free to release toxins, and you begin to lose weight easily. You experience a virtual cleansing of your system. Think of toxins that your body stores in fat as that report you were asked to do by your boss eight months ago. Or that chair your wife wanted you to restrain thats sitting in the back of your garage. Your detox allows your liver, pancreas, and GI Tract to sneak attack these fat stores and get rid of toxins its been TOO BUSY to get to. (Kinda like that leak in your roof)


And Clear Up My Skin, Too?!

Do you suffer from acne? What about eczema? Most skin issues will clear up with your detox diet! Because your skin has a direct relationship with your liver, you can look at your skin conditions to learn about the health of your liver. Skin conditions may be a sign that your liver is toxic, overworked, and stressed. Have you ever noticed a breakout during stress? What about yellow tones in an alcoholic? This is signs of liver poisoning.

Important: Many of todays best-selling skin products and even shampoos are
loaded with proven cancer causing chemicals! To avoid further toxic exposure, you and your family should strictly avoid these ingredients: Sodium laurel sulfate There have been studies that claim this common shampoo ingredient can cause headaches and even nerve damage when massaged into the scalp! Propylene glycol Skin conditions like eczema are only part of the problem. Kidney and liver damage are possible! Diazolidinyl urea This can release formaldehyde into your body. Yes, the same substance that preserved dead frogs in jars for your school biology class! Parabens Youve seen them on your skin care products ingredients list. But did you know that these are xenoestrogenic substances that are adding excessive female hormones to your body?


The Easy 3-Day Detox is invaluable for people who want to look better without having to cake on makeup every time they get out of the shower. Or for those who truly are afraid to go swimming or enjoy a nice vacation because they arent comfortable with their skin. The same goes for your hair and fingernails. Some people have even reported grey hair being restored to the pigmentation they enjoyed in their youths. This is because your hair and nails have the same nutrients and metabolic pathways as your skin. And if you arent completely on board yet, this next Detox Benefit will most assuredly get you there!


Will Cleansing Make Me Smarter?

So lets review: Once you begin to detox youll see improvement in your: Skin Hair Nails Weight And mental clarity?!

YES! And HOW! Most people also find a TREMENDOUSLY positive change in their mental clarity when they detox. Our minds tend to get bogged down or foggy when we are in a toxic state. Many people obsess over when their next meal will come or where theyre going to eat. People have a connection with food that causes them to want to have full bellies all the time. When we purify our bodies through proper foods and AVOID toxic foods it makes our bodies more pure. We arent obsessing over meals or suffering from unhealthy cravings. Our minds are free to focus on tasks at hand and tune out distractions. Ultimately, a clear mind is a powerful tool that allows you to be more productive at whatever you do. Perhaps today you feel foggy or you constantly feel like you want a nap. Youre compulsively watching the clock at your desk- barely able to focus on your computer screen.


Once youve cleansed its like you suddenly find yourself restless in the OPPOSITE sense of feeling foggy and detached from your world. Now youre engaged with life. Your mind is running a mile a minute. Youre experiencing a sort of connection with your surroundings like youre seeing things for the first time. YOURE IN THE ZONE. This is incredible for athletes. Its GOLD for business owners, entrepreneurs, and sales reps. Its life-saving for workers who are looking to become more productive on the job in order to gain a promotion, job security, or merely to feel more satisfaction with what theyre doing. Moreover, people who cleanse claim to find themselves sleeping less. Perhaps you have struggled getting out of bed in the morning or getting much done before 10 a.m. for YOU this cleanse will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.


Cleansing to be Energy-Efficient?
It sounds silly, perhaps. But truly, youre going to notice your energy levels SKYROCKET when you cleanse; it goes hand-in-hand with a toxic-free body. Our society is presently addicted to stimulation: Television Coffee and sodas Sugar Energy supplements Even vodka doesnt CUT IT for our toxic diets anymore: we mix this hard liquor with Energy Drinks! Overly caffeinated and sugary drinks only provide quick fixes for more deeply rooted issues. The above sources give you a quick spike in energy, but result in an energy crash. So we double up the sources. We combine them. When we crash again we jump back on the cycle to reenergize. A pot of coffee to wake up, soda at lunch, energy drinks at 3 p.m. and then beer or wine after work, coupled with sugary desserts and not the pineapple or mango kind, but refined sugar, a TERRIBLE food we should ALWAYS stay away from. In order to bring the feeling of high energy back tomorrow morning, another round of stimulants is required, and the cycle of reintroducing toxins continues over and over again. HERES WHERE WE SHAKE THINGS UP: With a body that is rid of toxins, you will find you dont need energy supplements because your energy levels are higher and sufficient for the entire day.


In addition, you will begin to feel a better about YOURSELF. Youre going to feel more relaxed, more satisfied with yourself, and a lot happier. Your emotions are richly rewarded when your body cleanses. People who have worked the Easy 3-Day Detox into a healthier lifestyle notice shifts where they used to be irritable and aggressive. You become more Zen and now you understand why Yoga is so deeply tied to cleansing techniques! Once the benefits of cleansing have become a reality, youll never want to go back to the way you were. The foods you once craved will no longer be a temptation. Perhaps your tendency to drink alcohol in excess wanes after you begin to make the Easy 3 Day Detox a weekly or even daily habit. Youre finding a more sustainable and long-lasting forms of energy. You will have also gained the aforementioned ability to decipher between feeling healthy or unhealthy. Fitness experts and doctors alike are recommending detoxification to battle epidemic sleepiness and addiction to sugary sodas or energy quick-fixes. Once you begin cleansing daily, youre going to find those days of dying for your first cup of coffee a distant memory. Instead of looking in the mirror every day thinking, Wow, I need to exercise more youre going to enact change from the inside out. And weve learned that your body is actually DYING to HELP you feel great, look great, and be great!


Ancient Asian Detoxification Secrets

Reputable scientists and sociologists have long wondered why Asian cultures seem to live longer, healthier lives and enjoy lower toxicity levels than Western cultures. Since the early 1990s Japan and China have been recognized and hailed for low mortality rates and Ancient Medicinal Genius. There are a plethora of reasons for this; namely the Easts holistic approach to medicine. Their view of health couples diet with exercise not singling out one or the other. The Easts detoxification prowess is also strongly linked to their relationship with water. Rather than throwing back a six pack of beer, a two-liter of soda, or a pot of coffee, Asian cultures largely consume water or herbal tea as the drink of choice. Water greatly fortifies the bodys ability to detoxify through the dilution of toxins. Moreover, water helps digestion and serves to flush the body of toxins, sodium, and food. They also consume more organic foods and less of the dangerous hormones and steroids that plague much of the American diet. A diet rich in fish and poultry also provides more antioxidants than a Western diet that is red-meat rich. Finally, Asians walk and ride bicycles as the primary mode of transport. They continually release toxins through sweat as they go about their day on foot or on bike.


