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Buletin semestrial Semestrial bulletin

Nouti legislative

Legislative novelties Enforcement of the competition legislation Investigations Decisions Dawn raids Promoting the competition rules

Aplicarea legislaiei n domeniul concurenei 8 Investigaii Decizii Inspecii inopinate Promovarea regulilor de concuren Consiliul Concurenei - autoritate naional de contact n domeniul ajutorului de stat n raporturile dintre Romnia i Comisia European 18

Competition Council - national contact authority on State aid between Romania and the 19 European Commission

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Nouti legislative
Ordonana de urgen a Guvernului nr.75/2010 privind modificarea i completarea Legii concurenei (nr.21/1996) a fost aprobat, cu unele amendamente, prin Legea nr. 149/20111. Noile reglementri creeaz premisele consolidrii instituionale a Consiliului Concurenei i eficientizrii interveniei sale atunci cnd are semnale din pia privind posibile practici anticoncureniale. n acest sens, plenul Consiliului Concurenei va fi constituit dup o nou formul menit s creasc gradul de profesionalizare i independen a conducerii instituiei. Procedurile naionale au fost adaptate la prevederile comunitare n domeniul concurenei: se accept msuri interimare i angajamente din partea companiilor investigate; suspendarea amenzii se poate face numai dup plata unei cauiuni; crete ponderea analizei economice n identificarea practicilor anticoncureniale; au fost simplificai paii de urmat n ceea ce privete concentrrile economice.

1 Publicat n M.Of. nr.490/11.07.2011

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Legislative novelties
Government Emergency Ordinance no.75/2010 for the amendment and completion of Competition Law (no.21/1996) has been approved with certain amendments through Law no.149/20111. The new provisions are creating the premises for the institutional consolidation of the Competition Council and for improving the efficiency of its intervention when it received market signals on possible anticompetitive practices. In this respect, the Plenum of the Competition Council will be set up based on a new formula which is intended to increase the professionalism and independence of the management of the institution. The national procedures have been adapted to the competition Community provisions: the Competition Council can order interim measures and can accept commitments to/from the investigated undertakings; the sanctioned undertakings can introduce legal action against Competition Councils decisions imposing fines only after they pay a certain warrant; the role of the economic analysis is increasing within the process of identifying anticompetitive practices; the steps to be followed in the economic concentration field have been simplified.
1 Published in the Official Gazette of Romania no.490/11.07.2011.

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Alte modificri de subliniat sunt: Introducerea unor prevederi potrivit crora dac o ntreprindere recunoate, n mod expres, svrirea unei fapte anticoncureniale, iar acolo unde este cazul propune remedii care conduc la nlturarea faptei, aceasta va fi reinut ca i circumstan atenuant special sub forma colaborrii i va determina o diminuare a amenzii cu un procent cuprins ntre 10% - 30% din nivelul de baz. Aceast prevedere de reducere a amenzii este diferit de prezentarea voluntar de probe care face obiectul politicii de clemen. Modificarea procedurii de calcul a taxei de autorizare, taxa urmnd a fi stabilit ntre 10.000 i 25.000 Euro. Anterior, taxa de autorizare reprezenta 0,1% din cifra de afaceri realizat pe piaa pe care avea loc concentrarea economic. Crearea cadrului legal necesar n vederea efecturii de ctre Consiliul Concurenei, pe teritoriul naional, a inspeciilor solicitate de Comisia European sau de alte autoriti naionale de concuren partenere. Autoritatea de concuren va asigura i aplicarea Legii nr. 11/1991 privind combaterea concurenei neloiale prin preluarea prerogativelor de resort de la Ministerul Finanelor Publice.

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We are also underlying the following important amendments: If an undertaking is expressly recognising that it has infringed the Competition Law and, if it is the case, it proposes remedies leading to the removal of the anticompetitive deed, the Competition Council will consider this as mitigating circumstances cooperation with the competition authority - and will reduce the fine base level by between 10% - 30%. This provision on the reduction of the fine differs from the voluntary presentation of proofs, which is the object of the leniency policy. The amendment of the procedure for calculating the authorising tax of the economic concentrations; the fee is to be established between EUR 10,000 and 25,000. Previously, the authorising tax was calculated as 0.1% of the turnover registered on the market where the economic concentration was carried out. The establishment of the necessary legal framework for the Competition Council to carry out dawn raids on the national territory, as it is requested by the European Commission and by other partner national competition authorities. The competition authority will also ensure the enforcement of Law no.11/1991 on unfair competition through taking over the specific prerogatives from the Ministry of Public Finances.

