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Visual Studio .NET 2003 Convierte un cursor Visual FoxPro en texto XML. CursorToXML(nWorkArea | cTableAlias, cOutput [, nOutputFormat [, nFlags [, nRecords [, cSchemaName [, cSchemaLocation [, cNameSpace ]]]]]]) Devuelve Numrico. EL nmero de bytes escrito en el archivo o variable de memoria. Parmetros nWorkArea Especifica el rea de trabajo de la tabla a partir de la cual se crea la cadena XML. Si se especifica 0 o nada, Visual FoxPro utiliza el rea de trabajo actual. cTableAlias Especifica el alias de la tabla a partir de la cual se crea la cadena XML. cOutput La ruta y el nombre del archivo o el nombre de la variable de memoria a los que se envan los resultados. Si nFlags se establece para el resultado de la variable de memoria (el valor predeterminado), se devuelve el XML a la variable de memoria. Si la variable de memoria no existe, se crear. Si nFlags se establece para el resultado del archivo (512), y el archivo no existe, ste se crear. Si el archivo ya existe, se sobrescribir. Se respeta la configuracin de SAFETY. nOutputFormat Especifica el formato de los resultados de la cadena XML, segn la tabla siguiente:


XML centrado en elementos (valor predeterminado) XML centrado en atributos Genrico, XML centrado en atributos

Especifica el tipo de esquema XML que se produce segn la tabla siguiente:

0 1 2

0000 0001 0010

Descripcin del resultado

XML con formato UTF-8 (valor predeterminado) XML sin formato (cadena continua) Se escriben elementos vacos, con elementos de apertura y de cierre (por ejemplo, <cc04><cc04/>).

4 8 16 32 512

0100 1000 10000 100000 1000000000

Conserva los espacios en blanco de los campos. Ajusta campos Memo en secciones CDATA. Codificacin de resultados Codificacin de resultados cOutput es un nombre de archivo. El valor predeterminado denFlag, 0, crea una variable de memoria.

Nota Cuando la codificacin de resultados es UTF-8 (la predeterminada), la Declaracin XML no contiene el atributo Encoding= (ningn atributo de codificacin = UTF-8). Cuando la codificacin de resultados predeterminada se establece en la Pgina de cdigos del cursor o de la tabla, el atributo de codificacin se escribe de acuerdo con la tabla siguiente. Nota Los indicadores de codificacin se establecen mediante la combinacin de los bits 4 y 5 (0010000).

Indicador de codificacin
+0 +16 +32 +48

Bits 4 y 5
00 01 10 11

Windows 1252 (predeterminado) El atributo de codificacin de los resultados se establece en la pgina de cdigos del cursor. El atributo de codificacin de los resultados se establece en UTF-8, sin conversin de caracteres. El atributo de codificacin de los resultados se establece en UTF-8; los caracteres de doble byte se traducen a UTF8.

La tabla siguiente muestra una lista de pginas de cdigo comunes compatibles con Windows.

Pgina de Plataforma cdigos

932 Windows japons

Atributo de codificacin en la declaracin XML



949 950 1250

Windows coreano Windows chino (Taiwan) Windows de Europa del Este Windows ruso Windows de EE.UU. y Europa Occidental Windows griego Windows turco Windows hebreo Windows rabe MS-DOS MS-DOS, Int MS-DOS, Ruso MS-DOS, Nrdico

iso-2022-kr big5 Windows-1250

o bien ks_c_5601-1987

tenga en cuenta maysculas y minsculas

1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 437 850 866 865

Windows-1251 Windows-1252 Windows-1253 Windows-1254 Windows-1255 Windows-1256 WINDOWS-1252 Windows-1252 Windows-1251 Windows-1252

Nota Cuando se utiliza una codificacin basada en pginas de cdigos(juegos de caracteres tradicionales de byte nico o doble byte de Visual FoxPro), tales como Windows-1252 (cdigo de pgina 1252) o Big5 (cdigo de pgina 950), no es necesaria ninguna otra traduccin de caracteres para una presentacin correcta en Internet Explorer. Nota Cuando la codificacin de los resultados se establece en UTF-8, el resultado establecido puede someterse opcionalmente a una traduccin de caracteres al formato UTF-8. Cuando no hay atributo de codificacin, se asume que el XML es UTF-8, por lo que no es necesario (pero podra ser deseable) agregar el atributo de codificacin UTF-8. Generalmente, para XML: si hay una marca de orden de byte, el formato es Unicode (LE o BE, segn BOM). Si no hay etiqueta de codificacin, el formato es UTF-8. Cuando se establece la codificacin de resultados en UTF-8 (la opcin predeterminada), el conjunto de resultados debe someterse a una traduccin de caracteres al formato UTF-8. Cuando no hay atributo de codificacin, se asume que el XML es UTF-8, por lo que no es necesario (pero podra ser deseable) agregar el atributo de codificacin UTF-8.

nRecords Especifica el nmero de registros que se convertirn en resultados XML. Si nRecords es 0 (la opcin predeterminada), en los resultados se incluyen todos los registros. Si nRecords es mayor que el nmero de registros que quedan en la tabla, se incluyen todos los registros restantes. cSchemaName Especifica el nombre y la ubicacin de la informacin de esquema para los datos de cFileName.

"" "1" <cSchemaName>

Especifica que no se producir ningn esquema. Especifica que se producir un esquema en lnea. Especifica el nombre y la ruta del archivo externo que contendr el esquema (que tiene como alcance el elemento raz del XML).