Part III Cleanses to Avoid Like the Plague!

Cleansing Gone Wild
Call them unsustainable. Call them scams. Call them potentially harmful. Theyre often unbearable or as the French might aptly say, insupportable! We call them Cleansing Gone Wild. There is no short supply of new detox programs that try to sucker you in with slick wording and powerful images. But youre smarter than that. The Easy 3-Day Detox is the beginning of a daily, sustainable healthy lifestyle NOT a quick fix achieved by taking a pill or unnatural concoction! There IS NO ONE PILL that is going to solve all your problems. Avoid taglines such as: Lose twenty pounds in a week! Magic African tea that melts fat! Endorsed by The Situation! Lets look specifically at the names and mechanics of some of these cleanses we want to avoid


Cleanse to Avoid #1
Our first example of a cleanse to avoid is The Master Cleanse. This is a classic example of a cleanse that achieved stardom because of, well, a starlet. The Master Cleanse is a ten-day program that asks you to consume essentially maple syrup, cayenne pepper, lemon juice, and water for every meal. It also incorporates periodic salt water flushes to flush the colon. All your required daily nutrients coming from one funky drink. Some people go to extremes and drink these mixtures for up to 40 days. In addition, The Master Cleanse requires you to drink water with high salt concentrations to induce diarrhea. They package this up nicely by calling it the salt water flush portion of the cleanse. This is actually a powerful temporary technique thats been used for thousands of years but no matter how you package it, this isnt natural or sustainable for the long term. In fact, done half-hazardly and the wrong way, such flushes rid our bodies of bionutrients and experts will tell you that such a flush will WIPE YOU OUT, not give you amazing energy, like the Easy 3-Day Detox will! People may try this kind of extreme cleanse in hopes of losing weight. Apparently Beyonc tried this program and lost 20 lbs. What wasnt publicized was that she gained back the weight in about two weeks when she stopped the cleanse. Not only is this cleanse unnatural and unsustainable, but you are running the risk of really damaging your body. Lemon in and of itself is very good for helping our bodies become more alkaline and less acidic.


Its also linked to benefits in digestion. The problem with this cleanse and many others is that they arent for everybody, and probably not for anybody. You see, maple syrup is a high glycemic sweetener. What if youre diabetic or hypoglycemic? The Easy 3-Day Detox is designed for people in great shape AS WELL AS those who suffer with blood sugar issues. Cayenne pepper, were discovering, may not even have the benefits it once was touted to have as a metabolism stimulant. In addition, if you suffer from arthritis, cayenne pepper contains alkaloid compounds that can cause inflammation you want to avoid. Did you really think that drinking liters of maple syrup over a ten-day period is a GOOD thing for your blood sugar? Neither did we.

Cleanse to Avoid #2
Maybe you hadnt heard of Beyoncs spicy lemonade diet, but youre definitely familiar with our Cleanse to Avoid Number Two. This dietary fad involves the acai berry [ah-sigh-ee]. The acai berry is basically the blueberry of Brazil. Its found naturally and is loaded with antioxidants. However, companies capitalize on the concept of a wonderful natural berry and produce pills, supplements, and cleansing products with the acai berry as a selling feature. The Acai Berry Cleanse is linked to dozens and dozens of diet and supplement scams online. Youve probably seen them!


They make outrageous promises, offer free trials, and guarantee you six pack abs or god-like detoxified bodies Until youre billed unknowingly on the back end. People are bamboozled day in and day out, and will be until the end of days, looking for the magic pillthe quick-fix. The temptation that a colorful kit, one measly bottle, or a simple package offers is just too great to pass up. But you pay in the end. Learn how to detox for LIFE and you WONT BE SORRY! Focus on your internal health and true cleanliness from all aspects of what you consume and youve found a sustainable cleanse that will give you the results youre looking for, forever! Supplements are nice, but theres no point in supplementing a toxic diet! Besides, you can find all the vitamins and minerals that are touted in supplements through natural, raw foods.

Cleanse to Avoid #3
Colon cleaners arent just found in hilarious early American anecdotes from T.C.Boyles A Road to Wellville. Theyre becoming insanely popular within the fitness and wellness industry. In fact, colon cleansing clinics are popping up everywhere. People really do suffer from constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. During the Easy 3 Day Detox you will find constipation lose its grip on your body and things will begin to regulate naturally through your bodys unique healing methods. Nevertheless, somebody had to make money on cleansing as it relates to regularity!


Colon cleanses go hand in hand with the rest of these Detox Duds. Its easy enough to get on the bandwagon when youre shown pictures of parasites inside your body! The stunt that companies are pulling here is to show you than once you use their cleanse, youre going to expel nasty goopy grossness that was (Shock!) plaguing your system. Well call this the Goopy Poop Cleanse. The scam part is that these cleanses are alleged to contain the ingredients that makes you goopy. In attempt to get you to use their detoxification products, companies will show you graphic images and tell you to expect a kind of goopy or string-like bowel movement. The goal is to have you believe their product is cleaning out all this goop that has built up inside you. People freak out and want to buy this cleanse again and again! Reliable industry-leading experts will attest to the fact that in working with thousands of clients over the years theyve never seen this Or rather theyve never heard of a client experiencing this goopy grossness after a natural and healthy cleanse like the Easy 3-Day Detox. While were still unsure about what it is that these companies are putting into their supplements, it seems obvious they are adding something to their products to create this effect. Even if they claim to be using natural ingredients, it does not necessarily mean it is a healthy practice. Some companies will use different herbs and concoctions which will give your feces a black, tar-like look. Others will use psyillium fiber, found in Metamucil, which has a gel-like function that accumulates toxins and helps to form stool. In some cases these ingredients are helpful, but using other agents to produce a dramatic, excretory experience is not natural or helpful.


In reality, these supplements being used are most likely creating the effect inside you rather than cleaning out the goop that was already there. Call it what you will, just be sure to avoid cleanses that not only try to sell you snake oil, but produce such oil within your body!

Cleanse to Avoid #4
Theyve been called laxative bulimics. Theyre people who take laxatives compulsively because either they: A) Have lost the ability to naturally expel waste from a myriad of unhealthy practices, potentially involving an eating disorder B) Are obsessed with food leaving their bodies Taking laxatives or doing salt water flushes to try and poop ten times a day isnt a sustainable, healthy way to reestablish proper digestive and intestinal function either. This isnt to say that theres no place for a salt water flush as a part of a periodic cleansing program the problem lies in becoming dependent on these measures in order to eliminate waste. If youve trained your body to rely on unnatural measures to perform the functions it has been designed to carry out on its own these cleansing addictions are crippling your digestive system and your health. Its like waking up desperate for coffee or oatmeal before you can enjoy a productive morning bathroom break. This is because coffee is a diuretic. Its also a laxative because it puts your colon into kind of spasms. Over time you literally shut down your intestines normal function. Youve become dependent on stimulants and laxatives to evacuate what you cant move on your own.


