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Science: Inquiry Technique Assessment Rubric Cycle 2

Understanding & Analysing Thinking Skills (Big Question) Identifying Relationships

Identifies some relevant factors showing the links to the big question, with some linking between factors. Collects sufficient and fairly accurate information to complete the task; most of it is relevant
Uses some resources to successfully complete the task and acknowledges both of them.

Identifies some key ideas or factors with some connections to the big question.

Identifies some key ideas or factors, although no connections made to the big question.

Identifies most relevant factors showing the links between the factors and to the big question.

Handling and Researching

Report (Gathering Knowledge)

Gathering Information

Collects sufficient and accurate information to complete the task; almost all is relevant
Uses sufficient resources to successfully complete the task and acknowledges all of them appropriately

Collects fairly accurate information to complete the task; most of it is relevant

Uses a few resource to complete the task and acknowledges them

Collects information; part of it is relevant

Acknowledging Sources

Uses a resource.


Team Work

Collaborating with others

Works with all other students; contributes ideas; respects the views of all others in the group.

Works with most other students; contributes occasional ideas; respects the views of most in the group.
Requires a very little supervision or encouragement to complete a few task activities; tries to resolve problems and complete most task activities even when faced with considerable difficulties before seeking help

Works with a few other students and contributes occasional ideas.

Works with only one other student and/or shows little respect for the ideas of others.

Requires almost no supervision or encouragement to complete all task activities; tries to resolve problems and complete almost all task activities even when faced with considerable difficulties before seeking help

Requires regular supervision or encouragement to complete most task activities; tries to resolve only simple problems and complete a few task activities when faced with some difficulties or seeks help frequently

Working independently

Requires frequent supervision or encouragement to complete almost all task activities; completes task activities only when difficulties are very minor or seeks immediate help


Presenting Information


Presents information clearly, accurately, appropriately and with impact.

Presents most information clearly and accurately.

Presents some information accurately.

Presents some information in a fairly appropriate manner.


Science: Individual Test Assessment Rubric Cycle 2 & 3

Making informed decisions Evaluating Reflecting Forms an opinion that is supported almost entirely by the evidence/data available

Forms an opinion that is supported mostly by the evidence/data available

Forms an opinion that uses some evidence/data Forms an opinion

Understanding and Analysing


Gives complete reasons for relatively complex processes and/or results

Gives almost complete reasons for relatively complex processes and/or results

Gives complete reasons for relatively straightforward processes and/or results Gives a mostly accurate and partially complete account of the similarities and differences of identified items and/or variables Identifies most relationships and/or patterns with almost complete accuracy

Gives almost complete reasons for relatively straightforward processes and/or results Gives a partially complete account of the similarities and differences of identified items and/or variables with little accuracy Identifies some relationships and/or patterns with some accuracy

Comparing and Contrasting

Gives an accurate and almost complete account of the similarities and differences of identified items and/or variables Identifies almost all relationships and/or patterns with complete accuracy

Gives an mostly accurate and almost complete account of the similarities and differences of identified items and/or variables Identifies almost all relationships and/or patterns with almost complete accuracy

Identifying Relationships


Recalling Information

Recalls almost all information with total accuracy

Recalls most information with total accuracy

Recalls some information with total accuracy

Recalls very little information with total accuracy


Science: Experimental Task Assessment Rubric Cycle 2 & 3

Inquiring / Experimenting Following Instructions Follows almost all steps in a set of instructions competently and safely

Follows most steps in a set of instructions competently and safely

Follows a few steps in a set of instructions competently and with minor safety issues

Follows a few steps in a set of instructions competently but with several safety issues

Handling / Researching


Almost all quantitative measurements are accurate

Most quantitative measurements are accurate

Some quantitative measurements are accurate

Very few quantitative measurements are accurate

Using tools

Uses all scientific equipment with considerable skill and due attention to safety Collects sufficient and accurate data (quantitative or qualitative or both) to complete a task; almost all is relevant; all is recorded in a logical and clear manner Works with all other students; contributes ideas; respects the views and ideas of all others in the group

Uses most scientific equipment with skill and due attention to safety

Uses most scientific equipment with little skill and little attention to safety

Uses some scientific equipment with little skill and very little attention to safety Collects data (quantitative or qualitative or both); part of it is relevant; it is recorded

Gathering & Recording Data

Collects sufficient and fairly accurate data (quantitative or qualitative or both) to complete a task; most of it is relevant; all is recorded in a clear manner Works with most other students; contributes occasional ideas; respects the views and ideas of most in the group

Collects fairly accurate data (quantitative or qualitative or both) to complete part of a task; most of it is relevant; most of it is recorded in a clear manner Works with a few other students; contributes occasional ideas or respects the views and ideas of most in the group

Collaborating with others


Works with only one other student and/or shows little respect for the views and ideas of others in the group

Understanding and Analysing

Identifying Relationships

Identifies almost all relationships and/or patterns with complete accuracy

Identifies almost all relationships and/or patterns with almost complete accuracy

Identifies most relationships and/or patterns with almost complete accuracy

Identifies some relationships and/or patterns with some accuracy


Science: Team Test Assessment Rubric Cycle 2 & 3

Evaluating Reflecting Making informed decisions Forms an opinion that is supported almost entirely by the evidence/data available