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Implementarea legislaiei n domeniul concurenei

Investigaii deschise n semestrul 1 2011, Consiliul a deschis 15 investigaii, din care 13 pentru posibile nclcri ale legii concurenei. Numrul plngerilor depuse la autoritatea de concuren este n cretere de 8 ori fa de 2009 i de 4 ori comparativ cu 2008, motiv pentru care procentul deinut de investigaiile deschise din oficiu este n scdere comparativ cu semestrul 1 2010 (cu 29 puncte procentuale), de la 67% la 38%). n funcie de obiectul investigaiei, cele 15 investigaii sunt: 4 - pentru analiza unor posibile abuzuri de poziie dominant, 4 - posibile nelegeri anticoncureniale pe orizontal (carteluri), 2 - posibile nelegeri anticoncureniale pe vertical, 3 - posibile nclcri ale legii de ctre instituii ale administraiei publice 2 - anchete sectoriale (cunoatere a pieei).

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Enforcement of the competition legislation

Investigations opened During the First Semester of 2011, the Competition Council has initiated 15 investigations, out of which 13 concerning certain possible infringements of the Competition Law. The number of the complaints submitted to the competition authority has increased by 8 times compared to 2009 and by 4 times compared to 2008; this is why the percentage of the ex-officio investigations has decreased compared to the First Semester of 2010 (by 29 percentage points, from 67% to 38%). Based on the object of the investigations, the situation of the 15 procedures is the following one: 4 - for analysing possible abuses of dominant position, 4 - possible anticompetitive horizontal agreements (cartels), 2 - possible anticompetitive vertical agreements, 3 - possible infringements of the Competition Law by the institutions of the public administration, 2 - sector inquires.

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Investigaii extinse Consiliul Concurenei a extins 4 din investigaiile aflate n derulare. Investigaiile extinse sunt pe piaa difuzrii canalelor de televiziune cu plat, piaa distribuiei de produse de parfumerie marca D&P Perfumum, piaa operaiunilor de registru pentru emitenii de valori mobiliare i piaa distribuiei centralelor termice, cazanelor, boilerelor (i accesoriilor pentru acestea) i aparatelor de condiionare a aerului din Romnia. Investigaii n curs Sunt n desfurare 72 de investigaii ( 50 din oficiu). Din total, 66 sunt pentru posibile nclcri i 6 reprezint anchete sectoriale. Distribuia n funcie de obiectul investigaiei: 59 sunt pentru posibile practici anticoncureniale (47 nelegeri i 12 abuzuri) 3 pentru analiza unor concentrri economice (2 omisiuni i o punere n practic a operaiunii nainte de luarea unei decizii de ctre Consiliul Concurenei) 4 pentru acte ale admistraiei publice i 6 anchete sectoriale.


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Investigations extended The Competition Council has extended 4 of its on-going investigations. The extended investigations are being carried out on the distribution market of pay TV channels, the distribution market of D&P Perfumum perfume products, the market of registry operations for issuing securities and the Romanian distribution market of heating units, boilers (and the related accessories) and air conditioning equipments. On-going investigations 72 investigations are being currently carried out (50 ex-officio). 66 of the total are envisaging possible law infringements are 6 are sector inquires. Their distribution based on their object is the following one: 59 are envisaging possible anticompetitive practices (47 agreements and 12 abuses), 3 for analysing certain economic concentrations (2 notification failures and an implementations of a concentration prior to a Competition Council decision), 4 for anticompetitive actions of the public administration and 6 sector inquires.

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n graficul nr. 1 este prezentat ponderea investigaiilor, dup obiectul investigaiei.

Graficul nr.1- Ponderea investigatiilor, dupa obiect



practici anticoncurentiale concentrari economice acte ale adm publice anchete sectoriale


Pe sectoare economice, cele mai multe din investigaiile aflate n derulare sunt n domeniul industriei, urmate de cele legate de servicii i apoi bunuri de consum (graficul nr.2).