Si cSchemaName contiene un nombre de archivo, y no se proporciona el parmetro cSchemaLocation o se deja en blanco, el contenido de cSchemaName se escribe en el atributo xsi:schemaLocation o xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation en el XML. En el cdigo siguiente, Visual FoxPro genera un archivo XML genrico, myxmlfile.xml, a partir de labels.dbf del alias "Labels" y el archivo de esquema mySchema, en la misma carpeta. CursorToXML("LABELS", "myXMLFile.xml", 1, 512, 0, "mySchema.xsd") Si se especifica "", en lugar de "mySchema", no se produce ningn esquema; si se especifica "1", como en el ejemplo siguiente, se produce un esquema en lnea: CursorToXML("LABELS", "myXMLFile.xml", 1, 512, 0, "1") cSchemaLocation Especifica una ubicacin opcional donde la aplicacin que lee los datos XML debera buscar el archivo de esquema. El contenido de cSchemaLocation se escribe en el atributo xsi:schemaLocation o xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation de los datos XML producidos. Utilice este parmetro slo cuando est desplegando el esquema en una ubicacin distinta a la de los datos XML. cSchemaLocation puede ser una direccin http u otra URL. Deber copiar el archivo de esquema en la ubicacin que especific encSchemaLocation. Por ejemplo: CursorToXML("LABELS", "myXMLFile.xml", 1, 512, 0, ; "mySchema.xsd", "") producir datos XML que contienen el atributo siguiente: xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=""

Si cSchemaName est en blanco, especificar cSchemaLocation har que se escriban los mismos atributos en los datos XML. Esto le permite sealar a un esquema existente sin recrear el esquema cada vez que se llama a CursorToXML. cNamespace Especifica el nombre del archivo xml o el esquema que se va a producir. La cadena vaca, "", es el valor predeterminado. Si no se especifica el parmetro cNamespace y el esquema es externo, en el esquema no se escribe ninguna declaracin de espacio de nombres. Si no se especifica ningn parmetro cNamespace y el esquema est en lnea, el valor de targetNamespace en el esquema se establece en "", la cadena vaca. Si se especifica cNameSpace, el atributo targetNamespace se establece en el mismo valor y se agrega al esquema el atributo elementFormDefault="qualified". Observaciones El resultado de CursorToXML( ) se adhiere al orden de ndice del cursor, SET FIELDS TO, y a las configuraciones de filtro actuales. Esta funcin no conserva la ubicacin del cursor. Despus de la llamada, el puntero del registro del cursor informa de EOF si todos los registros se incluyeron ya en los resultados o apuntar al ltimo registro de los resultados de XML si no se incluyeron an todos los registros. Si cSchemaName incluye una URL, el esquema se escribe en el directorio actual; debe cargarse en el servidor para permitir el acceso al explorador o el analizador. Los esquemas externos se escriben siempre en la misma ubicacin que el archivo XML. Cuando se utilizan conjuntos de caracteres de un solo byte, la codificacin predeterminada, Windows-1252, no necesita ninguna traduccin ms de caracteres para mostrarse correctamente en Internet Explorer. Tanto Unicode como UTF-8 necesitan que el conjunto de resultados se someta a una traduccin de caracteres al formato adecuado y, si se especific que los resultados se guarden en un archivo, que se escriba en el archivo la BOM (Byte Order Mark) correspondiente Unicode o UTF-8, para designar el tipo de archivo como Unicode o UTF-8.

Visual Studio 2005 Other Versions

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Mirrors changes made in a buffered table or cursor in an XML UpdateGram and returns a character string that contains the UpdateGram. An XML UpdateGram represents the before and after conditions of the changed portion of a Visual FoxPro table or cursor. Through additional processes, you can use an UpdateGram to commit these changes to the data represented by the XML UpdateGram document.

To use XMLUPDATEGRAM( ), you must use SET MULTILOCKS ON and enable table buffering.

Before calling XMLUPDATEGRAM( ), you should specify the key field list by calling CURSORSETPROP( ) with the KeyFieldList property against existing cursors and tables. If you do not specify key fields, both the before and after representations contains all the fields in the table. If you specify one or more key fields, only those fields appear in the before section.
XMLUPDATEGRAM( [ cAliasList [, nFlags [, cSchemaLocation]]]) Parameters cAliasList Specifies a comma-separated list of open tables or cursors, listed either by name or work area numbers in any combination, to include in the XML UpdateGram. If you specify no value or an empty string ("") forcAliasList, Visual FoxPro uses all open tables and cursors in the current data session that contain buffered changes. nFlags Specifies whether to return a formatted file. The following table lists the additive flags for nFlags.


0000 0001 0010

Output description
(Default) Use UTF-8 formatted XML. Use unformatted, for example, continuous string XML. Enclose empty elements with both open and closing elements, for

0 1 2

example, <cc04><cc04/>. 4 8 16 32 0100 1000 10000 100000 Preserve white space in fields. Wrap Memo fields in CDATA sections. Output encoding. Output encoding. Indicates that a code page should be used.

32768 none

When output encoding is UTF-8 (default), the XML Declaration does not contain an Encoding= attribute (no encoding attribute = UTF-8).
When output encoding is set to default to the code page of the cursor or table, the encoding attribute will be written according to the following table.

Encoding flags are set by combining bits 4 and 5 (0010000).

Encoding flag
+0 +16 +32 +48

Bits 4 and 5
00 01 10 11

(Default) Windows 1252 Set output encoding attribute to the code page of the cursor. Set output encoding attribute to UTF-8 (no character translation). Set output encoding attribute to UTF-8 and translate double-byte characters to UTF-8.

Specifies the name and location of the mapping schema, if it exists.

You must supply the mapping schema.
For example, suppose you pass the a schema called mySchema.xsd to cSchemaLocation, the UpdateGram created contains a mapping schema attirbute as it appears in the following XML: <ROOT xmlns:updg="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-updategram"> <updg:sync mapping-schema="mySchema.xsd" >

Return Value


Character data type. XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) returns a character string that contains the XML UpdateGram.

You can use XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) with the OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro. However, the_VFP VFPXMLProgID property is not supported because the _VFP system variable is not supported in the OLD EB Provider.

To use the Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider with XMLUPDATEGRAM( ), you must install MSXML 3.0 on the computer with the OLE DB Provider.
SQL Server and Visual Studio support the DiffGram format for updating XML. However, SQL XML requires a mapping schema to support this format. Therefore, XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) does not support this format. To avoid possible errors generated by XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) on tables containing Memo or General fields, use the CURSORSETPROP( ) function. The following example shows how to include memo data in an XML UpdateGram by setting the KeyFieldList property using CURSORSETPROP( ): SET MULTILOCKS ON CREATE CURSOR Test (mField M, cField I AUTOINC) INSERT INTO Test (mField) VALUES ("123456789") INSERT INTO Test (mField) VALUES ("23456789") INSERT INTO Test (mField) VALUES ("3456789") INSERT INTO Test (mField) VALUES ("456789") CURSORSETPROP("Buffering",5) CURSORSETPROP("keyfieldlist",'cField') UPDATE Test SET mField = "XXXXXXX" WHERE cField < 3 STRTOFILE(XMLUPDATEGRAM(),'xmlupdate.txt') MODIFY FILE xmlupdate.txt RETURN To write memo data in the XML UpdateGram to SQL Server, you must use an explicit schema on the SQL Server and reference the schema in the XML UpdateGram. Unlike the CURSORTOXML( ) function, XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) disregards SET FIELDS statements and reads from the underlying cursor directly. To change the table structure before calling XMLUPDATEGRAM( ), you must copy the data into a new cursor. For example, to change a Numeric field to a Currency field, the following example uses a SQL SELECT statement to create a new cursor and uses that cursor with XMLUPDATEGRAM( ). The example makes the Total_Price field a currency field, enables buffering with CURSORSETPROP( ), adds sales tax with the REPLACE command, and creates an XML UpdateGram using the XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) function.

