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Designating Genus or Species of all existing creatures on Earth : Undiscovered Creatures/Organisms on Earth : Evolution of Toxic/Poisonous Plants & Animals :

Over-Population -> Cruelty to Animals & Environmental Condition :

Pain/Nervous System & Torture/Slaughter of Life-forms : Why New Life is not Brought down to Earth Today: Origin of Life in Fresh waters not Seas :

ANIMALS : Mammoth:
Disappearance of the Mammoths : Sailor s yarn -> Giant squids, Calamari :

How the birds know what they can Eat: COmmunicaiton among Elephants, Dolphins, WHales :
Mammals & Predators after the extinction of Dinosaurs: Hyaenodonts(Moles) : Entelodonts(Bores) : Endrosacus(Sheep) : Indricotherium(Rhinoceros) : Megatherium(Sloth) & Giant Rodent: Neureterium(Elephant) : Chalicotherium(Horse) : Liopleurodon, Titanosaurus rex or Giganotosaurus rex: Emergence of Life & Humans after GLobal Glaciation:

Deep sea tour with Quetzal: Number of Deep Sea Creatures : Living things in Deepest Depths : Dinosaurs -> Largest, Biggest, Tallest : Loch Ness Saurian :


Kalach tree & Moringa tree : First Flowers on Earth :


Distance between the individual plants Forests on Earth Talposbacteria(heat bacteria) : Stromatolites-Unicellular Organisms: Microorganisms varied Habitat :


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NATURE: LIFE
CR 55 Mammoth:


Distance between the individual plants so that there is enough living space for every single plant - Billy says 200 cms while Jacobus says 150 cms

CR 138
On Earth, there are several basic rules for the forestry sector that are often violated, and the natural laws are also ignored

Too close planting leads - in a broader way, to the fact that the younger natural wood can neither generate nor regenerate seeds, whereby the necessary space for tall growth will, of course, also be missing - only tall and slender trees grow, which cannot be storm-safe in their diameter - miss the necessary free space and light, according to which they then grow more slowly Young trees can only be planted - distance from plant to plant between 270 cm to 300 cm should be followed - absolute minimum of 255 cm Forests on Earth - only monocultures are elected, which is fundamentally wrong - Only mixed forests are fully beneficial and appropriate for the use of wood, as well as for the prosperity and continuance of the birds and all forest animals All these animals bring people more benefit than harm, but by people, they were reduced by poisons, chemicals, and hazardous hunting or even partly eradicated Possibilities for life were taken from these animals by the monocultures of trees and by the removing of hedges and bushes, as well as through the advancing of construction into the open fields and to the edges of forests, etc CR 213 Sailor s yarn -> Giant squids, Calamari : - Ship's Kobold, Ship's Spirit - B: Unbelievable and fantastic stories that are told by sailors are called sailor s yarn - since ancient times, sailors have told tales about sea-monsters that they would have seen, and such monsters should have always had such enormous proportions that they should have pulled even large oceangoing vessels into the deep - In particular, these old stories exist about giant squid with enormously long tentacles. - Have you ever tried to investigate these stories, and what should actually be thought of these, as well as of these sea-monsters? - Are these actually real, or is it all, in the end, just a great sailor fabulation? - Q: These sailors stories throughout the centuries are familiar to us, and we have, in fact, endeavored to clarify them.

- And even though many fabulations, as you say, can be found in these sailors stories, there existed, and there actually exists, the described sea-monsters, if one wants to call them such. - At the same time, there are different genera, as well as specific species that developed from these, but so far, these have not yet been discovered, respectively have not been found, by the earthly researchers and scientists. - And since you speak of squid in particular, I can tell you this, that there are actually such gigantic creatures in the oceans; it s just that they live at very great depths and only rarely come to the surface of the ocean. - The largest of these giant squids which we found at great ocean depths, so at a depth of more than 2,000 meters exhibited a height of 25 meters, from which emerged 10 tentacles, which were 99.6 meters in length - But we only found this size among the cephalopods, while other gigantic animals only exhibited sizes of up to 52 meters, such as calamari. - B: Cephalopod so squids, which are also known to us as cuttlefishes.

CR 214 How the birds know what they can Eat: - B: I have another question from an eleven-year-old boy, who occupies himself with ornithology and, thus, with the study of birds. He asked me about how the birds know what they can eat. - With this, he means, what is edible for them and what is inedible, respectively toxic, for them or how the birds know, in particular, what berries to eat, whether the fruits would be ripe and good for them. - Q: Mature fruits and berries store and reflect solar radiation, and when these are ripe, they emit light in the ultraviolet range, even when the Sun isn t shining. - This shortwave light is perceived by the birds, as well as by certain animals and insects, and it is the signal that the fruits or berries are ripe for digestion. - This equally applies to the edibility of fruits and berries, grasses and leaves, etc., which emit a certain radiation that is perceived by the organisms and that informs them that the food which is important for them is nontoxic.