Graficul nr.2- Investigatii in curs, in fct de sectorul economic

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 28 19

16 6 3

servicii bunuri de consum achizitii publice/licitatii energie

semestrul 1, 2011

Investigaii finalizate Au fost finalizate 7 investigaii. Dup obiect, acestea sunt: 2 abuzuri de poziie dominant (Orange i Vodafone) 1 nelegere anticoncurenial pe vertical (Interfruct/Profi Rom) 12 w w w. c o n s i l i u l c o n c u re n t e i . ro

Graph no.1 presents the structure of the investigations, based on their object.
Graph no.1 - Structure of the investigations, based on their object

6% 4%

anticom petitive practices econom ic concentrations acts of the public adm inistration sector inquires


Taking into consideration the economic sectors involved, most of the on-going investigations are in the field of industry, followed by the ones carried out in the field of services and in the consumption goods sector Graph no.2).
Graph no.2 On-going investigations, based on their object
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 First Semester 2011 6 3 19 16
industry services consumption goods public procurement/tenders energy


Finalised investigations 7 investigations have been finalised, as follows: 2 abuses of dominant position (Orange and Vodafone) 1 anticompetitive vertical agreement (Interfruct/ Profi Rom) w w w. c o m p e t i t i o n . ro 13

1 concentrare economic (pus n practic anterior notificrii acesteia i emiterii Deciziei de ctre Consiliul Concurenei - ASESOFT Distribution) 2 anchete sectoriale (farmaceutic i energie termic) 1 nelegere orizontal (Orange-VodafoneRomtelecom), nchis fr sanciuni. n patru cazuri (Vodafone, Orange, Asesoft i Interfruct/Profi Rom) s-au aplicat sanciuni n cuantum de 288.209.102 lei2 (68.068.563 Euro)3. Inspecii inopinate Au fost organizate inspecii inopinate n cadrul a 11 investigaii, fiind controlate 105 sedii/puncte de lucru, aparinnd unui numr de 103 ntreprinderi. Prin comparaie, n aceeai perioad a anului 2010 s-au efectuat inspecii n cadrul a 6 investigaii i au fost controlate 46 de sedii/ puncte de lucru. Decizii Au fost emise 20 de Decizii, din care dou treimi pentru cazuri de concentrri economice (13 notificri i o sanciune). Patru decizii sunt de sancionare a: abuzurilor de poziie dominant ale Orange i Vodafone,
2 Fa de o singur sanciune aplicat n 2010 (cartelul service-urilor auto din Slobozia). 3 Cursul publicat de BNR pentru ultima zi a lunii iunie (1 euro- 4,2341 lei)


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1 economic concentration (implemented prior to its notification and before the a decision of the Competition Council - ASESOFT Distribution) 2 sector inquires (pharmacy and heating energy) 1 horizontal agreement (Orange-VodafoneRomtelecom), procedure closed without sanctions. In four cases (Vodafone, Orange, Asesoft and Interfruct/ Profi Rom) sanctions of LEI 288,209,1022 (EUR 68,068,563)3 have been apllied. Dawn raids Dawn raids have been carried out within 11 investigations. 105 headquarters/working points belonging to 103 undertakings have been inspected. By comparing, in same period of time of 2010, dawn raids have been carried out within 6 investigations and only 46 headquarters/working points were inspected. Decisions 20 decisions have been issued, out of which two thirds are envisaging economic concentrations (13 notifications and one sanction). Four are sanctioning decisions for: the abuses of dominant position of Orange and Vodafone,
2 Compared to one sanction applied in 2010 (the case of Slobozia car service cartel). 3 The course published by the National Romanian Bank for Junes last day (1 euro - 4.2341 lei)

