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Little Syria Resources

Published Materials

Ameri, Anan, and Dawn Ramey. Arab American Encyclopedia. Detroit: U X L, 2000. Arida, Nasib and Sabri Andria. The Syrian American Directory Alamanc. New York: Syrian American Printers, 1930. Benson, Kathleen, and Philip M. Kayal. "Exhibition of Papers." A Community of Many Worlds: Arab Americans in New York City. New York: Museum of the City of New York, 2002. Corey, George S. ed. The First One Hundred Years: A Centennial Anthology Celebrating Antiochian Orthodoxy in North America. Englewood, NJ: Antakya Press, June, 1995 Duncan, Norman. Going Down From Jerusalem: The Narrative Of A Sentimental Traveller. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1911. Duncan, Norman. A People from the East. Harpers Monthly Magazine March 1903: 553-562. Duncan, Norman. The Soul of the Street Correlated Stories of the New York Syrian Quarter. New York: McClure, Phillips, 1900. Ewen, Elizabeth. Immigrant Women in the Land of Dollars: Life and Culture on the Lower East Side, 1890-1925. New York: Monthly Review, 1985. Ford, Henry Chapman. Anna Ascends. New York: The Syrian World, Vol. 2, Nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. 1927-1928 Greene, Victor R. American Immigrant Leaders, 1800-1910: Marginality and Identity. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins UP, 1987. Hitti, Philip K. Educational Guide for Syrian Students in the United States. New York: The Syrian-American Press, 1921. Hitti, Philip Khuri. The Syrians in America. New York: George H. Doran, 1924. Holt, Hamilton, ed. The Life Story of the Syrian. The Life Stories of Undistinguished Americans: As Told by Themselves. New York, 1906. Hooglund, Eric J. Crossing the Waters: Arabic-speaking Immigrants to the United States before 1940. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1987. Houghton, Louise Seymour. Syrians in the United States. The Survey. Survey Associates, Charity Organization of New York. Vol. 26. 1911. Khater, Akram Fouad. Inventing Home: Emigration, Gender, and the Middle Class in Lebanon, 18701920. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Little Syria Resources

Kherbawi, Basil M. History of the Syrian Emigration. New York, 1913. Kherbawi, Basil M. Tarik al-Wilayat al-Mutahidat(History of the United States). New York, al-Dalil, 1913. Maloof, Alexander. Six Syrian Songs: Revised and Arranged for Piano. Maloof Phonograph and Music Co.: New York, 1925 Maloof, Alexander. Syrian Popular Songs. Maloof Phonograph and Music Co.: New York, 1924. Maloof, Alexander. Twelve Arabic Popular Songs. Maloof Music Co: Englewood, N.J. Marcosson, Isaac. Adventures in Interviewing. New York: John Lane. 1919. Marston, Elsa. The Lebanese in America. Minneapolis: Lerner, 1987. Mehdi, Beverlee Turner.The Arabs in America: 14921977: A Chronology and Fact Book. Dobbs Ferry: Oceana Publications, 1978. Miller, Lucius H. Our Syrian Population: A Study of the Syrian Communities of Greater New York. San Francisco: R and E Research Associates, 1969. Mokarzel, Mary. Al-Hoda, 1898-1968: the Story of Lebanon and Its Emigrants as Taken fromthe Newspaper Al-Hoda. New York: Al-Hoda, 1968. Mokarzel, Naoum. Mukhtarat al-Khawater. New York: Al-Hoda, 1932. Mokarzel, Salloum A. Trikh al-tijarah al-Suriyah. New York: Syrian American Press, 1920. Mokarzel, S.A. and H.F. Otash. The Syrian Business Directory, First Edition. New York: Al-Hoda Press, 1908. Naff, Alixa. Becoming American: the Early Arab Immigrant Experience. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1985. New York Edison Company, The. Glimpses of New York. New York, 1911. Rihbany, Abraham Mitrie. 1914. In New York with Nine Cents. Atlantic Monthly Vol. CXIII: 236-249. Rizk, Salom. Syrian Yankee. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran, 1943. Staub, Shalom. Yemenis in New York City: the Folklore of Ethnicity. Philadelphia: Balch Institute, 1989. The Spectator. The Outlook August 13, 1898 (59.15): 911-912.

Little Syria Resources

Van, Slyke Lucille, and Wladyslaw T. Benda. Eve's Other Children. New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1912. Webb, Mohammed Alexander Russell. Islam In America: A Brief Statement of Mohammedanism and an Outline of the American Islamic Propaganda. Oriental Publishing Co.:New York, 1893. Younis, Adele L., and Philip M. Kayal. The Coming of the Arabic-speaking People to the United States. Staten Island, NY: Center for Migration Studies, 1995.

Archival Collections

The Al Hoda Exhibit Records, Near Eastern Collection, Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota. Faris and Yamna Naff Arab American Collection, Archives Center, National Museum of American History. The Hitti, Philip Khuri Papers, Near Eastern Collection, Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota The Mokarzel, Mary Papers, Near Eastern Collection, Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota. The Syrian Ladies Aid Society (Brooklyn, NY) Records, Near Eastern Collection, Immigration History Research Center, University of Minnesota. Guide to the Papers of Walter P. Zenner; Archives of the American Sephardi Federation, New York.

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