SELECT OrderID, CustID, NTOM(Total_Price) as Total_Price; FROM Orders INTO CURSOR New_Orders READWRITE CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 5, "New_Orders") REPLACE Total_Price WITH (Total_Price * 1.083) cXMLUpdg = XMLUPDATEGRAM("New_Orders") When using flag 32768, the flag's 16 and 32 settings can affect which code page is applied depending on the type of data you are writing to XML. The following tables show the possible combinations of settings and the code page each combination applies. For XML documents written with the 32768 flag set, the following code pages are applied.

Flag 16 Not set

Flag 32 Not set

Flag 32768 is Set XML documents: Window-1252. Unicode data: code page 1252. Character data: default code page, unless a field is marked as NOCPTRANS.

True Not (.T) set

XML documents: Plus-CodePage property of the cursor. If XMLField CodePage property is greater than zero (0) and it doesnt match the cursors code page, an error is reported. Unicode data: the Code page property of the cursor object. Character data: none. Raw data from the Visual FoxPro tables (.dbf) are used instead.

Not set


XML documents: UTF-8 code page. Unicode data: UTF-8 code page. Character data: Default code page unless field is marked as NOCPTRANS, in which case no additional character translation to UTF-8 occurs.



XML documents: UTF-8 code page. Unicode data: UTF-8 code page. Character data: default code page unless a field is marked as NOCPTRANS, in which case the data are translated to UTF-8 using the SYS(3005) setting.

For XML documents written without setting the 32768 flag, the following code pages are applied.

Flag 16 Not set

Flag 32 Not set

Without the 32768 flag XML documents: Window-1252. Unicode data: code page 1252. Character data: default code page unless a field is marked as NOCPTRANS.

True (.T)

Not set

XML documents: CodePage property of the cursor. Character data: none. Raw data from the Visual FoxPro tables (.dbf) are used instead. Unicode data: code page property of the cursor object.

Not set


XML documents: UTF-8 code page. Unicode data: UTF-8 code page. Character data: default code page unless field is marked as NOCPTRANS, in which case no additional character translation to UTF-8 occurs.



XML documents: UTF-8 code page. Unicode data: UTF-8 code page. Character data: default code page unless field is marked as NOCPTRANS, in which case, they are translated to UTF-8 using code page for the current SYS(3005) setting.

Visual Studio 2005 Converts XML text into a Visual FoxPro cursor or table. XMLTOCURSOR(eExpression | cXMLFile [, cCursorName [, nFlags ]]) Parameters eExpression Specifies the XML text or an expression that evaluates to valid XML data. The eExpression parameter can be a Visual FoxPro memory variable, memo field contents, the return from an HTTP request, the return result from a SOAP method call, XML from the XMLDOM, or an ADO stream.

XMLTOCURSOR( ) generates an error if eExpression is not found or if eExpression does not parse to valid XML.

Specifies the name, and, optionally, the path of a physical XML file that resides on your local computer or network. If you do not specify a path, Visual FoxPro searches the path along the Visual FoxPro directory for the XML file. cCursorName Specifies the name of the cursor to store the result and creates the cursor in the current work area. If the cursor name already exists or is open, Visual FoxPro closes the cursor and creates a new one in an unused work area. If you omit or pass an empty string ("") for cCursorName, Visual FoxPro creates a cursor named "XMLRESULT" for returning the result. If cCursorName contains data and nFlags is set to 8192, Visual FoxPro appends the data being imported from the XML file to the existing table or cursor. The table or cursor must be open or in use. IfcCursorName is an empty string (""), Visual FoxPro imports XML into the table or cursor that is open in the current work area. nFlags Specifies how XMLSource eExpression is handled in XMLTOCURSOR( ). The following table describes the values for nFlags.


0000 0100 01000000000

(Default) Treats the first parameter as a string containing XML data. Preserves white space in data and overrides the xml:space attribute of the XML data. Specifies that the first parameter, either an eExpression or a cXMLFile, is a string containing the name and path of an XML data file. NOCPTRANS Creates Character and Memo fields in the resultant cursor with the NOCPTRANS option and inserts the text or XML values in the incoming elements into the Character or Memo field on an untranslated, byte-for-byte basis. When used with flag 1024, XMLTOCURSOR( ) returns a string padded with trailing spaces equal to the actual string, that is, a string twice the length.

0 4 512





Use when the imported schema has an XML schema definition (XSD) schema containing decimal data type with restrictions, or facets, of totalDigits="19" and fractionDigits="4."

XSD data type values are mapped to the Visual FoxPro Currency data type in the resulting cursor. 4096 1000000000000 Disables base64 decoding. In Visual FoxPro, base64 encoding is intended for encoding only binary data. 8192 1100000000 Specifies that cCursorName is the name or alias of an existing table or cursor and imports the data from the specified XML file into an existing table or predefined cursor. If cCursorName contains data, the data imported from the XML file is appended to the existing data. If cCursorName is an empty string (""), the data from the XML file is imported into the table or cursor in the current work area. Setting nFlags to 8192 can be useful when an XML schema is not available or not practical for use. Indicates that a code page should be used. Maps XML Char fields to native Fox Varchar fields. If not specified, XML Char fields are mapped to Fox Character fields. Maps XML base64Binary fields to native Fox Varbinary fields if less than 255 bytes or Blob fields if greater than this length. If not specified, XML base64Binary fields are mapped to Fox Memo fields.