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nelegerii vertical dintre Intefruct i Profi, punerii n practic a concentrrii economice realizat de ctre Asesoft Distribution prin dobndirea controlului asupra afacerii de distribuie de produse IT aparinnd Flamingo, anterior notificrii acesteia i emiterii unei decizii de ctre Consiliul Concurenei. Celelalte decizii sunt referitoare la: Acceptarea angajamentelor asumate de Federaia Romn de Fotbal i Liga Profesionist de Fotbal n cadrul investigaiei pe piaa vnzrii drepturilor de difuzare a evenimentelor fotbalistice. Accesul societii Baxter AG la anumite informaii confideniale aparinnd societii Farmaceutica Remedia. Promovarea regulilor de concuren Activitatea Consiliului cu privire la promovarea legislaiei concurenei n rndul instituiilor/autoritilor publice implicate n procesul de elaborare a actelor normative a constat n emiterea a 24 de avize, puncte de vedere i opinii, dup cum urmeaz: 6 avize, din care jumtate cu observaii i propuneri de modificare, 12 puncte de vedere i 6 intervenii de modificare a unor acte normative deja n vigoare.


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the anticompetitive vertical agreement concluded between Intefruct and Profi, the implementation of an economic concentration carried out by Asesoft Distribution through acquiring the control over the business of IT products distribution belonging to Flamingo, prior its notification and before the issue of a Competition Council decision. The other decisions are envisaging: The acceptance of the commitments assumed by the Romanian Football Association and the Professional Football League within the investigation carried out on the commercialisation market of the TV transmission rights of the football matches; The access of Baxter AG to certain confidential data belonging to Farmaceutica Remedia. Promoting the competition rules The activity of the Competition Council for promoting the competition legislation among the public institutions/authorities in the process of drafting normative acts resulted in 24 binding opinions, points of view and opinions, as follows: 6 binding opinions, out of which half with observations and amendment proposals, 12 points of view and 6 interventions for the amendment of certain normative acts in force.

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Consiliul Concurenei - Autoritate naional de contact n domeniul ajutorului de stat n raporturile dintre Romnia i Comisia European
Aa cum este prevzut i n Strategia Uniunii Europene Europa 2020, politica comunitar privind ajutoarele de stat va continua s joace un rol cheie n sprijinirea tranziiei la o economie mai inteligent i mai ecologic. Controlul ajutoarelor de stat reprezint o component esenial a politicii n domeniul concurenei i o msur de protecie necesar pentru meninerea unei concurene efective i a liberului schimb pe piaa unic. Ajutoarele de stat care contribuie la ndeplinirea unor obiective bine definite de interes comun european i care nu denatureaz n mod substanial concurena dintre ntreprinderi i a schimburilor comerciale dintre statele membre pot fi considerate compatibile cu piaa comun. Consiliul Concurenei, n calitatea sa de autoritate de contact n raporturile cu Comisia European, asigur aplicarea i respectarea, de ctre autoritile publice i de mediul privat, a regulilor n domeniul ajutorului de stat, precum i o comunicare eficient cu forul comunitar. Acordarea de consultan n domeniul ajutorului de stat Consiliul Concurenei a avut o foarte bun colaborare i cooperare cu Ministerul Comunicaiilor i Societii 18 w w w. c o n s i l i u l c o n c u re n t e i . ro

Competition Council - national contact authority on State aid between Romania and the European Commission
As it is provided by the EU Strategy - Europe 2020 as well, the State aid Community policy will continue to play a key role in supporting the transition to a more intelligent and green economy. State aid control is an essential component of the competition policy and a necessary protection measure for maintaining an effective competition and the free trade in the common market. The State aids contributing to the achievement of certain clearly defined objectives of common European interest and which do not distort significantly the competition between undertakings and the trade between the EU Member States can be considered compatible with the common market. The Competition Council, as national contact authority on State aid with the European Commission, provides the application and the observance the State aid rules by the public authorities and the private environment of, as well as an efficient communication with the Community fora. Granting assistance in the field of State aid The Competition Council has had a very good cooperation with the Ministry of Communications and Informational w w w. c o m p e t i t i o n . ro 19

