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Contact Report 251, Friday, February 3, 1995 - Ptaah

Plejaren Withdrawal from Earth: Billy Now the year 1995 has begun and with it the time of finishing your tasks here on Earth. Ptaah That is correct, but it does not signify that we will also end our contacts with you; our intention is that they shall continue, although much less frequently. It may take many months, therefore, perhaps even a year or two, before one of us can visit you again. Billy I am certainly pleased about that, because I would really miss all of you very m uch, especially you, because you were practically the only one in the past few y ears who visited me. But tell me, when are you people withdrawing all of your crews and materials fro m our planet? Ptaah We have already completed that task, and there is nothing on Earth now that poin ts to our previous existence here, with the exception of the materials in your p ossession. The last of our people left the Earth approximately 30 minutes ago. Our stations no longer exist either; everything has been restored to the way it looked originally; no trace of our stay here can be found. Billy Of course, you had to do that, that's clear. A long time ago Sfath already told me, along with Asket, Semjase and Quetzal, th at you people would have to do this once the year 1995 had begun. You, too, told me the same, and I had to promise all of you to keep silent until the time when you would all withdraw from Earth for good. I am familiar with the reason for your withdrawal, but I don't know whether I am allowed to speak of it officially because you told me that it would have to rem ain a secret for the time being, at least until 1995 when you are all leaving th e Earth. Ptaah You must continue to keep this secret; do not speak about it under any circumsta nces. We are only permitted to elaborate to the point as our withdrawal from Earth is linked with the immediate future and related events, in which we are not allowed to interfere in any form so that we may protect and keep close reigns on the se cret regarding our own culture and region where we live. This is tied in also with the fact that some matters are impending. On one hand, we were able to foresee them but, on the other hand, they are the r eason for our withdrawal, while events that have been unfolding on Earth for sev eral decades now were part of our assignments. We have fulfilled this task, along with the many others we were obligated to loo k after, and you have played a very important role in this scenario of making pu blic, worldwide, the so-called UFO phenomenon, as terrestrials have labeled it. Billy: But now it probably is time to thoroughly speak of all those matters you people had not allowed me to talk about until your withdrawal was complete. Ptaah Of course. Now you can speak about them. The time has come for us to withdraw as planned. New things manifest themselves for human beings on Earth, and a new er a ensues, toward which you and we have done so much to ensure that everything tr anspires as intended. Above all it was you who flattened the most important path s, and together we have performed and executed our duty. This at least fulfills our task, while yours is still ongoing.

Billy I hope to be able to fulfill my task. Ptaah I have no doubts about that. Billy Normally I do not give in to doubt, but one never knows what may happen unexpect edly. Ptaah That is correct of course. Billy's ROle in creating Worldwide UFO controversy : Ptaah: We have fulfilled this task, along with the many others we were obligated to loo k after, and you have played a very important role in this scenario of making pu blic, worldwide, the so-called UFO phenomenon, as terrestrials have labeled it. You alone made it possible to promulgate this subject matter worldwide and provo ke the controversy to the extent that it is not only religious and pseudo-esoter ic sectarians, fanatics, gullible individuals, madmen, etc., who preoccupy thems elves with the subject. Finally, for some time now, a great variety of scientists, governmental agencies , military services and governments have also begun to seriously preoccupy thems elves with this subject, a fact that could not have been accomplished without yo ur help and great resulting effort. Actually, alone through your efforts was this successful launching of the worldw ide UFO controversy possible, for which we all express our appreciation to you a recognition you had to really struggle for, when I think of all the harm that came crashing down upon you. And it is irrelevant whether they were health related or associated with the def amations, abusive language, assassination attempts, diatribes of hatred and othe r things to which we, unfortunately, had to contribute our share, as you know. Had it not been for these occurrences, the UFO controversy would never have come about and scientists, as well as the military and governments, among others, wo uld not have become seriously interested in it. PLejaren Analysis on Billy's Falsified Photos/Films & Reason for their Strange B eamship Maneuvers: Ptaah: In your defense I am permitted today to speak officially about these matters and the fact that we used special techniques to analyze and evaluate in great detai l the movie and photo montages, along with the movie trick photography used by a ll those bogus and deceitful, purported contactees or UFO observers. We found that their falsified movie and photo material appealed to terrestrial h umans, particularly to those so-called UFO experts who call themselves ufologist s and the like, and this even includes some well-respected scientists. The absurdity of the falsifications, and the people who believed them, is stunni ng yet extremely effective. For this reason, we executed maneuvers with our genuinely existing flying object s, e.g., jerky pendulum movements and certain skipping and floating movements, w hich ordinarily are not a part of our flying objects' normal movements and fligh t techniques. Instead, they appeared like those ridiculous, abrupt pendulum and strange swayin g movements of the manipulated movies and photos by the UFO swindlers, liars and charlatans. The fact that we chose to execute these movement types is based on the reasoning that they, in particular, would result in the worldwide, fierce UFO controversy which resulted in many hardships for you, of course. You were accused of fraud, deceit, charlatanry and, indeed, dishonesty. You were further charged with constructing models and then photographing and filming the m. Often we felt very sorry for you, but were unable to change any of this.

Only by executing certain flight maneuvers, which you then were able to film, ph otograph and disseminate throughout the globe, was the worldwide UFO controversy ensured that led to the previously mentioned outcome. In the future, they will also bring about additional and by now urgently needed results. It may be some consolation to you now to know that everything has occurred with the desired and intended outcome, and that you are now the most important person in matters related to contacts with extraterrestrials and UFO affairs - you pro bably are the most famous personality worldwide in these matters Billy Excuse me, but I am not conceited because of it and can easily do without that. Ptaah Your words and resistance were probably inevitable, but they do show that you re ally have not changed. But I am not finished speaking: It was inevitable, of course, that people would appear who were jealous of you, and others who defrauded and falsified your film and photo material, because they wanted to make you look preposterous and destr oy your work. Therefore, they sought to obtain your original films and negatives, which was no t particularly difficult to do because of your trusting attitude. Subsequently, this material was copied and recopied over and over, and also fals ified through composites and other manipulations to a point where the appearance of trick photography and photo montages was evoked. These underhanded elements used movie footage and photo negatives that had been retouched or marked with lines to give the impression they were threads, ropes, wires or other such suspension accessories. Then these movies and photos were di sseminated worldwide while you were handed back falsified "original films" and " original negatives", without you ever having been suspicious or wary, since you fully trusted those who came to cheat and slander you. Nonetheless, even in the early beginnings of your work, there did exist people w ho truly trusted you and knew you were neither a swindler nor a charlatan, and t hat you were honest through and through. These individuals also viewed your movies and photos, and recognized the genuine ness of the photographic material and your own truthfulness; they were not dissu aded; they supported and greatly assisted you. Among them were many who also sus pected that certain elements of the movie footage and photos were either manipul ated and falsified by ill-meaning individuals, or that, for very specific reason s, such things as the strange flight maneuvers of our flying objects had been pe rformed to generate doubt, deliberation and this worldwide UFO controversy. They realized that the strange swaying motion and jerky pendulum movements of ou r flying objects, which you filmed and photographed, were intentionally produced to trigger a particular response in Man's thinking process. These individuals accepted this fact and refrained from allowing themselves to b e influenced by defamatory gripers and others; instead, they stayed by you, or w ithin the close or extended circle of your group, acquaintances and friends. Descendants of Old "Gods": Billy Have you studied the 23 typed pages which you picked up three days ago and broug ht back yesterday? That is actually what I wanted to discuss with you - whether or not they can be talked about now. In my opinion there need be no objection to this, because you are no longer acti ve on Earth. Oh, yes, what about your activity as Jshwjsh for Earth; is that redundant now th at you have completed your task? Ptaah Certainly, for I must turn to other assignments now.

Billy Too bad. So the Earth is without an Jshwjsh now. Ptaah That is not quite correct, for there still exist descendants of old "gods" who w ill make themselves heard. But I am only allowed to report about it to you confidentially, if you are inter ested. Billy By all means - let's do it after our official conversation. Ptaah So this is how we shall handle it. Reasons why BIlly is not allowed to speak about Old 'Gods'- ET's : Billy: But why were we not allowed to mention those extraterrestrials of whom you just spoke? Ptaah On one hand this is related to the upcoming events and the new era on Earth. We are not permitted to speak about such things, as I have previously explained. On the other hand, unfortunately, careless leaks of this information would only lead to further hysteria, lies and fraud, along with deceit and charlatanry, as was the case already in America, Germany, England, Japan, Sweden and other place s. Billy Yes, I know. In this regard, America especially leads the way in hysteria and id iocy. Ptaah That is correct, but MUFON alone must not be blamed for this entire hysteria; ma ny religious sects and, in particular, the government itself must share in the b lame. In fact, the latter hides a great deal of important proof about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the appearances on Earth by these beings, in their s ecret and undercover files; indeed, the government prohibits by law contacts of terrestrials with extraterrestrial life forms. Another very lamentable factor is the fact that the American military constructs and tests flying objects with extreme secrecy, although many outsiders are know ledgeable about these events and even hold proof of these activities, simply bec ause they were able to observe, film and photograph them at any time, day or nig ht. Story about Enoch (Henok in German) or Nokodemion - 23 pages : Billy: The story about Enoch (Henok in German) or Nokodemion, respectively, is well kno wn within our group; excerpts from it can be found also in the OM. However, nothing was ever mentioned until now about the other things that transp ired with Enoch nearly 12 billion years ago with regard to his peoples. Even as far back as Sfath, your people requested that I remain silent until 1995 . Later on, this commitment of silence was reconfirmed too by Asket, then Semjas e, Quetzal and yourself, Ptaah. Now that 1995 has begun, and you have given me your permission to talk about it, I want to offer my knowledge as I still recollect it: ET Visitors to Earth: BIlly: An interesting item for the group, and for everyone else, may be that certain po ints pertaining to the extraterrestrial intelligences' visits had been off-limit for discussion for several years, except for those items your people, you in pa

rticular, had already mentioned. You had already told me that I could openly speak about them upon your withdrawa l. Ptaah That is correct. We spoke only of those ancestors who played an important role u p to the present, that is, the 3 groups we previously discussed in one of our la st conversations. In addition to these groups there exist still a few other groups of extraterrest rial origin who visit Earth and are observed here relatively frequently. However, none of these groups maintains any form of contact with terrestrials, n either of a private nor military or governmental nature. Some visit Earth strictly for excursion or expedition purposes, while others mai ntain different interests; but not one of these groups has any type of contact w hatever as it is presented by hysterical Americans, whereby terrestrial women ar e impregnated by extraterrestrial intelligences, or where men from Earth impregn ate extraterrestrial women. Furthermore, you may forget the nonsense about the massacre of animals, etc. etc . Such matters have no factual basis. Extraterrestrials will create a big flurry on Earth in the future when their int erests concern other matters than excursions or expeditions. However, we are not at liberty to speak about the whys and wherefores, and neith er are you, of course, for you know about all of these future events. Billy Naturally. Ed Walters, Photographed 'ET' ships : Billy But I still have a question: Is it not possible that some things you just mentio ned may be responsible for claims made by Ed Walters in America, who also offers photos? Ptaah He is a swindler and a fraud, and his photos are counterfeit. This is an establi shed fact. Billy Good, thanks. Terrestrial Secret Military Crafts: Ptaah: MUFON alone must not be blamed for this entire hysteria; many religious sects an d, in particular, the government itself must share in the blame. In fact, the latter hides a great deal of important proof about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the appearances on Earth by these beings, in their s ecret and undercover files; indeed, the government prohibits by law contacts of terrestrials with extraterrestrial life forms. Another very lamentable factor is the fact that the American military constructs and tests flying objects with extreme secrecy, although many outsiders are know ledgeable about these events and even hold proof of these activities, simply bec ause they were able to observe, film and photograph them at any time, day or nig ht. Billy And these flying objects have shapes that are unlike that of an airplane, and th ey possess propulsion systems and technological flight characteristics that trad itional aircraft do not possess. But why are you speaking about these things now? We were not allowed to mention them before. Ptaah With our withdrawal the cloak of secrecy has been removed from us as well. Therefore, I am now permitted to speak about the various so-called UFO sightings

that were observed in many countries throughout the world over the past four de cades. Frequently they may be traced back to these terrestrial flying objects. They do not belong only to the Americans but to other countries on Earth as well . The real reason why we are allowed to speak now, after our current withdrawal, i s the fact that for some time now all of these things were open secrets in certa in circles. Therefore, we are not divulging anything that is considered a secret in the near future, as is the case with actual government and military secrets, in which ca se we have neither permission to intervene nor can we currently reveal them. At this time we are confirming certain things and events that previously could n ot be considered actual secrets for quite some time. Billy In a number of countries on Earth, flying objects are being developed that succe ssfully resemble alien and extraterrestrial vehicles due to their strange, untra ditional construction. The styles of these flying devices range from the beamship shapes your people ma de known all the way to the triangular forms, among many others. It is no wonder, therefore, that observers regard these flying objects as UFOs, or rather, as spaceships or simply as extraterrestrial flying craft; last, but n ot least, also because these craft are silent or nearly silent and possess flyin g characteristics that are alien and contrary to flight techniques known on Eart h. Now you have a repetition of your explanations. A double stitching holds up bett er. Ptaah That is correct. Billy: One more question regarding terrestrial UFOs. You told me that you are not allow ed to discuss them. Nonetheless, there are many people on our planet who openly speak about them and can even present photographic and movie-footage evidence of these craft. Even insiders now speak openly of these matters and divulge secrets. Ptaah That may be so, but they are not in my position. I must adhere to our directives that dictate I cannot speak about such matters. We are prohibited from interfering with any terrestrial matters other than those where we are in direct contact with you and are providing you with the informat ion, among other things. Billy Of course, I should have thought of this myself. Terrestrial beings as one Single Race: Billy: In my 23 pages I forgot to mention also that the terrestrial beings were actuall y one single race during Enoch's (Henok) ancient times. From this one race other races formed due to climatic and atmospheric changes, a nd splits that created new breeds once again. These mixed among themselves, and new races were created once again. Over the co urse of time, not only did the skin color of humans change but also their outwar d appearance, yet always in tune with the new surroundings, new living condition s and other influences. This, of course, resulted in genetic changes in addition to those changes produc ed by the genetic manipulations. However, the changes were not significant enough for the original and basic link not to remain evident that all humans on Earth originated from the same, single Ur-stock. Hence, when the humans from the Lyra regions and other locations inte rbred with the early emigrants, respectively their descendants nearly 190,000 ye

