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NO FEAR By Svetislav Velkov Greetings to all :) Changes in the Solar system are definitely happening as they did before,

and you can see transforming changes coming our way from ephemerides and astrology. But we have witnessed a blossom of apocalyptic, end of the world, stories in a last decade: Planet X, Nubiru, 2012... Even though if some of this is true, do you really think that you can provide safe enough bunker and all the time wait there for the apocalypse to happen? If you read The Gods of Eden by William Bramley, youll see that we find similar stories over and over again through the centuries. Simple said apocalyptic stories are initiated in order to keep humanity in fear and in that manner cut off from the Divine Energy, minimized to only material level of existence, where they are easy controllable. Lets examine few recent and repetitive catastrophic accidental coincidences. Its interesting to note that just before the natural disaster happened, the countries targeted have rejected certain favors or ultimatums, while some other swiftly intervened with help after the disaster. Take a look on you tube videos, atmospheric changes, colored and scattered clouds just before natural calamities, like earthquakes in Japan, China, Haiti, Indonesia- apparent HAARP act. Its also interesting to note that the natural catastrophes always hit vital targets instead of unpopulated areas of Antarctica or mid Pacific for example. Looks like too many coincidences to be an accident. By the way, would democrats waste their time liberating Arab world, knowing, by the virtue of their sophisticated technology that the apocalypse is at hand? So, it can easily be concluded that the majority of doomsday coming- stories are apparently launched by the same ones controlling the earthquake devices, in order to detour the humanity from the real source of catastrophes as well as to keep them in constant state of fear of coming unavoidable apocalypses, which are not presented as being manmade but as unpredictable natural calamities or coming undiscovered planet... choose your favorite fairytale. (In fact these catastrophes cannot be really ascribed to a Human, because we are not dealing here with a Human in the real sense. A Man made in the picture of the Creator has 5 Elements, Spirit rules over Elements of Fire, Air, Water and earth. But in those like-humans there is no fifth element -the Spirit, the Empathy, but only raw battle of 4 Elements. Their closest psychological profile is a psychopath.) The Wolf and Ship, kids song goes ship is afraid to defend herself, the wolf is fed by her fear Why we should not fear but enflame Love in us? Anyone worked with Chakras knows that activation of heart chakra awakens Love but also potentials involving materialization of thoughts. So your thoughts and wishes, good or bad, in miraculous manner are being materialized see Kundalini Tantra, by Swami Satyananda. Once experienced, you become very cautious with what you think, feel and wish and you start implementing mental hygiene. A small illustration of mind power is a spoon bending. Everyone can follow simple meditative spoon bending guide videos on you tube, affecting the matter to soften and easily bend the spoon with hands in a manner usually not possible. The same visualization/meditative method is used in martial arts with palm brick braking for example. Mind over matter. Once experienced you realize that the world we live in is like described in the movie The Matrix. When Neo-each one of us-wakes up and realizes his potentials he becomes Neo - The One. As said by one of great teachers ... if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." We have a power to create the reality with our minds. Lets use it. But when one is in the state of fear thats the reality he is creating. Thats why they are no good news on TV and in the media. The news are always about diseases, disasters, wars, shortages of supplies, all that to keep the humanity in a constant fear and survival mode. We live in the Eon of Pieces, which luckily is at its end and the Era of Aquarius is dawning on us. Looking around, you will notice many negative aspect of Pieces, nothing is like it seems, but exactly the opposite, the health system makes people more seek instead to heal them, vaccines causing not preventing diseases, food and water full of harmful substances, schools instead of teaching indoctrinate and brainwash kids, wars are waged in the name of peace, free energy is hidden and mankind kept in dependency, banks instead of saving robe the money, people kill each other in the name of the same God or because they believe that their messenger is better than the other one, democracy divides and confronts... Divide and Rule. Along with the fear, the mankind is systematically poisoned with vaccines, chemtrails, GMO and junk food, fluoridated water, brainwashed with media promoting false material values as the aim of life....all that to suppress our Divine Spark we all possess.