Informaionale, Ministerul Mediului i Pdurilor, Ministerul Dezvoltrii Regionale i Turismului, Ministerul Transporturilor i Infrastructurii, Ministerul Economiei, Comerului i Mediului de Afaceri, cu privire la o serie de cazuri cu impact semnificativ pentru economia romneasc, printre care menionm: Schema de investiii n infrastructura de comunicaii n band larg n Romnia; Mecanismul certificatelor verzi instituit prin Legea nr. 220/2008, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare; Schema de ajutor de stat pentru realizarea de infrastructur n beneficiul aeroporturilor regionale; Msurile de sprijin cuprinse n Planul de nchidere a minelor de crbune necompetitive la Compania Naional a Huilei Petroani SA. Experii Consiliului Concurenei au participat la un numr de 89 de reuniuni de lucru i consultri tehnice (inclusiv video-conferine) i au emis un numr de 152 de opinii scrise (clarificri) privind respectarea regulilor n domeniul ajutorului de stat. Acestea au avut ca obiectiv: pregtirea notificrilor unor msuri de sprijin financiar la Comisia European, clarificarea unor cazuri aflate n discuie cu oficialii comunitari, elaborarea unor acte normative cu inciden n domeniul ajutorului de stat, implementarea schemelor de ajutor de stat etc. Astfel, n cursul semestrului I al anului 2011, Consiliul Concurenei a acordat consultan de specialitate 20 w w w. c o n s i l i u l c o n c u re n t e i . ro

Technology, the Ministry of Environment and Forests, the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism, the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment as regards certain cases with significant impact over the Romanian economy, out of which we are mentioning the following ones: The scheme for investments in Romanias broad band communications infrastructure; The green certificates mechanism established through Law no.220/2008, with the subsequent amendments and completions; The State aid scheme for creating a new infrastructure for the benefit of the regional airports; The support measures provided by the Plan for closing the non-competitive coal mines of the National Coal Company Petroani SA. The experts of the Competition Council attended 89 working reunions and technical consultations (including video-conferences) and issued 152 written opinions (clarifications) on the observance of the State aid rules. They focused on: the preparation of the notifications to the European Commission concerning certain financial support measures, the clarification of certain cases which are being discussed with the Community officials, the elaboration of certain normative acts involving State aid issues, the implementation of the State aid schemes etc. In this respect, during the First Semester of 2011, the Competition Council has granted specialised assistance for w w w. c o m p e t i t i o n . ro 21

autoritilor publice centrale i locale n vederea elaborrii a 40 de acte normative/administrative. Rspunsuri i formulri de poziii n domeniul ajutorului de stat n vederea transmiterii la Comisia European n vederea elaborrii documentelor necesare clarificrii cazurilor pe care Comisia European le are n analiz sau pentru a rspunde solicitrilor informale ale Comisiei Europene, ct i pentru susinerea n faa forului comunitar a unor msuri de sprijin, Consiliul Concurenei a colaborat eficient cu furnizorii de ajutor de stat. Printre cazurile relevante se numr: Mecanismul certificatelor verzi instituit prin Legea nr. 220/2008, cu modificrile i completrile ulterioare. Schema de sprijin se refer la energia electric produs din surse regenerabile de energie prin sistemul cotelor obligatorii de energie electric, combinat cu tranzacionarea certificatelor verzi. Dup ce anul trecut Schema fusese notificat informal la Comisia European, fcnd obiectul mai multor etape de consultri tehnice i schimburi de informaii cu forul comunitar, n luna iunie a.c., la recomandarea experilor comunitari, aceasta a fost notificat oficial. Un presupus ajutor de stat acordat n favoarea Ford. n urma primirii unei plngeri referitoare la un posibil ajutor ilegal n favoarea Ford, CE a solicitat transmiterea unei poziii a Romniei; experii Consiliului Concurenei au acordat c o n s u l t a n A . V. A . S . , p e n t r u e l a b o r a re a 22 w w w. c o n s i l i u l c o n c u re n t e i . ro

