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Structured Multivariable Phase Margin Analysis With Applications to a Missile Autopilot

Jonathan R. Bar-on Science Applications International Corporation Robert J. Adams Raytheon Missile Systems

The concepts of gain and phase margin for single-input single-output (SISO) systems are well dened and understood. In [1] Bar-on and Jonckheere extended these SISO concepts to multivariable systems. In this paper, their denition for multivariable phase is used to develop a block diagonal phase margin for systems that are subjected to diagonal perturbations that contain two pure phase uncertainty matrices. The new margin guarantees that a stable, closed loop, multi-input multi-output system is robust to all phase uncertainties in the feedback path that have the specied structure with phase less than the block diagonal multivariable phase margin. Such uncertainties can arise in real world systems when multiple sensors that measure dierent quantities are used in feedback loops. An example for a tail controlled guided missile is presented to illustrate the new denitions and the subsequent analysis.

For multivariable systems pure phase uncertainties are modeled as unitary matrices. In Bar-on and Jonckheere [1] the phase of a unitary matrix U = e , where is a skew Hermitian matrix, is dened to be phase (U ) = max |arg ( (U))| = max | ()| where () refers to the eigenvalues of the matrix (). For nominally stable closed loop systems L (s), destabilizing pure phase uncertainties can exist at frequencies only in the gain crossover region which is dened as (1) = { : 1 (L (j)) 1, i (L (j)) 1, for some i}

Here i () is the ith singular value of the matrix (), and i = 1 corresponds to the maximum singular value. When L (s) is a SISO transfer function, equation (1) indicates that the frequencies in the gain crossover region occur when |L (j)| = 1. This shows that is the multivariable analog of the SISO gain crossover frequency. At frequencies outside of the gain crossover region the multivariable phase margin is considered to be innite as there does not exist a pure phase uncertainty matrix that will destabilize the system. The set of all destabilizing unitary perturbations is dened to be D = { : det (I + L (j) ) = 0, U (n, C) , }

Thus, any D will push the multivariable Nyquist diagram of L (j) through the origin so that the closed loop system will have poles on the j axis. The multivariable phase margin is dened to be the phase of the smallest phase destabilizing unitary perturbation in the gain crossover region. This can be expressed as P M (L (s)) = min {max (|arg ( ())|)}

Closed loop stability is guaranteed for any unitary perturbation in the feedback path whose phase is less than P M (L (s)). Furthermore, there exists a pure phase perturbation with phase equal to the phase margin of L (s) that will destabilize the closed loop system.

Numerical routines to calculate the gain crossover region and to determine the multivariable phase margin are described in [1]. These routines are based upon solving a nonlinear constrained optimization problem. In [2], Bar-on and Grasse prove that these methods converge to the global solution for the multivariable phase margin.

Two Block Multivariable Phase Margin

It is well known that the structured singular value can be used to measure robustness of systems that contain multiple sources of uncertainty (see [3] and [4] for example). Typically the uncertainty sources are of varying sizes and can be either static and/or dynamic with a norm bound. Robustness of the system is determined by reecting all uncertainty sources to a single reference location to form a block diagonal uncertainty matrix and then determining the structured singular value of the corresponding, newly formed, interconnected transfer function matrix [5]. The end result of this type of analysis is a measure of the smallest size of structured uncertainty that will destabilize the system; the phase of the uncertainty is not considered. In this paper we consider the impact of structured, pure phase, uncertainty on a nominally closed-loop stable multivariable system. Denition 1 The structured multivariable phase margin is the phase of the smallest phase block diagonal uncetainty matrix that destabilizes the nominally closed-loop stable transfer function matrix. In this paper, the structured multivariable phase margin is developed for systems, L(s), that are nominally closed loop stable but are subjected to two pure phase uncertainty sources in the feedback path. As seen in the following section, such pure phase uncertainty could easily arise when isolated sensors are used to measure dierent quantities. The specic structure that is considered is given by 1 0 (2) = 0 2 where 1 U (n, C), 2 U (m, C). Since the uncertainty matrix dened in equation (2) is block diagonal, its phase is given by (3) phase () = max {phase (1 ) , phase (2 )} The remainder of this section shows that the structured multivariable phase margin can be determined by solving a constrained optimization problem over a collection of frequencies. That is, if 2 is the collection of all frequencies where there exists a destabilizing, structured, pure phase uncertainty matrix then the structured multivariable phase margin is the minimum solution of the following constrained optimization problem taken over the frequencies in 2 min (max {phase (1 ) , phase (2 )}) s.t. v = Lz (4) P1 : kvk2 = 1 kzk2 = 1

