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The non living factors that effect an ecosystem eg weather, soil, light

cell division
The process where cells divide to form new cells. Mitosis identical cells produced, meiosis cells with half chromosome number(sex cells)

change of state and energy

When energy is increased in a substance its state can change from solid to liquid to gas. In order to reverse this ie gas to liquid to solid you must take energy away

Absorption of light
When light is totally taken into a substance ie there is no reflection usually associated with black surfaces

Any change in velocity measured in ms-2

chemical indicator
Any chemical or substance that changes colour in an acid or base

acid on carbonate
Acid + carbonate salt + carbon dioxide + water

chemical reaction
When two or more chemicals are combines and a new chemical/s are formed.

acid on metal
Acid + metal salt + hydrogen Eg hydrochloric acid + magnesium magnesium chloride + hydrogen

The process of separating different substances, liquids, by allowing them to move along a material that absorbs the substances at different rates. Eg separating black texta ink on blotting paper

age of earth
The earth is thought to be about 4600 million years old.

Threadlike structures found in the nucleus of most cells that carry genetic information on genes. There are 46 chromosomes in a human body cell

age of life
First life is thought to have evolved about 2000 million years ago

The part of the earth just below the crust

big bang theory

The theory of the origin of the universe where the universe commenced with a large explosion when energy was turned into matter.

circuit diagram
A short hand way of representing an electric circuit. Typical symbols include Conductor(wire) lamp Resistor open switch

The use of technology to help develop new substances and techniques for studying living things eg changing bacteria to produce antibiotics can have many benefits to society can create problems

circulatory system
Responsible for the transport of materials throughout the body. Contains blood, (red, white, platelets) plasma, hormones, nutrients, wastes, carbon dioxide, heat

biotic features of ecosystems

The living things that effect an ecosystem. They can include food, predators, parasites

The arrangement of organisms into groups based on physical characteristics.

When liquids reach their boiling point. The energy required to turn a liquid into a gas.

A chemical reaction where a substance reacts with oxygen quickly to produce heat eg burning petrol

Two or more elements chemically bonded together. They cannot be separated by physical means. Eg water.

The placement of moved material at a point on the earth. Usually associated with rivers washing silt and depositing out to sea

When gas particles loose enough energy so they cool and become a liquid eg when steam touches a cool surface energy is lost from thew steam and it turns to water

digestive system
Responsible for breaking down raw food into chemicals( proteins, carbohydrates etc) that the body can use. Useful products are absorbed into the bloodstream through villi. mouth oesophagusstomach small intestine large intestine bowel anus

A method of transferring heat energy from one point of high temperature to another along a substance(medium)


The sensible use of the earths resources

How far an object travels measured in metres

Any organism that eats producer organisms in order to survive

The process of boiling a liquid and cooling the vapour to separate substances with different boiling points

A method of transferring heat from one point to another in a fluid by the movement of the fluid. Hot fluids rise, cool fluids move in to take their place

Deoxyribonucleic acid a chemical that makes up chromosomes

The shock that results from the movement of the earth beneath the earth. Can be measured with a seismometer. The Geiger scale is a scale of earthquake intensity

The central part of the earth composed of iron

A chemical reaction between a metal and oxygen that usually occurs slowly eg rusting iron

A collection of organisms environment in which they live and the

The process of forming crystals from a liquid or gas eg forming crystals of sugar from sugar cane liquid

electrical energy
A form of energy that is due to electrically charged particles (electrons which have a negative charge)

The number of electrons that pass a point in a circuit every second measures in amperes (amps) A

electromagnetic spectrum
The range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Includes radio waves, infra red waves, light waves, x rays, gamma rays

The breakdown of organic matter into simpler substances

A small negatively charged particle that orbits the nucleus in shells

The mass of a substance divided by the volume density is measured in kgm-3 Kilograms per cubic meter

electrostatic charge
A charge a body gains as a result of gaining or loosing electrons. This can happen as a result of friction(rubbing) or by being touched by another charged object.

A substance that cannot be decomposed (broken down) into a simpler substance. There are 92 naturally occurring elements and these can be found on the periodic table

The number of waves that pass a point every second. Wave frequency is measures in Hertz (Hz)

A force that opposes motion between two surfaces. Friction usually results in a transfer of energy from kinetic to heat.