the central and local public authorities in the process of drafting 40 administrative/normative acts. Responses and official positions in the field of State aid following to be transmitted to the European Commission In order to draft the documents necessary for clarifying the cases analyzed by the European Commission or for answering to the informal requests of the European Commission, as well as for sustaining certain support measures before of the Community fora, the Competition Council has cooperated efficiently with the State aid suppliers. We are mentioning some of the most relevant cases: The green certificates mechanism established through Law no.220/2008, with the subsequent amendments and completions. The support scheme is envisaging the electric energy produced from renewable resources through binding quotas of electric energy, combined with the transaction of green certificates. After the scheme has been informally notified to the European Commission last year and after it was the subject of several technical consultations and exchanges of information with the Community fora, in June of this year it was notified officially, at the recommendation of the Community experts. An alleged State aid for Ford. Following a complaint on an alleged illegal State aid for Ford, the European Commission has requested Romanias official position on this case; the experts of the Competition Council have granted assistance for the Authority for State Assets Recovery in the process w w w. c o m p e t i t i o n . ro 23

materialului de rspuns la solicitarea forului comunitar. Schema de ajutor de stat pentru realizarea de infrastructur n beneficiul aeroporturilor regionale. Avnd dubii referitoare la compatibilitatea ajutoarelor de stat acordate n cadrul Schemei de sprijin n favoarea aeroporturilor regionale pentru realizarea de infrastructur, CE a decis deschiderea unei investigaii n acest caz, solicitnd autoritilor romne transmiterea de clarificri. Msuri de sprijin n favoarea S.C. Oltchim S.A. Rmnicu Vlcea. n cadrul investigaiei deschide de ctre CE, au fost solicitate autoritilor romne clarificri cu privire la anumite aspecte. n urma colaborrii dintre reprezentaii Consiliului Concurenei i ai Ministerului Economiei, Comerului i Mediului de Afaceri, ai A.V.A.S, precum i ai Ministerului Finanelor Publice, au fost elaborate materialele care au fost ulterior transmise Comisiei Europene. Totodat, au avut loc la Bruxelles i discuii tehnice privind acest caz. Avize (notificri i exceptri) Consiliul Concurenei a emis 2 avize, referitoare la notificarea Schemei de ajutor de stat destinat sprijinirii IMM-urilor i ntreprinderilor mari si a Mecanismului certificatelor verzi instituit prin Legea nr. 220/2008, cu modificarile i completrile ulterioare. Ambele scheme de ajutor de stat au fost ulterior notificate Comisiei Europene. De asemenea, au fost emise 2 avize referitoare la 24 w w w. c o n s i l i u l c o n c u re n t e i . ro

of preparing the response requested by the Community fora. The State aid scheme for creating infrastructure for the benefit of regional airports. The European Commission has decided to open an investigation in this case and has requested to the Romanian authorities certain clarification. The procedure has been initiated as a result of the possible incompatibility of the State aids granted through the Scheme supporting the creation of infrastructure for the regional airports. The support measures for S.C. Oltchim S.A. Rmnicu Vlcea. Within the investigation initiated by the European Commission, the Romanian authorities have been requested to transmit certain clarifications. Following the cooperation between the representatives of the Competition Council and those of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment, the Authority for State Assets Recovery and of the Ministry of Public Finances, certain documents have been transmitted to the European Commission. At the same time, technical discussions have also been carried out on this case, in Bruxelles. Formal opinions (notifications and exemptions) The Competition Council has issued 2 formal opinions concerning the notification of the State aid scheme for the support of the small and medium-sized enterprises and for the large enterprises and on the Green certificates mechanisms established through Law no.220/2008, with the subsequent amendments and completions. Both State aid schemes were notified afterward to the European Commission. At the request of the National Agency for Communications, 2 formal opinions on the compatibility with the w w w. c o m p e t i t i o n . ro 25

compatibilitatea cu regulile de ajutor de stat i concuren a Proiectului de OUG privind infrastructura comun de comunicaii a statului roman i a Proiectului de OUG de modificare al Legii nr. 504/2002 a audiovizualului, solicitat de ctre ANCOM. Pentru ajutoarele de stat analizate de Consiliul Concurenei n cazul crora s-a constatat ndeplinirea condiiilor de exceptare de la obligaia notificrii, n primul semestru al anului 2011 s-au emis 3 avize, dup cum urmeaz: 1. Aviz privind Proiectul de modificare a Ordinului ministrului economiei, comertului i mediului de afaceri nr. 479/2008 privind aprobarea schemei de ajutor de stat Sprijin pentru consolidarea i modernizarea sectorului productiv prin investiii realizate de ntreprinderile mari, solicitare din partea MECMA-Autoritatea de Management a POS CCE; 2. Aviz privind Proiectul de modificare a Ordinului ministrului economiei, comertului i mediului de afaceri nr. 477/2008 privind aprobarea schemei de ajutor de stat Sprijin pentru consolidarea i modernizarea sectorului productiv prin investiii realizate de ntreprinderile mici i mijlocii, solicitat de asemenea de MECMA-Autoritatea de Management a POS CCE; 3. Aviz referitor la modificarea Schemei de ajutor de stat regional privind valorificarea resurselor regenerabile de energie, instituit prin Hotrrea Guver nului nr. 750/2008, aviz solicitat de MECMA. 26 w w w. c o n s i l i u l c o n c u re n t e i . ro