Weve shown you how biologically youre designed to flush, function, detox, redistribute, etc. So dont grab the wheel and tell your magnificent body that it doesnt know what its doing! Its like the recreational exercisers who wear weightlifting belts when they shouldnt. Theyre telling their core muscles, Hey, dont do any work! Weve got your back This the same person blows out his back doing squats without the belt on. It demonstrates a lack of respect for your body when you introduce unnatural measures to help it perform its natural functions. It is like you are saying to your body, You know what you are doing, but Im going to bring in extra help. In the end, you are taking away your own bodys ability to cleanse and heal itself.

Cleanse to Avoid #5
Companies not only market cleanses that are full of empty promises and unhealthy practices, they are also trying to push system cleansing. These include most commonly gallbladder, colon, and liver cleanses. The claim is that you can focus on specific areas to cleanse. While this is a clever marketing tool, sadly it is FALSE!!! If you havent gathered it by now, the truth is that all the systems of your body are interrelated. It is impossible to isolate one organ or system to cleanse. Remember the nursery-school song?


The leg bones connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bones connected to the hip bone, the hip bones connected to the tail bone The same is true within your body: everything is working together and your overall body is influenced when one organ fails. You may find a nutrient that is specifically beneficial for a particular organ or system, but if you try a specific cleanse for one system, everything else will be affected by it in some way. However, if youre cleansing the liver our main detoxification organ youre essentially also cleansing the gallbladder, the intestines, the colon, etc. Why would a company market the LIVER CLEANSE? Well because youre told that the booze and cigarettes and overall hedonistic lifestyle you live are slowly killing your liver! So be it: youve been living it up like a rock star and now you want to keep on living it up! Thats why this 3-Day Detox is your life-saver. You dont want to constantly worry about walking your daughter down the aisle you want to be there when your granddaughter gets married. You dont want to experience the mortification of yellowed skin and saggy droopy features from years of alcohol abuse: you want to take back your body and earn the title of silver fox or panther or cougar or whatever animal you fancy being likened to in your later years. Lets just get this one thing straight: stick to sustainable, whole-body cleanses. Holistic, natural practices are always in style for a reason: they work. So now lets kick it up a notch and explore your Easy 3-Day Detox


Part IV The Easy 3-Day Detox

Are You Ready to ROCK?!
The Easy 3-Day Detox wont make you that irritable person who cant bear to share a grill at the barbeque and it doesnt mean that you have to sit at home juicing and avoiding social situations for 3 days. Rather, the Easy 3-Day Detox is designed as a sort of toe-dip into a lifestyle of consistent cleansing. Youve spent some time now learning about: 1. The Biological ramifications of toxins in your body 2. The different ways to avoid these toxins 3. The ways The Man is trying to make a pretty penny off of selling you toxin-free And before you dive head-first into this lake youre gonna want to test the water. We all do. Its not for us to judge how deeply rooted your addictions are nor how toxic you may be but youll feel the difference SOON. Perhaps youve been consuming beer like a frat boy since college Perhaps youve been eating for two since your daughter was born twenty years ago Perhaps youve been on a shoe-string budget and you never thought you could afford to venture outside of the $.99 Menu

NOW this is your test run!


Weve noticed that its great for the average Joe or Jane to begin your Easy 3Day Detox over the weekend. You dont want to be suffering withdrawal from your comfort food or drink while stuffed like a sausage into nylons or slaving away over Excel spreadsheets... To start, as your Easy 3-Day Detox Coach were going to recommend you repeat the following phrases before that Cannonball your anxious to perform: 1. Im merely taking my existing diet and tweaking it. 2. There are no radical changes that are going to turn my world, and my bank account, upside down. 3. Im eliminating foods that make me feel worse. 4. 3 days isnt that long Its only 3 seasons of 24! So without further ado Here are our Easy 3- Day Detox Strategies


The Easy 3-Day Detox: Step 1

To begin with were going to ask you to eliminate some foods that your body does not respond to well. And TRUST ME - youll feel better quickly without these weighing you down. For merely 3 days you must eliminate: 1. Grains & Soy (& Sweets too!) In the next few chapters well explain all of these in greater detail but heres a look at the first food were fasting for the Easy 3-Day Detox. GRAINS. In truth, there is no dietary need for carbs despite the fact that you may or may not be in a generation that pressured you to carb load for energy and made it the foundation of the Food Pyramids of Old. Can you even believe that we learned this?

Believe it or not, although there were ramblings about dietary guidelines since 1943 this food Pyramid was just released in 1992.


It has since changed slightly since the above photo - but THIS image of pastas, cereals, and breads are still etched into the minds of many Americans trying to conceptualize a healthy diet for themselves and their families. If you are a Westerner, try to envision just two restaurants aside from Asianinspired fare that serve dishes with primarily vegetables and fruits. Its tough, we know! And for the record much more expensive for the restaurant owner who ventures to provide a plate of asparagus for less than $7.00 a plate in favor of filling you up with carbs and grains. Heres the problem: humans do not digest grains well at all. In actuality, our bodies are not evolved enough to digest them. Whats crazy is that theyre prevalent in almost EVERY food. And were not talking about the pseudo-grains like quinoa and amaranth, but bad ones like flour and white bread. YES this means that cakes, cookies, donuts these arent gonna fly during your detox. The refined sugar and the grains in most sweets causes them to be not only DEVASTATING TO YOUR DIET, but theyre essentially ANTI-NUTRITIONAL because they do nothing but harm to your body and distract your faculties from repairing and fortifying your system. Aside from the obvious sweets, youre going to kick off your Easy 3-Day Detox by avoiding: Pastas Breads Cereals Orzo Couscous Rice Soy


First of all, grains (and soy) require processing in order to be fit for humans to consume. Lets hone in on grains, though which are more widely consumed by the larger population on an enormous level. In truth, we didnt rely on grains for our food supply until agriculture become technologically advanced enough. Grains are bad for: 1. Stomach grains are surrounded by a kernel that can tear up your insides 2. Weight Maintenance Grains are largely starch which digests into maltose and isomaltose before becoming glucose. **It is believed that when you take a slice of bread and ball it up you can consider this to be the measure of refined sugar youre consuming from that piece of bread. 3. Blood sugar your pancreas is trying to process this glucose overload by producing insulin in order to process, or metabolize it and the pancreas cant handle the over-influx of grains we eat. Diseases that are linked to grains overload: Insulin Resistance Hypoglycemia Type II Diabetes Overloading our systems with this much sugar distracts the body from its other functions, thereby weakening your immune system. Because youre eating these empty calories, or as we mentioned earlier, and anti-nutritious food, the body uses up stores of vitamins and minerals just to metabolize your poor food choice. Now youre adding: Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies to the list!