32768 0x8000 65536 0x10000 13107 0x20000 2

When you use flag 8192, be aware of the following: You must make sure the table schema matches the incoming XML elements in the appropriate manner. Visual FoxPro enforces the data types in cCursorName as described in the Data Type Matching table in this topic but makes no other assumptions about data types. Attempting to import incompatible values generates the appropriate message. If the XML contains or references a schema, and the data types in the schema conflict with the data types of the cursor or table, the data types in the cursor or table are used. Element names in the XML file are mapped to the column names in cCursorName. In addition, Visual FoxPro imports only data from the element names in the XML file that match the column names in cCusorName. The cursor or table can have fewer columns than those in the XML file, but it must have at least one matching column. The cursor or table can have additional columns that do not correspond to an element in the XML file.

If the table contains autoincrementing fields, XMLTOCURSOR( ) fails if AUTOINCERROR is set to ON. Setting AUTOINCERROR to OFF or turning off autoincrementing in the target table by usingCURSORSETPROP( ) allows XMLTOCURSOR( ) to succeed. The target table's autoincrementing field or fields are incremented according to the values specified, and the values in the source table are not copied. The following table describes data type matching restrictions when setting nFlags to 8192.

Visual FoxPro data type


Character, Character(Binary), Memo,Memo (Binary Accepts any data but truncates any ) data exceeding the length of a Character column. Currency Accepts numeric data within accepted range of the Currency type but truncates numbers outside this range. Accepts XML format date and dateTime values. Visual FoxPro converts the XML date and dateTime formats to the corresponding Visual FoxPro date. Visual FoxPro preserves only the M/D/Y portion of the XML date or dateTime value. DateTime Accepts XML format date and dateTime values. Visual FoxPro converts the XML date and dateTime formats to the corresponding Visual FoxPro date and discards precision beyond the extent supported by Visual FoxPro. Double Accepts numeric data within the accepted range of the Double type but truncates numbers outside this range. Accepts integer data within the accepted range of the Integer type but truncates numbers outside this



range. Logical Numeric, Float Accepts the values True, .T., 1, False, .F., and 0. Accepts numeric data with or without decimals but truncates numbers outside the accepted range for these types according to Visual FoxPro rules or replaces with the numeric overflow indicator ("*************").

Return Value
Numeric data type. XMLTOCURSOR( ) returns the number of records created.

You can use XMLTOCURSOR( ) with the OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro. However, the _VFP VFPXMLProgIDproperty is not supported because the _VFP system variable is not supported in the OLE DB Provider.

To use the Visual FoxPro OLE DB Provider with XMLTOCURSOR( ), you must install MSXML 3.0 on the computer with the OLE DB Provider.
XMLTOCURSOR( ) generates a syntax error for record lengths greater than approximately 160 columns. The exact number of columns that cause an error depends on the length of the column names. XMLTOCURSOR( ) does not use the Varchar type when creating a cursor from an XML document. However,XMLTOCURSOR( ) supports appending data into an existing cursor with Varchar fields. When calling XMLTOCURSOR( ) in append mode, Visual FoxPro adds an empty row if no XML element name matches any table or cursor column. XMLTOCURSOR( ) converts Decimal data type to Numeric 20,19 (width, precision). In versions prior to Visual FoxPro 8.0, Decimal mapped to Numeric 8,0. Numeric Overflow Conditions XMLTOCURSOR( ) imports XML data containing Visual FoxPro numeric overflow conditions, for example, "*******", in place of a numeric or integer value. If a schema is provided, Visual FoxPro creates the correct data type in the resulting cursor but changes the overflow from asterisk (*) characters to 0.0 or 0 values. Therefore, the XML parser used by XMLTOCURSOR( ) does not throw an error as a result of character values stored in a decimal type element.

For more information about converting XML to Visual FoxPro data, see Converting Between XML and Visual FoxPro Data.

Converting Between XML and Visual FoxPro Data

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Visual Studio 2005 You can exchange data more easily with other applications by converting Visual FoxPro data to XML format. Visual FoxPro includes the following functions so you can convert data between XML and Visual FoxPro format: CURSORTOXML( ) Function XMLTOCURSOR( ) Function XMLUPDATEGRAM( ) Function

You must have the Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) parser installed before you can use the Visual FoxPro XML functions.
The following sections discuss considerations when converting between XML and Visual FoxPro data: Processing XML Data in Variables or Strings Instead of Files XML String Conversion Importing and Exporting XML Using Schemas You can override the internal functionality of the CURSORTOXML( ), XMLTOCURSOR( ), andXMLUPDATEGRAM( ) functions by referencing a COM component using the VFPXMLProgID property. For more information, see VFPXMLProgID Property. Visual FoxPro supports hierarchically formatted XML for XML DiffGram and .NET Framework ADO.NET DataSet formats by providing the XMLAdapter, XMLTable, and XMLField classes. For more information, see XML Functionality Using XMLAdapters.

Processing XML Data in Variables or Strings Instead of Files

XMLTOCURSOR( ) processes data differently from a variable or string than from a file. When converting XML to a cursor, the method used to pass XML to the function affects how double-byte character sets (DBCS) characters in the XML are handled. DBCS characters are interpreted correctly when using a file for XMLSource. However, if you need to use a memory variable or string, you can force interpretation to DBCS by using the following code inXMLTOCURSOR( ): STRCONV(string,11)

The following example opens the Visual FoxPro sample Customer table located in the Visual FoxPro ..\Samples\Data\ directory and converts the data in the Customer table and saves the data in the table to a memory variable, lcXML, as XML: CLEAR CLOSE DATABASES ALL USE HOME()+'samples\data\customer' CURSORTOXML('customer','lcXML',1,48,5,"","","") The following line inserts incorrect characters in the resulting cursor: XMLTOCURSOR(lcXML,"curCustomerList",4) The following line uses the STRCONV( ) function and converts the XML to DBCS data correctly, opens a browse window for the table: XMLTOCURSOR(STRCONV(lcXML,11),"curCustomerList",4) BROWSE

XML String Conversion

XMLTOCURSOR( ) does not perform automatic conversions of XML strings, for example, from ANSI to UTF-8. This might occur when reading an XML string from a file. To perform a conversion, use the STRCONV( ) function. The following example demonstrates the parse error that occurs when Visual FoxPro encounters the first ASCII character: CLOSE DATABASE ALL USE HOME(2)+"\data\customer" CURSORTOXML("customer","lcXML",1,32) STRTOFILE(lcXML,"customer.xml") XMLTOCURSOR("customer.xml","curCustomer",512) RETURN You can prevent the parse error generated by converting the string to UTF-8 when the XML is written or when it is written to the file. The following example converts the string to UTF-8 as it is being written to the file by using theSTRCONV( ) function with the STRTOFILE( ) function: CLOSE DATABASE ALL USE HOME(2)+"\data\customer" CURSORTOXML("customer","lcXML",1,32) STRTOFILE(STRCONV(lcXML,9),"customer.xml") XMLTOCURSOR("customer.xml","curCustomer",512) RETURN In the example, you can use a value of 48 for the nFlag parameter in the STRCONV( ) function to create the XML encoded as UTF-8. However, this does not work for XML provided from an external source or with XML that is not generated with the CURSORTOXML( ) function. For more information, see STRCONV( ) Function.