competition and State aid rules have also been issued of the draft Government Emergency Ordinance concerning the common communication infrastructure and of the draft Government Emergency Ordinance for the amendment of Audiovisual Law no.504/2002. In the First Semester of 2011, 3 formal opinions have been issued for the State aids analyzed by the Competition Council and which have met the conditions for exemption from the notification obligation: 1. Formal opinion on the draft amendment of the Order of the Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment no.479/2008 on the approval of the State aid scheme Support for the consolidation and modernization of the productive sector through investments for large enterprises, requested by the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment the Management Authority of Sectoral Operational Programme Increase of Economic Competitiveness; 2. Formal opinion on the draft amendment of the Order of the Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment no.477/2008 concerning the approval of the State aid scheme Support for the consolidation and modernization of the productive sector through investments for small and medium-sized, requested of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment the Management Authority of Sectoral Operational Programme Increase of Economic Competitiveness; 3. Formal opinion on the amendment of the regional State aid scheme for the capitalization of the renewable energy resource, established by the Government Decision no.750/2008, at the request of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business Environment. w w w. c o m p e t i t i o n . ro 27

Consiliul interministerial privind politica n domeniul ajutorului de stat (CIAS) n perioada ianuarie-iunie 2011, au avut loc 5 reuniuni ale CIAS la care au participat reprezentanii celor mai importani furnizori de ajutor de stat din Romnia. n cadrul reuniunilor s-a urmrit analizarea de ctre ministerele furnizoare de ajutor de stat a schemelor de ajutor de stat iniiate n perioada 2007-2010 autorizate dar neimplementate/ blocate sau aflate in diferite etape de implementare. n acest sens s-a demarat i o procedur de analiz i ntocmire a unor situaii clare i bine argumentate cu privire la oportunitatea meninerii acestor scheme de ajutor de stat i a deblocrii sumelor prevzute pentru implementarea acestora. Un alt subiect important al ultimelor reuniuni CIAS a fost analiza centralizat a ajutoarelor de stat acordate de furnizori, care a avut ca obiectiv raportarea i urmrirea indicatorilor de eficien a msurilor de ajutor de stat existente, identificarea msurilor neperformante i a bugetelor neutilizate. Programul de Twinning ,,Sprijinirea implementrii politicii n domeniul concurenei i ajutorului de stat n Republica Moldova n luna martie, Consiliul Concurenei a efectuat demersurile necesare n vederea semnrii Contractului de Twinning cu Comisia European pentru componenta de ajutor de stat (aferent Programului de Twinning, n care Austria i Letonia 28 w w w. c o n s i l i u l c o n c u re n t e i . ro

Inter-ministerial Council on the State aid Policy (CIAS) During January-June 2011, 5 CIAS reunions have been organised. They were attended by representatives of the most important Romanian State aid suppliers. The reunions have focused on analysing the State aid schemes initiated during 2007-2010, authorised but not implemented/blocked at certain stages of implementation by the State aid supplying ministries. In this regard, an analysis procedure has been started, focused on drafting clear and well grounded documents concerning the opportunity of maintaining these State aid schemes and on deblocking the sums budgeted for their implementation. Another important subject of the latest CIAS reunions was the centralized analysis of the State aids granted by suppliers, focused on reporting and surveying the efficiency indicators of the existing State aids, on identifying the less efficient measures and the budgets which were not used. The Twinning Programme Support for the enforcement of the Competition and State aid Policy in the Republic of Moldova In March, the Competition Council has taken the necessary measures to sign the Twinning contract for the State aid Component (of the Twinning Programme, where Austria and Latvia are partners on the Competition and Institutional w w w. c o m p e t i t i o n . ro 29