ars ago on Earth, the cycle was complete among people of the same stock. And then, when the peoples separated again in large spurts, and the most diverse regions of the Earth were newly inhabited, further changes in skin color, outwa rd appearance and genes transpired again. This time, too, the Ur-breed remained intact, and it can be genetically proven t hat the terrestrials originated from a single Ur-race. Billy on 'Repeating same things' : Billy Something else in this regard: I have been thinking that while redoing and corre cting the PROPHECIES, we could also incorporate the 23 pages. There are actually only one or two prophecies, the remainder consists of predict ions. How do you feel about this? Ptaah It would probably be appropriate for you to integrate everything together into y our new book. Billy Certain people probably are going to get into a flap over it for sure; but that does not really matter. We are used to such things. Still, anyone who wishes to be heard must create a d isturbance, and whoever wishes to create a disturbance must repeat the same thin gs several times. Only by creating a disturbance, human beings will become aware of some person or some facts presented to them, because they will either feel personally attacked or because it bothers them to hear the same facts two or three times. It is the only way to stimulate people into thinking, regardless of whether it i s in a peaceful or angry way. The only important thing is the result, that is to say, the fact that one way or another they feel attacked and, therefore, only then do they begin to ponder th ings and react BIlly-Bernadette Designed Stickers & Ptaah wishes to buy them: BIlly: But now something else: Recently I stumbled across the fact that we spoke agains t hatred toward strangers and other races in our small campaign texts, but we ha ve never really delved into the subject or produced any separate booklets on it. In the future we will do so and, together with Bernadette, I have designed stick ers for this subject matter. Here they are. What do you think of them? These are already at the printers, these 3 I would like to have made up next wee k. Ptaah They are very nice and express a great deal about the individual subject matter. I like them very much. I would be delighted if you would let me have about three of each one - and of those you now have as well. I would like to begin a collection of them. Quetzal still has some Swiss money r emaining from the time you purchased various items for us. I would like to give you this money as a contribution toward the printing costs of these stickers. It must be nearly CHF 500.00. Billy Of course -- you can have as many stickers as you wish. And the money we certainly like to have, too. I thank you on behalf of the entire group. Thanks & Greetings to Billy From Errans:

BIlly: I thank you on behalf of the entire group. Ptaah Please convey my thanks and greetings to the group members also, and to all of t he groups in California, Sweden, Toronto, Japan and, of course, to all friends o f the Mission and all Passive Group members as well. I also pass on these thanks and greetings of behalf of my daughters Semjase and Pleija, and also Asket, Nee ra, Menara, Isodos, Talida, Quetzal and all the others who know you from photos and our TV broadcasts, or from those people who encountered Core Group and Passi ve Group members during our visits to the Center, although these individuals rar ely or never even noticed that we were nearby. I have also been asked to convey thanks and greetings from many people who know you only from hear-say. Nazi war crime recollections in Magazines/Newspapers & Radio/Television: Billy: For some time now, the magazines and newspapers have been filled with war crime recollections by the Nazis in Germany. Radio and Television also have nothing better to do than to fan the memories of these crimes with every means possible. The Jewish organizations and associations, etc., do so especially. It is my opinion that these actions are just as abominable and criminal as the c onstant anti-war propaganda in form of so-called anti-war films, etc., as well a s the magnified crimes of racism and torture. It is my personal opinion which is based on my knowledge of the human-psychologi c reactions, that all of those people who shout "anti" and "contra" against tort ure and capital punishment, concentration camps, crime, wars in any form by show ing those gruesome and horrifying pictures shown in newspapers, magazines, as we ll as on TV and in the cinemas of people getting massacred, tortured and murdere d, of cemeteries being violated, houses burned among other things, are doing oth ers a great disservice. They have no clue about the human psyche and psychology. If they knew anything a bout this, they would realize that their actions achieve exactly the opposite to what they intend because numerous misled, erroneous-thinking individuals feel a ttracted to such purported anti-propaganda. These people see that idiotic anti-propaganda and are then triggered toward the opposite effect, whereupon they want to act in the manner they are shown. For this reason, the neo-Nazi and right-extremist movements gain ever more groun d. Unfortunately, this is a psychologic process which is really logical albeit u nrecognized by those in charge and by the co-screamers of this insane anti-propa ganda. Indeed, these people lack the knowledge of human nature and the knowledge of psy chology. Anti-war films, anti-concentration camp films, anti-drug films, anti-torture and anti-capital punishment films that depict crimes in pictures and give descripti ons, and movies that present such crimes in pictures by stimulating the readers' fantasy of these written words, achieve exactly the opposite of what they shoul d do. Memories triggered by such moronic things provoke, in many people, the desire to act in the same way as the culprits who originally performed these atrocities who also became insane through propaganda. Anyone wanting to speak up against these past and still prevailing horrors, must never do so in this moronic manner. Condemnation must occur by pointing out the current existing ills and their omin ous consequences for the future. Memories of past events in accordance with the idiotic motto: "We must never forget Auschwitz" or "We must never let the horror s of the past be forgotten", etc., are completely out of place and dangerous, fo r they only prompt anew the identical evils and horrors of the past. Therefore this insanity must stop if the flames of neo-nazism and the extreme ri

ght radicalism are not to be fanned any further. Only by banning the anti-insanity in the above-mentioned form can healing begin. And a fight against all of these evils and harm can only be crowned with success if the means to fight are restricted to those methods that do not glorify the m emories as it has been the case until now. Instead, the methods must delineate them in a form that points out the damage an d the harm, and reveal the subsequent consequences they will result in. This is my personal opinion, and I'd like to hear yours too at this time. Ptaah I wholeheartedly agree with you. I need not add any further explanations except, possibly, that only truly respon sible, clear-thinking and rational people will recognize this fact. One does not even require any psychological education; pure reason alone suffice s to identify your factual explanation. Law & Order in America, Mexico & Japan during Earthquakes: Billy: In the middle of February, a severe earthquake occurred in Japan that caused mor e than 5000 deaths and immense damage. It was far, far more severe than the last major tremor in California, during whi ch a great deal of plundering took place, and people behaved as though they had never been taught any decency and respect. This also happened in other places, in Mexico for instance, several South-Americ an countries and elsewhere, where all law and order collapsed. All of this stands in direct contrast with Japan where such things hardly ever h appened, and the people bore all hardships with admirable composure. Chaos and all other ills did not materialize the way they did in other countries , especially in America, where appropriate demeanor would have also been warrant ed. This appropriate demeanor was lacking as was a certain kind of culture. Indeed, Japanese organized crime groups even aided the population through food d istribution and other things. This alone shows what true culture and honor, what composure and respect the Jap anese possess. Chivalry and friendship are not simply empty phrases with them the way it is wit h many Americans who call you their friend very quickly. And yet the word has no substance for them - as we have so often seen over the p ast 20 years. Still, there are obviously also those Americans who are true friends and true hu man beings. To them friendship is a truly precious commodity. I, too, have such friends in America but unfortunately they are few in number. However, they are true, honest and good friends. Ptaah I am aware of this. The earthquake spread great suffering, misery, sadness and v ast destruction throughout Japan and among the Japanese. Please convey to these people our deepest regrets and our great respect for thei r admirable conduct during those difficult times. Billy I'd be glad to, for I also feel a sense of high esteem and respect for them Plejaren BUilding Construction Plans against Earthquakes: Billy: Can any action whatever be taken against earthquakes? Ptaah The rule has shown, even on every one of our worlds within the federation, that hardly anything reasonable can be done to prevent severe quake damage once tall buildings, etc., have been constructed.

For this reason we normally only have low, greatly reinforced buildings capable of withstanding the most severe earthquakes. Our worlds, too, live and are shaken by earthquakes, but our construction method s for buildings and their safety against planetary jolts are designed accordingl y. Billy You also have houses and buildings that are not constructed from small pieces, t hat is, made from stone or cement blocks and so forth, since your buildings are made as single units from synthetic materials. There is not one seam anywhere, j udging from what I have seen. Furthermore, they are constructed on systems of springs or as floating bodies. Ptaah This is correct, but these are merely two of the methods utilized to offset any jolting. Billy I did not claim that I knew everything. I only mentioned what I had observed during my visit. Disasters will increase Worldwide: Billy: Besides, the earthquake was not the only alarming event on Earth in January. Throughout Europe, including Switzerland, monstrous storms and floods caused inc redible damage. Ptaah This will also be the case from now on, for these disasters will increase worldw ide even further, and so will storms, tornados, typhoons, hurricanes, floods, dr oughts and huge wild fires everywhere that will cause immense damage and many de aths on Earth. Earthquakes are also among these calamities that will cause yet even further dam age and suffering, as will be the case also with wars and religious sectarianism , which is expected to initiate many sectarian dramas. Major crime and minor criminal activities will abound throughout the world, as w ill political and military turmoil. Islamic fundamentalism will become more extreme, and diseases and epidemics will increase among the terrestrial population. Of course, these crises will not take place at constantly high levels, for these things tend sometimes to increase or to decrease; therefore, at various periods the calamities will be more numerous and sometimes less so. They will continuously increase, however. The blame for this upward trend must be placed on the terrestrials, for through the constant increases in overpopulation they compound the increase in their eve ry ill. Yet, we must really not spend any more time speaking about these matters because throughout the many years of our contacts everything of relevance has been disc ussed previously - and in vain, unfortunately. Human beings as a whole, especial ly those with responsible positions in governments and the military have chosen to ignore the population figures, although you and your entire group has made ev ery effort and expended much energy and cost to publicize this information. Billy We do have some successes to show for it, because many people have picked up on our words and passed them on, along with their efforts to begin living and behav ing according to our statements and suggestions. Ptaah This is correct, of course, but I spoke about the majority of terrestrials and t he majority of the responsible people. Naturally, the minority is important, for it is these people who lead in this fight with great fervor. Unfortunately, they will reap very little gratitude, even though they are ultima tely responsible for laying the cornerstone for the positive changes. In this regard you and your group are in the preeminent position.

Billy Thanks for the "flowers" (The word "flowers" in this colloquial German phrase re ally means "compliments"). COntacts between Terrestrials & Extraterrestrials: Ptaah: Now that we have withdrawn from Earth, I want to reiterate the issue, once again , that neither we Plejarans nor any of the allies within our federation are main taining any contacts whatsoever with terrestrial human beings; neither in a phys ical nor a telepathic form. Indeed, such contacts have never existed except, however, for 5 particular indiv iduals whose identity you already know, and who died several years ago. Not one of them ever publicized the knowledge he or she possessed. Yet, what we want to say though is that we do maintain impulse contacts with ter restrial scientists and others. We shall continue these contacts through appropriate devices, although the indiv iduals involved have not nor will they ever know about the contacts in the futur e. These impulse contacts are determined by evolution and are guiding mankind towar d the future, whereupon research and inventions will transpire, new knowledge wi ll be gleaned, literary works in a futuristic form will be written, science fict ion that will frequently be turned into motion pictures. You are the only person on Earth with whom we had and still maintain contact wit h in both physical and telepathic form - except for those individuals whom you k new and who have since died. Billy What about other extraterrestrial intelligences since? Do any of those maintain contacts with terrestrials at this time? I mean with private people and the like, who have no connections with government s and the military, about which you are not permitted to speak. Ptaah This question must be answered with a definite 'no', for none of the 3 groups wh o are constantly or frequently on Earth, maintains any private or religious cont acts with individuals on Earth, which can also be affirmed with absolute certain ty. This also applies to the many extraterrestrial visitors who come to Earth for ex cursions, expeditions or whatever other reasons. The "examination" contacts are excluded, because we are not speaking about them since they are not contingent upon 2-way contacts. Billy This means that no contacts now exist between private citizens and extraterrestr ials. And, just as you have stated, neither are there any contacts of a religions natu re between terrestrials and extraterrestrials. Life in Pleiades star cluster: Billy Another question regarding the Pleiades. You mentioned previously that they are still very young. Aren't there any inhabi table planets? Ptaah No. Although there is a planetary formation around some of the Pleiadian celesti al bodies, they are in as young a state as the stars themselves, which is only n atural, of course; when the stars are young, the planets must also be young. However, on the few planets in the Pleiades star cluster no life exists whatever at this time, and the question remains, whether or not any life will ever devel op there.