Importing and Exporting XML Using Schemas

When you import XML using the XMLTOCURSOR( ) function, Visual FoxPro uses an external or internal schema, if available, to determine the cursor or table structure before making a single pass to convert the data. When no schema is provided, Visual FoxPro makes two passes through the XML data: the first pass determines the data structure in the best possible way and the second to perform the conversion. The XML must generally conform to a format that can be interpreted as a table in addition to being well-formed. Well-formed XML that is not easily deconstructed into a table format will fail to import. The following is an example of XSD schema generated by the Visual FoxPro CURSORTOXML( ) function: <?xml version = "1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes"?> <xsd:schema id="VFPSchema" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xsd:element name="atxm"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:all> <xsd:element name="ikey" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:int"/> <xsd:element name="nc00" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:decimal"> <xsd:precision value="10"/> <xsd:scale value="4"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="mc03" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:maxLength value="2147483647"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="cc04" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:maxLength value="128"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="lc05" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:boolean"/> <xsd:element name="fc06" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:double"/> <xsd:element name="yc07" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:decimal"/> <xsd:element name="ic08" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:int"/> <xsd:element name="bc09" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:double"/> <xsd:element name="dc10" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:date"/> <xsd:element name="tc11" minOccurs="0"

type="xsd:timeInstant"/> <xsd:element name="ts12" minOccurs="0"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:binary"> <xsd:encoding value="base64"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> </xsd:all> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element name="VFPData" msdata:lsDataSet="true"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded"> <xsd:element ref="atxm"/> </xsd:choice> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:schema> Currently, Visual FoxPro exports XML in the following formats: Element-centric Each field in a resulting or source cursor or table is represented by a sub-element of the top-level element. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" standalone="yes" ?> <!-- Note targetNamespace in root (VfpData) element. If set to default (""), xmlns attrib is not written --> <VfpData xmlns=""> <alltypesxm> <ikey>2</ikey> <nc00>1.1111</nc00> <mc03>H1111111111111111111</mc03> <cc04>H111111111111111111</cc04> <lc05>true</lc05> <fc06>-1111000</fc06> <yc07>-111111111.1111</yc07> <ic08>-11111111</ic08> <bc09>-111111111111.1</bc09> <dc10>1999-03-02T08:00:00</dc10> <tc11>1999-03-02T09:01:01</tc11> <ts12>AAAAAAAAAr8=</ts12> </alltypesxm> </VfpData> Attribute-centric The cursor is identified by the keyword "VFPData" and each field in a resulting or source cursor or table is represented by an attribute of the VFPData element. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252" ?> <!-- Note targetNamespace in root element --> <VFPData xmlns=""> <atxm_attr ikey="2" nc00="12345.1111" mc03="H1111111111111111111" cc04="H111111111111111111" lc05="1" fc06="-1111000.0000" yc07="-111111111.1111" ic08="-11111111"

bc09="-111111111111.100000" dc10="1999-03-02" tc11="1999-03-02T01:01:01" ts12="AAAAAAAAAr0=" /> <atxm_attr ikey="3" nc00="2.1111" mc03="H2222222222222222222" cc04="H222222222222222222" lc05="1" fc06="22220000.0000" yc07="2222222222.2222" ic08="222222222" bc09="222222222222.2200000" tc11="2000-10-03T02:02:02" ts12="AAAAAAAAAr8=" /> </VFPData> Raw Each row in a resulting or source cursor or table is represented by an XML element with the generic identifier "row", and each column value is mapped to an attribute of the row element where the attribute name is equal to the column name. This format is identical to Attribute-centric except for "row" as the name of the top-level element. <?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Note no targetNamespace in root element --> <VFPData> <row CustomerID="CACTU" CompanyName="Cactus Comidas para llevar" ContactName="Patricio Simpson" ContactTitle="Sales Agent" Address="Cerrito 333" City="Buenos Aires" PostalCode="1010" Country="Argentina" Phone="(1) 135-5555" Fax="(1) 135-4892"/> </VFPData>

Visual FoxPro and XML Schema Data Type Mapping

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Visual Studio 2005 The following tables describe the following default data type mappings between Visual FoxPro and XML schema data types: XML Schema Primitive Data Types to Visual FoxPro Data Types XML Schema Derived Types to Visual FoxPro Data Types Visual FoxPro Data Types to XML Schema Definition (XSD) Data Types XML Schema Definition (XSD) Data Types to Visual FoxPro Data Types XML Data Reduced (XDR) Schema Data Types to Visual FoxPro Data Types XML Schema Primitive Data Types to Visual FoxPro Data Types

XML data Facets type

anyURI length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace


Visual FoxPro data type

Memo. Visual FoxPro applies a hyperlink to a URI in a Memo.