COmmunicaiton among Elephants, Dolphins, WHales : - B: Then now, I turn to something else, namely to elephants, since I know that you are wellversed in zoology and, thus, also in the area of wildlife. - In reference to elephants, I would just like to know if I still remember Sfath s instruction correctly, for I was just asked about this. - Sfath explained to me that elephants have an extraordinarily advanced instinctconsciousness, as well as a highly advanced instinct-psyche, and as a result of this, an instinctrelationship also exists among their equals and, to a lesser extent, also with other life forms, including humans, if they can directly deal with elephants in a loving way - The communication of the elephants among themselves takes place in a similar way as with dolphins and whales, etc., whereby at least these two life forms are also predisposed in a very similar way, with respect to instinct-consciousness, instinct-relationship, and instinct-psyche - The elephants communicate among themselves using these forms mentioned, but also through touch, gestures, scents, and sniffing, as well as through audible sounds and infrasound.
CR 215 Mammals & Predators after the extinction of Dinosaurs: - B: Also, we(Guido) came to the first, respectively the left-over and subsequent animals, specifically speaking of the mammals that occupied the Earth after the extinction of the dinosaurs. - The real interest was with the predators and the horses and even the large mammals and so on. - Q: And if I should provide some information about mammals and also predators, which appeared about 65 million years ago after the great catastrophe, then I must speak of the times of the Eocene and Oligocene. - As you know, the impact of a space projectile took place on the Earth about 65 million years ago, by what means all major life forms were killed and destroyed. - Only small creatures were able to survive, which only weighed up to 10 or 12 kilograms at most. - Even after the dinosaurs, there were naturally predators that could have competed with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, for example. Hyaenodonts(Moles) : - There was, for example, the family of Hyaenodonts, but these aren t the ancestors of today's hyenas, yet they were aggressive, powerful predators, whose most distant, evolutionary altered descendants are the moles

- A Hyaenodont reached a size of 170 to 180 centimeters, had a set of razor-sharp teeth, and especially the molars were razor-sharp grinding tools, with which even the thickest bones of victims could be easily crushed for digestion. - Hyaenodonts are about as large as a current rhinoceros - The primitive genetic blueprint of these great predators has been preserved to this day in the mole, whose incisors come from the same evolutionary line as those of the Hyaenodonts - So today's mole is really nothing other than a predator, albeit a small predator that only eats worms, beetles, larvae, and so on. - Hyaenodonts, like the mole also is, were rogues. - Rogues, like the Hyaenodonts, met one another as a result of their distinct sense of smell, like also the Hyaenodonts, when other animals were seized or when cadavers showed them the way. - This led to serious fights with their equals, which were frequently associated with severe and boneshattering injuries and which also often ended with subsequent death. - It goes without saying that these powerful, great predators had no other natural enemies and, thus, were the actual rulers over all life forms at that time - Their only enemies were their own members of the same species. - If they encountered each other, then they mutually attacked and maltreated themselves with their up to one-meter-long jaws, which were fitted with razor-sharp teeth Entelodonts(Bores) : - Hyaenodonts were ruthless predators, but there were others that even surpassed these, namely the Entelodonts, to which the endless savannas and hardwood forests offered abundant hunting grounds. - These were actually the most powerful predators that lived at the same time with the Hyaenodonts, which disappeared even before the Entelodonts. The Entelodonts reached more than 2 meters in size and weighed more than 1,000 kilograms - These animals were extremely aggressive and exhibited an actual pre-kinship to today's wild boars living on the Earth. - They were omnivores and had no enemies except their own kind. Endrosacus(Sheep) : - But at another time, there was also the Endrosacus, also an extremely aggressive predator that weighed well over a ton

- And that was the earliest ancestor of today's sheep and also probably the largest predator that lived on the Earth after the time of the dinosaurs. Indricotherium(Rhinoceros) : - Nevertheless, this(Endrosacus) wasn t the largest animal, for that was the Indricotherium, which exhibited a size of over 7 meters and a weight of up to 17 tons. - This animal at that time was the real, first prototype, from which developed the rhinoceros that is well-known to you Megatherium(Sloth) & Giant Rodent: - The most powerful and most unusual mammal appeared on the Earth a little more than 2 million years ago, the Megatherium - This was a giant sloth that walked upright on its hind legs and ate leaves. - Unlike today's sloths that live in trees and that are very slow and ponderous, the Megatherium was too immense and too heavy to be able to climb trees, like also the giant rodent that was the size of a modern cow, which lived 6 to 10 million years ago. - Megatherium was as large as a medium-sized elephant, weighing over 4,000 kilograms and measuring 6 meters. - Only a few thousand years ago, this giant sloth lived in North and South America, but it was hunted by humans for its great-tasting meat until it was wiped out Neureterium(Elephant) : - As this also happened with the mammoth, which was also largely eliminated by the humans at that time, while the remaining animals found their end through climatic upheavals and natural disasters. - And since I speak now of the mammoth, you will surely ask about the elephants, respectively for their actual original-original forefathers: - This was the Neureterium, which also lived millions of years ago and which developed, over a very long evolutionary process, into what you now know as the elephant. Chalicotherium(Horse) : - The original-original forefathers of horses were very small and only had a size of just less than 30 centimeters - Then, from these, the Chalicotherium developed at a later time, which was more than 3 meters in size and which had a short snout like an anteater, as well as a long neck; therefore, with a little imagination, it could be compared to a giraffe