Eugenio Siragusa-Giorgio Bongiovanni & Francis of Assisi: BIlly: This means, then, that the stigmatized man and his benefactor, Siragusa, are not hing more than frauds, liars and cheats. The stigmatist, Giorgio Bongiovanni, even wanted to come and bring me a very imp ortant message from the Holy Mother of God and the Father in Heaven himself. For nearly a week he had third parties pester us in a number of languages to arr ange a meeting with me. He and his followers actually believe that his stigmata is a sign from God, whil e his signs, and those of all stigmatic persons, are truthfully only generated b y religious-sectarian delusions and fanaticism. These signs are produced through a religious and sectarian-based psychogenic effect in the identical manner as w as the case with the first famous stigmatic individual, Francis of Assisi and se veral hundred others. Ptaah This is absolutely correct. From our monitoring device I know about the incident regarding the telephone harassment by the followers of this delusional fanatic, Giorgio Bongiovanni. It seems, the religious-sectarian fanaticism knows no bounds among terrestrials. Michael Hesemann & Cover photo(UFO & F-14) for his book Geheimsache UFO (Secret Matter UFO): Billy Another question: For his book Geheimsache UFO ... (Secret Matter UFO ...), Mich ael Hesemann used a cover photo, taken by a certain Amaury Rivera, that shows an American Air Force F-14 interceptor and a UFO over Puerto Rico. Do you know anything about this? Ptaah Certainly. There is no doubt that trick photography was used with models suspend ed with fishing lines. We checked into this matter as thoroughly as we did with Ed Walters, whose photo s also utilized trick photography. Michael Hesemann is an enthusiastic ufologist but he is, in this respect extreme ly, almost irresponsibly, gullible. He allows himself to be unusually easily tricked and deceived, and he erroneousl y believes that he is of extraterrestrial origin. As our very profound investigations have shown, he is a purely Earth-created ind ividual and this may, in part, be the reason for his UFO enthusiasm and the fact that he is so easily deceived. Bily: Then back to Michael Hesemann. What do you think of him? Ptaah He would be a very valuable individual in disseminating the truth about our enti re Mission and beyond; if only he would desist being influenced to such a great extent by lies, deceit, fraud and charlatanry, and if he were more courageous in disseminating the genuine truth instead of so much nonsense that is presented i n his books and magazine. Billy You are expressing my opinion as well. Ptaah Truly, he could be a person to be accorded the required trust to disseminate Mis sion material, if only he would possess the courage to commit himself to it. Billy I know, but, unfortunately, this essential factor does not seem to exist. Authentic Photos/Films of ET & Terrestrial ships by UFO Observers: Billy:

Regarding the falsified photos: There have been many other authentic pictures ta ken in the past few years by UFO observers. Among them, according to your own information, there are also photos taken by po lice and military personnel. Ptaah This is correct. A number of extraterrestrial intelligences allowed their spaces hips to be sighted, filmed and photographed on Earth over the past decades. The UFO movie footage and photographic material produced worldwide, but especial ly in America, South America, England and other countries, does not always show actual extraterrestrial flying objects. Instead, the photos also depict exotic a ircraft that have been produced by terrestrials on Earth over the past several d ecades, as well as craft that come from the terrestrial future, or those, which are known to us as bio-organic flying devices. They are so-called dimension changers, or life forms, that enter terrestrial air space from another dimension. Carlos Diaz, COntactee : Billy Carlos Diaz, a purported contactee, what do you think of him? Ptaah You pose an illogical question, for I already explained that no human beings on Earth maintain any contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences. Therefore he is a liar, fraud and cheat. UFO Crashes in America & Mexico(Area 51, Roswell, Aztec,..): BIlly: I would like to ask for additional information about the following: Are you fami liar with Area 51; Roswell, the 1947 incident in New Mexico; a UFO crash in Azte c, New Mexico, similar to the one in Roswell, but a year later; a 3rd crash at t he Mexican border in '49 or '50; and, in addition, do Americans in Area 51 have some extraterrestrial corpses along with one ET whom they hold captive, and who may now be alive? Ptaah I have already stated several times that these matters fall under my pledge of s ecrecy because they are associated with government, military and national securi ty affairs. I am not permitted, therefore, to speak about these issues officially, but I can speak to you in confidence -- under four eyes -- as you like to refer to it. Needless to say, it would indeed present a danger to you if you officially posse ssed such information. Let us keep things the way they are now. Billy That's ok, it was only a last attempt. Official Contacts with Extraterrestrials is fast Approaching, Terrestrial Exotic Crafts & Discoveries on Moon & Mars: Billy: What about future contacts with extraterrestrials, may we speak about them now? Ptaah Unfortunately this remains impossible. Nonetheless, I am, or rather you are, permitted to reveal that new events will s oon occur. Billy You mean the fact that time is fast approaching when official contacts with extr aterrestrials will take place? Ptaah

Of course. I have told you about them. In times to come, many things will occur and changes ensue with regard to extrat errestrial aircraft, their crews as well as terrestrial, mysterious and exotic-l ooking flying craft. Extraterrestrial contacts may be expected, but they will be completely different from the current contacts that these many lying, deceitful and fraudulent would -be contactees have portrayed them to be through their religious-sectarian absur dities and other things. Immensely significant new discoveries are also forthcoming that will take place on Earth, on the Moon, Mars and beyond, as you have previously stated and extens ively revealed in your 23page report without mentioning the specific dates for p articular events. Billy It would have been wrong to name the years or the exact days and months and so f orth. Writing Capabilities of Core Group members: Ptaah: Ptaah I would like to point out something that is not particularly pleasant: After obs erving what has been transpiring over the past years, I have noticed that only a small number of Core Group members have sufficient capabilities to write in a s uch a manner that they can produce their own foreordained texts and books throug h their individual volition and ability. This is particularly grave among the male group members, excluding Guido. The situation with various female group members is much more positive. With regard to current writings in the way of upcoming books and writings, I fin d the required labor-intense corrections and revisions absolutely frightful, and this applies also to the required sentence structure to achieve the appropriate wording. Billy Our people simply are not writers, and often they do not have the ability to wri te well. Ptaah There are at least 3 male group members who are convinced that their literary ef fusions are of unique quality. Should their works be published, however, they would require complete re-editing , proof-reading [the old German expression 'korrektiert' is used here] and revis ing so that they would be both stylistically correct and readable. Billy That's a fine mess. And who is to do all this re-editing? Ptaah Probably you will not find the time, although you are predestined to do it. And yet, perhaps, you should not be considered for this task. I would like to suggest that Mariann does it, if she is willing; but it would ta ke up a much of her time and would restrict her freedom. Although a few female members in the Core Group could also perform this task, th ey, too, have very little spare time. Therefore, we must drop this subject for now and see what can be done about it i n the future. Ptaah uses a old-German word, 'korrektieren' : Billy That's a fine mess. But tell me, from where do you know the term 'korrektieren'? Ptaah This is a very old, long-gone term in Old German that means something is, or mus t be, "put right" again. Billy

I know this too, my friend, because I use this term all the time. Ptaah It is a word-merit that briefly and concisely expresses the meaning. Billy I am pleased that I am no longer the only one who knows and uses this term. But it seems that nowadays nobody really knows it any more - even in academic bo oks one cannot find anything about it, as though it had never existed. Ptaah It is shown in our old German language records, however. Billy Well, this won't help me here. - And our "great authors" will be "elated" by you r words. Ptaah It would be pointless not to speak about this fact, for the errors would never b e recognized. On the other hand I would be lying if I praised them, and such act ions are foreign to us. The written works produced in the aforementioned manner truly cannot be publishe d until they have been thoroughly re-edited. Plejaren's latest Travel & Transportation Technology: Billy Tell me now how far your research and tests have progressed regarding the latest travel and transportation technology? Ptaah Everything remains hampered by failures, and it will still take more time before all the functions perform flawlessly. Some additional, unexpected problems arose again recently. Once everything is functioning without defect, we will have the capability of vi siting you more often as we will not have to traverse the distances to Earth and you in such an awkward manner; instead, we will do so without losing any time a t all, among other things. Likewise, we have not forgotten your promised trip to visit my daughter Semjase. Billy I am happy to hear this. I am eager to find out when this will finally take plac e. Ptaah As it looks now it may still need some time according to your concept - perhaps two or three years. Billy Man, oh man, I am already old and rickety now! Asking Questions to Plejaren in FUture(After their Withdrawal): Billy: Oh yes, what are we going to do now in future when I have questions for which I would like an answer from you? Ptaah We have already taken care of everything, so when something important arises we will be able to contact you telepathically. You will not have to try very hard to reach us, for the monitoring device that w ill remain over the Center is adjusted and programmed to receive your telepathic impulses, which are transmitted as a signal to me at several times the speed of light. I will then contact you. Likewise, I will get in contact with you when I have important information, inst ructions or other matters for you or the group. So, you need not struggle to call me; in other words, you need not try for hours if I am not available at that exact moment. A simple, elementary-type telepathic call will suffice and be registered by the monitoring device, whose signal is continually transmitted until I receive and c

onfirm it. My telepathic contact with you, in turn, will ensue as rapidly as possible in no rmal spirit telepathy. Billy Thanks for your efforts. I will only call you when something really important tu rns up. Ptaah I would be much obliged. Furthermore, please refrain from asking questions that concern the interests of group members or other individuals. In the future the intent is that all of you are on your own; you must all determ ine, guide and handle everything by yourselves. Future questions will only be answered when they are closely or loosely related to interests in the Mission and those generated in some form by your own interes ts. Control discs Stationed on Earth((After Pleajren Withdrawal): Billy What about those control discs that monitor the world -- will they remain statio ned around the Earth? Ptaah All of the monitoring devices have been removed now. The only remaining one is i ntended for the Center. It is no larger than 7 mm [approx. 2/8th of an inch] in diameter and 3.2 mm [1/8 th inch] in thickness. Billy And that contains the entire monitoring electronics and the signal transmitter? Ptaah Along with many other devices of which you could not even dream, as you express it. The monitoring device also contains the transmitter, receiver and a related pict ure transmission system that transmits everything at a multiple of the speed of light to a checkpoint near to our dimension passage at the . . . star in the Ple iades star cluster. From there it reaches us by way of a dimensional transmitter located in our own space-time configuration, hence, in our dimension. For security reasons I am unauthorized to provide any further explanations. Plejaren security regarding Other Space Travelling Intelligences: Ptaah: The monitoring device also contains the transmitter, receiver and a related pict ure transmission system that transmits everything at a multiple of the speed of light to a checkpoint near to our dimension passage at the . . . star in the Ple iades star cluster. From there it reaches us by way of a dimensional transmitter located in our own space-time configuration, hence, in our dimension. For security reasons I am unauthorized to provide any further explanations. Billy You are probably referring to security regarding other space travelling intellig ences? Ptaah Precisely. To provide you with more detailed information would be dangerous for us. Billy My friend, you are once again very laconic. You probably feel that certain Earth visitors from other worlds beyond our solar system could obtain your information to me and then find their way into your di mension? Ptaah

Yes, that is what I am telling you. We know of at least one such group of intelligences who are capable of entering other dimensions to the extent that they would be capable of penetrating into ou r dimension, which would be rather unpleasant. Billy I did not know that. Do these intelligences come to Earth, too? Ptaah Yes, they do. Billy Then one can understand your concerns even more. - Are you speaking of those who . . . . Ptaah They only visit Earth sporadically. Dream interpretation in Spirit Lessons: Billy In the Spirit Lessons I have begun an extensive project about dream interpretati on. I already explained that dream symbols throughout the Universe possess the ident ical value, respectively interpretation, for all human life forms, assuming of c ourse, that the humans on other worlds receive the same symbols as us here on Ea rth. This is not always the case, naturally, because many other prerequisites exists on other, extraterrestrial worlds, such as in the animal kingdom, technology, la ndscapes, etc., etc., which have an influence on the type of symbols. If we assume, then, that on other worlds ravens exist, too, or snakes and so for th, they would possess the same symbolic value as here on Earth. Stars, fire, wa ter, air, volcanos and thousands of other things exist throughout the entire Uni verse. As dream symbols, they have the same values and interpretations as those on Eart h. Symbols on Earth that are non-existent here due to different types of fauna, env ironment, technology, music, landscapes, flora, etc., but exist on other worlds, would have the identical values on Earth or elsewhere as long as the appropriat e prerequisites are given here as well. Does this apply to other Universes also? I think that it cannot be any other way . Ptaah Your assumptions are absolutely correct. Heidi & Bob's Group & Other FIGU groups : Billy: By the way - Heidi and Bob in San Diego as well as the many group members who ga ther around them are always very active, diligent and successful. A true joy. Ptaah I am well aware of the situation. Please extend to them my special greetings and high esteem, for they are truly v ery diligent and successful in their efforts for the Mission. They are a rare exception in America with regard to their honesty, along with th eir true efforts and esteem for the Mission, for you and for us. When I think of the evil schemes, fraudulent activities and exploitations perpet rated by Americans against you, I permit myself to say that the individuals in t his small group around Adelheid, respectively Heidi and Bob, as well as these tw o themselves, belong to a very select group of people for whom you would have to search for a long, long time to find. How did you phrase it once in a parable: "Some very few, healthy, germinating se eds in a gigantic desert." A phrase I have since never forgotten. Billy