Back to the barbeque scene now How many times have you or somebody you know made fun of the Exaggerators who wont let the chef use the same utensils on your burger as on their portabella mushroom? Or the ones who compulsively clean your grill before letting the spokes touch their vegan kabob? What about the folks who bring their own food everywhere or wont eat out at restaurants claiming that there just isnt anything theyre not allergic to? Youve heard people mock those with so-called hang-ups such as: Celiac disease Gluten intolerance Well DONT. Grains contain allergens. Why are there suddenly scores of people with food allergens that we never knew about two hundred years ago? Simply put, were eating foods that we havent evolved enough to digest. Right away youre going to notice that you lose some weight. This is because grains hold on to water and have an inflammatory response in your body. Have you been suffering from joint problems or arthritis? Then get rid of foods that are causing inflammation in your body! Youre going to FEEL this positive change very soon after ridding your body of these foods that kind of queue up in the body and weigh you down.


The Easy 3-Day Detox: Step 2

Wipe off that milk mustache and fast the Haagen-Dazs for a few days, please! Removing dairy, and other animal products from your diet is equally as important as removing grains. Some notable experts argue that we shouldnt be drinking another animals milk to start Dairy products are the most acidic food that we can bring into our bodies. If you understand the relationship between your body and pH levels acidic environments are linked to aging, disease, and even death. In fact, did you know that cancer has a REALLY hard time spreading in an alkaline environment? This is why many cancer patients are turning to holistic nutritionists to squelch and even reverse their symptoms. Dairy begets more toxins and thereby an environment more susceptible to disease. It is also known to cause sinus or inflammatory issues, and inflammation in the body leads to disease at some point in your life. In fact, inflammation is pretty much the common factor in all illnesses! In addition, dairy is very mucus-producing in the body. If you ever find yourself sounding a bit like Pee Wee Herman for days on end, you may be over doing it on the dairy. Sinus problems often clear up easily when people fast dairy for a short while. Theres another animal product were avoiding during this time and thats meat, poultry, and fish. One of the reasons that were avoiding meat during this time is frankly because its loaded with toxins.


Much of the fish we consume comes from countries that dont have strict guidelines for fishing. This seafood often lives and breathes petrochemicals and other poisonous gases. In addition, you probably are familiar with the fact that our livestock is fed a primarily corn diet to fatten them up. This isnt the intention of the animal who intends to live on grass and graze. Whats even scarier is that alongside corn were throwing in protein supplements, antibiotics, and drugs such as growth hormone. YES, this is horrifying. In fact, some elementary schools are reporting young girls reaching puberty before the age of ten because of drugs such as these that are in milk or beef. Men especially are notorious carnivores and especially those reading fitness magazines who are told that eating meat will help you build more muscle something every guy would like more of, right? Well, its true that those who eat meat are likely to have higher testosterone levelsbut only if approached the right way! You see, todays meat from the local grocery is typically from cows that were supplemented with estrogen to prep them for the slaughterhouse in order to yield more meat (and net farmers more profits) But this meat, when tested, showed up to 5 TIMES the amount of estrogen in the meat itself than meat from untreated cattle. Did you get that? 5 TIMES THE ESTROGEN LEVELS IN OUR MEAT! Here's what that means to you:

For WOMEN: Increased estrogen levels can lead to a higher risk of breast cancer and for teenage girls, earlier onset of puberty and even risky sexual behavior.


For MEN: Estrogen is the arch-enemy of testosterone and can lead to gynocomastia (aka - "man boobs"), reduced sex drive, and cause you to actually lose muscle tissue!

For the purposes of your cleanse, we need to tip the scales way back the other way which is why youre laying off of meat for a few days. Therefore, to sum things up for the Easy 3-Day Detox were going to avoid: Milk Yogurts Cheese Creams Butter Poultry Fish Meat

So remove these inflammatory and allergenic foods. Theyre by and large ADDING toxins to your body anyway and itll feel AMAZING to flush those out for a few days! And finally


The Easy 3-Day Detox: Step 3

Youre going to need to remove the most popular drug on the planet to your diet: Caffeine! From the moment an unknowing relative or babysitter begins allowing toddlers to sip soda from their straws until youre drinking Pepsi with breakfast! Were inundated with caffeine drinks all day long. Most people consume caffeine several times per day or even all day! However, in the third step of our Easy 3-Day Detox we want to CUT THE CAFFEINE. This Cleanse is the beginning of a new life wherein you will gain: 4. Renewed energy and vitality 5. Decreased dependency on foreign stimulants due to your natural energy 6. Freedom from many of the common aches and ailments that plague your every day because of your addictions to foods, drinks, and the toxins therein! Removing stimulants such as caffeine from your diet will help you to actually increase energy. WAIT! What? Look


THE REASON THESE STEPS SOUND PREPOSTEROUS IS BECAUSE OF YOUR ADDICTION TO TOXIC FOOD ENSLAVES YOU TO HARMFUL HABITS AND A LOWER QUALITY OF LIFE! For those of you who wake up craving that first pot of coffee who set their coffee makers on intricate brew schedules who rush off to spend the first fruits of their labor on Caramel Macciatos or those of you whove cranked the Starbucks addition up to owning their own their own espresso-brewing latt frothing cappuccino contraptions The first day or two without your caffeine is going to result in two things: 1. Youre going to learn something about yourself. 2. Youre going to learn something about yourself whilst dealing with caffeine withdrawal, headaches and irritability. Were just keeping it real! Theres no sense in sugar-coating an addiction withdrawal. Thankfully, as long as you replace those lost liquids with water, your headaches will go and youll be feeling a noticeable improvement in just a day or two. Dont be DISCOURAGED by the withdrawal effects: going COLD TURKEY is one of the best ways you are able to learn just how much you rely on coffee, soda, even crackers, chips, or even rice cakes!


The Easy 3-Day Detox: Overcoming Food Fixations

Obviously youre being asked to make a change with the way you normally eat, right? No Skinny Vanilla Latts, No Key Lime-Flavored Yogurt Cups, No Goldfish Crackers!? Well, at least not during these three days and from there, youll have to let your body tell you what it needs. And once youre cleaner on the inside, your body will speak loud and clear about what your next steps are to finally become free from food supply toxins! Youll find yourself naturally gravitating toward foods such as walnuts, avocados, and berries which are some of the most nutrient dense foods on earth and theyre rich, sweet, and filling to boot! Even fresh, free-range, grass-fed, organic meats and wild-caught fish are more than welcome in moderation on a sustained balanced nutrition programand youll taste and feel the difference! Now notice that we told you that your cravings for fast food would be a thing of the past following your Easy 3 Day Detox. Well we actually WANT you to hit up a fast food joint after your cleanse! I mean, just try to digest (pun intended) consuming a fast-food burger after trying your DETOX. 1. Youre removing the bun made with LOADS of refined sugar and grains you cant tolerate or even digest. 2. Youre removing the cheese dairy leads to inflammation, and promotes additional toxicity in your system. 3. And now the best part do you really think youre going to miss Fast Food Grade Beef loaded with chemicals you cant pronounce. Not after you enjoy the natural, sustainable, toxin-free trial youre about to embark on.