The movement of weathered material(broken down) from pone place to another by wind, water, gravity

A collection of stars, dust and gas held together by gravitational forces. Our galaxy is the Milky Way

When particles gain enough energy to escape from a liquid as a gas. Eg water molecules when heated can gain enough energy to escape the liquid as a gas.

gases in atmosphere
The major gases in the atmosphere are nitrogen 78%, oxygen 20%, other gases (carbon dioxide, argon, helium, and others 2%)

The process where energy is provided to a liquid that allows the liquid to turn to a gas

The slow change in organisms over time

A part of a chromosome that contains information for one characteristic they have specific locations on chromosomes

excretory system
Responsible for the removal of wastes from the body includes skin, kidneys, bladder

A force of attraction that exists between any two objects that have mass. The earth has a large mass so it exerts a large gravitational force on objects.

A process of separating substances using a filter. Eg separating sand from water using a filter paper.

food chain
A list of organisms linked by who they eat and how energy flows. Grass cow man

greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide is the major green house gas. As levels of greenhouse gases increase in the atmosphere they trap heat in the atmosphere, raising the earths temperature

food web

A collection of food chains that gives a more detailed view of the relationships between living things in an area

heat energy
A form of energy that results from a body radiating energy due to its temperature.

What causes objects to change velocity. F=ma

human reproduction
The process where offspring are produced as a result of sexual intercourse, fertilisation, gestation and birth.

fossil formation
A living thing dies, is covered with silt, compressed, turned to rock.

industrial uses of nuclear energy

For irradiating food to kill bacteria, used in smoke detectors

fossil fuels
Coal, oil, natural gas fuels used by man as a source of energy

infectious disease
Any disease that can be passed from one person to another eg flu

When a liquid turns to a solid eg water turns to ice

law of conservation of energy

In any reaction energy can not be created or destroyed but can be changed from one form to another eg when you burn a piece of magnesium the heat energy you get out is equal to the stored chemical energy in the magnesium

Nuclear isotopes can be used to help kill cells (cancer) or used to find problems within our bodies by injecting isotopes and tracking them with x rays

When a solid turns into a liquid eg ice turns to water

Substances that are usually good conductors of heat and electricity, and are generally shiny when freshly cut. As a solid they can be bent

life of a star
A collection of gas builds and eventually has so much gravitational force that atoms are forced together (fusion). This releases energy. Eventually the star runs out of matter and either explodes or enlarges to a very large gas ball

Any organism (living thing) that can only be seen under a microscope.

A naturally occurring substance that usually forms in crystals. Minerals make up rocks. Minerals are also part of a diet.

light energy
A form of energy that is due to electromagnetic radiation. Our eyes are sensitive to visible light

Two chemical substances put together they can usually be separated by physical means eg a mixture of sand and iron filings

light scattering
When light rays refract and move in different directions. Scattering of light in the sky causes the sky to be blue as the blue light is scattered towards the earth

model of the atom

The nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons with electrons moving around the nucleus in clouds or shells with a maximum number in each shell. The number of protons equals the number of electrons

The earths crust

magnetic force
A force an object has as a result of being magnetised. This magnetism can be permanent or as a result of an electric current passing through a wire wrapped around a piece of iron

The smallest part of a chemical compound that you can get. Eg a molecule of water has 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom

Any change in the genetic makeup of an organism. Can be caused by radiation, chemicals

magnetic poles
The two points, North and South, at either end of a magnet.

natural resource
Any substance found naturally in the environment that can be utilised by others. Eg wood

The layer of the earth between the core and the crust composed of molten material that moves and causes continents to move.

natural selection
The process where the fittest organisms in a population survive. This is part of the process of evolution.

mass vs weight
Mass is the amount of matter contained in an object measured in kilograms. Weight is mass multiplied by the acceleration due to gravity. W=mg

A collection of gases in the universe that have not yet come together to form a star or are the remnants of an exploded star

medical uses of nuclear energy

particle theory of matter neutralisation

When an acid and a base react to become neutral. Acid + base salt + water All matter is made up of particles. Solids have particles packed in close together and do not move. Liquids have particles packed in close together that can move past each other. Gases have particles that are well spaced and can easily move past each other.