Disappearance of the Mammoths : - B: You said that along with the fact that humans have contributed to the disappearance of the mammoths from the Earth, in the end, also climate changes were responsible for this - Q: That s right. Humans very well eradicated the mammoth as far as possible, but the final extinction was caused by climate changes - B: The mammoth disappeared, yes, about 10,000 years ago. - Q: That only partially represents the truth because the last of these animals still lived 3,500 years ago, on an island to the far north of today's Soviet Union - However, it is true that about 10,000 years ago, mammoths were very strongly reduced by humans, who hunted them very much for their meat, hides, and bones. - The meat was used as tasty food, while the hides and the bones found use for the building of huts. CR 217 Emergence of Life & Humans after GLobal Glaciation: {continuation from above} - The flood-like, falling-down water masses combined in the atmosphere with this carbon dioxide, forming acid rain, from which then, over the course of time, natural lime developed on the Earth - This was the development of the Earth in relation to the total global freezing, which then also firstly formed the actual origin for the original emergence of the first micro-life forms of a single-celled kind, from which, over the course of millions of years and centuries, life forms of the water, land, and air evolved up to the higher kinds, after which then, the Earth person emerged from the whole thing and evolved over many depths and heights to the current state. - Until the global ice age around 600 million years ago, only thermal life forms, i.e. thermal bacteria, existed on the Earth in the scorching heat of the magma and lava, and these life forms were partially expelled from the hot springs of aboveground geysers as well as from small or larger black funnels or chimneys rising high up at the bottom of the sea, and to be sure, along with the other primitive forms, from which, over the course of time, new unicellular life forms could evolve, which settled in the sands of the shores of the seas and other bodies of water and evolved under or in the sand to multicellular life forms. - But at the same time, comets as well as meteors and asteroids as well as interstellar clouds of microbes played a very important role, once these came into the immediate vicinity of the Earth and fell down upon this, thereby bringing their microbes, etc. to the planet, which combined in part with the Earth s already-developed life forms of a similar kind and thereby created new life, or else life forms that were independently brought from space emerged from these.

- But in relation to the insemination of the Earth with respect to fauna and flora, it must be clearly said that what primarily relates to this didn t proceed from the planet itself but resulted through the inclusions from outer space, and to be sure, through comets, meteors, asteroids, dust particles, and even through the clouds of chemical elements drifting through free space as well as clouds of microbes, through which all the bacteria, fungi, lichens, mosses, viruses, and protozoa of various genera and species were brought to the Earth. - The Earth human being first emerged much later out of new amino acid connections, etc., which resulted from the decay substances of plants and animals. - The earliest human forms in this regard, which emerged from the planet itself, are to be backdated to 8 to 12 million years, but the actual hominid forms first appeared between 6 & 8million years ago, from whose lines various human forms then developed over the course of time, but these were not of permanence and, thus, passed again. - Then, from the same original line, still other and similar human life forms formed, so with the related human life forms, namely the simian beings, which still exist on the Earth today in various species. CR 219 Deep sea tour with Quetzal: - B: But tell me, when I took the deep sea tour with you, there I saw life forms in the deepest depths, which will certainly still remain invisible and unexplainable to our deep sea researchers and scientists for a long time - As this will also be the case for many of the giant animals that live in higher and middle sea-depths - As for example the giant snake fish which look like giant eels, which are up to 15 meters long, as you said - Then likewise the giant sharks that are up to 14 meters long and which have such large mouths that one might think that a third of the fish come from these. - But then, there were still the giant beasts, which you called deep sea eels and which had a kind of tentacle-mane and which, once they are fully grown and as you also explained, can be up to 18 to 22 meters long - I was also impressed by the giant jellyfish, whose catching arms or tentacles were about 45 meters long, according to your explanation - Also those monstrous predatory sharks were to be regarded as enormous, which you described as rapacious and predatory creatures.

- And when I think that these fish, according to your data, were 10, 12, and 14 meters long, then one could learn fear if one would face these beasts under other and unprotected circumstances, than just in such a way as we were protected in your ship - But that there are deep sea squid, which have long, delicate, and fine tentacles, several of which you also let me see and observe, of this I also knew nothing, as well as not of the existence of all the other deep-sea creatures or deep-sea life forms - And here, I wrote down the name that you told me in reference to that beast that made a strange impression on me and concerning which you explained that it concerns a distant descendant form of the "Carcharodon megalodon," as you dictated its name to me

Number of Deep Sea Creatures : - Even more could be said of what was experienced and seen, but I want to concern you with a question, namely how many deep sea creatures of every kind and size can one still reckon, which have remained undiscovered up to now, if one can attach a number to this at all? - Q: That is also unknown to us, but we estimate that in the deep sea of the earthly oceans, about 12 million undiscovered genera and species of organisms still exist - And the number of individual species, according to their size, is probably in the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or in the millions with the biggest and largest creatures, and in the tens of millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions, up to innumerableness with the smallest and tiniest life forms. - B: With the innumerable life forms, it probably concerns microorganisms and so on, right? And how large or tiny are they, for example, in relation to a fine tip of a hair? - Q: Yes, I speak of microorganisms. - However, these stand in no comparison in their size to a hair s tip because they are so tiny that billions of specimens could be found on such. - B: Then these are probably thermal microorganisms, i.e. thermal bacteria or even thermophilic microorganisms, as you and Ptaah once called these super-small creatures, if I remember correctly - Unfortunately, I must inquire into this, for since my breakdown in 1982, I no longer have the memory capacity as before. You know that I am still working up what was lost and no longer reliably recall everything that I knew before. CR 221 Kalach tree & Moringa tree :

- B: The Kalach tree, which is, indeed, extinct, was an enormous acacia tree, under which a small village found a good place. - What, however, is the so-called Moringa tree, of which you once spoke and of which you said that it would one day become of great importance for the Earth person? - To this day, I still haven t heard or read anything about this tree or its fruits and seeds being used in some way.