Calculation of the structured multivariable phase margin requires that one determine all frequencies in the set 2 . To do this, recognize that the smallest phase structured that will destabilize L (s) just pushes the multivariable Nyquist diagram through the origin. That is, det (I + L (j) ) = 0 (5)

for some = R+ . Equation (5) implies that at there exists a unit vector v such that v = Lv. Dene z =v; clearly z is also a unit vector and v = Lz 2 (6)

Let L (j ) =

where L11 Cnn, L12 Cnm , L21 Cmn , and L22 Cmm . Substituting into equation (6) yields v1 L11 z1 + L12 z2 = (7) v2 L21 z1 + L22 z2 By denition of z, and since is block diagonal, z1 = 1 v1 and z2 = 2 v2 Furthermore, as 1 and 2 are both unitary matrices kv1 k2 kv2 k2

L11 L21

L12 L22

, v=

v1 v2

, and z =

z1 z2

= kz1 k2 = kz2 k2

(8) (9)

Substituting from equation (7) for v1 into equation (8) yields z z1 1 z z1 1 0 = (L11 z1 + L12 z2 ) (L11 z1 + L12 z2 ) = (z L + z L ) (L11 z1 + L12 z2 ) 1 11 2 12 = z (L L11 I) z1 + z L L12 z2 + z L L12 z2 + z L L11 z1 1 11 2 12 1 11 2 12 (10)

Similarly, substituting from equation (7) for v2 into (9) yields 0 = z L L21 z1 + z (L L22 I) z2 + z L L22 z2 + z L L21 z1 1 21 2 22 1 21 2 22 Dening the matrices A= L L11 I 11 L L11 12 L L12 11 L L12 12 and B = L L21 21 L L21 22 L L22 21 L22 L22 I (12) (11)

enables equations (10) and (11) to be expressed in matrix form as 0 0 = z Az = z Bz (13) (14)

Any vector z satisfying equations (13) and (14) is said to be a common isotropic vector for the matrices A and B [6]. What has now been shown is that if pushes the multivariable Nyquist diagram through the origin at the frequency , then the matrices A and B have a common isotropic vector. It is now necessary to show that if the matrices A and B have a common isotropic vector, then at the frequency there exists a block diagonal which pushes the multivariable Nyquist diagram through the origin. Suppose that matrices A and B have a common isotropic vector z and, without loss of generality, assume that z is a unit vector. Let the vector v be dened by v = Lz so that L11 z1 + L12 z2 v1 = v2 L21 z1 + L22 z2 Now,
v1 v1 v1 v1

= =

(L11 z1 + L12 z2 ) (L11 z1 + L12 z2 ) z L L11 z1 + z L L12 z2 + z L L12 z2 + z L L11 z1 1 11 2 12 1 11 2 12 (15)

v2 v2 v2 v2

= =

(L21 z1 + L22 z2 ) (L21 z1 + L22 z2 ) z L L21 z1 + z L L22 z2 + z L L22 z2 + z L L21 z1 1 21 2 22 1 21 2 22 3


As z is an isotropic vector of both A and B, it satises equations (13) and (14) or equivalently, equations (10) and (11). Substitution into equations (15) and (16) yields
v1 v1 v2 v2