Forms an opinion that is supported mostly by the evidence/data available

Forms an opinion that uses some evidence/data Forms an opinion

Understanding and Analysing


Gives complete reasons for relatively complex processes and/or results

Gives almost complete reasons for relatively complex processes and/or results Gives an mostly accurate and almost complete account of the similarities and differences of identified items and/or variables Identifies almost all relationships and/or patterns with almost complete accuracy

Gives complete reasons for relatively straightforward processes and/or results Gives a mostly accurate and partially complete account of the similarities and differences of identified items and/or variables Identifies most relationships and/or patterns with almost complete accuracy

Gives almost complete reasons for relatively straightforward processes and/or results Gives a partially complete account of the similarities and differences of identified items and/or variables with little accuracy Identifies some relationships and/or patterns with some accuracy

Comparing and Contrasting Identifying Relationships

Gives an accurate and almost complete account of the similarities and differences of identified items and/or variables Identifies almost all relationships and/or patterns with complete accuracy

Collaborating with others


Works with all other students; contributes ideas; respects the views and ideas of all others in the group

Works with most other students; contributes occasional ideas; respects the views and ideas of most in the group Recalls most information with total accuracy

Works with a few other students; contributes occasional ideas or respects the views and ideas of most in the group Recalls some information with total accuracy or recalls most information with almost total accuracy

Works with only one other student and/or shows little respect for the views and ideas of others in the group


Recalling Information

Recalls almost all information with total accuracy

Recalls very little information with total accuracy or recalls some information with almost total accuracy


Science: Investigation Assessment Rubric Cycle 2 & 3

Constructs a complete and safe procedure (or set of instructions) with no obvious errors that can be followed easily and includes almost all equipment needed Collects sufficient and accurate data to complete a task; almost all is relevant; all is recorded in a logical and clear manner Works with all other students; contributes ideas; respects the views and ideas of all others in the group
Generating Procedures

Constructs a complete and safe procedure (or set of instructions) with only some minor errors, that can be followed quite easily and includes most equipment needed Collects sufficient and fairly accurate data to complete a task; most of it is relevant; all is recorded in a clear manner Works with most other students; contributes occasional ideas; respects the views and ideas of most in the group Outlines almost all the main points of a process with almost complete accuracy

Constructs an incomplete but generally safe procedure (or set of instructions) with some minor errors, that can be followed quite easily and includes most equipment needed Collects fairly accurate data to complete part of a task; most of it is relevant; most of it is recorded in a clear manner Works with a few other students; contributes occasional ideas or respects the views and ideas of most in the group Outlines most of the main points of a process with almost complete accuracy

Constructs a procedure (or set of instructions) that can just be followed and includes some equipment needed


Observing & Recording Data

Handling Researching

Collects data; part of it is relevant; it is recorded


Collaborating with others

Works with only one other student and/or shows little respect for the views and ideas of others in the group

Understanding and Analysing


Outlines almost all the main points of a process with complete accuracy

Outlines some of the main points of a process with some accuracy

Identifying Relationships

Identifies almost all relationships and/or patterns with complete accuracy

Identifies almost all relationships and/or patterns with almost complete accuracy

Identifies most relationships and/or patterns with almost complete accuracy

Identifies some relationships and/or patterns with some accuracy

Suggesting Conclusions

Suggests a feasible explanation/accurate conclusion totally consistent with the observations/patterns/results

Suggests a feasible explanation/accurate conclusion partly consistent with the observations/patterns/results

Suggests an explanation/conclusion partly consistent with the observations/patterns/results

Suggests an explanation/conclusion


Science: Extended Research Assessment Rubric Cycle 2 & 3

Generating Procedures

Constructs a complete and safe procedure with only some minor errors, that can be followed quite easily and includes most equipment needed Collects sufficient and fairly accurate data to complete a task; most of it is relevant; all is recorded in a clear manner Uses some resources to successfully complete the task and acknowledges both of them

Constructs an incomplete but generally safe procedure with some minor errors, that can be followed quite easily and includes most equipment needed Collects fairly accurate data to complete part of a task; most of it is relevant; most of it is recorded in a clear manner Uses a few resource to complete the task and acknowledges them

Constructs a procedure that can just be followed and includes some equipment needed

Constructs a complete and safe procedure with no obvious errors that can be followed easily and includes almost all equipment needed Collects sufficient and accurate data to complete a task; almost all is relevant; all is recorded in a logical and clear manner Uses sufficient resources to successfully complete the task and acknowledges all of them appropriately Resources: people, references equipment Works with all other students; contributes ideas; respects the views and ideas of all others in the group


Handling / Researching

Observing & Recording Data

Collects data; part of it is relevant; it is recorded

Acknowledging sources

Uses a resource


Collaborating with others

Works with most other students; contributes occasional ideas; respects the views and ideas of most in the group Outlines a partially clear or slightly ambiguous or almost complete problem that in feasible Suggests an almost accurate outcome of a complex process based almost completely on evidence

Works with a few other students; contributes occasional ideas or respects the views and ideas of most in the group Outlines a partially clear or slightly ambiguous problem that maybe feasible with modification. Suggests an almost accurate outcome of a straightforward process

Works with only one other student and/or shows little respect for the views and ideas of others in the group

Inquiring and Experimenting

Defining realistic problems

Outlines a very clear, unambiguous and complete problem that is feasible

Outlines a very ambiguous problem or one that is not feasible

Predicting outcomes

Suggests an accurate and complete outcome of a complex process based completely on evidence

Suggests an outcome of a process


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