Quetzal: 51. With the Moringa tree, it concerns a so-called medicinal tree, which grows extremely quickly, about three (3) meters in height per year. 52. The tree mainly grows in South Asia and in North Africa and contains active ingredients that can be used by the Earth people against anemia as well as against hypertension and diabetes. 53. The various active ingredients, however, can also be used for the building and strengthening of the immune system. 54. The related building of the immune defense-strengthening can also provide, among many other possibilities, a successful means against AIDS. 55. The varieties of the tree also provide further food for humans and animals, whereby the nutrients are extremely rich in vitamin C and calcium. 56. In addition, the seeds of the Moringa trees are extremely oily, whereby the oil can be used, among various other possibilities, as a lubricant and as fuel for machinery. 57. Furthermore, dirty water can also be cleaned with the seeds of the tree, and indeed, very much better than what any chemical can do. 58. All of these things, nevertheless, aren t the only possibilities and benefits that this tree and its seeds and fruits provide, for there are still several more. - B: That is interesting; then one can also hope that a certain progress develops from this in some way for the Earth people. - Q: As our probability calculations yield, that will actually be the case. Dinosaurs -> Largest, Biggest, Tallest : - B: Since we re already talking about large trees, I would like to ask you a question about the dinosaurs again. Which ones were the largest and where did they live? Quetzal:

60. The largest plant-eating dinosaurs lived in what is now Patagonia. 61. These were the so-called long-neck dinosaurs, whose largest specimens reached up to 60 meters in length and exhibited a weight of around 135 tons. 62. This was the largest land animal that ever existed on the Earth. Billy: And what about the time when did these animals live, and were there any predatory dinosaurs that killed these magnificent animals? Have any skeletons, etc. of such giant beasts already been found by the earthly paleontologists? Quetzal: 63. To my knowledge, still no such findings have been made by the earthly paleontologists. 64. And as for the time when these giant animals lived, this must have been, to my knowledge, around 100 million years ago. 65. The long-necked dinosaurs possessed tails that were about as long as their necks were to their heads. 66. At the same time, there also lived giant predatory dinosaurs, which we call Titan predatory dinosaurs or Titans predatory dinosaurs, which had a size of up to 19 meters. Billy: - Thus, so to speak, a Tyranno-Titanosaurus Emperor, if I may translate that so freely. - So a creature that must have been a lot larger than the Tyrannosaurus rex. - But how was it now; did these gigantic predatory dinosaurs also hunt the giant long-necked dinosaurs? If so, how did this happen? - It is always claimed by our earthly scientists that the large predatory dinosaurs, even the great Tyrannosaurus rex, were loners and also would have hunted as such. - I can t understand that and, thus, can t accept it as given, for if these beasts actually hunted the giant herbivores, which I strongly accept, then they couldn t have reliably done so as individual hunters because they would have had no chance against the giant animals. - Thus, according to my understanding, it only could have been such that the predatory dinosaurs hunted with certainty in packs. - Now, was that actually so, or am I mistaken? At the same time, I also think of the experiences on my Great Journey with Semjase and Ptaah, where I could observe on the primeval world how the large predatory dinosaurs hunted and tore large herbivores in packs.

- This must have happened in the same way on the Earth during the time of the dinosaurs, or in this respect, am I completely on the wrong track with my opinion? Quetzal: 67. What you saw on your Great Journey, that likewise occurred in the primeval times on Earth. 68. There were also many different genera and species of predatory dinosaurs on Earth, and indeed, very small, small, medium, large, and such that must be designated as giants, titans, and colossi, like the Tyrannosaurus rex and the Tyranno-Titanosaurus Emperors, as you designate these predatory dinosaurs appropriately. 69. Between these two predatory dinosaurs, however, there was one other giant dinosaur on Earth, which we named Gigantic Dinosaur, which reached a size of up to 14 meters. 70. And you re actually correct with your acceptance that all these enormous, gigantic, and titanic dinosaurs were also no loners but rather pack animals that also lived in packs and hunted as such and tore their victims, whereby these victims, as you suppose, also included the large and largest planteaters, like even the long-necked dinosaurs. Billy: - So one must speak practically of at least three different giant predatory dinosaurs, and to be sure, of the Tyrannosaurus rex, of the Tyrannosaurus Gigantus, and of the Tyranno-Titanosaurus Emperor, as I now call the critters. - Perhaps the earthly scientists will crush me with their cars and insult me into the ground as a layman, but I now name the beasts just like that. Quetzal: 71. That is correct. 72. And you can actually name the animals according to your free will, as you wish. CR 222, 1988 Origin of Life in Fresh waters not Seas : Billy: - As it follows from your explanations, life on Earth originated in the water, whereby it then developed in the shore sand of the waters. - This is in complete contrast to the claims of the earthly scientists, whose explanations purport that life had developed from the so-called primordial soup.