= z z1 1 = z z2 2

(17) (18)

Proof. Dene the unit vectors = |x| and y = |y| . Using Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization an orthonormal x x y basis for Cn can be formed where the rst vector in the basis is x. Let the columns of the matrix T U (n, C) be the corresponding vectors of this basis x T = t1 tn1 = T T = I so that x = T e1

Proposition 1 Given any two vectors x and y Cn with equal magnitude, there always exists a unitary matrix U U(n, C) such that y = U x.


so that

Similarly, another orthonormal basis for C can be formed where the rst vector in the basis is y. Let the columns of the matrix P U (n, C) be the corresponding vectors of this basis = P P = I P = y p1 pn1 y = P e1 Combining equations (19) and (20) yields y = P T x (20)

Since U (n, C) is an algebraic group, the matrix U = P T U (n, C). Substituting for and y and recalling x that |x| = |y| yields y = Ux which completes the proof. When applied to equations (17) and (18), the previous proposition states that one can always nd unitary matrices U1 and U2 such that z1 z2 Dening = where U (n + m, C) results in z =v. Thus, = U1 v1 = U2 v2 U1 0 0 U2

v = Lv (I + L) v = 0 det (I + L) = 0 This shows that if the matrices A and B have a common isotropic vector, then it is always possible to nd a unitary block diagonal matrix which will push the multivariable Nyquist diagram of L (j) through the origin. In fact, it has now been shown that a necessary and sucient condition for the existence of a diagonal 2-block, pure phase uncertainty matrix that will push the multivariable Nyquist diagram through the origin at a frequency is the existence of a common isotropic vector for the matrices A and B. Dene the set 2 to be the collection of all frequencies where the matrices A and B have a common isotropic vector 2 = { : a vector z such that z Az = z Bz = 0} This set is the generalization of the gain crossover region for the block diagonal case containing two pure phase uncertainty matrices. The following proposition describes how the set 2 can be calculated. 4

v = Lz

Proposition 2 Consider the Hermitian matrices A and B Cpxp . There exists a common isotropic vector for the matrices A and B if and only if 0 is contained in the numerical range of the matrix C = A + B. Proof. The existence of a common isotropic vector is equivalent to the existence of a nonzero vector z Cp such that z Az = z Bz = 0. Without loss of generality, it is assumed that z is a unit vector. (Suciency) Suppose 0 is contained in the numerical range of the matrix C = A + iB. Then a unit vector z such that z Cz =0. Substituting for C yields z (A + iB) z = 0 z Az + iz Bz = 0 (21) As A and B are both Hermitian, z Az and z Bz are real for any vector z. Thus, to satisfy equation (21) z Az = 0 and z Bz = 0. (Necessity) Suppose now that z is a unit vector such that z Az = z Bz = 0. Then z Az+z Bz =0 for any C. Thus, z (A+B) z =0 and taking = i completes the proof. To determine the structured multivariable phase margin for phase uncertainties described by equation (2), the phase of the smallest phase 2 block perturbation which destabilizes L (s) needs to be calculated at each frequency 2 . The block diagonal phase margin will then be the minimum phase of these smallest phase 2 block perturbations taken over the frequencies in 2 . The constrained optimization problem given in equation (4) is used to calculate the smallest phase 2 block at discrete frequencies in 2 . In this problem the cost function is the phase of the block diagonal uncertainty at each 2 and the constraints guarantee that the Multivariable Nyquist diagram will pass through the origin (recall equations (5, 6) and the comments in between). Substituting for v allows one to write the norm constraints as z L Lz = 1 and z z = 1. The block diagonal structure of the perturbation results in two additional constraints that are given by equations (8) and (9). As shown above, these constraints can be expressed using equations (13) and (14) where the matrices A and B are dened in equation (12). Note that A + B + I = L L so that the rst constraint, z L Lz = 1, is redundant when the last three constraints are satised. Thus, to calculate the block diagonal phase margin, the following constrained optimization problem needs to be solved at each in 2 min (max {phase (1 ) , phase (2 )}) s.t. z z = 1 (22) P2 : z Az = 0 z Bz = 0 Recall that z = v so that as described in [1], the phase of each i block is given by vi zi + z vi i phase(i ) = cos1 2 kvi k2 kzi k2