Represents a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as defined by RFC 2396. An anyURI value can be absolute or relative and might have an optional fragment identifier.

base64Binary length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace boolean date

Represents base64-encoded arbitrary Memo (Binary), binary data. A base64Binary is the set Varbinary or of finite-length sequences of binary Blob octets.

pattern, whiteSpace Represents Boolean values, which are Logical either true or false. enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, Represents a calendar date. The pattern for date is CCYY-MM-DD with an optional time zone indicator as allowed for dateTime. Date


Represents a specific instance of time. DateTime The pattern for dateTime is CCYYMM-DDThh:mm:ss where CC

maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace

represents the century, YY the year, MM the month, and DD the day, preceded by an optional leading negative (-) character to indicate a negative number. If the negative character is omitted, positive (+) is assumed. The T is the date/time separator and hh, mm, and ss represent hour, minute, and second respectively. Additional digits can be used to increase the precision of fractional seconds if desired. For example, the format with any number of digits after the decimal point is supported. The fractional seconds part is optional. This representation may be immediately followed by a "Z" to indicate Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or to indicate the time zone. For example, the difference between the local time and Coordinated Universal Time, immediately followed by a sign, + or -, followed by the difference from UTC represented as hh:mm (minutes is required). If the time zone is included, both hours and minutes must be present.


enumeration, Represents arbitrary precision pattern, totalDigits, numbers. fractionDigits, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace pattern, enumeration, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, Represents double-precision 64-bit floating-point numbers.

Numeric, Currency, or Character



whiteSpace duration enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace Represents duration of time. The Character pattern for duration is (C(30)) PnYnMnDTnHnMnS, where nY represents the number of years, nM the number of months, nD the number of days, T the date/time separator, nH the number of hours, nM the number of minutes, and nS the number of seconds. For example, to indicate a duration of 1 year, 2 months, 3 days, 10 hours, and 30 minutes, you write: P1Y2M3DT10H30M. You could also indicate a duration of minus 120 days as -P120D. float pattern, enumeration, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace Represents single-precision 32-bit floating-point numbers. Double


Represents a Gregorian day that Character recurs, specifically a day of the (C(10)) month, such as the fifth day of the month. A gDay is the space of a set of calendar dates. Specifically, it is a set of one-day long, monthly periodic instances. The pattern for gDay is --DD with an optional time zone indicator as allowed for date.


enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace

Represents a Gregorian month that recurs every year. A gMonth is the space of a set of calendar months. Specifically, it is a set of one-month long, yearly periodic instances. The pattern for gMonth is -MM- with

Character (C(10))

an optional time zone indicator as allowed for date. gMonthDay enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace Represents a specific Gregorian date Character that recurs, specifically a day of the (C(10)) year, such as the third of May. A gMonthDay is the set of calendar dates. Specifically, it is a set of oneday long, annually periodic instances. The pattern for gMonthDay is --MMDD with an optional time zone indicator as allowed for date. Represents a Gregorian year. A set of Character one month-long, nonperiodic (C(15)) instances. The pattern for gYear is CCYY with an optional time zone indicator as allowed for dateTime. Represents a specific Gregorian Character month in a specific Gregorian year. A (C(15)) set of one month-long, nonperiodic instances. The pattern for gYearMonth is CCYYMM with an optional time zone indicator. Represents arbitrary hex-encoded Memo (Binary) binary data. A hexBinary is the set of finite-length sequences of binary octets. Each binary octet is encoded as a character tuple, consisting of two hexadecimal digits ([0-9a-fA-F]) representing the octet code. Memo


enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace

gYearMonth enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace hexBinary length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace

NOTATION length, enumeration, Represents a NOTATION attribute pattern, maxLength, type. A set of QNames. minLength, whiteSpace QName length, enumeration, Represents a qualified name. A


pattern, maxLength, qualified name is composed of a minLength, prefix and a local name separated by a whiteSpace colon. Both the prefix and local names must be an NCName. The prefix must be associated with a namespace Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference, using a namespace declaration. string length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace Represents character strings. Character when maxLength is specified and less than 255 characters. Otherwise, Memo. Character (C(20))


enumeration, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, whiteSpace

Represents an instance of time that recurs every day. The pattern for time is hh:mm:ss.sss with an optional time zone indicator.

XML Schema Derived Types to Visual FoxPro Data Types

XML data type Facets


Visual FoxPro data type


enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace length, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace

Represents an integer with a Integer minimum value of -128 and maximum of 127. This data type is derived from short.


Represents the ENTITIES attribute Character, if type and contains a set of values of maxLength is type ENTITY. specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo.


length, enumeration, pattern, maxLength, minLength, whiteSpace

Represents the ENTITY attribute type in XML 1.0 Recommendation. This is a reference to an unparsed entity with a name that matches the specified name. An ENTITY must be an NCName and must be declared in the schema as an unparsed entity name. This data type is derived from NCName. Represents the ID attribute type defined in the XML 1.0 Recommendation. The ID must be a no-colon-name (NCName) and must be unique within an XML document. This data type is derived from NCName. Represents a reference to an element that has an ID attribute that matches the specified ID. An IDREF must be an NCName and must be a value of an element or attribute of type ID within the XML document. This data type is derived from NCName.

Character, if maxLength is specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo.


length, enumeration, pattern, maxLength, minLength, whiteSpace length, enumeration, pattern, maxLength, minLength, whiteSpace

Character, if maxLength is specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo. Character, if maxLength is specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo.



length, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace enumeration, fractionDigits,

Represents the IDREFS attribute Character, if type and contains a set of values of maxLength is type IDREF. specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo. Represents an integer with a Integer minimum value of -2147483648 and maximum of 2147483647. This data type is derived from long.



Represents a sequence of decimal Integer, if digits with an optional leading sign totalDigits is

pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace language length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace

(+ or -). This data type is derived from decimal.

less than 10. Otherwise, Character with totalDigits respected.

Represents natural language identifiers (defined by RFC 1766). This data type is derived from token.

Character, if maxLength is specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo. Integer, if totalDigits is less than 10. Otherwise, Character with totalDigits respected.


Represents an integer with a minimum value of -9223372036854775808 and maximum of 9223372036854775807. This data type is derived from integer.


Represents names in XML. A Name is a token that begins with a letter, underscore, or colon and continues with name characters (letters, digits, and other characters). This data type is derived from token. Represents noncolonized names. This data type is the same as Name, except it cannot begin with a colon. This data type is derived from Name. Represents an integer that is less than zero and consists of a negative sign (-) and sequence of decimal digits. This data type is derived from nonPositiveInteger.

Character, if maxLength is specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo. Character, if maxLength is specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo. Integer, if totalDigits is less than 10. Otherwise, Character with totalDigits


length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive,


maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace NMTOKEN length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace Represents the NMTOKEN attribute type. An NMTOKEN is set of name characters, such as letters, digits, and other characters, in any combination. Unlike Name and NCName, NMTOKEN has no restrictions on the starting character. This data type is derived from token.