When you finish your Easy 3 Day Detox youll find these foods to have a natural aversion now and just not feel right. In shortyoure not going to miss the Big Macs. Heres another reason why the Easy 3-Day Detox is actually going to feel GREAT once you kick the fast food habit You feel lighter when you take out the mystery meats, grains and dairy products. In fact, its estimated that the equivalent of at least one entire meal will disappear from your regular eating day during this fast, despite the fact that you may be eating fruits and vegetables, nuts, and a variety of other delicious foods all day long! So heres another challenge for you during your Easy 3 Day Detox: get friendly with your blender, juicer, or Vita Mixer. You wouldnt believe how full a great fruit or vegetable smoothie will make you feel in the morning until lunch! Your body LIGHTS UP when you replace heavy, tiring, toxic foods with healthy, whole, or even raw foods.

My Personal Easy 3-Day Detox Morning Jumpstart!

Want to know a little trick that helps me get an amazing start to my 3-day detox! Its all in how you begin your very first meal to send a signal to your body that its in store for an amazing experience. I call it my 3-Day Detox Morning Jumpstart and drink this blender drink first thing every day during my cleanse In a blender, combine the following ingredients: 1 ripe organic banana (Also, with a sharp knife, scrape the loose fibers on the inside of the banana peel. This is where a ton of the healthy bioflavonoids are hanging out that are never touched when just eating a banana the normal way! 1 ripe organic red apple cut in quarters 1/8 inch small slice of fresh, peeled ginger not powdered! Fresh! 1 large organic green pepper I know what youre thinkingtrust meit tastes amazing in this drink! Blend it all up smooth and pour it in a glass! Youll need a plastic spatula to get it all because its thick, but youll be addicted once you taste it and feel this fresh start to your day!


The Easy 3-Day Detox:

Youre fasting whole grains. Youre fasting dairy and other animal products. Youre fasting caffeine. BUT YOU FEEL FREE, LIGHTER, and MORE AWAKE. (Despite possible headaches from the caffeine withdrawal, of course!) In fact, the only way were able to beat these addictions to toxic foods and toxic lifestyles is because of the rewarding and compelling psychological effects. Truly, youre going to find that unlike scams that promise youre going to expel more in order to help you FEEL better Until you realize that all you feel is the perpetual urge to hit the loo with no other obvious benefits... By treating your body to the foods that perpetuate LIFE, cell regeneration, cleanliness and mineral absorption you will FEEL AMAZING. This isnt a mind trick or a caffeine high youre in the zone. The crux of the Easy 3 Day Detox is that your body knows how to do the work for you. As you take the attention of your liver, your pancreas, and your GI Tract AWAY FROM: Filtering through toxins that they cant rid you of fast enough Fighting disease while being constantly inundated with inflammationproducing foods Frustrating your faculties with fatigue because ALL YOUR ENERGY IS DEVOTED TO DIGESTING


You will now have energy to spare! Your Easy 3-Day Detox helps you feel great because you know: Youre replacing dangerous foods and drinks to cleanse and revitalize your system Youre replacing unnatural (and expensive) dependencies to drugs, such as caffeine for energy or laxatives in order expel, with natural food choices that will clear up your GI Tract and help your energy levels skyrocket. Youre seeing your skin clear up and youre meeting weight loss goals with ease You feel momentum knowing that youre going to live a longer, healthier, happier life!


So What The Heck CAN I Eat?

If youre like many of my clients, you are at the point now as were wrapping up our discovery chapters where youre excited, hopeful, ambitious, and ready to head to the grocery store! But before you head out lets clear a few things up. Here are the top eight most common questions we received from our clients who have used and enjoyed their Easy 3-Day Detox.

FAQ #1:

How many calories should I eat during the Easy 3-Day Detox?
Dont count calories during your detox. Youre eating delicious, natural foods that are hopefully free of chemicals and low in sodium. Eat all the fruit you want (they dont have points!) and youll do nothing but enhance your detox. Youll know when youve eaten enough and itll be incredibly refreshing to be on a diet that doesnt make you weigh, count, or fret about calories. Youre going to be digesting this food quickly and easily because of how close to nature it originates. Therefore, even if you do eat until youre really full the feeling wont last as long as a Sausage Pizza-Beer-&-Cupcake Binge or a Fast Food Fest wherein you overdo it and the feeling lasts for hours even days! Worry, instead, about finding peace with your decision to make the Easy 3-Day Detox a part of your life RELAXING is great for digestion!


If youre a numbers person challenge yourself to chew your food twice as much as youd normally be inclined but DONT count calories! This is an outstanding Detox Principle because it will even further assist good digestion and give your body more space hunt down toxins and bid them out of your system once and for all. Focus on feeding your body what it craves and drinking a ton of water in between meals to curb any cravings you do come across.

FAQ #2:

Are beans okay during my Easy 3-Day Detox?

Yes, eat ALL beans. Kidney, Lima, Pinto, and Navy Beans are deemed the healthiest full of protein and natural minerals and of course- fiber! In addition, the red bean is a great antioxidant much like another red food youll be eating a lot of during this time the berry. The generous fiber and protein that beans provide are outstanding for your detox and theyll help fill you up to boot! One common misconception is that meat is the best way to get protein but its a dangerous lie that people are fed from a young age. Animals are often pumped full of chemicals, hormones, and let to become massively fat. Whether or not youre cleansing, beans are a worthy substitution in your diet if you are unable to afford or find grass-fed beef or free-range poultry fed an organic diet. Beans are extraordinary for heart health and for lowering cholesterol. You can easily buy beans dry or canned and they are easy to prepare in a variety of soups, baked dishes, salads, or by themselves.


Researchers at the University of Kentucky conducted a study indicating that one cup of cooked beans per day can even lower a persons cholesterol by up to 10% in only six weeks and an average of 19% in men. The risk of heart attack plummets by almost 40% for men who experience such a drop in cholesterol.

FAQ #3

Can I eat eggs during the Easy 3-Day Detox?