Expressions for the phase of each i block in terms of only z and L can be derived using equations (6), (8), and (9). Substitution yields z Cz 1 phase(1 ) = cos 2z (A + Iu ) z z Dz 1 phase(2 ) = cos 2z (B + Il ) z where C= L + L11 11 L 12 I 0 L12 0 0 0 , D= 0 L21 0 0 L 21 L22 + L22 0 I ,

Iu =

, and Il =

Finally, as z satises the constraint at an extremum 2z (A + Iu ) z = 2z (B + Il ) z = and (P 2) can be written as n o min max cos1 z Cz , cos1 z Dz I z 2z u 2z Il z s.t. z z=1 P3 : z Az = 0 z Bz = 0 2z Iuz 2z Il z


Solutions of (P 3) yield the phase of the smallest phase 2 block perturbation at a specic frequency in 2 . The minimum of these solutions taken over all frequencies in 2 is the multivariable block diagonal phase margin for pure phase uncertainty matrices whose structure is dened in equation (2).

In this section, the multivariable block diagonal phase margin of a tail controlled guided missile is examined and compared to the multivariable phase margin dened in the Background Section. The system that was analyzed consisted of a 6DOF linear missile model, four 2nd order actuators, three 2nd order rate gyroscopes, two 2nd order accelerometers, and a classical decoupled three-loop roll-pitch-yaw autopilot whose gains are scheduled on Mach and altitude. A block diagram of the missile system, including the four pure phase perturbations analyzed in this section, appears in Figure 1. Additional details on how to linearize the 6DOF equations governing missile dynamics can be found in [7]. The ight condition chosen for analysis was Mach 2, 20 Kft, aerodynamic roll angle A = 0 , and total angle of attack T = 16 . The multivariable block diagonal phase margin was calculated by breaking the gyro and accelerometer feedback loops. The partitioning for the pure phase uncertainty matrix was a 22 upper block associated with the accelerometers and a 3 3 lower block associated with the gyros. The resulting linear system consisted of forty-one states with ve inputs and ve outputs. For comparative purposes, the multivariable phase margin was also calculated for three other systems using a single, pure phase, uncertainty matrix. These additional systems were structured as follows: (1) The two accelerometer loops in the feedback path were broken while the gyro loops were closed; this corresponds to the upper 2 2 block phase uncertainty matrix. (2) The three gyro loops in the feedback path were broken while the accelerometer loops were closed; this corresponds to the lower 3 3 block phase uncertainty matrix. (3) Both the gyro and accelerometer loops were broken; this corresponds to a fully populated 5 5 pure phase uncertainty matrix inserted in the feedback path. Each of these three systems contained forty-one states and, respectively, the number of inputs and outputs were two inputs/two outputs, three inputs/three outputs, and ve inputs/ve outputs. Note that the physical interpretation of the pure phase perturbation as a rotation matrix coupled with computational delays for the third case is untenable. This fact was the primary motivation behind the current work. Figure 2 contains the phase of the smallest phase destabilizing block diagonal pure phase perturbation over the frequency range 2 . This gure also contains the phase of the smallest destabilizing pure phase perturbations associated with the three cases described above for the frequency range 2 200 rad/s. The gain crossover region for each of these systems is dierent because, as dened by equation (1), is a function of the spread of the singular values of the loop transfer function matrix L (s) across 1. As seen in Figure 2, the block diagonal phase for the decoupled accelerometer-gyro is bounded from below by the fully coupled accelerometer-gyro phase (case (3)) and from above by the gyro only phase (case (2)). The bounding from above is expected as the gyro only case and the accelerometer only case each contain a single pure phase uncertainty matrix with, respectively, the accelerometer or gyro loops closed with identity in the feedback path. The closeness of the block diagonal phase to the gyro only phase is not surprising since decoupled three-loop autopilots are more sensitive to perturbations in rate feedback paths than to perturbations in acceleration feedback paths. The reason for this sensitivity is that the autopilot uses rate feedback to add 6