sunt parteneri pe componenta de concuren i cretere a capacitii instituionale), Romnia fiind lider de proiect n acest contract de twinning cu Republica Moldova. n cadrul proiectului s-au desfurat o serie de aciuni cu scopul de a grbi procesul de adoptare a legii ajutorului de stat n Republica Moldova. Programul ReNAS n vederea asigurrii unei aplicri ct mai corecte a regulilor de ajutor de stat, Consiliul Concurenei a continuat activitatea n cadrul Programului Reeaua Naional de Ajutor de Stat - ReNAS. Activitatea in cadrul programului ReNAS a constat n elaborarea a 32 de clarificri i 9 scheme de minimis de ajutor de stat, cu asistena tehnic de specialitate oferit de Consiliul Concurenei. De asemenea au fost elaborate 17 puncte de vedere privind proiecte de acte normative supuse ateniei n primul trimestru al acestui an. Proiectul ReCCOM n calitate de autoritate ce asigur interfaa ntre instituiile din Romnia i Comisia European, Consiliul Concurenei trebuie s acioneze permanent pentru respectarea legislaiei specifice, obiectivul urmrit fiind meninerea unui mediu concurenial adecvat prin asigurarea unui echilibru ntre necesitatea sprijinirii agenilor economici, sectoarelor de activitate i regiunilor de dezvoltare, prin msuri de natura ajutorului de stat i constrngerile rezultate din obligaia asumat n calitate de stat 30 w w w. c o n s i l i u l c o n c u re n t e i . ro

Capacity Increase Component) with the European Commission. Romania is the project leader of this Twinning contract concluded with the Republic of Moldova. Within this project, a series of actions have been carried out aiming at speeding up the process of adopting the State aid Law in the Republic of Moldova. The ReNAS Programme The Competition Council has continued the specific activity within the Programme National State Aid Network ReNAS in order to provide the accurate application of the State aid rules. The activity within the ReNAS Programme resulted in the elaboration of 32 clarifications and 9 de minimis State aid schemes, through the technical assistance provided by the Competition Council. At the same time, 17 points of view concerning draft normative acts have been drafted. The ReCCOM Programme As contact authority providing the interface between the Romanian institutions and the European Commission, the Competition Council must take constant actions for ensuring the observance of the specific legislation. The objective is to maintain an adequate competitive environment by ensuring the equilibrium between the necessity of supporting the undertakings, the economic sectors and the regions of development through measures of a State aid nature and the restrictions w w w. c o m p e t i t i o n . ro 31

membru al Uniunii Europene de a aplica n totalitate legislatia comunitar n domeniu. n acest scop, n anul 2011 a fost demarat proiectul ReCCOM. n cadrul acestuia s-au desfurat o serie de activiti, dintre care menionm: elaborarea i transmiterea poziiei oficiale a Romniei cu privire la proiectele legislative ale Comisiei Europene n domeniul ajutorului de stat, dup consultarea autoritilor naionale implicate i transmiterea la Comisia European a prenotificrilor legate de cazurile ce urmeaz a fi notificate.


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resulted from the obligation of EU Member State of fully applying the Community legislation in the field. For this purpose, in 2011 the ReCCOM Programme has been initiated. Within this project, certain activities have been carried out, out of which we are mentioning the following ones: the elaboration and the transmission of the official position of Romania on the draft legislation of the European Commission in the field of State aid, after consulting the national involved authorities and the transmission to the European Commission of the pre-notifications related to the cases following to be officially notified.

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Buletinul a fost elaborat n cadrul Direciei Cercetare-Sinteze Coordonator: Florin Andrei, Director Redactat: Rozalia tefnescu, Inspector de concuren Traducere: Ioan D. Popa, Inspector de concuren


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The Bulletin has been prepared within the Research and Synthesis Directorate Coordinator: Florin Andrei, Director Drafted by Rozalia tefnescu, competition inspector Translated into English by Ioan D. Popa, competition inspector

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