Character, if maxLength is specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo.


length, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace

Represents the NMTOKENS Memo attribute type and contains a set of values of type NMTOKEN.

nonNegativeInteger enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace nonPositiveInteger enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace normalizedString length, pattern, maxLength, minLength, enumeration, whiteSpace

Represents an integer that is greater Integer, if than or equal to zero. This data totalDigits is type is derived from integer. less than 10. Otherwise, Character with totalDigits respected.

Represents an integer that is less than or equal to zero and A nonPositiveInteger consists of a negative sign (-) and sequence of decimal digits. This data type is derived from integer.

Integer, if totalDigits is less than 10. Otherwise, Character with totalDigits respected.

Represents white space normalized Character, if strings. This data type is derived maxLength is from string. specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo.


enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace enumeration, pattern, length, minLength, maxLength, whiteSpace enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace

Represents an integer that is greater Integer, if than zero. This data type is derived totalDigits is from nonNegativeInteger. less than 10. Otherwise, Character with totalDigits respected.


Represents tokenized strings. This Character, if data type is derived from maxLength is normalizedString. specified and less than 255. Otherwise, Memo. Represents an integer with a Integer minimum value of -32768 and maximum of 32767. This data type is derived from int.



Represents an integer with a Integer minimum of zero and maximum of 255. This data type is derived from unsignedShort.


Represents an integer with a minimum of zero and maximum of 4294967295. This data type is derived from unsignedLong.

Integer, if totalDigits is less than 10. Otherwise, Character with totalDigits respected.


enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace enumeration, fractionDigits, pattern, minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive, totalDigits, whiteSpace

Represents an integer with a minimum of zero and maximum of 18446744073709551615. This data type is derived from nonNegativeInteger.

Integer, if totalDigits is less than 10. Otherwise, Character with totalDigits respected.


Represents an integer with a Integer minimum of zero and maximum of 65535. This data type is derived from unsignedInt.

Visual FoxPro Data Types to XML Schema Definition (XSD) Data Types

Visual FoxPro data type


XSD data type Restrictions and sample Comments and examples restriction


<xs:element name="ts12" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary"/> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>

Content is translated to base64 encoding. Maps to SQL Binary.


xs:string Confirm this is electric

<xs:element name="cc04" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="128"/>

</xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>

Character (Binary)

xs:string Confirm this is electric

<xs:element name="cc04" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="128"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>


xs:decimal -1.23, 0, 123, 4, 1000.00

<xs:element name="yc07" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> <xs:totalDigits value="19"/> <xs:fractionDigits value="4"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>

Currency is always 19,4.


xs:date 1999-05-31



xs:dateTime 1999-05-


31T13:20:00.00005:00 Double xs:double -INF, -1E4, -0, 0, 12.78E-2, 12, INF, NaN None The export value should include the maximum scale allowed for double and not be limited to display scale (internal value of double). totalDigits is the number of digits not including decimal point.



<xs:element name="fc06" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> <xs:totalDigits value="14"/> <xs:fractionDigits value="4"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>

General Integer

Not supported xs:int -1, 126789675


xs:boolean true, false, 1, 0

Values are either true and false or 1 and 0.

<xs:element name="mc03" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength



value="2147483647"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>

Memo (Binary)


<xs:element name="ts12" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary"/> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>

Content is translated to base64 encoding. Maps to SQL Binary.


xs:decimal -1.23, 0, 123, 1000.00

<xs:element name="nc00" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:decimal"> <xs:totalDigits value="10"/> <xs:fractionDigits value="4"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element >

totalDigits is the number of digits not including decimal point.



<xs:element name="cc04" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:base64Binary"> <xs:maxLength value="128"/>

Content is translated to base64 encoding.

</xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>


xs:string Confirm this is electric

<xs:element name="cc04" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="128"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>

Varchar (Binary)

xs:string Confirm this is electric

<xs:element name="cc04" minOccurs="0"> <xs:simpleType> <xs:restriction base="xs:string"> <xs:maxLength value="128"/> </xs:restriction> </xs:simpleType> </xs:element>

XML Schema Definition (XSD) Data Types to Visual FoxPro Data Types

XSD data type

xsd:binaryBase64 xsd:boolean xsd:date

Visual FoxPro data type

Memo (Binary) Logical Date

xsd:dateTime xsd:decimal xsd:double xsd:int xsd:string xsd:string (more than 254 characters in length)

DateTime Numeric Double Integer Character Memo

XML Data Reduced (XDR) Schema Data Types to Visual FoxPro Data Types

XDR data Description type

bin.base64 bin.hex boolean Specifies MIME-style Base64-encoded binary data.

Visual XSD type FoxPro data type

Memo (Binary) base64Binary

Specifies hexadecimal-encoded binary data. Memo (Binary) hexBinary Specifies a Boolean value of either 0 or 1. Example: 0 is false and 1 is true. Logical boolean

char date

Specifies a number corresponding to the None Unicode representation of a single character. Specifies the date in a subset of the ISO 8601 format without the time data. Example: "1994-11-05" Date

Not supported date


Specifies a date in a subset of the ISO 8601 DateTime format with optional time and no optional zone. Fractional seconds can be as precise as nanoseconds. Example: "1988-04-07T18:39:09"

dateTime Specifies a date in a subset of the ISO 8601 None format with optional time and optional zone. Fractional seconds can be as precise as nanoseconds. Example: "1988-04-07T18:39:09-08:00"



Specifies a reference to an unparsed entity, requiring a matching <!ENTITY> declaration for each instance of the entity.




