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BY LISMIATI 08 231 073


TABLE OF CANTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.2 Problem Statement 1.3 Objective of the Research 1.4 Significance of the Research 1.5 Scope of the Research CHATER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 Concept of learning 2.2 English in computer program 2.3 Hypothesis of the research CHAPTER III METHOD OF THE RESEARCH 3.1 Design of research 3.2 Variables of research 3.3 Population and sample 3.4 Instrument of research 3.5 Tecnique of collecting data 3.6 Tecnique of data analysis BIBLIOGRAPHY


1.1 Background The discussion of students mastery of English and the students ability in learning computer is very interesting. These both things are interesting to discuss, mainly by referring to the communication medium use. The communication medium use English language as mean of communication also used by computer as medium for operating system. The computer as the technology product use English language as the medium of instruction system. By referring to the though above, the researcher puts preliminary assumption that there is positive correlation between mastery of English and students ability in learning computer. As the rationale of this assumption, the researcher want to describe that a student who have much English vocabulary will be easy to understand the instruction of the computer instruction for learning English. This statement is accordance with Warshaer and Haeley (1998 : 127) that appropriately implemented of computer to students can contribute significantly to increase their vocabulary, because computer is also like a virtual library and glossary information. The statement above is relevant with the statement of Kuang Wu-Lee (2000 : 3) explained that English has become a perquisite toward understanding computer. In order with common of English will spend less time understanding computer instruction than those with poor English and computer at the same time, their English vocabulary competence will be helpful to understand the computer software. Based on the opinion above, the researcher may say that by providing computer to the school are not only improving the students language skills. This statement is relevant to Kenning (1990 : 90) that computer provide a range of information, communicative, and publishing tools that are potential to every students. Based the explanations and opinion above, the researcher may say that students who have good English will immediately be easy in learning computer and computer also help to increasing their English language. It is rationale that by using computer as media of teaching improves students knowledge of English. 1.2 Problem statement The problem statement of this research is Students is there any positive correlation between mastery of English and ability in learning computer at second year of SMA Negeri 1 Kapontori ?. 1.3 Objective of the research

The objective of the research is to describe whether there is positive correlation between mastery of English students and ability in learning computer at second year of SMA Negeri 1 Kapontori. 1.4 Significance of the research The significances of the research are follows 1. The result of this research is expected to be an input for school, particulary of SMA Negeri 1 Kapontori. 2. The result of this research is expected that the English teacher use computer as the media teaching of English. 3. The result of this research is expected to be important information to the students by using computer in learning English can improve their knowledge. 1.5 Scope of the research The research will be focused on the correlation between mastery of English and students ability in learning computer at the second year of SMA Negeri 1 Kapontori.


2.1 Concept of learning Learning can be defined as a change of individual behavior that resulted by interaction between individual to individual and between individual with his/her environment. Button (1994) cited by Usman (2000 : 4) that Learning is a change in the individual clue to the instruction of that individual and his environment. Furthermore, Hilgard in his book introduction psychology as cited by Usman (2005 : 5) explained that we may define learning as the process by which an activity change trought responding to a situation, provide the change cant be attributed growth or the temporary states the organism. 2.2 English in computer program Before talking about the role English in computer, the writer would like t express about the function of language. Tarigan (1992) says that : Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada orang lain. Related to the development of technology. Fatturrahman (2000 : 13) says that : Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dapat membawa pengaruh besar dalam bidang elektronik dalam hal ini teknologi computer. Akibat dari pengaruh tersebut maka teknologi computer semakin mengalami kemajuan yang pesat sehingga mendorong berbagai usaha pembaharuan. Perubahan dan pembaharuan bukan hanya ada bentuk dan modelnya, tetapi juga keseluruhan dapat dikatakan bahwa perubahan itu merupakan perubahan system yang mencakup seluruh komponen. The English is one of the foreign language which used as in the international communications media, so that, by using English the nations in the world can perform a good cooperation especially in economics, politics, cultures, and in the technology and science. 2.3 Hypothesis of the research Based on the problem statement, the hypothesis in this research is There is a significant correlation between the mastery of English and students ability in learning computer at second year of SMA Negeri 1 Kapontori.


3.1 Design of research The design that will apply in this research is a descriptive quantitative, design, it means to know the correlation between mastery of English and students ability in learning computer. 3.2 Variables of research The variables that will use in this research cinsist of two variables, they are as follows : 1. Independent variable 2. Dependent variable The mastery of English as independent variable, which symbolized by X and students ability in learning computer as dependent variable, which symbolized by Y. 3.3 Population and sample 3.3.1 population The population that will use in this research is all the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Kapontori. The total of students as the population are 183 students. 3.3.2 Sampel The sample that will be the object in this research is the second year of SMA Negeri 1 Kapontori 3.4

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