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Smooth muscle (HE)

Skeletal muscle (cross section HE)

Skeletal muscle (longitudinal section HE)
Cardiac muscle (HE)
Cardiac muscle (iron-hematoxylin)
Smooth muscle HM, 40x (HE)
Smooth muscle cell (one nucleus, thin, bobbin shape)
The cells arranged in fasciculi.
The nucleus is localised in the centre of the cell. There are no striated

Smooth muscle nucleus

The functional unit of it is the muscular fibre
There is a fusion of the myoblast cells during the ontogenesis
The number of nuclei may be more than 100
Skeletal muscle cross section, 20x (HE)

Perimysium Endomysium
(Cohnheim field)

Skeletal muscle cross section, 40x (HE)
The bands, which are dyed dark, show a double refraction of light. That s
why these are Anisotropes (A)
The bands, which are dyed light, have single refraction of light Isotropes (I)
There is a thin line in the middle of the I-band, which is called Z-band
There is a lighter line in the middle of the A-band, which is called H-band
and int he middle of this lighter line there is a dark line, the M-line.
The I-band becomes shorter when the muscle contracts

Those contractile elements which show striated pattern is called

The place which is between two Z-bands is called sarcomer
The myofibrillum consists of myofilaments.
thin (9 nm actin)
thick (12-15 nm myosin)
Skeletal muscle íkolt izom
(longitudinal HM, 40x (HE)
section, 40x (HE)
Fibrocyte nucleus Muscle cell nuclei

Striated pattern
Cardiac muscle HE 60x
Single musle cells, there are cell connecting structures at the end of them
Three other cardiac musle cell can attach to one cardiac muscle cell (Y-shape)
Eberth s- lines, striated pattern
Cardiac muscle EM 29500x
We differenciate
between two part
lines because of the
terraced structure

Transversal part:
fascia adherens
Longitudinal part:
nexus (gap-junction)
they are responsible
for ionic traffic
Cardiac muscle 60x


Eberth s-line

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