The particle with no charge found in the nucleus of an atom

Periodic Table
A table that shows all of the elements arranged in groups with similar characteristics.

newtons laws of motion

1. A body stays at rest or moving unless some force changes it. 2. F=ma force = mass times acceleration. 3. When one object pushes on another the 2nd body pushes back with the same force

The process where plants convert sunlight, water and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen.

night and day and the earths rotation

As the earth rotates the side that faces the sun is in daylight. The side facing away from the sun is in darkness

plate boundaries
The edge of large plates where many continents meet. This is where there is a lot of earthquake and volcanic activity

plate tectonics
The movement of plates across the earths surface. This movement is powered by convection currents in the mantle

non infectious disease

Any disease that cannot be passed from one person to another eg cancer

non metals
Substances that are usually poor conductors of heat and electricity, and are generally dull when freshly cut. As a solid they are brittle (break when bent)

Any substance found in the environment that is not naturally found there eg smoke, noise

The process where two liquids are combined and one of the products is a solid.

non renewable energy

Any energy source that is not replaced naturally eg oil, coal

Any organism that converts sunlight and carbon dioxide into food. Eg plants

A collection of tissues that perform a function eg heart is made up of muscle, nerve, blood tissue

product of a reaction
What is produced in a chemical reaction

The positive particle found in the nucleus of an atom

our solar system

Consists of the sun, 9 planets, various moons, asteroids and comets.

The movement of energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. It does not require a medium to transfer heat by radiation. Radiation can also be the movement of particles from a radioactive source

A gas made up of oxygen. The ozone layer is found high in the sky and helps in the absorption of ultra violet radiation

parallel circuit
Any circuit where current can travel through two or more possible routes if one component goes out the others keep working

The spontaneous decay of a substance as a result of having an unstable nucleus. Substances that are radioactive include radium and uranium.

reactant in a reaction
The things you mix together in a chemical reaction

series circuit
Any circuit where the components are connected in a single continuous line. The disadvantage is that if one component goes out they all go out eg some Christmas lights

Reflection of light
When light bounces off a surface eg a mirror. The angle if incidence equals the angle of reflection

The process of passing different sized solids through a grate or series or different sized grates that separate the mixture

relationship between current and resistance

Voltage = current x resistance V=IxR


The substance dissolved in a solvent to make a solution eg sugar is the solute in sugar water

renewable energy
Any energy source that is replaced naturally eg wood

A mixture of a solvent and a solute. Eg sugar water

reproduction organisms



A liquid that dissolves another substance in it. Eg water is a solvent for sugar

Unicellular organisms reproduce by mitosis a process where the cell makes an exact copy of itself. The daughter cell is an exact copy of the parent. Also known as asexual reproduction

sound energy
A form of energy that results from a vibrating source producing waves that travel through air (or any other medium). Not all sound can be heard by humans

A measure of how much energy is lost in a circuit or in a part of a circuit measured in ohms ( )


The process where glucose and oxygen combine to produce energy and carbon dioxide. This process is what keeps cells alive.

Speed equals distance travelled divided by the time taken. Speed is measured in metres per second (ms-1) A collection of gases (mainly hydrogen) that is undergoing nuclear fusion and produces light and heat

respiratory system
Responsible for the exchange of gases between the air and the body. Oxygen is absorbed across a membrane (lung or gill) and carbon dioxide is exhaled. Controlled by diaphragm.

structure of an atom
The nucleus of an atom contains protons and neutrons with electrons moving around the nucleus in clouds or shells with a maximum number in each shell. The number of protons equals the number of electrons

rocks and geological history

Rocks can show us the history of the earth. Studying rocks can help us determine the past history of our planet.

symbols for elements

A short hand way of representing elements eg H for hydrogen, O for oxygen

sedimentary rocks
Rocks made from other rock fragments, or living material eg sandstone, shale, limestone, coal

A collection of organs that work to perform a function. Eg digestive system

The process where a solid is allowed to settle to the bottom of a liquid. Eg shake sand and water and the sand settles to the bottom.

the role of genes and the environment in determining the features of an organism
Both genes and the environment can influence how an organism looks. The environment can

alter how organisms look eg sun can bleach hair.

A collection of similar cells that perform the same function eg muscle tissue

uses of electromagnetic radiation

X-rays, for medical uses Light to see Microwaves cooking, communication Infra red photography

volcanic activity
When molten material forces its way to the earths surface resulting in volcanoes

A measure of the energy in an electrical circuit measured in volts (V)

water cycle
The recycling of water on the earth. Water evaporates into the air (and from photosynthesis and respiration )and collects as clouds and falls back to the earth.

Watson Crick model of DNA

This model is describes as a double helix structure ( a twisted ladder) with 4 different base pairs.

The distance( in metres) between two points on a wave that are moving in the same direction and have the same amplitude. the length of one wave

A way of carrying energy from one point to another. It involves a regular disturbance in a medium.

The breakdown of rocks over time by wind, water, heat

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