stability to the closed loop system while acceleration feedback is used to meet tracking requirements. The block diagonal phase is bounded from below by the fully populated phase perturbation as this perturbation covers a larger uncertainty space and contains coupling that is not physically tractable. Figure 3 shows a comparison of the phase of the smallest destabilizing block diagonal pure phase perturbation to the smallest destabilizing pure phase perturbations associated with cases (2) and (3) for 10 15 rad/s. This plot indicates that the block diagonal phase margin for this case is 2.08 and occurs at 13.31 rad/s while the multivariable phase margin for the gyro only case is 2.36 and occurs at 13.36 rad/s.

In this paper, the multivariable phase margin for a block diagonal, pure phase uncertainty matrix is developed. The structure of the perturbation is restricted to two pure phase uncertainty matrices. As shown in the example of a fully coupled 6DOF linear representation of a guided missile, such perturbations can arise when multiple sensors measuring dierent quantities are used in feedback loops. The example illustrates that the phase of the smallest destabilizing block diagonal phase uncertainty matrices is bounded from below by the phase of the fully populated destabilizing pure phase uncertainty matrices and from above by the phase of the upper and lower pure phase uncertainty matrices. For the missile example, the bounding from above with respect to the gyro only phase uncertainty is tight since the autopilot uses rate feedback for stability augmentation.

[1] Bar-on, J. R. and Jonckheere, E. A., Phase Margins for Mutlivariable Control Systems, International Journal of Control , Vol. 52, No. 2, 1990, pp. 485498. [2] Grasse, K. and Bar-on, J. R., Regularity properties of the phase for multivariable systems, SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization, Vol. 35, No. 4, July 1997. [3] Balas, G. J., Doyle, J. C., Glover, K., Packard, A., and Smith, R., -Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox , The Mathworks. Inc., Natick, MA, 1991. [4] Skogestad, S. and Postlethwaite, I., Multivariable Feedback Control Analysis and Design, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY 10158-0012, USA, 1996. [5] Zhou, K., Doyle, J. C., and Glover, K., Robust and Optimal Control, Prentice Hall, Englewood Clis, New Jersey, 1996. [6] Horn, R. A. and Johnson, C. R., Topics In Matrix Analysis, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1991. [7] Bar-on, J. R. and Adams, R. J., Linearization of a Six Degree of Freedom Missile for Autopilot Analysis, Journal of Guidance, Navigation, and Control , Vol. 21, No. 1, 1998, pp. 184187.

inputs: Ayc, Azc Phic


Fin Mix Matrix

Linear Actuators

Linear Missile With CG IMU Shift

Accel Only Perturbation (Case 1)

Gyro Only Perturbation (Case 2)


aym,azm pm,qm,rm

Decoupled Accel-Gyro Perturbation

Sensors 2 Accels 3 Gyros

Coupled Accel-Gyro Perturbation (Case 3)

Figure 1: Linear 6DOF model and the four multivariable pure phase perturbations analyzed

50 45 40 35
Phase (degrees)

Decoupled Accel-Gyro Phase Coupled Accel-Gyro Phase Gyro Only Phase Accel Only Phase

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 10

10 Frequency (rads/sec)

Figure 2: Comparison of the two block phase to the three single block phase cases

5 4.5 4 3.5 Decoupled Accel-Gyro Phase Coupled Accel-Gyro Phase Gyro Only Phase

Phase (degrees)

3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 10




12 12.5 13 Frequency (rads/sec)





Figure 3: Comparison of the two block phase margin to the gyro only and fully coupled phase margins

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