I did say this once. That is correct. It was a very long time ago. But it actually applies to Heidi and Bob and the sm all group gathered around them. The Toronto Group, FIGU Japan and the few people in Sweden are also doing quite well, even though in Canada and Japan a few small snags still remain. But there is truly no comparison with Heidi's and Bob's group. Ptaah One must truly show them due respect. Billy You've said it, my friend. Future Meditations(After Plejaren Withdrawal): BIlly: I wanted to ask you still about the future meditations: If you are not here any longer, does this mean you are not participating any longer either? Ptaah No, everything remains the same way as it has been until now. There will be no changes in this regard. Everything will continue the way it alw ays did. Billy That's good, so we are not truly alone. Future Epidemics-> Scrapie/Cattle Madness/BSE & AIDS : Billy You did mention that new epidemics will also manifest themselves and spread thro ughout the world. When will that begin? Ptaah The tribulation began originally with the initial epidemics when, as usual, ever ything was kept covered up. Billy How could it be any different. Our glorious scientists also claim that certain d iseases cannot cross over the species barriers such as epidemics, for example, o f scrapie, also called cattle madness or BSE, and AIDS. In both cases this has already transpired, in fact a long time ago. Yet, the narrow-minded, megalomanic, moronic scientists still claim that this is impossible. Ptaah What you say here is absolutely correct: Pathogens of animals as well as humans are very much capable of crossing over the species barrier, mutating, and causin g the infection of other species with the same disease. Pathogens have the ability to spread from one type of animal to other animal spe cies and on to humans while, likewise, pathogens of human diseases have the abil ity to spread to animals. Due to the change from one species to another, the state of the disease also cha nges. The pathogens mutate and adapt to the other life forms. These are facts that are denied by the reprehensible, criminal and irresponsible individuals in charge. On one hand they are truly megalomanic and narrow-minded, as you said, and on th e other hand, they remain so restricted in their knowledge that they fail to see the genuine correlations, or are unable to even fathom them. Now, my friend Eduard, we should turn to other things, for we still have much to discuss. Billy Of course - I have no further questions. 52] Contact Report 252, February 15, 1995 - Ptaah

Plejaren Not giving Full Truth but Partial Truth : Billy I still had a question. You have often denied things which, however, were otherw ise laid out differently by Earthlings - indeed as true and given. How should one understand that? Ptaah 59. We have certainly done that. That is true. 60. But that always has its basis in that, on one hand, we are not permitted to speak about it as a consequence of our obligation of silence, or, on the other h and, because the facts of the questions do not precisely agree with reality or t he truth, or simply that things emerge which do not make sense and allow things to appear in a false light. 61. Also it often happens that the questions were not purpose-directed enough, c onsequently negative or denying answers were given for them. 62. But we were always honest and never told an untruth, even if we sometimes ta lk around this, something you are indeed also a master of. Billy You mean by that that you have often simply beaten around the bush! Ptaah 63. That is the sense of my words. Why Plejaren live in another Space-Time Configuration(STC): Ptaah: There are relatively few extrasolar planetary systems in the DERN Universe's spa ce and time configuration - they are rare indeed. On the other hand, in the dime nsion where we and all other groups of the Enoch (Henok) lineage live, numerous solar systems exist that contain planets capable of supporting great varieties o f life. Even our earliest ancestors travelled to these dimensions with the shift ed space and time configuration in which we now live; and for this reason, we, a s well as all other Enoch [Henok in German] lineage groups, have been knowledgea ble about them since the days of yore. Billy: What do you mean by "relatively" in regard to planet-carrying solar systems? Ptaah: Many planets exist in numerous solar systems within the space-timeconfiguration of the DERN Universe. If I may say so, however, by comparison to those in our di mension, these systems are extremely spread out. This means that the many planet -bearing solar systems in this galaxy, the Milky Way, are very far apart from ea ch other, while in our dimension and galaxy countless solar systems with planets are close to one another, that is, they are very densely grouped Barbara Marciniak, UFO Contactee : Billy: . . . It is rather unpleasant, just like the other matters, such as those in Am erica for instance, where once again somebody claims to be in contact with energ y and light beings from the Pleiades. This time it is a woman, whose name I have forgotten again, unfortunately. She has apparently also written a book on purpo rted Pleiadian teachings and so forth, which has now been published in German an d supposedly is a cult book in America. Ptaah: . . . I am familiar with this. It is a certain Barbara Marciniak, who is, howev er, in her delusion also active as a trance medium. Yet, she is nothing more tha n a thoroughly deceitful, fraudulent liar, to the same degree as Fred Bell. She lies, swindles and deceives people on Earth including herself with purported con tacts with an energy-collective from the Pleiadian star cluster. The truth is th at on the Pleiades only very young, blue and extremely hot celestial bodies exis t that are incapable of carrying any type of life, neither in coarse material no

r semi-material or spiritual form. All claims by this lying deceiver and fraud o riginate solely within her own invention and fantasy and do not hold even the sm allest shred of truth --- aside from a few items which she more or less stole fr om texts where our contact conversations between you and us were reproduced --most of which were produced without your permission and contain material that wa s stolen from you. Due to the fact that there exists no life, intelligent or oth erwise, on the Pleiades stars, hence also no energy-collective or any similar te rrestrially invented nonsense, we have a related explanation from the Arahat Ath ersata level, which had solicited an inquiry from PETALE, the highest spirit for m level of all the existing high spirit form levels. The reply was concurrent wi th information Arahat Athersata had previously been aware of, namely, that there exist neither intelligent energy forms nor life forms of any type on the Pleiad ian stars. The same also holds true for Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune a nd Uranus. The stars of the Pleiades, which are 62-million years old by terrestr ial standards, are still much too young to harbor any life. Furthermore, they ar e of a star type that will never sustain any energy- or material- type of life b ecause their existence will be very short-lived before they die again and dissol ve into interstellar energy from which, some day, gases and new formations will emerge again.


Contact Report 253, November 1, 1995

Billy: How are we to judge the authenticity of the Roswell film, which allegedly depicts the autopsy of an extraterrestrial being? Florena: We could not find any evidence whatsoever that a certain Jack Barnett o r Jack Barret existed or actually filmed the footage as Ray Santilli initially i dentified the man. We even took the time to travel back in time to the period of the crash in order to SCAN the actual location. Our findings were totally diffe rent from those shown in the movie. Furthermore, there was no photographer or ca meraman present who was filming and later allegedly absconded with several rolls of film. Photographs were taken and filming was indeed going on but by members of the Army and the Secret Service, and they delivered all of the related materi al to the appropriate offices. According to our investigations, the film is a de spicable hoax that cannot be outdone in tastelessness, because the defrauders me rcilessly and criminally abused a 16-year-old girl whom they used as their model after she died of an illness that had deformed her. Unfortunately, I am not fam iliar with medical science, but Ptaah can give you more details when he visits y ou again. One of his professions is that of a doctor. Billy: Yes, I know about that. I shall wait until he returns. Our cordial thanks to you and all the others for your efforts. Tell me now, what's happening with the Pope -- does he believe in God, and does he believe everything he's preachin g? Florena: Ptaah said that such a question could only come from you, and he may be right, for none of us ever had any suspicions that this man was different fr om what he pretended to be. However, our investigations over the past two weeks clearly reveal that this alleged representative of God believes neither in the e xistence of a God above him nor in any of the other religious nonsense he preach es. This man only believes in himself and this was the case among many of the ea rlier popes, something we brought to light via trips into the past and visits to locations of the various events. We found out that a small number, a mere 36 po pes, believed in a God above them, while the remainder were concerned only with their office and their position of power. Indeed, several of them totally reject ed the Christian faith, a fact which, of course, they knew quite well to conceal from others.

54] Contact Report 254, November 28, 1995 - Ptaah Wedding-Cake Ship(WCUFO) Design & Use on Earth: Billy It is indeed a pleasure that you have come personally. I was actually expecting Florena. It was indeed she whom I asked to clear up the miserable matter. Still, that is why you are also here, isn't it? Ptaah 1. Certainly, because I considered the matter important enough that I should con cern myself about everything immediately. 2. A quick clarification was necessary, because not only you are impacted by the matter, rather also the photographic evidence that you have prepared according to our direction, in that you have photographed the pertinent flying device. 3. Now these are the circumstances: 4. We already worked with those flying devices, which you call the cake-ship, in the twenties, but it was indeed only at the end of the seventies that they were brought to the required status for their use on the Earth. 5. The form of these flying devices was specially thought up for the Earth, for which reason we made the effort to transmit the entire necessary specifications for the design to terrestrial scientists through impulse-telepathy so that, out of that, flying disks could be developed. 6. This impulse-telepathic information went predominantly to aerospace technicia ns, as I will designate these persons, whereby especially German engineers were included for this, to whom we transmitted exact plans for the external form as w ell as certain technical particulars which were responsible to transmit. 7. Thereby the German scientists also actually experimented, whereby they could construct halfway suitable flying disks, which according to our thinking at thos e times should have been used to constitute an air power through which an earlybrought-about world peace should have been achieved. 8. However, the political machinations changed very quickly into a bellicose dir ection, for which reason we brought an end to further impulse-telepathic informa tion to the German scientists and allowed the project to expire, whereby we howe ver initially transmitted false information so that the flying disks could not b e created specifically for warlike purposes. 9. However, the plans existed furthermore in isolated copies because we could no t obtain them all. 10. Which was, however, no longer bad, because these still-existing papers were extremely incomplete, and disappeared in this form. 11. In practice, these drafts were only available as sketches which only showed the outer ring and the underside of the flying device while the extension undern eath and the construction of the top were no longer available; and it is exactly these sketches, of the outer ring as well as its underside, which survived for several decades and reappeared in the middle of the sixties. 12. Though this happened without our knowledge, because, since the disappearance of the sketches which had become useless, we concerned ourselves no further abo ut that until just now, when you called Florena and communicated to her that you discovered that the forms of lids for large containers exist, which, in their c onfiguration and construction, are made exactly the same as the lower ring and i ts underside, of our flying device and show the same structure more than only ap proximately. 13. And because you gave one of these kinds of lids to Florena in order to provi de clarification, it was easy for us to compare it with the construction of the flying device, which made the astonishing sameness clear to us, which also gave us occasion to dedicate our attention to the matter. 14. Therefore we cleared everything up very precisely, and thereby found out tha

t the sketches which surfaced again were evaluated in industrial firms and found application, and that these same sketches were utilized for the design and manu facture of forms of lids which were completely atypical, because, until then, th e designers usually only ever drafted forms of lids which showed simple lines, h owever never forms which could be called futuristic and complicated. 15. Thus came about the form of the lids for the container named by you, whereby the form of the lids, as I already said, is deceptively similar to the area of the lower ring and its underside, as is shown by our flying devices which relate to this. Billy Phew. That is quite a story. But it appears logical to me. But that probably does not mean that, in spite of that, a trap will not be laid for me accusing me of fraud because of the photographs of the cake-ship. As a precaution, I have removed most of the pictures from the albums - as least for a certain time. Ptaah 16. I would also advise you to do such a thing - just for a certain time, as you say. 17. However, those who are malicious, who are known to you and who want to denig rate and damage you, will give you no peace in spite of that and will continue t o accuse you of lying, swindling & defrauding. 18. That cannot be avoided - especially not in relation to those powers who are driven by hate and jealousy, as with your wife, and so forth. Billy That is clear to me. Ptaah 19. The really honest ones will continue to stand with you and recognize the tru th for what it is, as you bring and explain it to them. 20. You have nothing to hide because you are not to blame, for neither a lie nor a swindle nor fraud nor charlatanism. 21. Therefore, do not allow yourself to be ground down or undermined by those wh o are malevolent and malicious, who will never give up finding various things in order to be able to defame you, because these humans are sick from hate, envy a nd jealousy, therefore they believe there is something to find in everything and anything which you could have used deceitfully in order to falsify photographic evidence, and so forth. 22. They are sick in their thinking and behavior and in their feelings in such a way that they torment and destroy themselves and obstruct their evolution; that is unfortunately so in your own family. Billy Unfortunately. How Billy's portion of Photographs & Films were Falsified: Billy Already a long time ago you promised me that you would give me a closer explanat ion as to how at least a portion of my photographs and films were falsified. But we have obviously both forgotten that again and again. Couldn't you explain that to me now? Ptaah 23. I actually have not thought any more about that. 24. It was as follows: 25. Various deceivers, who wanted to inflict damage on you, and who continue to attempt this, have constructed, from your photographs, exact models of our ships and have thereby taken new and falsified pictures in the respective correct pla ces where the (original) pictures were taken. 26. They utilized tripods and cameras for this, whereby the very exact same pict ure sections were established as with your photographs, in order to subsequently

bring the models, which were hung on thin threads and wires from long poles, in to the correct position and to photograph them. 27. Photographs falsified in this way are trafficked today by various people and passed off as your falsifications in order, by these means, to accuse you of fr aud. 28. In this regard, also your original films were stolen and adulterated, in whi ch our flying objects were equipped with threads and wires which were copied int o the film and negatives, or conjured into them in some other way. Billy But that's nothing new because you already explained that to me earlier. German Foo FIghters: Billy: . . . You know, my dear friend, now and then one hears strange things regarding the German flying disks. Is it true that the Germans actually attempted to fly t hem, and did the disks reach altitudes of up to 12,000 meters? Ptaah: Such claims are absurd. The "Flying Tops," as they were called, were never final ized in Germany. However, flying disks were eventually built some time later in other countries, e.g., in South America. In the former Soviet Union and in Ameri ca attempts were also made to construct such flying devices after pertinent blue prints fell into the hands of Germany s occupying forces. These blueprints were in complete in that those who held the plans needed to input a great deal of effort to construct the flying disks. These units were and are flown in terrestrial ai r space only to this day, excluding, of course, a particular group of people in South America of which you are well aware. Billy: Can you also tell me whether the blueprints for this type of flying disks secure d by the occupying forces were the same ones you people telepathically transmitt ed to the Germans via impulses? Who was actually in charge in Germany? Ptaah: The transmissions were directed to two men, Schriever and Miethe who, on their o wn, had drawn up plans for the "Flying Tops." These blueprints fell into the han ds of the Americans and Soviets who began studying and constructing the units. A lso, through theft, the group in South America obtained copies of the same "Flyi ng Tops." Billy: One can say with certainty that this group consisted of high-ranking Nazis who f led from Germany after the war ended and disappeared in South America. Ptaah: You should not mention any more about this subject. Billy: Of course not. --- On account of World War II, disk-shaped flying objects were o bserved also in Germany, indeed, worldwide . . . Ptaah: You are correct in this, yes. However, these flying objects were not of terrestr ial origin. They belonged to us and to our allies from the federation. Billy: This would mean that the flying disks which had been observed were not related t o the flying disks, respectively "Flying Tops" disks, or Foo Fighters, of the Ge rmans. Claims to the contrary, therefore, are actually foolish assertions by lia rs, fantasists, and know-italls. We've wanted to know about this for a long time . Ptaah: What I have told you only refers to the Schriever and Miethe Foo Fighters. Billy: You mean there were others? Ptaah: Yes, others did exist. However, they were part of a private research program con ducted by power hungry Nazis who drew upon Schriever's and Miethe's blueprints.