Our physical body lives relative short but our Spirit is immortal. Everyone experiencing astral projection knows in theory and practice that death does not exist. Unplugging yourselves from the control and dependency on the Matrix, will weaken the Matrix. Do not put poisons in your body, feed healthy and more and more with spiritual food, meditation and Sun. That will straighten your immunity, purify Spirit and body and will gradually make you independent of food. Develop astral body. Ask for the inner guidance and you will receive it. Pay attention to the voice of your Intuition, Super Ego, your personal Holy Guardian Angel (manifested initially as a bliss of insight and revelation and learn to distinguish it from the ever chattering voice in your head-the Lower Ego) Seek the points of unity not the points of division. Its not an coincidence for us to be born here and now. The Light is very evidently getting stronger, but with the increase of the Light, the Shadow increases to. The Evil cannot be easily defeated with the same weaponry and on the same level, with fear and hate, by the tooth for a tooth principle, but only by transcending it, only from the higher level, by the Love of the Heart which purifies and transforms to noble, transforms Evil in Good and starts Here and Now. You heard the story about the monkeys leaving on different islands, having no physical contact with each other. One monkey discovered how to break a coconut with a stone and eat it. His bliss of consciousness transferred in a miraculous way to other islands. Our discovery and bliss will become the bliss of the world. Changing ourselves will change the World :)

BEZ STRAHA By Svetislav Velkov Pozdrav svima. Promene u Suncevom sistemu se definitivno desavaju kao sto su se desavale I ranije I mozete lako videti transformirajuci uticaj nadolazecih promena iz efemerida I astrologije. Ali u zadnjih desetak godina, sve je vise prica I varijanti o kraju sveta. Bilo je ono bice smak sveta krajem milenijuma, pa planet X, Nubiru, 2012,... Cak I da je to istina mislite da mozete obezbediti dovoljno sigurni bunker I tamo svo vreme cekati apokalipsu? Ako procitate The Gods of Eden - William Bramley, videcete da su se apokalipticne price pojavljivale vekovima. Apokalipticne price se sire jednostavno da bi se ljudi drzali u strahu I na taj nacin odseceni od Bozanske Energije, svedeni na cisto materijalno stanje postojanja i u tom stanju ih je lako kontrolisati. Razmotrimo vise skorasnjih uzastopnih slucajnih podudarnosti. Interesantno je da su neposredno pre prirodnih katastrofa pogodjene zemlje odbile razne ustupke I razne ultimatume, a neke druge odmah posle katastrofa ocigledno vrlo spremne intervenisale. Pogledajte na youtubu vidljive promene na nebu, u vidu crveno obojenih oblaka i isprekidanih oblaka neposredno pre "prirodnih katastrofa" kao zemljotresa na Haitiju, Kini, Japanu, Sri Lanci, koje su ocigledno delovanje HAARP-a. Zanimljivo je da su katastrofe pogodile vitalne ciljeve, umesto na primer Antartiku ili ogromna prostranstva okeana daleko od naseljenih mesta. Previse je podudarnosti ponovljeno u vise navrata da bi bilo slucajno. Uostalom, da li bi demokrate gubili vreme oslobadjajuci arapski svet, znajuci svojom razvijenom tehnologijom da bliska katastrofa predstoji svetu? Dakle, lako je zakljuciti da je vecina apokalipticnih prica o kraju sveta lansirana upravo od onih koji upravljaju uredjajima za zemljotrese da bi ljude odveli od pravog uzroka katastrofa i drzali ih u konstantnom strahu od stalno nadolazecih neizbeznih katastrofa koje kao nisu delo coveka nego eto nepredvidljive prirode ili nadolazece planete- izaberite sami svoju omiljenu bajku. (u stvari ove katastrofe i nisu delo coveka jer se ne radi o ljudima u punom smislu reci. Covek sazdan po slici Tvorca ima 5 elementa, znaci Duh vlada nad elementima Vatre, Vazduha, Vode I Zemlje. Kod ovih naizgled ljudi, petog elementa nema, nema Duha, nema Empatije, samo sirova borba 4 elementa, psiholoski njima je najbliza slika psihopata.) Kako kaze decija pesmica Vuk I Ovca ovca ne sme da se brani, vuk se njenim strahom hrani Zasto se ne treba plasiti vec razvijati ljubav? Svako ko je radio sa chakrama zna da aktiviranje srcane chakre budi ljubav ali i potencijale koji ukljucuju materijalizaciju misli. Znaci, ono sto mislite, bilo dobro ili lose, na prosto neverovatan nacin se ostvaruje. vidi o Anahata chakri, Kundalini Tantra Satjanande. Kad jednom to iskusite, vrlo ste obazrivi sa onim sto mislite i osecate i pocinjate da primenjujete mentalnu higijenu. Mala ilustracija je spoon bending - savijanje kasike. Svako od vas moze da ode na youtube/spoonbending, prati jednostavne meditativne instrukcije uticuci na materiju da omeksa i da vrlo lako rukama savije kasiku na nacin koji je inace nemoguc. To isto se praktikuje I u borilackim vestinama kod razbijanje cigli rukama na primer. Mind over matter - vladavina uma nad materijom. Kad jednom to dozivite, shvatate da je svet u kome zivimo upravo kao u filmu Matrix. Kad