- If I still remember correctly completely in accordance with your information life is to have originated in the fresh waters of the Earth. - Seas, however, are very salty at least here on Earth whereby the highly sensitive genetic material and outer covers of the first organisms would have probably been destroyed because saltwater is extremely aggressive, and the life forms that emerged first were still highly susceptible to such influences. - So I ask myself, what type of water was given then, in which life could evolve, before it could also find its way in saltwater at a later time? Quetzal: 59. The saltwater of primeval times was actually very aggressive in the primordial seas and contained values that were twice and three times as high as those of the current salt concentrations in the earthly seas. 60. Thus, life also did not originate in these salty primordial seas which were also partly strong in potassium but rather in smaller and larger land waters, in small and large ponds, as well as in small or larger lakes, which consisted of fresh water that arose from torrential rains. CR 223, 1988 Liopleurodon, Titanosaurus rex or Giganotosaurus rex: BIlly: - Do you know what predatory animal was ever the largest on Earth, so by this, I mean throughout all times up to the actual primeval times, when the first creatures lived on the Earth, in the air, or in the water? Quetzal: 82. The largest predatory being of all times lived in the original seas. 83. A being that, when full-grown, was up to 32 meters long, weighed up to 185 tons, and had fins up to seven meters in length. 84. Nevertheless, the average of these enormous creatures was about 25 meters, with a fin length of 3 to 4 meters and a weight of approximately 150 tons. 85. In the future time, indications for this being will be found on Earth by the paleontologists, etc., after which it will then be named Liopleurodon, as I know from a look into the future. Translator's Note:

Quetzal's information in sentence number 85 appears to be inaccurate, since a glance into Earth's recorded history of the Liopleurodon reveals that the creature had been known by Earth's paleontologists since the 1800's, it's name being coined by H. E. Sauvage in 1873. Quetzal gives the impression, however, that the creature would first be discovered and named some time after May 1st, 1988, the date of this contact. According to Christian Frehner, during the 497th Contact of July 17, 2010, Billy discussed the matter regarding the Liopleurodon with Ptaah, who then clarified the matter. Ptaah admitted that sentence 85 may seem somewhat confusing, but in reality, Quetzal just recited a "look into the future" that was written in the year 1724 by Sfath, Ptaah's father. Sentences 82-85 are quotes of a report that was written by Sfath who was responsible for "looks into the future" concerning futurerelated scientific factors and palaeontologic knowledge, etc. The quote was ended by Quetzal with his own words ",wie ich aus einer Zukunftsschau weiss," which means "what I know = learned to know from a look into the future." Quetzel learned about this information when he had to read through Sfath's annals in the course of preparing himself for the task of being a part of Billy's mission. In this way, the apparent discrepancy arose. Billy: Then the predatory dinosaur, Titanosaurus rex or Giganotosaurus rex, was only the largest predator on the mainland. Quetzal: 86. That is correct. CR 225, 1988 Designating Genus or Species of all existing creatures on Earth : Billy: - My next question has reference to microorganisms as well as to beetles and insects of all kinds on Earth. - You once said that out of all existing creatures on Earth, if I may say so, still about 10 to 12 million of these are waiting to be discovered. - Since you have, indeed, specified these creatures and, thus, haven t just divided them into animals in general but rather into mammals that are exclusively regarded as animals as well as into reptiles, fish, apes, and birds etc., which are not designated as animals - so I think that also beetles are not regarded by you as insects but just specifically as beetles, whereas insects of all kinds have a specific value just as insects. Am I right about this? Quetzal: 34. Your acceptance is correct.

35. In principle, it is wrong to designate all non-human life forms as animals, for always in accordance with its kind, it concerns a specific life form. 36. In the case of the animal, it concerns a mammal, so a nursing being, as it was known here since ancient times, whereby the Earth person has falsified this term over the course of time into a breathing being and found a general use for it for all non-human life forms. 37. But actually, the various non-human life forms aren t simply to be designated overall as animals, for they should be specified as mammals, and these, thus, as animals, then others as dinosaurs, always in accordance with their specific kinds as birds, fish, reptiles and beetles, as cicadas, butterflies, worms, grasshoppers, mussels, corals, dragonflies, etc. or as actual insects, which have particular kinds. Billy: - But especially the ones mentioned last such as beetles, cicadas, and butterflies, etc. are designated as insects by our zoologists. - This is probably so because these life forms either exhibit relationships with others or are incorporated into a special metamorphosis. Quetzal: 38. That is, in principle, wrong, because relational aspects or metamorphic processes alone cannot and may not be used to determine a genus or species. Billy: Your explanation in the zoologists ears. Undiscovered Creatures/Organisms on Earth : Billy: - I m interested in how many of these small life forms, such as beetles and insects, etc., are still undiscovered on our Earth? Quetzal: 39. Larger to large life forms are still estimated at 12 million, which can still be discovered by the Earth people. 40. So far, not all are known even to us. 41. Regarding the aforementioned small living things, the undiscovered number is even larger, namely around 34 million. 42. Also in this respect, not all are known to us.

Microorganisms varied Habitat : Billy: - And what about the microorganisms? These are certainly everywhere in the rock, in the seas, in the perpetual ice of the mountains, the North Pole and the South Pole, and certainly also in the volcanoes, in the Earth s interior, in magma, in the jungles of a tropical and non-tropical nature, as well as in the red-hot desert areas, in the steppes, in the tundra, and also everywhere else. - Even under the perpetual ice of the poles and the mountains, there are probably many more undiscovered microorganisms, or am I mistaken there? Quetzal: 43. No, you are not mistaken, for your acceptance is right. 44. Millions of microorganisms are undiscovered on Earth, and as you correctly said, even under the mighty ice fields of the poles, such as in Antarctica, where there are, among other things, under-ice lakes that contain their own ecological systems. Billy: - By under-ice lakes, you probably mean lakes that are located under enormous layers of ice, in which there exists a system of life forms and, thus, even an ecosystem, particularly a system of microorganisms? Quetzal: 45. That is correct. 49. The salinity of the under-ice water is many times higher than normal sea water. Billy: Exactly, I just wanted to ask about that. So at least microorganisms can also live in very high salinity, except in extremely great cold and heat. Quetzal: 50. Certain microorganisms also live directly in the salt as well as in acids and in other substances, concerning which the Earth person supposes that no life exists therein. Evolution of Toxic/Poisonous Plants & Animals : Billy:

- Explain to me what you wanted to say some time ago about plants and animals, when we were interrupted at the end of our conversation by the knocking at the door. - We talked about the poison of various plants and animals, but because of the disturbance, you then left and didn t get involved any further into the subject. Quetzal: 118. That is correct. 119. We talked about the evolution of plants and animals, and I wanted to explain that the toxic plants, reptiles, insects, and animals, etc. on the Earth have entered into a stage of their evolution, as they have begun to develop larger and stronger amounts of poison. 120. This is an unavoidable consequence of evolution, which is determined by the environment. CR 228, 1989 Pain/Nervous System & Torture/Slaughter of Life-forms : Billy: - But to my first question: from you, I know that all animals, birds, fish, amphibians, and snakes, as well as various small life forms that belong in the areas of worms, beetles, and insects, etc. have a nervous system and are thereby also subject to pain. - With the small and micro-life forms and also with certain fish and other aquatic life, etc., the nervous system is sometimes so delicate that even a simple touch can be very painful. - How can one define this feeling of pain, I mean, can one compare it to that of a person? Quetzal: 7. Depending on the life form, whether a micro-life form, small life form, or large life form, the feeling of pain varies in intensity. 8. Small and micro-life forms always provided that they have a nervous system feel pain in a finer form appropriate for them than what is the case with larger life forms, with which the feeling of pain is naturally expressed in a stronger manner. 9. The feeling of pain is incorporated into the genus, species, and size of the life form, whereby it also feels its pain in accordance with its evolutionary state. 10. The higher the evolutionary state is, the higher also is the feeling of pain. 11. In this consequence, the human being is distinguished with the highest feeling of pain, as he is consciously able to perceive and judge pains through his conscious awareness and also has a psyche that can be affected by pains of a psychological as well as physical nature.

12. With the human being, there still comes the fact of one s personal attitude regarding the view of pain; consequently, pains of every kind, always according to the individual attitude and view, can be tolerated well or can degenerate into self-pity. 13. After humans come the higher life forms that have an instinct-consciousness and, with it, also a psyche, by which they also perceive psychological and physical pains that, as already explained, are based on the size and evolutionary state of the life form. 14. Then there are the life forms that have a pure drive-consciousness and, thus, do not have a psyche. 15. These life forms again, according to their size or tininess perceive purely physical pains. 16. The smaller the life form is, the lesser is the feeling of pain the larger and more evolved the life form is, the greater is the feeling of pain. Billy: - We have an old saying: never torment an animal for fun because it feels pain just like you do. - But in accordance with your remarks, this applies, in my judgment, not only to animals but also to all other life forms, like birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, various insects, and everything that crawls or flies. Quetzal: 17. That is not quite right, my friend, because various small and micro-life forms and various insects only have an extremely weak nervous system, if at all. Billy: - Nevertheless, one shouldn t torment any life forms, not even the small and smallest ones. This includes insects. - If these must be killed, then this should be quick and painless. - This would also have to apply to animals for slaughter, which are indescribably beaten during transports to the slaughter houses and then still cruelly tormented, hit, wounded, and tortured in these. - This, together with the fact that the poor creatures do, indeed, sense that they will be put to death. - The cruelest and most primitive way of putting the animals to death is probably the Shechita, while for fish, the just as cruel rule prevails that they have to die after gasping for oxygen because they are simply thrown into the dry, or they are cut open while still alive. - Lobsters and crabs are thrown alive into boiling water; small monkeys are stretched alive in special food tables in such a way that just their heads barely stick out of the center of the tables, whereby the diners then smash the skulls with several blows of small hammers to the fear-vexed primates, in order, then, to open them and eat the brains.

- Sharks are brutally thrown back into the sea, once their dorsal fins have been cut off of their living bodies. - Young seals are beaten to death with clubs for their skins; whales are shot with harpoons equipped with detonators, whose charges then explode in the whales bodies; horses are beaten to death with hammers; dogs and cats are hung alive by their necks and their bellies are cut open, and so on and so forth. - In the whole Universe, there is probably no other life form than the human being, who is so barbaric, unscrupulous, merciless, callous, murderous, and degenerate. Quetzal: 18. With that, you, unfortunately, encounter the truth. CR 248, 1994 First Flowers on Earth : Billy: But otherwise, can you tell me when, approximately, the first flowers bloomed on Earth? Ptaah: 56. I don t know that exactly, but it should have been about 450 million years ago. Billy: Can one, perhaps, still find any fossils of these? Ptaah: 57. The oldest fossils of flowers discovered by us on the Earth are 308 million years old. CR 218, 1987 Living things in Deepest Depths : Billy: In regard to the living things, there is not exactly much to see in the deepest depths, because creatures appear only in isolation, in small form, whereby, for me, however, they are exotic, as are also those in the higher areas of the water. Many of these living things are self-luminous, in greenish or whitish light. I can only observe bigger life forms extremely sporadically, each and every one of which is of a strange form - those seen by me, at any rate.