Efforts to develop and test fly their Foo Fighters were underway with positive r esults in Germany at that time. Billy: By the group now in South American? Ptaah: Your conjecture is correct. Billy: And all of this took place right under the nose of the Gestapo? Ptaah: Many influential members of the Gestapo and its SS-leadership were secret, activ e participants who attempted to prevent the rest of the world from gleaning any information about the construction, test flights, and other matters. When the wa r ended, they fled Germany and went to South America, taking with them all of th eir material and staff. This was not a difficult task, for the Foo Fighters had reached a point were they had the capability of circling the Earth non-stop and transporting all required personnel and materials to South America before the Al lied Forces could seize them --- or prior to the Allied Forces finding out anyth ing about these secrets. Billy: So that's how this all happened. How far did the construction of Schriever's and Miethe's Foo Fighters progress? Ptaah: The prototype for the first test flight was available on July 15, 1941. We monit ored this very closely. The Foo Fighter was, however, not constructed according to the data we had transmitted, for we had intentionally made them ineffective b y then, as we could foresee the grave danger they would present for terrestrial mankind. [Comments by Billy: The Pleiadians/Plejarans transmitted data for the construction of flying disks t o the Germans Schriever and Miethe at the end of the 1920s and beginning of 1930 s with the intent to produce an aeronautical technology that would help prevent the looming warfare conflicts. Unfortunately, they soon realized that this techn ology would be used for the exact opposite purposes. For this reason, the Pleiad ians/Plejarans counteracted the undertaking again.] We did not attempt to interf ere in the development of Schriever's and Miethe's Foo Fighter until we suddenly recognized that the units also posed an immense threat to mankind. Once we real ized the flight was going to be a full success, and that mass production of the Foo Fighter would result, we intervened during the preparations to the first tes t flight. A successful flight would have signified that these flying machines we re to assist their producers with the domination and enslavement of all mankind, which was not, and will not be in the future, their (humankind's) intended purp ose. We sought the counsel of Arahat Athersata about our approach regarding this special case, and we then complied with the advice to impair the project and to completely destroy the Foo Fighter and three half-finished prototypes by transm itting malfunctions into the Foo Fighter mechanism. [Comment by Billy: These mal functions were also manipulated into the blueprints.] The mechanisms were demoli shed through explosions. Billy: Why didn't you do that with those who later fled to South America? Ptaah: They did not present a danger to the world and mankind then nor do they today. S ince that time they have dwindled into a small group which possesses no fighting power and is slowing dying out. The group consists only of men and it is unlike ly any descendants will result from them. They have an aversion against women an d children and live purely for their technological interests, and their desires to control the world. The latter they will have no capability of achieving, of c ourse. Although they frequently travel the world in their flying disks, which ha ve even been sighted occasionally, they nonetheless live as recluses. With the f ear of being betrayed by newcomers, they solicit no followers from the outside w orld. Furthermore, they have grown old since the war, with the youngest being 78

years today. The entire group currently consists of a mere 334 men from the ori ginal of more than 2,000. The others passed away from illness or perished in acc idents, e.g., when their experiments went awry or their flying disks crashed. 56] Contact Report 256, May 13, 1996 - Ptaah Talposbacteria(heat bacteria) : Billy You and Quetzal, you have once spoken of talposbacteria, so-called heat bacteria , that, for example, live in fire, as also in lava and magma and in hot springs, in hot mud and even in suns. Ptaah 86. That is correct. 87. It thereby concerns itself with bacteria, which first become properly alive and active with high temperatures. 88. The activation temperatures of the talposbacteria are different according to their kind; so there are indeed those which begin to develop their activity at 80 degrees (C) of heat, as also those which are properly in their living element with several hundred, or thousand, with tens of thousands or even indeed first with a million degrees of heat. 89. As a rule, their nourishment comes from different kinds of hot gasses, which , in part, are also radioactive. Billy That indeed also explains that they exist in the suns and hot nebulae of outer s pace. Is that also the case with galactic central suns? Ptaah 90. This question is actually superfluous, because the talposbacteria exist in t heir thousandfold diversity wherever heat exists. 91. They are different in form from the common bacteria and are absolutely insen sitive to antibiotics, as is not the case with the heat-intolerant bacteria. 92. Earth scientists only know very little about the thousands of kinds of talpo sbacteria, whereby they would name the remainder of these archeobacteria, from w hich presently about 20 may be known, which corresponds to an extremely small nu mber if one considers that these bacteria, in their kinds, go in their thousands , and they exercise various functions. Billy I know; one form makes, for example, methane gas, whereby it takes carbon dioxid e and hydrogen as nourishment and transforms it. Others nourish themselves from salts, from sulfurous gasses, from different kind s of gasses carrying radioactivity, as well as from acidic gasses, etc., whereby they always transform these substances into other forms, whereby a greater part of life would be guaranteed. As in the realm of common bacteria, the talposbacteria, respectively the archeob actria, also work in the manner of constant conversion of material, the change a nd alteration, through which the one disintegrates and would be converted into s omething new. But how far are the Earth scientists in these cognitions? Ptaah 93. They stand yet seemingly at the start of their efforts and research and yet have no idea about how far-reaching the talposbacteria are in their functions, a nd how multifaceted in their number. Billy But you say at least they have made a start. U.S. Army Major Ed Dames & Medium Ingo Swann - Remote Viewing: Billy:

I still have a few questions, one of which pertains to a purported medium, Ingo Swann, and a U.S. Army Major called Ed Dames. They are both involved in this socalled PSI TECH, supposedly a technological viewing method to discern and uncove r even the most secret things from a distance --- at least this is what is being asserted; such a claim is made in Magazin 2000 starting on page 81. The article states that interested parties can meet Ed Dames in Germany where he intends ho lding a 3-day seminar at the impertinent price of DM 1.800 [approx. $1.400]. Fir st of all: Are you familiar with this story? Second: Should Ed Dames be taken se rious? Third: What about the medium called Swann? Fourth: What should we think o f remote viewing? Ptaah: We are familiar with these claims and schemes. With his dishonest methods, Ed Da mes is one of many who extracts money from the pockets of trusting and gullible people. The school for remote viewing, which he initiated, are infamous, shady w heeling and dealing (WV); and this purported remote viewing is nothing more than charlatanry. Both the USA and Soviet Union governments previously conducted com parable studies, and continue to do so to this day. This has not been classified information for quite some time, ever since a great deal of the secret material regarding this so-called remote viewing "trickled" out. The efforts in this sec ret research by the USA and the Soviet Union failed to produce any major success es, and their work in this direction must not be linked in any way with the char latanry of Ed Dames. PSI TECH is not identical to this purported remote viewing, it is merely the name of an alleged firm. Regarding Ingo Swann, I can say that he, too, is involved in many dishonest schemes, and he has been given credit for many things that are untrue. When the facts are examined, therefore, all of the se matters must be regarded as charlatanry and shady wheeling and dealing (WV). Only certain secret research programs and achievements by the USA and the Soviet governments regarding long-distance perception or remote viewing, as it is refe rred to in English, can be excluded from this entire foolishness. Fake Contactees - Jani King,Penny McLean, Barbara Hand Clow, Barbara Marciniak & Amorah Quan Yin : Billy: Do you know anything about a person called Jani King? I have received a fax rece ntly stating that this woman in Australia's North Queensland has written at leas t two books about . . . Ptaah: . . . purported contacts with me. Of course, her information is as much a fooli sh fantasy and nonsense (WV) as the untenable claims by Penny McLean, Barbara Ha nd Clow, Barbara Marciniak, Amorah Quan Yin, and the others who make obscure and stupid (WV) assertions about their having contacts with me. On this list I must also include Fred Bell, who alleges (WV) to have had contacts with my daughter Semjase, and Randy Winters with Adrain s story (WV) about his purported contacts i n Florida. Never have we had such contacts with humans on Earth --- you are the rare exception --- and currently no other contactees exist whatsoever. Furthermo re, in the future no contacts will be initiated with any terrestrial humans by a ny of our peoples. If, therefore, dishonest people (WV) claim they are having co ntact with one of us, or with the spirit entities of one of our peoples, you can rest assured this is a lie, fraud or charlatanry. As well, schizophrenic proces ses, suggestive influences, self-delusions and the like should not be excluded a s possible causes for the individuals' actions. Unfortunately, the number of lia rs, deceivers, frauds, charlatans, and delusional individuals who claim they mai ntain contacts with us, is constantly increasing. Every one of them, and I must strongly emphasize EVERY SINGLE ONE, is simply an individual suffering from dera ngement, schizophrenia or delusions --- unless the person is a deliberate liar, deceiver, fraud or charlatan. It is interesting to note that we Pleiadians/Pleja rans became part of the Earth's public's interest only after you officially bega n disseminating your mission material, and making public appearances. At that ti me we were suddenly being exploited by dozens of delusional people, liars, fraud s, deceivers, and charlatans who claimed we had or were having contacts with the

m. The irony of this scenario is that these sick and dishonest people with their delusional, deceitful and fabricated stories, are being accepted as telling the truth by practically all UFO groups, although their fabrications bore not one i ota of truth --- while you, our genuine contactee, continue to be scorned as a l iar and cheat, and your evidence is defamed as being fraudulent. --- It certainl y would be appropriate for you to compile a pamphlet regarding these matters so you can hand it out to everyone who is interested. The sincere investigators, in deed all other human beings, are entitled to hear about the fundamental truth. Attacks against FIGU, Core & Passive Group Members: Ptaah: ... on the other hand new, negative intrigues against you, the group memb ers, and the entire Mission. Our investigations have revealed very unpleasant th ings, for the time is nigh when renewed, massive external forces will rise up ag ainst both you and the Mission. These negative forces lurk not only among your h abitual enemies, but will be generated also by public media systems such as news papers, magazines, radio and television stations, as well as by sects and religi ons, government agencies and secret services. Among them are defamers such as Ka l Korff, various MUFON [Mutual UFO Network] groups and similar organizations, al ong with pseudo-scientific associations who fundamentally denounce anything and everything which is of a non-terrestrial nature. One of these organizations is C ENAP (Centrales Erforschungs-Netz Aussergewhnlicher Phnomene = Central Research Ne twork for Unusual Phenomena). Many unwary people permit these denouncers and deb unkers, know-it-alls and intrigants to mislead them. In so doing, the unwary act ually enable those who deny our existence and undermine you and your mission for reasons of hatred, envy, religious-sectarian delusions, know-it-allattitudes, p erpetual criticism, upgrading their own image, lust for admiration, arbitrarines s, inferiority complexes, megalomania, feelings of superiority, a need to show o ff and the like. Also, the desire for financial gain, which is of particular imp ortance to those individuals for whom money means everything, frequently plays a n important role in this scenario. No intrigue or defamation, no lie or fraud is too low for them. Sadly, this type of individual exists in great numbers on Ear th. Many of them do not refrain from defaming us when they suggest that we are a ctually contacting them and that we, purportedly, are transmitting messages and teachings to them. This deceitful characteristic is especially predominant among individuals of American origin, although this disease has now invaded Switzerla nd, Japan, Germany, Poland, the former Soviet Union, Austria, Italy, Israel, Spa in, France, Scandinavia, the Czech Republic, and is on the rise in many other co untries as well. You and your group members will soon notice this happening, as renewed attacks will be made on you from all parts of the world. Not only will y ou be included in these attacks from every corner of the globe, but all Core Gro up and Passive Groups members will be affected as well. Additionally, all your e fforts to disseminate the truth and to fulfill the Mission will be increasingly defamed and affected. This also includes the efforts by the Core Group and the P assive Groups. Even the individuals' personal rights and personal freedom and wo rk may become influenced. Along with all these attacks will come a time that dem ands increased attentiveness and increased efforts of every FIGU member in the C ore Group and the Passive Groups with regard to steadfastness and the fulfillmen t of the Mission. You will all need even greater strength from now on as you fac e the defamations, attacks and false accusations, which will become ever more dr astic because the time is now ripe for certain "elements." Another reason may be that the attackers even sense setbacks in their passion to boast, their vainglo ry, arrogance, power hunger, greediness for financial gain, their fear, or in th eir deceitful actions to suppress the true facts which discriminate against the truth. You and your Core Group and Passive Group members will be subject to undu e stress from now on and, therefore, the chaff will separate from the wheat. Tho se who are not completely on the side of the truth will fall by the wayside and drown in a sea of irrationality and the denial of the truth. Pyramids of GIZEH & SPHINX :

Billy: ...I would like to ask you something about the pyramids, which are not only foun d in Egypt but all over the globe. Asket told me once during a contact, that the pyramids were constructed under the direction of extraterrestrials. At the time , in 1956, she stated that the pyramids were built two times 36,650 years ago (f rom 1956) hence, 73,300 years ago. Forty years have passed since then, which would put the pyramids' time of origin at approximately 73,340 years. And yet, scient ists profess something altogether different. They place the construction time mu ch later, just a few short millennia before the birth of Jmmanuel. Ptaah: I am familiar with this misrepresentation and miscalculation. When you calculate back from today, the pyramids were indeed erected approximately 73,340 years ag o. This includes not only the pyramids found in Egypt, but also all others locat ed around the Earth whose distance from the sun amounted to 152.5 million kilomete rs [95 million miles] during the pyramid's construction era. The pyramids were c overed on the outside with a solid layer of limestone and lime mortar, and they were accordingly higher than they are today. In those days the Cheops pyramid me asured 152.5 meters [500 ft] in height, representing 1 meter per 1 million kilom eters of the Earth-to-sun distance at the time. Over the course of millennia, th e outer limestone layers were removed as were parts of the actual pyramids thems elves due to erosion or when the material was removed by people to construct oth er buildings and the like. The pyramids' purpose changed repeatedly as well. In their last function they served as tombs, but in other locations they also serve d as cult temples. The pyramid structures and the many interconnected, subterran ean rooms were constructed under the direction of humans of extraterrestrial ori gin who had come to Earth in those ancient times from the Orion constellation. F or this reason the Egyptian pyramids were constructed to replicate this constell ation, while the sphinx points toward the Leo constellation. The utilization of the pyramids as tombs and the like along with the hieroglyphics date back to more re cent periods ranging from just prior to Jmmanuel's days, some 2,000 years ago, i nto the past of a little more than 13,000 years ago. Extensive subterranean spac es, components of each pyramid complex, became subterranean villages of varying sizes where their human inhabitants hid from the looming terrestrial dangers and threats from outer space.