se Neo- svako od nas- probudi I shvati svoje potencijale on postaje odabrani heroj, Neo - The One. Sto rece jedan od Ucitelja,..."ako imate vere ko zrno goruscino, recite planini da se pomeri i pomerice se". Mi imamo snagu da kreiramo realnost svojim mislima. Hajde da je upotrebimo. Medjutim kad je covek u stanju straha, takva je i realnost koju kreira, zastrasujuca, zato na televiziji i novinama jednostavno ne mozete procitati dobre vesti. Uvek su to vesti o bolestima, katastrofama, ratovima, nestasicama, sve to da bi covecanstvo drzali u konstantnom strahu I osecaju prezivljavanja. Zivimo u Eri Riba, koja se srecom zavrsava I pocinje Era Aquariusa. Kad pogledate oko sebe videcete mnogo negativnih manifestacija Ribe, nista nije onako kao sto izgleda, vec upravo suprotno: zdravstveni system razboljeva umesto da leci ljude, vakcine izazivaju a ne sprecavaju bolesti, hrana I voda su puni stetnih materija, skole umesto da uce indoktriniraju decu, ratovi se vode u ime mira, slobodna energija se krije I covecanstvo drzi u zavisnosti, umesto stednje, banke pljackaju narod, demokratija je mnogopartijski sistem po principu zavadi pa vladaj. Uz strah, covecanstvo se sistematski truje vakcinama, GMO-hranom, chemtrailsima, fluorisanom vodom, zbunjuje I zagadjuje laznim materijalnim vrednostima kao ciljem zivota, sve sa ciljem da se kod ljudi potisnu Bozanski potencijali koje svi mi imamo. Nase fizicko telo zivi relativno kratko ali je nas Duh besmrtan. Svako ko je iskusio astralnu projekciju zna teoretski I prakticno da smrt ne postoji. Iskljuciti se polako iz Matrixa kontrole I zavisnosti, ce Matrix oslabiti. Ne stavljajte otrove u telo, hranite se zdravo I sve vise duhovnom hranom, meditacijom I Suncem, tako cete ojacati imunitet, procistiti telo I duh i postepeno postati nezavisni od hrane. Razvijte astralno telo. Zatrazite unutrasnje vodjstvo I dobicete ga. Obratite paznju na glas intuicije, Super Ega, vaseg licnog Svetog Andjela Cuvara (sto je vise kao bljesak uvida I otkrovenja I naucite da ga razlikujete od glasa nizeg ega to je onaj glas koji stalno nesto prica u glavi). Trazimo tacke koje nas spajaju a ne razdvajaju. Nije slucajno sto smo rodjeni u ovo vreme. Svetlo se vrlo evidentno povecava ali povecanjem svetla povecava se I senka. Zlo se ne moze lako pobediti istim oruzjem i na istoj ravni, strahom ili mrznjom, principom zub za zub, vec transcendiranjem, samo sa viseg nivoa, Ljubavlju Srca koja nas prociscava I oplemenjuje a svet menja, zlo transformise u dobro I pocinje sada I ovde. Culi ste pricu o majmunima koji su ziveli na razlicitim ostrvima bez medjusobnog fizickog kontakta. Majmun sa jednog ostrva je otkrio nacin da kamenom slomi kokosov orah I pojede ga. Njegov uvid I bljeasak svesti preneo se na cudesan nacin na majmune sa drugih ostrva. Nase otkrice I prosvetljenej postace prosvetljenje sveta. Promenimo sebe I promenicemo svet. :)

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