Eggs are not okay during your Easy 3-Day Detox. Eggs are wonderful we love free range organic eggs both whites AND yolks. However, eggs are mucus-producing so we want to avoid them for this short time. We know you are attached eggs are full of protein and the yolk is loaded with nutrients and when youre looking to eat healthy eggs sit heavy when you eat them so you dont feel hungry just one hour after you eat them. However, the reason were avoiding animal protein in this detox is because you want to consume foods that are easier to digest. This would mean that milk, eggs, and meat are off limits. The plant based diet youre going to be eating will enhance much easier digestion and overall healing in your body. In addition, we have learned that Organic foods can sometimes contain chemicals and pesticides. Reasons for this range from the packaging theyre in and other times its due to pesticides that are sprayed in nearby field. In the same way Organic doesnt always live up to the standards you think youre paying for, free range eggs arent always as clean as we hope they would be.


Sometimes free range chickens arent really kept in the best conditions which is a downfall of mass production in the industry. The best thing you can do for the purest poultry is to get local eggs that are from local farms. This way, the chickens get enough sunlight, air, space to exercise, and natural foods to eat. Laws that govern Free Range do not always mandate that poultry gets these essential ingredients for a healthy chicken, a healthy egg, and a quality food on your plate.

FAQ #4:

Can I have whey protein during my Easy 3-Day Detox?

My sophisticated Smoothie and Juicing clients want to make sure that they can continue with their protein shakes after working out. Whey, however, is off limits during the detox period. This is very shocking for many of us who didnt realize that whey contains dairy because, after all, it sits with dry storage unlike most other dairy products. Remember the nursery rhyme about Little Miss Muffet? (She sat on a tuffet eating curds and whey when along came a spider and sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away!) Dont be frightened of whey though. Just know that during this short time were going to avoid all dairy. So whats wrong with whey for these three days? Whey is actually the liquid that milk curds are embedded in when making cheese. Its the stuff that gathers at the top of your cottage cheese.


Therefore why is indeed full of protein, but it is also mostly lactose. In fact, people with lactose intolerance are forbidden to consume why in any form. Although it is possible to find whey protein that is isolated from the lactose component, this is very difficult and it probably isnt in your supermarket tub of whey protein.

FAQ #5:

Is this a raw foods diet?

We are not asking that you go completely raw for 3 days. With that being said, its very cool to go completely raw for 3 days. Our Detox program includes sauted, baked, and grilled foods that are permissible by our basic guidelines. However, if you choose to go raw for these three days thats outstanding. Foods that are consumed in their natural raw state are generally better for you. They promote better digestion and they havent been robbed of some of the nutrients and enzymes that are stripped out of cooked foods. Read more about this in the next few chapters!

FAQ #6

Is flour okay during the Easy 3-Day Detox?

Weve already discussed why you should get rid of bleached, white bread and flour during your detox diet. However, can you still use any flour during this period?


In a wordno. You see, flour requires you to grind up a grain and refine it, thereby making it void of its essential nutrients. The seed that you get from nature is pure and good to consume. However, the grains and flour that you are accustomed to have been overlyprocessed and refined into a sort of faux food stripped of nutrients and fiber. Therefore, we recommend that you avoid flour of any kind during this period. In addition, gluten is found in wheat, barley and rye. Gluten is very unnatural for our bodies to digest and found to be even poisonous to those who suffer from gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Gluten will essentially clog you up and is linked to the same paste that allows your bread to get spongy as well as your wallpaper to stick to your walls If our Easy 3-Day Detox is meant to cleanse why would you add this pasteforming substance to an already over-worked GI Tract? When you get rid of gluten in your diet for three days you may realize how much your body actually rejects it. Once you begin consuming gluten again you may find that in large quantity, gluten perpetuates a lagging digestive process, a lack of energy due to your body being so consumed with digestion, and even muscle fatigue. We have stated in earlier chapters that our bodies dont digest whole grains well. For the record, try to focus on foods during your Easy 3-Day Detox that promote digestion in your body. For you, it may be an apple or a green pepper hone in on these great foods.


FAQ #7

Can I eat granola during my Easy 3-Day Detox?

No. . Okay, okay! Well explain smarty pants! Granola is a veritable staple to the perceived healthy lifestyle. Its the food that marathoners have stowed away in their backpacks and healthconscious office mates munch on Granola Bars while others suck down fast food McMuffins and Cream-Cheese Laden Bagels. Health food stores line their aisles with granola bars and Kashi even touts their new No High Fructose Corn Syrup brand in major super stores. Beware! Granola is typically whole grain this isnt going to help your detox at all! Also, granola is typically smothered in oils, sugars, fats, and salt! But since you are all too smart to take my direction without any substantial evidence, Ill oblige you with the following: Granola bars are boxed, plastic or foil-wrapped foods made by big food conglomerates who are known to push the limits so far as their claims go regarding fiber, protein, and sugar-free by pumping tons of sugary manmade chemical goop into their products. Shop the aisles, instead. Rolled oats, rye, barley and rice are not okay in the Easy 3-Day Detox but theyre the main ingredients in granola so please avoid! Granola bars are full of gluten. if you want to make a gluten-free granola bar try making your own with apples, almonds, dates, agave syrum, and sweet or savory spices.


Read the labels, friends. Weve equipped you to use discernment in your foods and if you have to purchase packaged foods be very wary of ingredients you cant pronounce!

FAQ #8

Are potatoes okay during the Easy 3-Day Detox?

Yes! But thanks to many skewed diet programs, potatoes have gained a bad rap. However, potatoes have more potassium than bananas and one serving packs in enough Vitamin C to account for approximately 45% of your daily value. Additional minerals, vitamins, and even fiber abound. Your best bets for the healthiest form are sweet potatoes, yams, and red-skin potatoes. And although I probably shouldnt have to tell you thisFrench fries are NOT considered potatoes in any healthy nutrition program. Deep fried potatoes form a toxic substance called acrylamide. However, if you boil or steam your potatoes, you limit this risk almost entirely. In addition, if you prepare your potatoes without the fattening butters, creams, and oils that are typically added to this delectable detox-worthy food youll be okay, as well. Lastly potatoes sometimes get sunburned! Avoid potatoes with greenish tints to them as this reflects that they have been in the sun too long. This means they are prone to the chemical solanine which is linked to increased arthritis pain! So enjoy your spuds but do it smartly

Easy 3-Day Detox Print & Go Shopping Guide

Arugula Bok Choy Boston Lettuce Cabbage Chard Collard Greens Dandelion Endive Iceberg Lettuce Kale Parsley Red Leaf Lettuce Romaine Spinach Spirulina Watercress

Apples Avocado Blueberries Cantaloupe Cherries Dragon Fruit Grapes Jicama Kiwi Mango Olives Oranges Peaches Pears Plums Pomegranate Raspberries Tomatillos Tomatoes Strawberries

Artichoke Asparagus Bell Peppers Broccoli Brussels Sprouts Carrots Cauliflower Celery Cucumber Green Onion Heart of Palm Mushrooms Red Potatoes Squash Sweet Potato Zucchini