Specifies a list of entities delimited by white None space. None

None None

enumeration Similar to nmtoken but with an explicit list of allowed values. Supported on attributes only. Example: "Red Blue Green" fixed.14.4 Specifies a number with no more than fourteen digits to the left of the decimal point and no more than four to the right of the decimal point. Example: 9999.0044 float Specifies a real floating point number. Examples: 111, 3.14, -123.456E+10 i1 Specifies a 1-byte integer with an optional sign ranging from -128 to 127. Examples: 1, 127, -128 i2


decimal 19,4





Specifies a 2-byte integer with optional sign Integer ranging from -32768 to 32767. Examples: 1, 703, -32768



Specifies a 4-byte integer with optional sign Integer ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647 Examples: 1, 703, -32768, 148343, -1000000000



Specifies an 8-byte integer with optional sign ranging from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. Examples: 1, 703, -32768, 1483433434334, -1000000000000000

Character or Integer



Specifies a value that identifies an attribute None as an id type attribute. The id values must be unique throughout the document. In a document, idref(s) attributes refer to an id type attribute, forming a relationship similar to primary key and foreign key in relational databases. Example: Cust1



Specifies a value corresponding to an id type, enabling intra-document links. Example: Cust1




Similar to idref, except it contains multiple id type values separated by white space. Example: Cust1 Cust2 Cust3




Specifies a signed integer. Examples 11123, -123




Contains values that conform to the rules of None the name token. Example: Cust1



Similar to nmtoken except it can have a list None of nmtoken values separated by white space. Example: Cust1 Cust2 Cust3


notation number

A NOTATION type A number with no limits on the digits Examples: 111, 3.14, -123.456E+10

None Character, Currency, or Numeric as appropriate

None decimal

For ADO RecordSets, a special case exists where the number might have Currency type. When dt:type='number'in an ADO XDR Schema, Visual FoxPro checks for the existence of rs:dbtype='currency'.


Same as float but only 4-byte encoding. Value ranges from 1.17549435E-38F to 3.40282347E+38F.




Specifies a floating point number. This data Double type supports only 15 digits of precision and value ranges from 2.2250738585072014E308 to 1.7976931348623157E+308. Specifies a string. Example: "This is a string" Character, if maxLength is less than 255. Otherwise, Memo.





Specifies a time in a subset of the ISO 8601 None format with no date and no time zone. Example: "08:15:27"


Specifies a time in a subset of the ISO 8601 None format with no date but optional time zone. Example: "08:15:27-05:00"



Specifies a 1-byte unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 255. Examples: 1, 255




Specifies a 2-byte unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 65535. Examples: 1, 255, 65535




Specifies a 4-byte unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 4294967296. Examples: 1, 703, 3000000000

Character or Integer



Specifies an 8-byte unsigned integer ranging Character or from 0 to 18446744073709551615. Integer Example: 1483433434334



Identifies a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).



Example: "urn:schemas-microsoftcom:Office9" uuid Contains hexadecimal digits representing octets with optional embedded hyphens that are ignored. Example: 333C7BC4-460F-11D0-BC040080C7055A83

Visual FoxPro Data and Field Types

Visual Studio 2005 Other Versions

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All data in Visual FoxPro have a particular data type, which defines values permitted for the data and the range and size of those values. After you identify and specify the data type you are using, Visual FoxPro can efficiently store and manipulate the data. When you create a table, you can specify the type of data to store in each field of the table. You can specify more data types for fields in a table than for variables and arrays. Variables and arrays can store only a subset of the available Visual FoxPro data types; however. The value you store in a variable or array element determines the type of data in the variable or array element. For more information, see How to: Choose Data Types.

You can use the TYPE( ) function to determine the type of data stored in a variable, array element, or field.
Visual FoxPro Data Types

Data type



Limited by available memory and/or 2GB file size limit.

Binary data of indeterminate 4 bytes in a length. table Blob values are in a memo (.fpt) file. No code page translation is performed onBlob data.

Character Alphanumeric text For example, a customer address Currency Monetary amounts For example, the price of an item

1 byte per character to 254 8 bytes

Any characters

- $922337203685477.5807 to $922337203685477.5807


Chronological data consisting of month, day, and year For example, an order date

8 bytes

When using strict date formats, {^0001-01-01}, January 1st, 1 A.D to {^9999-12-31}, December 31st, 9999 A.D. When using strict date formats, {^0001-01-01}, January 1st, 1 A.D to {^9999-12-31}, December 31st, 9999 A.D., plus 00:00:00 a.m. to 11:59:59 p.m.

DateTime Chronological data consisting of month, day, year, hours, minutes, and seconds For example, date and time of arrival Logical Boolean value of True or False For example, whether or not an order has been filled Numeric

8 bytes

1 byte

True (.T.) or False (.F.)

Integers or decimal numbers 8 bytes in memory; 1 to For example, the quantity of 20 bytes in items ordered table

- .9999999999E+19 to . 9999999999E+20

Varbinary Binary values. Varbinary data is similar to Varchar data in that values do not include padding with zero (0) bytes. The length of the contained value is stored internally. No code page translation is performed onVarbinary data. Variant

1 byte per Any hexadecimal value hexadecimal value up to 255 total bytes

Variant data can be any of See other data See other data types. the Visual FoxPro data types types. and the null value. Once a value is stored to a variant, the variant assumes the data type of the data it contains. Variants are designated with

an e prefix in language syntax.

In addition, Visual FoxPro provides data types that apply only to fields in tables. Visual FoxPro Field Types

Field type




Character Any Character data that you do not 1 byte per Any characters (Binary) want translated across code pages character to 254 For example, user passwords stored in a table and used in different countries or regions. Double A double-precision floating-point number For example, scientific data requiring a high degree of precision. Float Same as Numeric 8 bytes in memory; 1 to 20 bytes in table 4 bytes in table 8 bytes +/-4.94065645841247E324 to +/8.9884656743115E307

- .9999999999E+19 to . 9999999999E+20


Reference to an OLE object For example, a Microsoft Excel worksheet.

Limited by available memory.


Numeric value with no decimals For example, a line number in an order.

4 bytes

-2147483647 to 2147483647

Integer Same as Integer but also an (Autoinc) automatically incrementing value. Read-only. Memo

4 bytes

Value controlled by autoincrement Next and Step values. Limited by available memory.

Alphanumeric text of indeterminate 4 bytes in length or reference to a block of data table For example, notes about a phone call in a phone log.

Memo (Binary)

Same as Memo except that memo field data does not change across code pages For example, a login script used in different countries or regions.

4 bytes in table

Limited by available memory.


Alphanumeric text. Varchar is similar to Character except values in Varcharfields do not include padding with additional spaces. The length of the contained value is stored internally.

1 byte per Any characters character up to 254 total bytes

Varchar (Binary)

Varchar type data that you do not want translated across code pages.

1 byte per Any characters character up to 254 total bytes

Each data type has its own characteristics, including storage size: Data Type Storage Differences

To see a list of the functions you can use with each data type, see Language Categories.

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