Contact Report 257,February 3, 1997 - Ptaah

Billy and Ptaah discuss Billy's article covering topics such as: the history, variety and frequency of extraterrestrial visitors to Earth the Earth-government secrecy, misinformation and disinformation surrounding the extraterrestrial presence and its effects on the population the Earth-militarys' aggressive behaviour towards extraterrestrial ships the falsehood of other contactees of extraterrestrial visitors UFO Obsevations : Billy: I am often asked whether then only the Pleadian/Plejaren come to Earth as extrat errestrials. Naturally that is not the case, because there exists yet various other extraterr estrials, who fly into terrestrial airspace and can also often be observed. They are, in part, members of the Pleadian/Plejaren federation, who cannot howev er be counted as foreigners who stem from planets and solar systems that have no state of affairs at all with the Pleiadian/Plejaren and their federation worlds . These foreign extraterrestrials come from the most different star systems, which

as a rule, belong to our galaxy, respectively, the Milky Way, whereby however e xceptions also exist, however only very few, in which the extraterrestrials stem from foreign, and millions of lightyear-distant, galaxies. There are, however, few like this to note, that they can only be spoken of as a rarity. In every case caution is recommended in relation to the extraterrestrials and co ntact with them as well as in relation to the observed UFOs, because for a long time not all of that which was said and asserted in this regard was correct. Deceptions can be present during the observations of UFOs, as well as the actual observation of extraterrestrial flying devices, etc. Thus, where dealing with such an observation, it is often very difficult to clea r up. Yet it may be accepted that a certain small percentage of all observations actua lly lead back to extraterrestrial flying devices, which are seen in ever greater numbers around the world. The majority of the observations do not, however, correspond to reality, rather touch upon imaginations and suchlike, that many times are only the consequence o f certain science fiction films, etc., that would arouse the susceptible humans to fantasies through which they then see or experience imaginary things in the s ky that have nothing to do with reality. And just these imaginations, that often extend to Real Vision, are very plentifu l, but this should not prejudice the facts, and mean that all observations are o f this kind, because there actually are still enough cases of UFO observations t hat undoubtedly rest upon such really-occurring extraterrestrial, and partly als o other-dimensional, flying devices which have nothing to do with the Plejadian/ Plejaren, and their confederates, rather they belong to other worlds and civiliz ations. Contacts with Extraterrestrials : Billy: Regarding the contacts with extraterrestrials, the circumstances are partly the same as with the UFO observations, in the form that a fantasy is called forth, b ecause actually any contact with extraterrestrials occurs only in the most excee dingly rare cases, and as a rule also only in an unintended form. Intentional extraterrestrial contact with Earth humans would normally be taken u p only most rarely, whereby the so-called examination contacts predominate, wher eby the Earth humans would be "abducted" for examinations, respectively, analyse s, and hauled into spaceships. However, those examination contacts have nothing to do with the mass hysteria of the alleged abductions, through which they would inflict pain or steal sperm or the fruit of the wombs from "abductees", to breed a new species of human, etc. Many times these mass hysterias rest upon certain phobias under which the allege dly abducted ones suffer, as well as sleep-paralysis visions and Real Vision, et c, that convey an impression to the beset humans that they have or have had an a ctual experience. But there are still all of those who assert that they maintain physical or telep athic contact with extraterrestrials, mostly connected with religio-sectarian de lusional teachings and assertions that withstand no reason. But in this matter it is exactly these religious delusional teachings and assert ions from which very many humans feel addressed and which these "contactees" bel ieve, who in truth are either profit-obsessed deceivers, flipped-out sectarian f anatics or simple charlatans, who, altogether however, lead their believers arou nd by the nose. Thereby not to be forgotten at any rate are the chronically delusional who suffe r from some form of schizophrenia or simply imagination. Therefore the greatest caution is recommended with extraterrestrial contacts in the sky, because too much about this are lies, deception, swindle, charlatanism and speculation, etc., whereby also the truth-despising efforts and falsificatio ns as well as disinformation machinations of the governments are implicated thro

ugh the committal and establishment of unbelievable lies, slanders, falsificatio ns and trickeries in the world to veil the truth, to contradict and to deny. Secret Military, Government,Financial Elite's(Jewish,..) Approach to ET Phenomen on : (US & Russian Presidents, POPEs, Jewish ELite.. Europe Battlefields- FIrst World War AMerican MIltiary witnessing ET's ABductions, Crop Circles, Animal Mutilations, AADL, Anti-ALien MOvies, George Wells, Orson Wells) Billy Now here are the pages of the article. I d be interested whether you have yet some statements or remarks to make about it that I could use to expand on, or whether I should leave it all as is. However I don t find an expansion absolutely necessary, but if you recommend it, t hen I d be happy to do this. But now read first one time, and if you think that it requires yet further expla nation, then tell me. Greatest caution is recommended with extraterrestrial contacts in the sky, becau se too much about this are lies, deception, swindle, charlatanism and speculatio n, etc., whereby also the truth-despising efforts and falsifications as well as disinformation machinations of the governments are implicated through the commit tal and establishment of unbelievable lies, slanders, falsifications and tricker ies in the world to veil the truth, to contradict and to deny. The Roswell UFO crash is just one of many inglorious examples. Naturally not all terrestrial governments and military work in this slimy way, b ut there are many. And they get ever more difficulty from those peoples who are really interested i n the UFO clarification and the events connected therewith, as they turn the hea t up under the governments, the military and the secret services. The time namely presses ever more, because ever more UFO incidents take place an d also pure UFO observations increase ever further. So the responsible ones use their lies, defamation and denial ever less, whereby they apply a new obscuring technique to keep secret the actual existence of ext raterrestrials, as well as their visits to Earth. Their new method is to demonize everything that has to do with UFOs and extrater restrials. That, thereby, also serves to hinder the coming about of contact with extraterre strials and civilians, because that can no longer be controlled and because, as a rule, civilians who are not bound by a military or secret service security sta tus do not shy away from making such experiences and events openly known. But such open information is exceedingly uncomfortable and even exceedingly dang erous for the governments as well as for the military and secret services, etc., as their power structures could become shaky. Of this it was already clear to a whole line-up of authorities as well as their military and secret services in the First World War because, over the battlefiel ds of Europe UFOs were observed whose appearance was however kept secret. It went the same way in the Second World War, as the foo-fighters surfaced every where. Indeed, it was already firmly established by the military and secret services an d highest government positions by the First and Second World Wars that UFOs were of extraterrestrial origin, yet the secrecy was still maintained. The facts of the extraterrestrial origins of flying devices was recognized in Am erica through the observation of a landing of such an object, where four unusual ly-clothed humanoid beings disembarked, collected some plants in the vicinity, r e-entered their device and flew away. The observers of these events were two members of the military who, co-incidenta lly, were in just that area while on vacation. Both reported the event to the nearest military facility, allowing the secret in

vestigations and clarifications to proceed, as had already happened in other sim ilar cases that preceded, and also subsequently occurred even more. But everything happened under the strictest nondisclosure, as the Plejadian/Plej aren have affirmed, so the public received no knowledge about these incidents wh atsoever, as neither did the main body of the governments, the military and the secret services. It was always only the very highest positions and officials who were privy to th e secrets. And it was also these people who even then concerned themselves with, and worked out, concealment tactics to deceive most of their subordinates and the entire p opulation. It was to be avoided that on one hand everything would be known, and on the othe r hand that those not in the know and not sworn to secrecy, or even civilian per sonnel, could have contact with extraterrestrials. Therefore a possibility was sought to place fear in humans in relation to the ex traterrestrials so that no contact would result from a possible landing or from a crash of extraterrestrial projectiles. Naturally already in those times there were civilian observers of UFOs, but if t his was to be avoided, there would still be fundamentally nothing given recognit ion in the open media. They also led the population to believe that these strange flying devices were t heir own secret flying machines, which were just then undergoing initial testing . Therefore the people already at that time were knowingly being led into the dark . Silence was maintained regarding what the UFOs effectively were, namely extrater restrial, and partly foreign-dimensional, interplanetary flying devices controll ed by crews foreign to Earth. Naturally in those days the flying devices were not yet called UFOs, but were gi ven other names. But that doesn t diminish the fact that already after the outbreak of the First Wo rld War, in 1915, the American President Woodrow Wilson ordered a nondisclosure in respect of extraterrestrial flying objects, and decreed measures to cover him self with what had been written. The consequences of this unofficial, secret edict of which also US Presidents Wa rren G. Harding as well as Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roose velt, whereby especially Roosevelt, were finally the driving power, was that the angst for extraterrestrial conquerors would be incited to panic, and indeed thr ough a perfidious machination, together with the secret service, through which b ook authors would be threatened with death in order to start an extremely effect ive horror scenario. US President Harry Truman was then also later drawn into the conspiracy, because he even cooperated as the highest-placed observer of UFO crash sites. However, things of this kind were not only happening in America, because also in Russia as also in other countries one was becoming attentive to the UFOs and se cretly held the view that it must concern extraterrestrial flying devices even w hen, always again, meanwhile, voices from the uninitiated grew loud in Russia as well as in America that these thereby dealt with new kinds of enemy aircraft. Party leader and dictator Josef W. Stalin was, for example, like various US pres idents, at different times an observer of UFOs, from which he was quickly convin ced, despite the angst for the new flying machines of the Americans, that it dea lt with intelligences foreign to Earth. One fact that he, however, never made openly known, as also happened with the fa ct that practically every UFO observation in the Soviet Union fell under secrecy provisions. The darkening, slandering and obscuring machinations of many governments, milita ries and secret services, etc., of different countries, began therefore already very early, and indeed much earlier than would be generally accepted by the real UFO researchers.

According to the explanation of the Plejadian/Plejaren, however, especially the Americans were leading in this respect, whereby these were also those who held t he proof of the existence of extraterrestrial flying objects tight in their hand s already early, and indeed not first since the Roswell case. Truly, already earlier the Americans had parts of wreckage from crashed extrater restrial flying devices fall into their hands, as well as mutilated extraterrest rial corpses, which, however, fell under the strictest nondisclosure and whereby , as the Plejadian/Plejaren explained, also undesired UFO crash and UFO recovery observers, as well as recovery workers were \"erased\" or forced into silence u nder the gravest threats. But that was not enough by far, because the longer the UFO appearances in the ne w age were observed, the more secretively these were dealt with, and indeed not the least on that account, because the arrival of the extraterrestrials, and the enslavement of the terrestrial humanity through the invaders was feared by the American government and their military as well as secret services. And (so) that the population should be left in ignorance about the truth of the existence of extraterrestrials, nevertheless, however (that) fear must be develo ped in the peoples against the extraterrestrials, out of which a far-reaching ha te must be established against the invaders, and, thereby, once again a defensiv e rage steered by hate should result, the US presidency, as well as the leading officers of the military and the secret services, etc., came upon a psychologica lly sophisticated idea to work out a horror scenario in extraterrestrial matters and to start it in such a way that not only America would be seized by it, rath er also great parts of the rest of the world. This scenario should be configured in such a way, that once angst and panic shou ld first break out regarding Extraterrestrial invaders, thereafter they then spr ead further fear and hate far, and could spread it over the world, and indeed al so then, when it would be officially recognized, that it all only dealt with fic tion and therefore a poor utopian piece of work. Thereby the psychological trick would be established, that when once fear is sow n then from that yet greater fear and finally also panic and hate must develop, that follows itself further, always spreading out farther. A fact that was already know then and also today, yet would be practiced again a nd again over the whole world in different relationships. And exactly angst and terror were necessary, according to the view of the respon sible ones, to incite the population against the extraterrestrials, and to preve nt them from coming into contact with them if the opportunity should present its elf. Through this perfidious and fully-thought-out psychological machination of the h ighest government authorities as well as the military and secret services, it al so should be avoided that at any time, any one of the people would gain admissio n to the extraterrestrials if the opportunity offered itself. The responsible ones not only had fear of a peaceful extraterrestrial official, or unofficial, landing and contact initiative, but they also feared an invasion. And because an official or unofficial extraterrestrial appearance and effect on the Earth was not compatible with the religious philosophies, since 1915, Pope B enedict XV, (1914-1922) as well as Pius XI. (1922-1939) and Pius XII. (1939-1958 ) would also be drawn into the entire conspiracy. Also certain Jewish dignitaries were enlisted in this, who even at that time in America had quite a bit to say and had a voice. In the most secret of missions, it was therefore resolved to create a horror sce nario which would agitate the population on one hand, who, however, should be le ft in ignorance of the truth of the existence of the extraterrestrials who alrea dy manoeuvred in terrestrial air space and also landed sporadically on the Earth , as it has been established from secure sources, and through that, on the other hand, that fear and hate be sown against the strangers from other worlds. The mean and slimy trick was in and of itself simple: a radio broadcast should b e transmitted, that on one hand spreads angst and terror of the extraterrestrial s, and on the other hand, should also strike very far, and as much as possible, worldwide circles.