Nuts & Seed (RAW)

Almonds Cashews Chia Seeds Cumin Flax Seeds Hemp Seeds Macadamia Nuts Pecans Pine Nuts Pistachio Poppy Seeds Pumpkin Seeds Sesame Seeds Squash Seeds Sunflower Seeds Walnuts

Beans & Pods

Adzuki Beans Bean Sprouts Black Beans Black-Eyed Peas Fava Beans Flageolets Garbanzo Beans Green Beans Green Beans Hazelnuts Jalapeo Kidney Beans Lentils Lima Beans Pinto Beans Okra Pepitas Snow Peas

Drink Additions
Almond Milk Apple Cider Vinegar Decaf Black Tea Chai Coconut Water Cranberry Dandelion Coffee Distilled Water Electrolyte Water Grapefruit Green Tea Hemp Milk Herbal Coffee Lemon Lime Maple Syrup

Sweet & Savory Additions

Cardamom Agave Nectar Cacao Cinnamon Clove Coconut Grapeseed Oil Honey Macadamia Nut Oil Miso Molasses Nutritional Yeast Olive Oil Stevia Vanilla Vegannaise

Herbs & Bulbs

Basil Chives Cilantro Dill Fennel Garlic Ginger Leeks Mint Oregano Red Beets Red Onion Rosemary Scallions Shallots Wasabi

Amaranth Arrowroot Buckwheat Flaxseed Meal Hominy Millet Quinoa Rice Milk Sprouted Grain Bread

Prepared Foods
Hummus Tahini Organic Salsa Organic Guacamole


The Easy 3-Day Detox: SNEAKY TRICK to Getting Vitamins FAST

If youre uncomfortable with stuffing your body full of bags of spinach, oodles of squash and pounds of peppers then try satisfying your veggie and fruit servings through juicing. This is an invaluable sneaky trick that helps you transition from the jug of chocolate milk or the bagel and cream cheese into a breakfast that helps your energy skyrocket from the get-go and is sustainable for longer than it takes to get that first cup of morning coffee to your desk. Youll notice that without the sugary carbs at breakfast youre going to avoid the 10 a.m. energy crash youre used to because of a diet that provides quick jolts that arent sustainable for the whole day. Start with a sweet juice that has carrots, spinach, celery and parsley, if you like. Youll be THRILLED to learn how delicious a vitamin-rich juice tastes. You can always add carrots, ginger root, lemon, apples, kale, banana, kiwi, and even freshsqueezed orange (not the sugary goop from the supermarket) to really pack in the flavor. Moreover, the mere psychological feeling of getting that many nutrients in one serving will make you feel so HOOKED on vitamin and mineral rich foods that you will soon realize that THIS is the magic health cure youve been looking for... food as nature has provided it. Juicing is also great because the vitamins and minerals get rapidly absorbed in your body. When you wake up to a nice fruit and vegetable juice you kick the digestion and metabolism into high gear and it tends to wake you up more than caffeine and lasts much longer without the crash. Perhaps youve already considered supplementation. Youve even asked yourself:


Why dont we just spend the money to go see a naturopath to obtain simple, easy supplements with these vitamins and minerals? Really, theres nothing wrong with seeing a naturopath or a nutritionist. The problem is that youre going to throw down: a. Several hundred dollars on the consultation b. Easily $700.00 in supplements c. And you havent even purchased healthy groceries yet! You dont need to spend thousands of dollars to do a cleanse. If youd spend the $700.00 on supplements from the health food stores on actual foods that are good for you it could last some people two whole months! Ultimately, what youre doing with the Easy 3-Day Detox Diet is reinforcing what the body is naturally designed to do. If your Detox Diet is basically taking the first two meals of your day and getting rid of them, for instance you arent going to start the day with cereal and munch on a bagel at 10 a.m., youre going to really need to replace the carb habit or chocolate milk mornings with something satisfying. This is another reason juicing is an awesome option for replacing your previous meals with detoxifying meals. You can use the blender or food-processer you already have if you dont have a juicer, no problem. Worried about your 10 a.m. energy-drop? DONT BE! Youll find that juicing one apple, one banana, maybe a squeezed lime and two handfuls of spinach will beget an entire liter of green smoothie. This will last you a couple of hours and will sustain you much better than a two minute McMuffin-load that leaves you crashing in minutes. What youre also going to recognize here is that were not REMOVING foods in order to effectively detox were SUBSTITUTING them.


This way you arent going to feel the starvation or withdrawal that you might with other more restrictive cleanses and diets. Experts who understand the psychology behind a successful diet plan will recognize this SUB-IN, SUB-OUT philosophy as a GREAT way to help you stay on track without feeling perpetually deprived, hungry, and restricted.


Taking the Easy 3-Day Detox to the Next Level Phase One:
So youve cut your grains, dairy and stimulants for 3 days and youre ready to step it up. Now well introduce a more intermediate cleanse this is the phenomenal program outlined at Yuri Elkaim, co-creator of the Easy 3 Day Detox program, has coached thousands of clients through his holistic cleansing program. He shares some of the secrets from his Ultimate Cleanse Program in these remaining few chapters. He refers to this as a Level II Cleanse. For those of you who have no problem removing the grains, dairy and stimulants from your diet in the Easy 3-Day Detox, youll have a much easier time advancing your cleanse. The next level of cleansing involves removing sweet fruit from your diet for at least a two-week time period. Fruit is a terrific food source and is never a bad source of nourishment. However, some of the sweeter tropical fruits like pineapple, bananas, and mangos are very high in sugar. These fruits can reinforce our cravings for bad sugars. Therefore, focus on the non-sweet or semi-sweet fruits such as apples, pears, and berries. These are still GREAT for you without the spike in blood sugar levels. It is important at this level to get people over their sugar cravings and its VITAL to your overall well-being to get away from foods containing processed sugars altogether.