Still more seldom, gigantic animals emerge out of the darkness of the deep sea, as, for example, whitish and reddish as well as brownish giant squid and dark grey or black snake-shaped creatures, which I estimate to be 15 to 20 metres long and four to five metres in diameter. Also, in three different locations, three single gigantic forms of life emerge, which I initially designate as deep sea whales, however Quetzal will instruct me that it deals with so-called Sleeping Sharks, the existence of which is not yet known to terrestrial humans. wssten. The smallest of the three I estimate to be some 10 metres long, while the two others are some two to three metres longer. But there are, among many other very interesting things, also the "black chimneys" [a.k.a. "black smokers"], of which Quetzal had once spoken, and he said that they are the essential origin of the later forms of life on the Earth, in water, air and land, along with inclusions from outer space through comets, meteors and asteroids. In these "black chimneys" from which pitch black swathes - which are impregnated with sulphur and various materials - rise up, emerged early branches of bacteria which, as they rose out of the chimneys, were released and began the evolutionary work of life. But that, says Quetzal, is all still unknown to the terrestrial scientists. What is still interesting with this observation of the "black chimneys" is the fact that in their nearer and further surroundings, swarms of enormous numbers of large and snow-white creatures, which I simply designate as giant or oversized scampi [a.k.a. shrimp/prawns], bustle about on the sulphurous rocks or on the other steep rocks. Leaving the deep sea and after a few minutes back again in my office, it is precisely 3:17AM as I look at the clock.) I would like to thank you very much for everything, my friend. My son, the whole thing was an exceptionally special experience for me, for which many scientists would envy me. CR 230, 1989 Loch Ness Saurian : Billy: We spoke once about the Ness Sea, therefore Loch Ness in Scotland, in connection with so-called Nessie, whereby it is supposed to deal with a saurian, for which, however, up until now, no proof of existence could be brought forth. But you have said that such an animal does actually exist in Loch Ness and that all that, therefore, it is not about a fairy tale.

I would like to see the beast. Can you take me to it sometime? Quetzal : 109. Actually, two parent animals and a young do exist. 110. It thereby deals with an aquatic predatory saurian, therefore about Plesiosaurus which have sustained themselves for many generations. 111. However, proving their existence will be very difficult, because the animals themselves only seldom make their way into the higher waters, or even to the waters' surface in such a way that they can be sighted. 112. We have observed these distant saurian descendents for many years and have, during the course of our research, also found petrified fossils of their distant predecessors, which we left where we found them where they will perhaps be found some day by terrestrial palaeontologists or other Earth humans. 113. Naturally I will take you there so you can see the animals, however you must not make that public for the next 12 years.

CR 249 OVer-Population -> Creulty to Animals & Environmental Condition :

Billy What do you think of this: Because of overpopulation, which is rampant on Earth now, there also exists rampant cruelty to animals that is especially caused by animal factories, animal transports and animal slaughters. In these factories the animals are brutally force-fed and kept under conditions that defy description. Just as with the transportation of animals, they suffer unbelievable torment, injuries and a horrible death, and their psyche is completely destroyed. Some people actually reject the idea that animals possess a psyche, although the opposite is the case. Even in the slaughtering process animals must suffer the pains of hell. This occurs daily to countless millions of animals such as pigs, chickens, geese, rabbits, various types of cattle, horses, donkeys, sheep, goats, turkeys and camels; indeed, even to crocodiles, turtles, birds, ostriches, kangaroos, fish and crustaceans, etc., etc.

The steadily escalating human overpopulation continues to increase the need for animal meat products that will continue to escalate ad infinitum. The oceans will be depleted of fish and one species after another will become extinct. Arable land will be increasingly destroyed, therefore, and forests cut down and razed as well; the environment and nature will be destroyed while the Earth's resources will be totally exploited; faunal life will be abused, mistreated, tortured and annihilated. This is a unequaled, monstrous condition. One could wheep thinking about what will happen. And all this is the result of the criminal increase in earthlings' procreation, and the fostering of their terrestrial population to the point where suffering, misery and excesses of every type generate screaming contempt against humanity and life. Ptaah Of course, your every word is correct and, naturally, I agree with your opinions, for they are based on actual facts. Billy One more time, I have something regarding overpopulation. It is just a statement that must be finally mentioned aloud: Through the continuous growth of mankind's population, increasingly more arable land worldwide is built upon. This means that more and more open country disappears and is destroyed and, inevitably, along with it the roaming grounds of wild animals.
CR 256 Talposbacteria(heat bacteria) :

Billy You and Quetzal, you have once spoken of talposbacteria, so-called heat bacteria, that, for example, live in fire, as also in lava and magma and in hot springs, in hot mud and even in suns. Ptaah 86. That is correct.

87. It thereby concerns itself with bacteria, which first become properly alive and active with high temperatures. 88. The activation temperatures of the talposbacteria are different according to their kind; so there are indeed those which begin to develop their activity at eighty degrees (C) of heat, as also those which are properly in their living element with several hundred, or thousand, with tens of thousands or even indeed first with a million degrees of heat. 89. As a rule, their nourishment comes from different kinds of hot gasses, which, in part, are also radioactive. Billy That indeed also explains that they exist in the suns and hot nebulae of outer space. Is that also the case with galactic central suns? Ptaah 90. This question is actually superfluous, because the talposbacteria exist in their thousandfold diversity wherever heat exists. 91. They are different in form from the common bacteria and are absolutely insensitive to antibiotics, as is not the case with the heat-intolerant bacteria. 92. Earth scientists only know very little about the thousands of kinds of talposbacteria, whereby they would name the remainder of these archeobacteria, from which presently about 20 may be known, which corresponds to an extremely small number if one considers that these bacteria, in their kinds, go in their thousands, and they exercise various functions. Billy I know; one form makes, for example, methane gas, whereby it takes carbon dioxide and hydrogen as nourishment and transforms it. Others nourish themselves from salts, from sulfurous gasses, from different kinds of gasses carrying radioactivity, as well as from acidic gasses, etc., whereby they always transform these substances into other forms, whereby a greater part of life would be guaranteed. As in the realm of common bacteria, the talposbacteria, respectively the archeobactria, also work in the manner of constant conversion of material, the change and alteration, through which the one disintegrates and would be converted into something new. But how far are the Earth scientists in these cognitions? Ptaah