To this end, through American secret service agents, as well as through the resp onsible superiors of these positions of duty, as well as the government and mili tarily, suitable authors and works were sought, which could be exploited and use d for the perfidious machination. It was US President Franklin D. Roosevelt (President, March 4th, 1933 April 12th , 1945) who quite personally, however, sought out the science fiction work of En glishman Herbert George Wells, who as an author, in 1898, brought out a work und er the title War of the Worlds . In this episode American secret service agents made contact with Wells and besee ched him coercively to adapt his work to a radio play. But the man himself did not feel in a position to do this, so he suggested chart ering a young American author of his acquaintance, Orson Welles, who would certa inly be suitable. Under threats of death, H.G. Wells was obliged to lifelong silence, after which, then in America, the still young Orson Welles would be coerced by the secret se rvice people to refashion H.G. Wells s work, "War of the Worlds" into a realisticseeming horror radio play. Out of the science fiction novel Wells wrote in 1897 and published in 1898, such a work that broadcast on the radio, would release wild panic and angst as well as hate for the extraterrestrials. The work, in which extraterrestrials, formed unlike humans, and of monstrous and evil-nature, land on the Earth and cause trouble and destruction, was exactly t hat which had been hoped for by the responsible ones of governments, the militar y and the secret services. It s no wonder that as a result of panic breaking out there was quite a number of dead. The goal of the government, the military and the secret services was achieved wi th the broadcast of the radio play (War of the Worlds), because from then on fea r, and also a certain hate, ruled against the extraterrestrials, of the kind and form, as well as the sense, that was also always desired. And exactly that has remained that way until today and even still spreads out, b ecause fear and hate would again always be newly stirred up, and the American se cret service powers, etc., are especially proficient in doing exactly that. Were that not enough, that they and certain also determined government and milit ary powers financially support and demand contra films against the extraterrestr ials, no, they do not shy from simulating all kinds of horror-events, like, for example, abductions by extraterrestrials, as well as human and animal mutilation s and so on and so forth. They are also not inactive in matters relating to the falsification of crop circ les, and indeed in the most differing countries. Naturally, in respect of all these things there are also charlatans, deceivers a nd swindlers and every other sort, yet the secret service machinations are proba bly indeed the worst, because it is precisely through these that disinformation is established, through which the genuine and actual events in this regard are b edeviled and made laughable. Scarcely anything is known about exactly this, as everything runs so secretly as it always has, and as does the actual story of the radio play of \"War of the W orlds\" by Orson Welles. And the danger exists that something could not be held secret, then the responsi ble ones of the government and military as well as the secret services do not sh y away from bringing the witnesses to silence under death threats or through an otherwise erasing, like, for example, through elimination or through a conscious ness-stupefying brain wash and psycho-terror and so forth. Herbert George Wells, who died on the 13th August 1946, also knew that, as did O rson Welles who departed this life on October 10th, 1985. Neither left behind any indications about the true incidents regarding the radio play, as they correctly feared that their families, friends and acquaintances a fter their demise also could be vengefully persecuted by the secret service peop le and the responsible ones of the government and military. And that I now do not hold my tongue about that which the Plejadian/Plejaren exp

lained to me in regard to this what comes of that remains to be seen... The nasty machinations of the government, military and secret service people in respect of the demonizing of extraterrestrials have increased ever more since 19 38 indeed slowly and successively, thus, however all the more incessantly and ex pansively, until in the eighties, essentially, the greatest machination for the bedevilment of extraterrestrials began through a shifty structure in the fashion of the secret service, as well as miscellaneous UFO and extraterrestrial enemie s. Stories came about like the ghastly human and animal mutilations, the theft of h uman babies and the impregnating of terrestrial women through foreign visitors o ut of outer space. Horror stories were also disseminated about subterranean laboratories and the in human experiments taking place there. Were that still not enough, because the angst of the extraterrestrials wreaked e ven worse blooms, like, for example, it would be asserted that women impregnated by aliens would, after some months, have the baby growing in the womb snatched out to be allowed to finally grow further in a fluid-filled incubator, etc., in order to breed up a new humanity, etc. using these hybrid children. A further horror story was that the earth humans would be abducted, in order to take their genetic material that would be necessary for the extraterrestrials fur ther breeding of humans, who would serve as, so to say, nourishment providers, b ecause the evil foreigners out of the depths of outer space supposedly nourish t hemselves on human blood. Similarly, it would also be asserted in respect to the animal mutilations in Ame rica, whereby the related far-fetched feeblemindedness that namely beef blood de monstrates a genetic relationship with human blood, therefore the mutilated catt le would have their blood sucked out to store in the blood banks for crisis time s - naturally through the evil extraterrestrials. Yet even that is not enough, because still many other assertions, slanderings an d lies, and clearly to be recognised as feebleminded, are put about, through whi ch the humans are led into error and would be shifted into angst and terror, as has had manifold success, and certain mass hysteria has been released by a world wide group of certain earth humans, which also leads to feelings of hate, etc. What there is yet to say to the government, military and secret service people a nd already on nonsense bordering on idiocy, and out of the sight of the rational human understanding of everything, may be said with the words of renowned and e xperienced UFO researcher and <Magazine 2000> commentator, Michael Hesemann, who , together with Ingrid Schlotterbeck, in <Magazine 2000> Editorial No. 6/1996, O ct/Nov. writes the following: The US Government, so asserts for example the ex-Marine officer William Cooper, has made an evil bargain with the extraterrestrials: space technology in exchang e for land and humans. At the start of the seventies one first comprehended just how devilish the "visi tors" really are and only since Ronald Reagan, would one react, building the Star Wars system, as defense for Earth and humanity against sinister extraterrestrial s. A clear message lies behind it: how good that we have the military which is powe rfully armed to defy the evil aliens. So the arms race towards the end of the Cold War still had its sense and purpose and even this message is conveyed by a film that explodes all box office record s. The already now most successful film of all time is called Independence Day, the alien apocalypse of the Schwab [south-west German] Roland Emmerich. And it concerns itself naturally with the salvation of the best of all possible worlds, the USA, which is threatened by the space devils. But all these horror scenarios have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with rea lity. One almost attempts to establish an AADL, an "Alien Anti Defamation League . Because in the annals of UFO research there has not been one authentic (that mea ns thoroughly investigated and determined to be genuine) case* that points to an

aggressive behavior or hostile intentions of extraterrestrials, so to go straig ht to the most frequent objection: Yes, the "abductions" are perceived as trauma tic by many victims . That has different reasons: The entire situation is frightening, the fear of the unknown, medical procedures that are sometimes also painful, the complete lack of emotions of the visitor , the feeling of being helplessly extradited, their utte r alien-ness that is often interpreted as ugliness". We do not know why the "abductions" take place, whether out of scientific curios ity or, as many "victims" would explain, in order to establish a "data bank" of humanity, in case we destroy the Earth. Now medical examinations on the Earth are also often painful. Many abductees have the feeling they are unconscious or are "called to duty" in a previous life and draw use out of this expansion of their consciousness. Clearly, the "abductors" are therefore in no way "negative". Yes, airplanes have crashed that have chased UFOs. But that has various reasons. One pilot hunted after a UFO so long that he ran out of fuel. Another attained too great an altitude, becoming unconsciousness. Again, in other cases the interceptor received an "order to fire", but its autom atic weaponry seized. In one case already-defused rockets exploded when still in the jet, the aggresso r was killed by his own weapons, but not by the "visitor . There was a case in Brazil in which a farmer shot at a landed UFO he was struck by a ray which paralyzed him for an hour. He could subsequently move normally. Yes, there are humans who have come very close to UFOs and have suffered radiati on damage. But those are cases that can clearly be classified as accidents. On the other hand, terrestrial militaries have fired on UFO s all too often, and i n some cases even shot them down. There never was an "act of retaliation", as is usual on Earth. Just compare the "ghastliest" descriptions of alleged UFO witnesses with that wh ich we do to other creatures or even our fellow humans. How have we, as we landed in America, behaved with the technologically inferior Indians? How many Africans did we drag off into lifelong slavery? Didn t the Bosnians previously reciprocally massacre their own next-door neighbors ? To which blood bath does a tribal feud lead in Rwanda? Or think of the acts of horror in the Soviet gulag or in Red China. Who now says, they are merely "the others , then be asked: was not the death facto ry of Auschwitz a German invention? And exactly that indicates which mechanism stands behind the alien panic: we mea sure them with our rulers. We project our behaviour pattern onto them. We fear that they will deal in precisely the same way that we would deal with te chnologically inferior peoples and other living beings. They are our projection screen, our mirror image If extraterrestrials wanted to rule earth they would have long since done so. They certainly would not have waited until we improved our defense systems. In reality we are the aggressors, those who greet the friendly visitors with hun ter-interceptors and our xenophobia (fear of strangers) through putting out exorascist propaganda films, like "Independence Day", as the expression imparts, (N ote from Billy: the question about these demonizing efforts against the extrater restrials is, whether the American government, military and secret service-type machinations are behind it, as with War of the Worlds from Orson Welles, in order to newly stir up, and this time in a worldwide mass, angst, panic and hate in re spect of the visitors from foreign worlds.) And their answer: messages of concern about our behavior, thereover, that we des

troy our unique home planets. According to the ethical measures of Buddhism, the Bodhisattva qualities apply t o today. A Bodhisattva is one who has long achieved enlightenment, but has sworn to reinc arnate until the last living being is redeemed. One recognizes two qualities in him: wisdom and empathy. And thereby, that he lives "ahimsa", non-violence. That means that he has renounced the practice of retribution. Ptaah 115. Your article is good and all clarifications conform to the truth. 116. The explanations from Michael Hesemann and Ingrid Schlotterbeck are also to the point. Billy Do you therefore mean that I can publish the article like that? Ptaah 117. That is my meaning, yes.


Contact Report 258, February 20, 1997 - Ptaah

TWA Flight 800: TWA Flight 800 - Part 1 Billy Now the next question: On the 17th of July 1996 a jumbo jet, a Boeing 747, short ly after it's start in New York exploded and fell into the sea, whereupon there were approximately 230 people killed. Do you know anything about it? Ptaah 56. Certainly, because such instruments are registered by our airborne monitorin g devices. 57. Furthermore, Florena also informed me about this regrettable incident. 58. But why do you ask? Billy Quite simply, it interests me why the plane exploded. The Americans have given v arious explanations but one doesn't know which one is applicable. Ptaah 59. About this, I can give you information. 60. Naturally the Americans want to conceal the truth and act by some flimsy exp lanation because it is their own fault that the disaster happened. 61. The truth is that the U.S. Navy shot an attack missile on their airplane whe re it was met by this and brought to an explosion. 62. Whether this happened intentionally or unintentionally could not yet be clar ified by us. However it seems to us after the previous examinatinos that two pos sibilities must be taken into consideration. Billy Why is that? Ptaah 63. To speak about it is actually still too early. 64. To our knowledge, an espionage-engaged person was on the airplane and was ca rrying important data that had been stolen from the American Secret Service. 65. That this person was on board is without question, but whether a deliberate launching took place regarding this is still unclear. 66. The possibility exists that many people were sacrificed because of a single spy. 67. Our investigations will show whether this really happened. Billy That would really be something if it actually happened. However, in political, m ilitary and secret service intelligence circle, much worse crimes were already c ommitted, by which thousands and even umpteen thousands of people had to lose th