Phase Two:
The next level is to eat raw foods. This isnt sushi or Carpaccio, per se. And it especially isnt eating raw chicken or pork! Eating raw foods involves consuming fruits and vegetables in their raw states. Avoid: 4. Steaming 5. Sauting 6. or heating the food above approximately 104 degrees. For 90% of the population this involves more smoothies and salads in their diets. For the hard-core raw foodies this includes raw foods pizzas, raw foods lasagnas, and hundreds of versions of delicious raw foods soups. Restaurants are literally popping up everywhere that tout foods with VITALITY and ENERGY. Theyre going beyond purees and crudits to offer courses in raw foods cooking, rawism or living foods workshops. Naturally your sweet potato isnt going to be digestible sliced on a salad but in a blender itll make a phenomenal sweet soup! Raw vegetables are jam packed with food enzymes that aid in the digestive process. In addition, they possess a veritable life force in their raw state. *** This life force found in raw vegetables is destroyed with the cooking processand so are the food enzymes! ***


Just take a look at the difference between these special images that can actually view energy spectrums (shown here in purple) from cooked broccoli on the left and raw organic broccoli on the right

Steamed Broccoli Life Force

Raw Organic Broccoli Life Force

Which would YOU rather have nourishing your body? In fact, eating cooked vegetables is sometimes harder for your body to digest than raw vegetables. Improve your digestion, vitality, and overall well-being by incorporating more raw foods into your diet. Remember: your body leans towards being overly-acidic. This is especially due to a diet heavy in grains, animal products, and processed foods. Acid in the body is related to disease. Phase II is meant to bring your body into an alkaline state, which is the opposite of acidic. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables is going to alkalize our bodies. The BEST foods for alkalization are Green Leafy Vegetables such as:


Broccoli Spinach Swiss Chard The alkalinity purifies our bodies and helps you feel incredible. When juicing, you can consume a ton of parsley, bunches of spinach, and other foods that we dont generally consume in large quantities. Greens, in fact, have more protein per gram than meat. Where else do you find yourself using parsley, for instance? Parsley is incredibly high in iron but you rarely see it outside of a garnish You can make a non-wheat version of a Tabbouli salad using quinoa, or you can pack tons of it into a juicer. Youll find yourself much more easily feeding your body minerals such as iron that it really needs because youve begun juicing. And it helps you stuff a whole lot more nutrients into one easy serving than were you to eat them in a bowl or as a plate of crudits! If you dont juice now, during phase two youre practically going to want to consider remortgage your house for a good juicer because of how delicious raw vegetable and fruit smoothies can be. And if youre shedding pounds and experiencing skyrocketing energy levels you wont let much get in your way! But whats most important to remember is that just as the Easy 3-Day Detox is done easily in any corner of the earth without the aid of miracle pills and potions, you can use a tiny little food processor OR an eight hundred dollar juicer!


Phase 3:
If there was a Survivor: Detox Challenge; you might be a contestant. For those of you who already consume raw foods that arent smothered in Ranch dressing and whove already begun focusing on fruits and vegetables as your primary food group: this next challenge is for you. Its the 28-Day Cleanse Phase. Youre probably juicing already. Maybe youve even begun eating more organic foods in order to limit your consumption of chemicals and pesticides. Youve perhaps toyed around with the idea of a colon cleanse. The Third Phase of our Easy 3-Day Detox Kick-Up involves a 28-day commitment that people often extend for months, years, or a lifetime! Before beginning your 28-Day Cleanse, however, we recommend you consult a holistic nutritionist. This phase is also known as the Juicing Level or Smoothie Level wherein youre basically going to consume juices and smoothies for the first 14-day period this is the cleanse phase. After the Juicing Level you move into the Maintenance Phase, which is a time when people move into a lifestyle of naturally whole foods. A lot of great holistic nutritionists will actually map out the final 14 days for you so that you can learn how to, well, maintain the Maintenance Phase. The maintenance phase lasts for the remaining 14 days of the 28 day cleanse, or Juicing Level. The following diagram will help you visualize how it looks:


During the Juicing Level phase you should also try an intermittent fast throughout the week where you consume nothing but water for an 18-24 hour period. This is a really significant time for your body to heal itself, which is the foundation upon which a lot of cleansing is based. Fasting is enormously popular today for people who want to: 7. Detoxify their bodies 8. Accelerate fat-burning 9. Generate healing through your bodys natural abilities 10. Achieve mental clarity 11. Improve their skin To really take this the whole nine yards, some cleansing programs will take you on a thirty-day water fast.

Extended water fasts are extreme and should only be done under supervision!


The point is that the upper echelons, either through the Juicing Level or via a fullout Water Fast, provide the body with an environment conducive to working without the interruption of indigestible foods or toxins. Fasting will also help you learn about the psychological ways youre addicted to food because people will notice that after the first skipped meal or two in a fast theyre no longer hungry for days! This is because of our psychological dependence on our next meal or a feeling of security in a full belly. As in fasting, so it is with the Easy 3-Day Detox. The secret mechanism within you to Detoxify is this: Your Body is Always, Always Detoxing so GIVE IT SPACE. To reiterate Q. What is the ONE reason your body can not completely detoxify you from all of the contaminants you drink, eat, smoke, breath and bathe in without this Detox? A. Because its too busy in crisis mode, there are just too many toxins within you for the body to keep up. What the Easy 3-Day Detox does is to give your body a BREAK from elements that take its focus off of cleansing. Overwhelming our systems with indigestible and anti-alkaline diets takes the attention away from our bodies natural healing and digestive powers. Unless you understand WHERE the toxins are coming from, as weve outlined in this book, youll NEVER be able to detox. So, yes. Hollywood celebrities can pay $1 million for a consult with the worlds leading health and fitness gurus. But there is NO potion or powder than can replace the mechanism that is within you to detox. The power to fight toxicity and disease IS within you waiting to be unlocked.


Stick-It-To-The-Man Level
The 28-Day Cleanse, just like the Easy 3-Day Detox, is totally natural: No gimmicks, schemes, or supplements required. It involves giving your body center stage to control functions and promote healing on its own terms. This isnt about finding miracle pills or supplements. Whereas the detox marketers have honed in on a: Supplement-Based Pill-based Corporation-based ... Cleansing Conglomerate The Easy 3-Day Detox program doesnt require any pills, supplementation, or hard-to-find formulas. The corporation says: You want to cleanse? Send a check, well ship you the pills. In two weeks or a months time youre back where you began. In response to this, holistic nutritionists have decided to develop a cleanse that is food-based. Food-based cleanses are sustainable, and the ingredients arent manufactured in a far-off warehouse, but in almost any grocery store you walk into. The Easy 3-Day Detox is a sustainable cleanse that can be utilized bi-annually, bi-monthly, or as a daily lifestyle. Some will choose to move into full-out veganism after reaping benefits from their initial cleanse, which is perfectly okay, too.


Yuri Elkaim has worked with clients including professional athletes for years as a highly sought-after and reputable holistic nutritionist. He reports that 80% of his consulting clients continue the Maintenance Level for a full 5 and 6 months after their initial 2-week Juicing Level. One of the best parts about the Easy 3-Day Detox is looking back at your great accomplishments and saying, in the end: Wow! This is: Totally Sustainable Totally Affordable Totally Delicious Im never going back to ingesting toxic foods and feeling dreadful ever again! Thats the real goal of the Maintenance Phase is to set you off on a lifetime of clean eating and healthy living

*** A life of consistent detoxification isnt about throwing away your checkbook, your social life, and your valuable time into a diet program youll never fully understand. *** The Easy 3 Day Detox is a way to eat, a way to energize, and a way to more fully ENJOY LIFE!

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