93. They stand yet seemingly at the start of their efforts and research and yet have no idea about how far-reaching the talposbacteria are in their functions, and how multifaceted in their number. Billy But you say at least they have made a start. CR 494, 2010 Stromatolites-Unicellular Organisms: Billy ... But tell me - you being a geologist, physicist, biologist, chemists and zoologist and whateverother specialist fields you have mastered - what unicellular organisms must I imagine to be those which, in the earliest times, formed the essential basis for life on the Earth and which areresponsible for it? And when, more or less, did they exists? Ptaah Your question certainly relates to stromatolites, because fundamentally these were theessential link from which, ultimately, all life formed. The age of the stromatolites was around 3.5 billion years ago. Billy And these stromatolites are therefore the actual origin of terrestrial life. Did they originate on Earth? Ptaah Their fundamental origins were comets and meteors, which fell onto the early Earth andbrought with them the corresponding basic forms of life and amino acids, and so forth. Billy Yes, I can imagine. But today it is unfortunately the case that new life is not brought to the Earth but instead, since avery long time ago, that which exists is being destroyed and wiped out. This is as a result of the irrationality of the human beings who destroy everything through thecatastrophic results of their mad overpopulation.Generally the average human beings on the good Mother Earth do not know what monstrousdamage they cause to nature and the planet itself with their overpopulation, because they are fooled

and deceived by those responsible for the world, indeed by the governors and the scientists. So the majority of Earth humanity also knows nothing about how climatic warming has very much worse and more monstrous catastrophic results for the Earth, its nature and for all life, than the persons in charge officially announce through inadequate information. In regard to that, one just thinks of the gigantic masses of permafrost, which contain monstrousamounts of methane gas, which is released through the thawing and melting of the permafrost andis released into the atmosphere. Not only is the climatic catastrophe thereby furthered more than ever, but also still many othermonstrous things occur through which life on Earth is put into question. The monstrous masses of methane gas can far exceed the great amounts of CO2 and thereby, morethan ever, destroy everything. Also, as a result of all that, the oceans, their currents and their formation of waves, are monstrouslyand dangerously influenced and evoke increased numbers of monster waves, that is to say, giganticwaves, respectively, mega waves. This occurs along with the atmosphere being influenced in terrible ways, especially, however, itslowest layer; therefore the troposphere, in which the weather processes take place. Thereby storms of all kinds as well as thunderstorms become more and more powerful anddestructive and they more and more closely resemble weather processes which once prevailed onthe Earth in primeval times. The weather processes and storms which are evoked by the masses of methane gas also evokemonstrous movements of the ocean waters, whereby warm masses of water move right down to thefloor of the ocean and churn it up. In this way the gigantic amounts of methane gas, which are stored in the ocean floor, are releasedand drift upward, where they are then swirled around in the troposphere and reach into the upperlayer of the atmosphere. The results which come about through the release of the methane gas will then be catastrophic. Ptaah There is no doubt about that ... Why New Life is not Brought down to Earth Today: Billy: But today it is unfortunately the case that new life is not brought to the Earth but instead, since avery long time ago, that which exists is being destroyed and wiped out.

This is as a result of the irrationality of the human beings who destroy everything through thecatastrophic results of their mad overpopulation.Generally the average human beings on the good Mother Earth do not know what monstrousdamage they cause to nature and the planet itself with their overpopulation, because they are fooled and deceived by those responsible for the world, indeed by the governors and the scientists. So the majority of Earth humanity also knows nothing about how climatic warming has very much worse and more monstrous catastrophic results for the Earth, its nature and for all life, than the persons in charge officially announce through inadequate information. In regard to that, one just thinks of the gigantic masses of permafrost, which contain monstrousamounts of methane gas, which is released through the thawing and melting of the permafrost andis released into the atmosphere. Not only is the climatic catastrophe thereby furthered more than ever, but also still many othermonstrous things occur through which life on Earth is put into question. The monstrous masses of methane gas can far exceed the great amounts of CO2 and thereby, morethan ever, destroy everything. Also, as a result of all that, the oceans, their currents and their formation of waves, are monstrouslyand dangerously influenced and evoke increased numbers of monster waves, that is to say, giganticwaves, respectively, mega waves. This occurs along with the atmosphere being influenced in terrible ways, especially, however, itslowest layer; therefore the troposphere, in which the weather processes take place. Thereby storms of all kinds as well as thunderstorms become more and more powerful anddestructive and they more and more closely resemble weather processes which once prevailed onthe Earth in primeval times. The weather processes and storms which are evoked by the masses of methane gas also evokemonstrous movements of the ocean waters, whereby warm masses of water move right down to thefloor of the ocean and churn it up. In this way the gigantic amounts of methane gas, which are stored in the ocean floor, are releasedand drift upward, where they are then swirled around in the troposphere and reach into the upperlayer of the atmosphere. The results which come about through the release of the methane gas will then be catastrophic. Ptaah There is no doubt about that ...

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