eir lives. One only has to think of the contaminative radioactive tests of the A mericans and the English etc., where thousands of people fell victim, which was concealed of course. And I have written an article here regarding this concealme nt if you want to read it shortly...oh yeah, but first one asks again about the suspected spy in the downed airplane whose data was marked as "TWA 800" to my kn owledge and, to be precise, fell into Moriches Bay off the coast of Long Island, where UFO activity has been recorded over and over for a long time, which I rea d in my notes here. It interests me now into which context the espionage activit y took place, military or economic? Ptaah 68. Our previous realisations yielded that the concerning person possessed secre t information of a military kind concerning, various occurrences in relation to extraterrestrial flying objects in the area of Moriches Bay etc., as well as con cerning so-called Brookhaven "SDI" (Strategic Defense Initiative or 'Star Wars') experiments. 69. Whether this missile was consciously launched because of this espionage pers on, in order to bring them to silence this way, is only one possibility because another possibility is taht it was all a tragic accident, though it is certain b eyond a doubt that the U.S. Navy did launch the missile. 70. However, there is another possibility that we must also take into account, t hat the airplane was recorded and spotted on the radar of the U.S. Navy as a socalled "UFO", whereupon the mistaken launching of the rocket took place. 71. And we must take this possibility exactly into consideration even sooner, ju st as with the espionage-activity person. 72. However, I can report to you nothing further about it still but must wait wh at the investigations of Florena's Group yields who are handling everything in t his connection. Billy That's good. May one know what their analysis yielded when she knows the facts? Ptaah 73. Of course, because from this no secret should be made since it is about an e vent that, if our previous analysis should be completely true, has criminal back grounds. Billy Now a question regarding the further secrecy of certain facts or events that you have explained to me over the corse of the years and have prevented me from mak ing them public so that I would be silent. May I actually speak freely about the se things now or not? Ptaah 74. You may speak freely about all those matters, data and facts that we have al lowed you to identify. 75. All other facts you should keep in you under lock and key. Billy Therefore everything remains under time. And of course I will stick to your inst ructions and only speak about things that I may quite safely identify. TWA Flight 800 - Part 2 Billy I would immediately like to ask you about your investigations concerning the dra ma in the USA where a passenger plane exploded in Moriches Bay and fell. You pro mised you would immediately inform me if something had happened there after you had completed your investigation. This is probably the reason why you are now he re. Ptaah 5. That is right. 6. Now, our supposition regarding the circumstances of the crash of TWA Flight-8 00 on the 17th of July 1996 in the area of Moriches Bay was correct. 7. The cause of the disaster was a rocket-missile from the U.S. Navy that errone ously positioned the aircraft on its equipment as an unknown, foreign missile an

d identified therefore as a UFO whereupon the command went out to launch this mi ssile without excuse because through ihe haste and great carelessness the airpla ne was classified as an unknown flying object and in certain respects the nation al security of the USA had supposedly been threatened. 8. This fact has now become concealed of course and run by all the government, t he Secret Services and the Navy with the methods standing at their disposal. Billy That is really something. However you earlier said that yo are not contravening against your directives with this explanation because you know that I would like to bring such matters publicly into the open through the Contact Reports. Ptaah 9. We have also had thoughts about this and have therefore asked the High Counci l if the explanation may be made public or not. 10. The opinion of the High Council was that this event was a crime so human-unw orthy, that this should be publicly announced. 11. Under the cloak of National Security, namely, as explained by the High Counc il, the U.S Military as well as the U S. Secret Services and their Government ha ve committed human-shameful crimes in secret missions so that the world-wide pub lic should be informed about it in order to denounce the whole human-unworthy ma chinations and in time to make them succumb. 12. This however we must not ourselves and not publicly do as we may only give t he necessarv information through which it is then left up to you and other perso ns to spread these in useful form. Billy These crimes also fall under secrecy in America, however. Ptaah 13. That is correct, however through the assent of the High Council we may give you this piece of information in this particular case for public use. Billy I would like to thank the High Council. And of course thanks to all of you for c larifying the circumstances of these criminal events. 59] Contact Report 259, Tuesday, February 25, 1997 - Ptaah

Wedding-Cake Ship Plans used for Designing DIfferent Objects: Billy Nice to see you again already my friend. Ptaah Ptaah 1. It is quite in accord with my promise of November 28th, 1995, that I immediat ely relay to you the newest findings, when these were completed, in regard to th e matter of the flying device. 2. That is now the case, and because I am staying in the SOL system anyway for s everal days, it is my pleasure to be able to visit you once again. Billy With the matter of the flying device, you do indeed mean the things about the "c ake ship", don't you? Ptaah 3. Certainly. Billy Then fire away. Ptaah 4. My assumption was correct, that the utilization of the plan, in regard to thi s flying device, found wider-ranging interest than that merely futuristic forms of container lids were manufactured from them, as I communicated to you at our c onversation on November 28th, 1995. 5. Our very extensive clarifications have revealed that the flying-device plans were variously divided up and were used for further manufacturing, as, for examp le, for various forms of decoration and holding devices for various purposes.

6. Also, exposed bolts for furniture shelves were created out of certain parts o f the plans, as well as roller bearings from other parts of the plans. 7. A flower pot base came about from another part of the plans, which, in its ou ter edge part, is very precisely configured in accord with the plan sketch, cons equently, therefore, even the surrounding pertinent special elements for the scr eening of the visibility of the flying body was carried over, and indeed so prec isely and correctly that no difference exists between the plan sketches and the terrestrially created product. 8. However these are not the only terrestrially manufactured products from the f lying-device plans, because we could determine a total of 17 different objects f or different purposes which were worked out from the plans. 9. We have gained no knowledge as to why that happened, if you exclude the fact that the flying-device plans of that time were ripped out of their entirety and were distributed in several European countries as well as in America and Japan w here they found utilization for the planning and manufacturing of the most varie d products which, in part, are still produced and utilized on Earth today. Billy Then it won't be long before the next attack comes from the side of my yet ex-wi fe, as well as from the side of her bosom buddies R., K. and B. and consorts, wh o are quite industriously busy with that, in order to defame everything and find things to which they believe they can object. Ptaah 10. That will continue to be the case. 11. There is no doubt about that, because the hate as well as the envy against y ou of those named is very great. 12. Also vindictiveness plays a great role in that, especially from the side of your wife, who maliciously left and truly, at no time considered standing by you . Billy I know, so we do not have to talk about it. ... 67] Contact Report 267, June 30, 1998 -Ptaah Dangers of SOY: Billy Then I would like to ask you first of all concerning soy products, about which s o much fuss is being made, and from which also various food, spices and oils as well as Tofu are being produced. I have eaten Tofu already in several variations; however, no form has tasted del icious to me but rather repulsed me. To me it appears like a disgusting form of paper-mache or polyurethane, in any c ase, inedible, which is why I do not understand that many people stuff themselve s with it and rave about it. In this regard it is the same phenomenon as with the tasteless and flavourless s ow's pear, respectively the avocado fruit, which once was genetically manipulate d and grown for pigs food, which in our time, nevertheless, is used by people as food. Ptaah The taste buds of many human beings on earth are altered or even destroyed to th e extent that they perceive the real taste of food etc. only more or less distor tedly. Billy That s what I thought too. However, this was not my actual question; which concerns whether soy products ar e really as healthy as the food industry likes to portray them? Ptaah The main principle lies in the amount, because too much is unhealthy, as you alw ays say.

Basically soy is a high-quality plant protein in which Isoflavones are also cont ained in large quantities in the form of phytoestrogens. Nevertheless, the protein and the Isoflavones, as well as other substances of so y, are in no way harmless. In particular with long-term consumption of large quantities, the Isoflavones ef fect the hormone balance quite critically. However, all the other soy substances are not harmless either, which is why they should be used as food only with sufficient caution or not at all. In particular no kind of food for children should contain any soy products at al l, because with regard to the Isoflavones, especially the health of babies, todd lers and adolescents is impaired by soy products and in other respects health is seriously damaged. Already less than one quarter of a milligram of Isoflavones per one kilogram of body weight per day can cause very bad and irreparable health defects in childre n of every age, namely in relation to consciousness activity, the brain, the int elligence, the world of thought and feeling, the psyche, the physical body and t he behaviour pattern etc. If pregnant women consume soy products it can lead to heavy and irreparable dama ges to the foetus body, limbs, nerves, cerebrum and muscles as well as to body de formations. More than a quarter of a milligram of Isoflavones per kilo of body weight should not be given to babies and toddlers under any circumstances. Said with easy and generally understandable words and concepts, soy products of all kind, because of their toxic ingredients, in larger quantities are even capa ble of impairing the health of strong adults and to cause serious damage, which can lead to growth of tumours, respectively cancer and to the fostering of brain -, consciousness and behavioural disorders, personality changes and to infertili ty. Especially breast cancer in women and men is often caused by soy products, as we ll as depression and Parkinson s, namely in particular when a hereditary dispositi on exists for it. Also Alzheimer s and dementia can be results of an excess of the Isoflavones, as w ell as an impairment of eyesight, the taste buds, the ability to concentrate, th e moral balance and various other important life factors. Billy Then what ought to be the amount of soy that the adult may take? Ptaah The quantity depends on the concentration of Isoflavones, of which a person shou ld consume no more than half a milligram per kilo of body weight daily if he doe s not want to be impaired toxically. Billy This means that a person of 70 kilograms of body weight should not consume soy p roducts that exceed 35 milligrams of Isoflavones. However, with soy consumption this amount is reached very quickly. Ptaah This is indeed the case, because already a normal soy drink of 2.5 dl in size co ntains about 30 milligrams of Isoflavones. Billy And what is the case with drugs made of soy respectively concerning their Isofla vones? Ptaah Such drugs are in no way recommend, if, on one hand, they are not adjusted for t he body weight, and, on the other hand, are taken for too long a time, or if the person is especially susceptible with regard to Isoflavones. Billy Your explanations in the human beings ear and reason. Thanks. 72] Contact Report 272, May 16, 1999 - Ptaah ET's flying around in the vicinity of the Center(1999):

Billy And can you please tell me something about these foreigners, for example, how th ey appear and from where they come? And why haven't you ever told me something about them? Ptaah. 61. In regard to your last question: 62. It was not the time, which is only now occurring. 63. I am not yet permitted to officially answer the first question. Billy A shame - then another time. Ptaah 64. For ... Billy No thank you. I also don't want to know for myself. That way I can always say, with a clear conscience, that I don't know anything a bout it. So let's go to the next question about ... 98] Contact Report 298, Tuesday, March 20th, 2001 - Ptaah Origin of BSE (Mad Cow Disease) & Hoof and Mouth Disease: Billy Can you tell me something about the animal plague BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encepha lopathy, a.k.a. Mad Cow Disease ) and hoof and mouth disease, how they could have a ctually spread so widely across the world? Ptaah 15. The fault lies with the English, respectively those responsible English peop le who, from a desire for profit, knowingly spread the diseases, or allowed them to be spread. 16. Of these responsible ones, deliberately unscrupulous criminal elements must spoken of, because they have spread the diseases in full knowledge, in that they have exported the infected meat to the whole world, or allowed it to be exporte d. 17. Also, deliberately infected livestock from them, such as specific cattle and sheep, were processed into livestock meal, or the permission was granted for th at, thereafter, then, this infected livestock meal was likewise exported to many areas of the Earth, and indeed to more than 100 countries, as we can determine. 18. A course of action that is based on pure greed for profit and irresponsibili ty, and which must not only be designated as unscrupulously criminal, but even f elonious. Billy Ah-ha. Also, in this way, in the same sense that the English in earlier times cr eated their colonies and the Commonwealth through murder, homicide, war and the depletion or extermination of populations under the veil of common good and pros perity, which however, when properly viewed, was only aimed at the English thems elves. Ptaah 19. Whereby you call the matter by its name. 99] Contact Report 299, Thursday, March 22nd, 2001 - Ptaah

Causes of BSE & CJD & Hoof and Mouth epidemic : Billy ... What actually is the trigger of BSE [Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy/"Mad C

ow Disease"] which agglomerates the prions? Do you people have some cognitions? Ptaah 39. Unfortunately, I cannot allow anything concrete to be reported about that ye t. 40. That is why only as much as can be said is that the Earth human himself carr ies the greatest guilt that the epidemic could spread so far, and indeed primari ly thereby, because animal meal was manufactured from perished, diseased animals and was sent to many countries for animal feed. 41. Thereby, in many cases chicken excreta was also worked into the animal meal and it is indeed this chicken excreta which is a carrier of much manganese. 42. It is precisely that manganese, however, which produces a dangerous effect a nd indeed such that it drives prions towards agglutination. 43. So, chicken droppings on the pasture are also dangerous for cattle and sheep , and so forth, because the animals ingest much manganese in this way. 44. But a further factor also lies therein that the so-called Bumble-bee-Fly/War ble-Fly, on the pastures, stings the animals, which are then sprayed with the re medy "Vismet" in order to kill the insects. 45. It is again precisely this remedy, however, which to a great extent, binds t he manganese, whereby the insect-combating remedy precisely causes that manganes e to become a dangerous factor. 46. Besides that, "Vismet" also reaches the cattle and other animals through the animal food because this insect poison is also employed with citrus fruits agai nst pests in the form of insects. 47. The citrus fruit peels are naturally not thrown away as useless, rather they are further utilised and indeed in the manner that they are dried and then grou nd into meal. 48. After that, this then finds application as an admixture to the animal meal a nd other animal feed. 49. And because the peels of the citrus fruit naturally absorb the insect-combat ing poison, this thus arrives inside the animals with the animal meal and other animal feed, in which it then binds the methane through which the prions are the n agglomerated. Billy And how does it stand with that which is always asserted: that BSE only appears in certain parts of the animal? Ptaah 50. Under certain circumstances BSE is also infectious through blood and meat. Billy That means therefore, that, under certain circumstances, the human can also be i nfected from animal meat and animal blood products. Ptaah 51. Yes, that is the case. 52. With people, a form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome then comes about. Billy That therefore, because an alteration comes about if the species barrier is brea ched, or some such. That is known, as is also that the epidemic can spread to many other forms of an imal which however is always still disputed by our scientists, because they have not yet recognized and investigated the different forms of disease of the diffe rent animals that come about through the transmission of the BSE. It would indeed also not be spoken about that bloodsucking insects or bats, and so forth, can likewise transmit the epidemic, if they are BSE carriers. Also it would not be spoken about in this relationship in regard to the hoof and mouth epidemic, although not only the wind, rather also insects - principally b loodsuckers - as well as foxes, dogs, birds, mice and rats, and naturally also c ats, can further spread the disease. Also other wild animals like roedeer, deer and wild pigs are included therein if they come into contact with the epidemic-virus. Also even vehicles, and so forth, as well as the human, are indeed already suffi

cient for the spreading of the epidemic. Ptaah 53. That corresponds to correctness.

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